Spare a Minute for the Kids

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Old Lady:

Unfortunately, as long as we continue to foster hatred, this will not end. There are others that need to be added to that list, as well.

I'm pretty sure the 8 yr old girl murdered on Monday didn't hate anyone. No doubt the other murdered children and adults probably didn't either. Nor did the ones currently struggling to cling on to life with their limbs blown off either.
Exactly. I have no intention of "fostering" ISIS. Those that haven't already blown themselves up have to be stopped one way or the other. They're not going to accept the hand of friendship, those warriors in place. But if we don't want this to spread to more generations and become an even larger movement for our children to face, just bombs won't cut it. Don't know what will, but doing what needs to be done without succumbing to blind hate is my point.
The blind hate is coming from Islamists who are slaughtering innocent people and children the world over every single day. Your attempts at turning this fact on its head is quite sickening.
OL: I hear that.
Tilly: :lalala:
OL: :bang3:
Poor Old Lady.
Always so misunderstood?
Well, I think I understand the purpose of your thread here, perfectly.
You have been trying to ameliorate the despicable act of YET ANOTHER child murdering Islamist by insisting we are all such haters.
It's quite pathetic but par for the course. I naively hoped it might be different when our completely innocent children are targeted and slaughtered.
Silly me.
I DON'T understand .

So true.

The day you attempt to learn a bit about the subject matter, however, is the day you begin to understand.

You know nothing about Islam -- how it arose, why it was crafted by the one who made it up, what is contained in the Q'ran and especially the Hadiths, what its followers hope to accomplish, what they believe, or how many believe it. All you know is what you are supposed to say about it.
Poor Old Lady.
Always so misunderstood?
Well, I think I understand the purpose of your thread here, perfectly.
You have been trying to ameliorate the despicable act of YET ANOTHER child murdering Islamist by insisting we are all such haters.
It's quite pathetic but par for the course. I naively hoped it might be different when our completely innocent children are targeted and slaughtered.
Silly me.

Oh, come now, Tilly -- Can't you see that our hating those who kill children quite intentionally is just the same as their killing them?

Besides, it is all justified because we have taken out some of those who do so. Old Lady says so, so who are we to argue? We just need to admit that we are the real haters here and all will be good.
I DON'T understand .

So true.

The day you attempt to learn a bit about the subject matter, however, is the day you begin to understand.

You know nothing about Islam -- how it arose, why it was crafted by the one who made it up, what is contained in the Q'ran and especially the Hadiths, what its followers hope to accomplish, what they believe, or how many believe it. All you know is what you are supposed to say about it.

Thousands of kids and young people in Manchester are waking up to a world that will never be quite the same. The veil of illusion that we walk safely through our day has been ripped away.
While some of you spend today hating on Muslims, Palestinians, Zionists, Democrats or Republicans, take a minute to think on all this planet's children. The children starving to death slowly, day by day, in their mothers' helpless arms. The children who have lost their parents to bombs and guns in the Middle East. The children who are being raised in hopelessness in refugee camps with no schools, no home, no future. The children being raised to hate. All victims of the world we have built them.
We are all making this world what it is. Only we can change it. Spend a minute today thinking of the ALL the children.


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Keep the hope alive Old Lady, but for those like me the Children are never going to be safe from the evil bastards want to kill innocent people around the world and I know and understand this.
Nope. You're right, evil will always be with us, and I do understand this. I DON'T understand when we get into the gutter with them and succumb to evil ourselves with blind hate and no hope.

We have not succumbed to evil ourselves
I hope you're right.
It's called anger talking, which is understandable. And it just keeps happening more and more. Why give people false hope the evil will change, just by love and kindness, when history has shown, from the beginning of time, it won't change true evil. People get tired of the excuses for such behavior over time. And makes us all want to lash out, after a time. Our
Thousands of kids and young people in Manchester are waking up to a world that will never be quite the same. The veil of illusion that we walk safely through our day has been ripped away.
While some of you spend today hating on Muslims, Palestinians, Zionists, Democrats or Republicans, take a minute to think on all this planet's children. The children starving to death slowly, day by day, in their mothers' helpless arms. The children who have lost their parents to bombs and guns in the Middle East. The children who are being raised in hopelessness in refugee camps with no schools, no home, no future. The children being raised to hate. All victims of the world we have built them.
We are all making this world what it is. Only we can change it. Spend a minute today thinking of the ALL the children.


