Special Counsel Tells Federal Court Rosenstein Investigative Scope Was Detailed in Super-Secret Verb


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
I wondered how a 2016 Warrant can be used for a Banking case of 2005 and 2007 against Manafort, seems like legal overreach to me.

The Last Refuge

Special Counsel Tells Federal Court Rosenstein Investigative Scope Was Detailed in Super-Secret Verbal Instructions…

Posted on May 5, 2018 by sundance


"The transcript from the U.S. Special Counsel -vs- Paul Manafort has been released (full pdf below). The entire transcript of the arguments between the Special Counsel lawyers, Paul Manafort Lawyers and Federal Judge T.S. Ellis III are well worth reading.

As noted yesterday Judge Ellis is the first legal entity to identify the origin of the special counsel investigative authority as a troubling issue. This is likely to become a much bigger story as people catch on to the ramifications.

It is only now coming to light how Asst. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein essentially appointed the Special Counsel to take over the counterintelligence investigation originally begun by the FBI in 2016. Also previously unknown: part of the initiating mandate included the special counsel being granted use of a sketchy FISA Court Title-1 surveillance warrant initially applied against Carter Page in October 2016."
Here's another loss for the Mueller thugs:

Mueller is not the brightest bulb in chandelier and must rely on bullying, threats and deception to get what he wants. He made one big blunder when he charged a bunch of Russians, including three Russian businesses with election interference. Muller suspected that the Russians would never appear to defend themselves; however he failed to understand that the Russian companies could defend themselves without having to come to the U.S. It is sufficient that their attorneys appear to defend them. The lawyers for their companies have done just that and are forcing Mueller to prove his case. Here are the relevant portions of an interesting article “

Judge rejects Mueller's request for delay in Russian troll farm case

“A federal judge has rejected special counsel Robert Mueller’s request to delay the first court hearing in a criminal case charging three Russian companies and 13 Russian citizens with using social media and other means to foment strife among Americans in advance of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.”

“On Friday, Mueller’s prosecutors disclosed that Concord’s attorneys, Eric Dubelier and Kate Seikaly, had made a slew of discovery requests demanding nonpublic details about the case and the investigation. Prosecutors also asked a judge to postpone the formal arraignment of Concord Management set for next week.”

Judge rejects Mueller's request for delay in Russian troll farm case

CONCLUSION: If the judge allows the case to go forward, Mueller will be faced with a choice: he will either (1) release all relevant documents requested through the discovery process; or (2) drop the charges against the companies. I seriously doubt that Mueller wants his unscrupulous methods to be revealed through the discovery process. Prediction: The companies will either be found not guilty or Mueller will drop the charges. Finally, people are standing up to Mueller and his Gestapo-like tactics.
Here's another loss for the Mueller thugs:

Mueller is not the brightest bulb in chandelier and must rely on bullying, threats and deception to get what he wants. He made one big blunder when he charged a bunch of Russians, including three Russian businesses with election interference. Muller suspected that the Russians would never appear to defend themselves; however he failed to understand that the Russian companies could defend themselves without having to come to the U.S. It is sufficient that their attorneys appear to defend them. The lawyers for their companies have done just that and are forcing Mueller to prove his case. Here are the relevant portions of an interesting article “

Judge rejects Mueller's request for delay in Russian troll farm case

“A federal judge has rejected special counsel Robert Mueller’s request to delay the first court hearing in a criminal case charging three Russian companies and 13 Russian citizens with using social media and other means to foment strife among Americans in advance of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.”

“On Friday, Mueller’s prosecutors disclosed that Concord’s attorneys, Eric Dubelier and Kate Seikaly, had made a slew of discovery requests demanding nonpublic details about the case and the investigation. Prosecutors also asked a judge to postpone the formal arraignment of Concord Management set for next week.”

Judge rejects Mueller's request for delay in Russian troll farm case

CONCLUSION: If the judge allows the case to go forward, Mueller will be faced with a choice: he will either (1) release all relevant documents requested through the discovery process; or (2) drop the charges against the companies. I seriously doubt that Mueller wants his unscrupulous methods to be revealed through the discovery process. Prediction: The companies will either be found not guilty or Mueller will drop the charges. Finally, people are standing up to Mueller and his Gestapo-like tactics.

This Mueller????

Flatfooted Robert Mueller Surprised by Boston Marathon Bombers' Mosque's Terror Connections

This one????

FBI Director Mueller Doesn't Know Anything About IRS Investigation

Or this Mueller?

Here's another loss for the Mueller thugs:

Mueller is not the brightest bulb in chandelier and must rely on bullying, threats and deception to get what he wants. He made one big blunder when he charged a bunch of Russians, including three Russian businesses with election interference. Muller suspected that the Russians would never appear to defend themselves; however he failed to understand that the Russian companies could defend themselves without having to come to the U.S. It is sufficient that their attorneys appear to defend them. The lawyers for their companies have done just that and are forcing Mueller to prove his case. Here are the relevant portions of an interesting article “

Judge rejects Mueller's request for delay in Russian troll farm case

“A federal judge has rejected special counsel Robert Mueller’s request to delay the first court hearing in a criminal case charging three Russian companies and 13 Russian citizens with using social media and other means to foment strife among Americans in advance of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.”

“On Friday, Mueller’s prosecutors disclosed that Concord’s attorneys, Eric Dubelier and Kate Seikaly, had made a slew of discovery requests demanding nonpublic details about the case and the investigation. Prosecutors also asked a judge to postpone the formal arraignment of Concord Management set for next week.”

Judge rejects Mueller's request for delay in Russian troll farm case

CONCLUSION: If the judge allows the case to go forward, Mueller will be faced with a choice: he will either (1) release all relevant documents requested through the discovery process; or (2) drop the charges against the companies. I seriously doubt that Mueller wants his unscrupulous methods to be revealed through the discovery process. Prediction: The companies will either be found not guilty or Mueller will drop the charges. Finally, people are standing up to Mueller and his Gestapo-like tactics.

I hadn’t seen that information, and honestly, I consider it the most informative, and interesting thing I’ve seen in a very long time. When a Prosecutor charges someone, indicts them, it means they are ready to go forward with the case. It means that they are able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. It is normally the Defendant who asks for continuances, which the Prosecutors object to as a delaying tactic.

In this case, the Defendant is willing to move forward, and having read the article, and the filing from the Defense Attorneys, it appears as though Mueller’s team is taking an unusual tact. They are demanding that the Defendant not only answer a lot of questions, but certify in some way, other than having attorneys representing them, that they have been served.

The prosecutor in other words, is demanding that the defendant essentially confess to the crime, before the case goes to the arraignment and discovery process. Ann Coulter wrote in a book, and I honestly forget which one, that the Liberals had an interesting habit. Before they would discuss anything they would demand that the conservative apologize for whatever insane nonsense it was. Mueller has taken this tactic and decided it has applicability to the legal world.

Now, Mueller says that the only reason that the Defendant is going forward is so the Americans will reveal all they know, including the ways and means in which they obtained the information. Well, you see here is the problem. You have to be willing to reveal that stuff if you actually charge them with crimes. You can’t say that you know the baddie is guilty but we can’t tell you how we know, because it’s secret man.

It is the old conundrum. Getting intelligence information is good, but if you use it, then you expose the fact that you have the intelligence, and you must have gotten it from somewhere. The value of the intelligence is lost if you don’t make use of it on the other hand.

You decided to use it Mueller, and now you are sitting at the table, and the guy who is playing cards with you just raised the bet. You can call, and show your cards, or fold. Those are the only two choices left. Call, or fold.

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