Spartacus: if you mess with Joe Biden, you're messing with me, Donald!

Yeah it is so obvious

but I guess its true

keep your enemies close but never turn your back on them

but hey I am joking and you can tell because I admit to it as soon as I say something that might be taken the wrong way
if you mess with MAGA country, you're messing with a whole bunch of us! MWAHAHAHA!
Sparty is a nobody. Trump won't have to deal with Sparty because Sparty will never ever get within 10,000 feet of ever winning a presidency in this country or any other country for that matter.

That being said, Sparty can choke on a bag of rotten dicks until his face turns purple and he passes out.
I wish, just as we have a policy that anytime anyone uses INFO-WARS to start a thread, if they use CNN, it has to be posted in the CT sub-forum.

What a conspiracy OP.

How would Spartacus know whether Trump's accusations are baseless? Does he know something the president doesn't?


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