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Keep the hope alive Old Lady, but for those like me the Children are never going to be safe from the evil bastards want to kill innocent people around the world and I know and understand this.
Nope. You're right, evil will always be with us, and I do understand this. I DON'T understand when we get into the gutter with them and succumb to evil ourselves with blind hate and no hope.
Oh, I get it. I have a temper too. Maybe this doesn't apply to you; it applies to some I've talked to here. They can wear the shoe if it fits.
Poor Old Lady.
Always so misunderstood?
Well, I think I understand the purpose of your thread here, perfectly.
You have been trying to ameliorate the despicable act of YET ANOTHER child murdering Islamist by insisting we are all such haters.
It's quite pathetic but par for the course. I naively hoped it might be different when our completely innocent children are targeted and slaughtered.
Silly me.

Oh, come now, Tilly -- Can't you see that our hating those who kill children quite intentionally is just the same as their killing them?

Besides, it is all justified because we have taken out some of those who do so. Old Lady says so, so who are we to argue? We just need to admit that we are the real haters here and all will be good.
Why are you and Tilly and some others here dripping with hate for me when you obviously haven't even read my posts? You don't need to agree but no one has to go out of their way to hate people who are looking at this from a slightly different angle for a minute?
I don't believe you mean any ill will, but to come off as to suggest that others have no right to their anger, and that such anger suggests equaled hate/evil crosses a line, particularly just after a tragedy that hit the most innocent of society. There is no other angle to see what happened but for exactly what it is.
Poor Old Lady.
Always so misunderstood?
Well, I think I understand the purpose of your thread here, perfectly.
You have been trying to ameliorate the despicable act of YET ANOTHER child murdering Islamist by insisting we are all such haters.
It's quite pathetic but par for the course. I naively hoped it might be different when our completely innocent children are targeted and slaughtered.
Silly me.

Oh, come now, Tilly -- Can't you see that our hating those who kill children quite intentionally is just the same as their killing them?

Besides, it is all justified because we have taken out some of those who do so. Old Lady says so, so who are we to argue? We just need to admit that we are the real haters here and all will be good.
Why are you and Tilly and some others here dripping with hate for me when you obviously haven't even read my posts? You don't need to agree but no one has to go out of their way to hate people who are looking at this from a slightly different angle for a minute?
Thousands of kids and young people in Manchester are waking up to a world that will never be quite the same. The veil of illusion that we walk safely through our day has been ripped away.
While some of you spend today hating on Muslims, Palestinians, Zionists, Democrats or Republicans, take a minute to think on all this planet's children. The children starving to death slowly, day by day, in their mothers' helpless arms. The children who have lost their parents to bombs and guns in the Middle East. The children who are being raised in hopelessness in refugee camps with no schools, no home, no future. The children being raised to hate. All victims of the world we have built them.
We are all making this world what it is. Only we can change it. Spend a minute today thinking of the ALL the children.


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Keep the hope alive Old Lady, but for those like me the Children are never going to be safe from the evil bastards want to kill innocent people around the world and I know and understand this.
Nope. You're right, evil will always be with us, and I do understand this. I DON'T understand when we get into the gutter with them and succumb to evil ourselves with blind hate and no hope.

We have not succumbed to evil ourselves
I hope you're right.

Of course I'm right. I'm pretty damn antisocial and even I am capable of simply opening my eyes and seeing the truth right there in plain sight.
I don't know of anyone that thinks as many people need to be thrown on the burn pile as I do. Starting with that rotting shitheap of corruption, Clinton.
But time and time again I'm reminded just how great America really is and when we can demonstrate that I'm proud as hell.
America is too often portrayed as some evil Goliath and memories are far too short when it comes to giving folks here credit for the good we do here and elsewhere in the world.
Some in this country would rather stick their tongue in a light socket than say America is a wonderful country.
We don't always do the right thing. We sometimes stumble and fuck up.
But it damn sure ain't because we're basically evil
Poor Old Lady.
Always so misunderstood?
Well, I think I understand the purpose of your thread here, perfectly.
You have been trying to ameliorate the despicable act of YET ANOTHER child murdering Islamist by insisting we are all such haters.
It's quite pathetic but par for the course. I naively hoped it might be different when our completely innocent children are targeted and slaughtered.
Silly me.

Oh, come now, Tilly -- Can't you see that our hating those who kill children quite intentionally is just the same as their killing them?

Besides, it is all justified because we have taken out some of those who do so. Old Lady says so, so who are we to argue? We just need to admit that we are the real haters here and all will be good.
Why are you and Tilly and some others here dripping with hate for me when you obviously haven't even read my posts? You don't need to agree but no one has to go out of their way to hate people who are looking at this from a slightly different angle for a minute?

