Speaker Kevin McCarthy has called for the immediate expulsion & prosecution of Adam Schiff for committing Russiagate treason against the United States

Why didn't Durham win any case, except the one he was given? Because there were no crimes committed. It wasn't the crime of the Century. It wasn't bigger than Watergate. Hell it's not even worthy of a gate! The only criminal who confessed in this so called Russiagate btw, got 400 hours of community service, which is a lot I guess......

Adam Schiff, the next Senator from California.
It's not fair to hold McCarthy responsible for our current situation. It's not like he is making any decisions anyway. Everybody knows he traded any decision making ability to MTG for her support for his speakership. Any complaints should be directed to her, the only one who is responsible for decisions in the house leadership.
But not George Santos?

I say it's up to Adam's constituents to decide. Same as you guys say about George Santos.
Santos is nothing. Just a Prog deflection for the real power. This nation is done at this point. Republicans cannot go on one TV station every night and say they are going to do something or are close to an indictment and nothing happens. This is years and years now.
The Republican party should be arrested for treason and sent to russia. I mean every goddamn one of these pieces of traitors should go and live with putin.
Santos is nothing. Just a Prog deflection for the real power. This nation is done at this point. Republicans cannot go on one TV station every night and say they are going to do something or are close to an indictment and nothing happens. This is years and years now.

I couldn't believe it but 5 of us found each other at the dog park. At first I thought they were just going along with me but they knew way more than I do about conspiracy theories. Which some aren't even conspiracies. They are facts we just don't know it. For example Soros and everyone else as rich as him. He isn't even rich. The really rich guys, the guys who really control everything, we don't even know their names.

But I don't believe that. There is no "they" because they are made up of many groups of rich people. But they all meet up at Divos in Switzerland or Mackinaw Island once a year and rub elbows.

But then some of these people actually believe rich people pay for and drink baby blood. How much of that is true? Maybe a sliver. Some rich arrogant prick might do that but then again his servants probably just use pig blood and they'll never know.

It really is crazy what sheep we are. Even if I'm right about everything. What can I do?
Make Russia Great Again

They'd love it because it's all white. And absolutely zero regulations.

Indeed...you do

No. You are banana republicans, but we are not a banana republic.

You have a sitting congresscritter claiming he had nonexistent evidence, and 51 former intel officials signing a letter, admittedly to effect a presidential election. Officials from the FBI advancing a false narrative and launching investigations without predication, lying to a FISA court with the intent of effecting a presidential election, yeah, we are officially in banana republic land. BTW, all done without repercussions, and none of that was done to aid a republican.

I couldn't believe it but 5 of us found each other at the dog park. At first I thought they were just going along with me but they knew way more than I do about conspiracy theories. Which some aren't even conspiracies. They are facts we just don't know it. For example Soros and everyone else as rich as him. He isn't even rich. The really rich guys, the guys who really control everything, we don't even know their names.

But I don't believe that. There is no "they" because they are made up of many groups of rich people. But they all meet up at Divos in Switzerland or Mackinaw Island once a year and rub elbows.

But then some of these people actually believe rich people pay for and drink baby blood. How much of that is true? Maybe a sliver. Some rich arrogant prick might do that but then again his servants probably just use pig blood and they'll never know.

It really is crazy what sheep we are. Even if I'm right about everything. What can I do?
There are never corrupted Progs. Somehow the known Prog leaders are as clean as possible. The dangerous known Republicans that are a threat to Progs are all dirty and no good. You just keep winning though. You are vengeance. And it will evne a lot of things with a lot of people screwed over from others that was swept through the cracks.

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