Mis-labling is part of the problem here.
They don't come across as "dripping with hate" to me. Disagreements, even with sarcasm and tone don't mean hate.
On the other hand the impression here is that you are disavowing folks the right to feel frustrated, outraged and pissed at yet one more horrendous atrocity committed by yet one more asshole Muslim.
You don't condemn the killers, but condemn the bitterness and other emotions folks have over the deaths of the most innocent of us all.
Plus folks hate sermons about how they OUGHT to feel
Poor Old Lady.
Always so misunderstood?
Well, I think I understand the purpose of your thread here, perfectly.
You have been trying to ameliorate the despicable act of YET ANOTHER child murdering Islamist by insisting we are all such haters.
It's quite pathetic but par for the course. I naively hoped it might be different when our completely innocent children are targeted and slaughtered.
Silly me.

Oh, come now, Tilly -- Can't you see that our hating those who kill children quite intentionally is just the same as their killing them?

Besides, it is all justified because we have taken out some of those who do so. Old Lady says so, so who are we to argue? We just need to admit that we are the real haters here and all will be good.
Why are you and Tilly and some others here dripping with hate for me when you obviously haven't even read my posts? You don't need to agree but no one has to go out of their way to hate people who are looking at this from a slightly different angle for a minute?
I see your problem now. You see 'hate' EVERYWHERE.
Poor Old Lady.
Always so misunderstood?
Well, I think I understand the purpose of your thread here, perfectly.
You have been trying to ameliorate the despicable act of YET ANOTHER child murdering Islamist by insisting we are all such haters.
It's quite pathetic but par for the course. I naively hoped it might be different when our completely innocent children are targeted and slaughtered.
Silly me.

Oh, come now, Tilly -- Can't you see that our hating those who kill children quite intentionally is just the same as their killing them?

Besides, it is all justified because we have taken out some of those who do so. Old Lady says so, so who are we to argue? We just need to admit that we are the real haters here and all will be good.
Why are you and Tilly and some others here dripping with hate for me when you obviously haven't even read my posts? You don't need to agree but no one has to go out of their way to hate people who are looking at this from a slightly different angle for a minute?

Mis-labling is part of the problem here.
They don't come across as "dripping with hate" to me. Disagreements, even with sarcasm and tone don't mean hate.
On the other hand the impression here is that you are disavowing folks the right to feel frustrated, outraged and pissed at yet one more horrendous atrocity committed by yet one more asshole Muslim.
You don't condemn the killers, but condemn the bitterness and other emotions folks have over the deaths of the most innocent of us all.
Plus folks hate sermons about how they OUGHT to feel
Thanks for trying to explain. That helps.
I don't believe you mean any ill will, but to come off as to suggest that others have no right to their anger, and that such anger suggests equaled hate/evil crosses a line, particularly just after a tragedy that hit the most innocent of society. There is no other angle to see what happened but for exactly what it is.
Poor Old Lady.
Always so misunderstood?
Well, I think I understand the purpose of your thread here, perfectly.
You have been trying to ameliorate the despicable act of YET ANOTHER child murdering Islamist by insisting we are all such haters.
It's quite pathetic but par for the course. I naively hoped it might be different when our completely innocent children are targeted and slaughtered.
Silly me.

Oh, come now, Tilly -- Can't you see that our hating those who kill children quite intentionally is just the same as their killing them?

Besides, it is all justified because we have taken out some of those who do so. Old Lady says so, so who are we to argue? We just need to admit that we are the real haters here and all will be good.
Why are you and Tilly and some others here dripping with hate for me when you obviously haven't even read my posts? You don't need to agree but no one has to go out of their way to hate people who are looking at this from a slightly different angle for a minute?
From an earlier poster, thanks to Coyote. It says what I meant and all I meant:

The world is fast becoming younger, the news is all they've ever known.
They've seen the wars, the hurt, the hunger, how will they choose when they are grown.
What do you tell forever's children when it's their turn to hurt and heal?
Whatever spins a grim tornado can also turn a potter's wheel.

"...tell with your life the bloody story, teach to they're dreams not burning steel.
It's not in bombs where lies the glory but in what's shattered on the field.
The potter's wheel takes love and caring, skill and patience fast and slow.
The works it makes are easily broken once they survive the potter's throw..."

That is all wonderful, but solves nothing. Bush tried to get schools started in Afghanistan that would teach against the hate and evil there to the young. This is the result-
Afghan Girls, Scarred by Acid, Defy Terror, Embracing School
Girls' school burned down in Afghanistan, Qurans destroyed -
In Pakistan, the same-

In Egypt, an election awhile back, had 20% vote for the salafi candidate.
I would assume that gives us a pretty decent idea of how many muslims do practice it, out of their almost 2 billion worldwide.
Read up on salafism. This is what the world is dealing with, and they will stop at nothing to spread its vile ideology. At one time it was mostly contained to certain areas of the world. Today, through immigration it is growing amongst us all, and we cannot change most of their mindsets.

It is just like the song, just give peace a chance. Most are willing, but enough are not and never will.

I don't believe you mean any ill will, but to come off as to suggest that others have no right to their anger, and that such anger suggests equaled hate/evil crosses a line, particularly just after a tragedy that hit the most innocent of society. There is no other angle to see what happened but for exactly what it is.
Poor Old Lady.
Always so misunderstood?
Well, I think I understand the purpose of your thread here, perfectly.
You have been trying to ameliorate the despicable act of YET ANOTHER child murdering Islamist by insisting we are all such haters.
It's quite pathetic but par for the course. I naively hoped it might be different when our completely innocent children are targeted and slaughtered.
Silly me.

Oh, come now, Tilly -- Can't you see that our hating those who kill children quite intentionally is just the same as their killing them?

Besides, it is all justified because we have taken out some of those who do so. Old Lady says so, so who are we to argue? We just need to admit that we are the real haters here and all will be good.
Why are you and Tilly and some others here dripping with hate for me when you obviously haven't even read my posts? You don't need to agree but no one has to go out of their way to hate people who are looking at this from a slightly different angle for a minute?
From an earlier poster, thanks to Coyote. It says what I meant and all I meant:

The world is fast becoming younger, the news is all they've ever known.
They've seen the wars, the hurt, the hunger, how will they choose when they are grown.
What do you tell forever's children when it's their turn to hurt and heal?
Whatever spins a grim tornado can also turn a potter's wheel.

"...tell with your life the bloody story, teach to they're dreams not burning steel.
It's not in bombs where lies the glory but in what's shattered on the field.
The potter's wheel takes love and caring, skill and patience fast and slow.
The works it makes are easily broken once they survive the potter's throw..."

We are human beings and it is our job to defeat evil like ISIS; to prevent little guys like this. I don't know that shooting Muslims in America with no provocation is the best idea. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to do with this. Going through Minneapolis and shooting them all or anything remotely similar will create more of the children above. Including ours.

I doubt routing returned ISIS fighters and jailing, deporting, or killing them will. They are people that been let into this country that should not have been.

Something needs to be done with the education system as well.

Just in case anyone forgot:

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility -
What education system? What's this got to do with that?

Some public education curriculums have been teaching more tolerance to Islam than should be. Even going as far as having children recite the pillars of Islam.
No, Marion. Not agreeing with this in the least. Taking away teaching tolerance from kids? No.

This is America. A country founded upon personal liberty provided you abide by Christian principles.

Sure we said Mohammedans could worship. We never said we promoted it, though.

Research "New England primer" sometime.

Christian principles are the same as Jewish principles and Muslim principles.
That is all wonderful, but solves nothing. Bush tried to get schools started in Afghanistan that would teach against the hate and evil there to the young. This is the result-
Afghan Girls, Scarred by Acid, Defy Terror, Embracing School
Girls' school burned down in Afghanistan, Qurans destroyed -
In Pakistan, the same-

In Egypt, an election awhile back, had 20% vote for the salafi candidate.
I would assume that gives us a pretty decent idea of how many muslims do practice it, out of their almost 2 billion worldwide.
Read up on salafism. This is what the world is dealing with, and they will stop at nothing to spread its vile ideology. At one time it was mostly contained to certain areas of the world. Today, through immigration it is growing amongst us all, and we cannot change most of their mindsets.

It is just like the song just give peace a chance. Most are willing, but enough are not and never will.

I don't believe you mean any ill will, but to come off as to suggest that others have no right to their anger, and that such anger suggests equaled hate/evil crosses a line, particularly just after a tragedy that hit the most innocent of society. There is no other angle to see what happened but for exactly what it is.
Poor Old Lady.
Always so misunderstood?
Well, I think I understand the purpose of your thread here, perfectly.
You have been trying to ameliorate the despicable act of YET ANOTHER child murdering Islamist by insisting we are all such haters.
It's quite pathetic but par for the course. I naively hoped it might be different when our completely innocent children are targeted and slaughtered.
Silly me.

Oh, come now, Tilly -- Can't you see that our hating those who kill children quite intentionally is just the same as their killing them?

Besides, it is all justified because we have taken out some of those who do so. Old Lady says so, so who are we to argue? We just need to admit that we are the real haters here and all will be good.
Why are you and Tilly and some others here dripping with hate for me when you obviously haven't even read my posts? You don't need to agree but no one has to go out of their way to hate people who are looking at this from a slightly different angle for a minute?
From an earlier poster, thanks to Coyote. It says what I meant and all I meant:

The world is fast becoming younger, the news is all they've ever known.
They've seen the wars, the hurt, the hunger, how will they choose when they are grown.
What do you tell forever's children when it's their turn to hurt and heal?
Whatever spins a grim tornado can also turn a potter's wheel.

"...tell with your life the bloody story, teach to they're dreams not burning steel.
It's not in bombs where lies the glory but in what's shattered on the field.
The potter's wheel takes love and caring, skill and patience fast and slow.
The works it makes are easily broken once they survive the potter's throw..."


That is all wonderful, but solves nothing.
I wan't trying to solve anything. Just sayin. Ya know, commenting?
There are several threads where you can go solve the Muslim problem. I'm fresh out of answers.
I doubt routing returned ISIS fighters and jailing, deporting, or killing them will. They are people that been let into this country that should not have been.

Something needs to be done with the education system as well.

Just in case anyone forgot:

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility -
What education system? What's this got to do with that?

Some public education curriculums have been teaching more tolerance to Islam than should be. Even going as far as having children recite the pillars of Islam.
No, Marion. Not agreeing with this in the least. Taking away teaching tolerance from kids? No.

This is America. A country founded upon personal liberty provided you abide by Christian principles.

Sure we said Mohammedans could worship. We never said we promoted it, though.

Research "New England primer" sometime.

Christian principles are the same as Jewish principles and Muslim principles.
Any chance you could close this thread for me? It's an abortion of what I meant and I'm pretty sick of it.
I didn't mean that directed at you, but at the concept. If only it were so easy.
That is all wonderful, but solves nothing. Bush tried to get schools started in Afghanistan that would teach against the hate and evil there to the young. This is the result-
Afghan Girls, Scarred by Acid, Defy Terror, Embracing School
Girls' school burned down in Afghanistan, Qurans destroyed -
In Pakistan, the same-

In Egypt, an election awhile back, had 20% vote for the salafi candidate.
I would assume that gives us a pretty decent idea of how many muslims do practice it, out of their almost 2 billion worldwide.
Read up on salafism. This is what the world is dealing with, and they will stop at nothing to spread its vile ideology. At one time it was mostly contained to certain areas of the world. Today, through immigration it is growing amongst us all, and we cannot change most of their mindsets.

It is just like the song just give peace a chance. Most are willing, but enough are not and never will.

I don't believe you mean any ill will, but to come off as to suggest that others have no right to their anger, and that such anger suggests equaled hate/evil crosses a line, particularly just after a tragedy that hit the most innocent of society. There is no other angle to see what happened but for exactly what it is.
Oh, come now, Tilly -- Can't you see that our hating those who kill children quite intentionally is just the same as their killing them?

Besides, it is all justified because we have taken out some of those who do so. Old Lady says so, so who are we to argue? We just need to admit that we are the real haters here and all will be good.
Why are you and Tilly and some others here dripping with hate for me when you obviously haven't even read my posts? You don't need to agree but no one has to go out of their way to hate people who are looking at this from a slightly different angle for a minute?
From an earlier poster, thanks to Coyote. It says what I meant and all I meant:

The world is fast becoming younger, the news is all they've ever known.
They've seen the wars, the hurt, the hunger, how will they choose when they are grown.
What do you tell forever's children when it's their turn to hurt and heal?
Whatever spins a grim tornado can also turn a potter's wheel.

"...tell with your life the bloody story, teach to they're dreams not burning steel.
It's not in bombs where lies the glory but in what's shattered on the field.
The potter's wheel takes love and caring, skill and patience fast and slow.
The works it makes are easily broken once they survive the potter's throw..."


That is all wonderful, but solves nothing.
I wan't trying to solve anything. Just sayin. Ya know, commenting?
There are several threads where you can go solve the Muslim problem. I'm fresh out of answers.
"...tell with your life the bloody story, teach to they're dreams not burning steel.
It's not in bombs where lies the glory but in what's shattered on the field.
The potter's wheel takes love and caring, skill and patience fast and slow.
The works it makes are easily broken once they survive the potter's throw..."


Would you want to meet that kid? I wouldn't.

Maybe I would.

There is a program on NPR called Story Corp - in one session, they had a former child soldier, who had gone through extensive counseling through a program for child soldiers and came here as a refugee, attending highschool. He talked about how hard it was to be a "normal" teen, how there were things he simply couldn't talk about and how his experiences had given him a maturity level that didn't match that of other kids.
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