Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

The official that gave the "stand down order" I wonder what she thinks of the two Seals that disobeyed that order and attempted to rescue fellow Americans losing their lives. I also wonder what was in their minds when they realized they were getting no help. We need to know who gave the order.

Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Doherty and Woods didn't "disobey" any order, they were sent from Tripoli to help.

The only information I have besides the hearings is the media and I have heard it both ways. Hopefully we will have more hearings so this matter can be cleared up. Then maybe we can place the blame where it belongs and that individual can then try to explain herself.
Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Doherty and Woods didn't "disobey" any order, they were sent from Tripoli to help.


Call it the “stand down” question. It started in October 2012, when Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin reported that Tyrone Woods et al., stationed a mile from the consulate, “informed their higher-ups … to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out,” but were told to “stand down” (Griffin’s quotes) twice. At the time, the CIA denied the story—“no one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need.”

More interesting than that was the explanation—not denial—from outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. “We quickly responded, as [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff] General Dempsey said, in terms of deploying forces to the region,” said Panetta.

“We had FAST platoons in the region. We had ships that we had deployed off of Libya. And we were prepared to respond to any contingency and certainly had forces in place to do that. But the basic principle here… is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on; without having some real-time information about what's taking place. And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, [Africa Command] General [Carter F.] Ham, General Dempsey, and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.”

Benghazi Hearing: Darrell Issa?s House Committee?s investigation of the death of Christopher Stevens and three other Americans did not tell us anything new. - Slate Magazine

Try again.
And when liberals get pushed in a corner they blame Bush..

Well, you gotta admit the Doofus was inept and responsible for a lot of our current problems.

I hate to point out the obvious, Mertex but what we're seeing unfold now is evidence that the people running our country for the past five years have been incredibly inept and totally untrustworthy. What George W. Bush has to do with THAT...you'll have to explain.

If I have to explain it to you, you must be in denial. How about we start with two un-funded wars?

10. $3 Trillion Tab for Unfunded Wars Remains Unpaid
10 Inconvenient Truths About the Debt Ceiling | Crooks and Liars
And when liberals get pushed in a corner they blame Bush..

Well, you gotta admit the Doofus was inept and responsible for a lot of our current problems.

Bush sure as shit had nothing to do with Benghazi.

Thats Barrys black eye. Not that he gives shit one about four dead men.

Hell. He had no problem jetting off to his fundraiser as those men died. That right there should tell anyone with half a brain cell all they need to know about that jackass.

And who said Bush had anything to do with Benghazi? But, you gotta admit, over 4000+ Americans died on account of Doofus' war in Iraq, that's a hell of a lot more than 4, and we know for sure Bush didn't give shit about them.

So it's quite obvious who the jackass is here.
Oh, I suppose you wanted Sarah Palin!:badgrin:

Sarah Palin never ran for president, though she would be better than the complete fuckup Obama is.
Bwahahahahahahaha! Palin would have been better than Obama? Even Bush was better than Palin, and I'm being generous.

And no, I did not vote for Open Borders McCain.
Well it's a good thing, because you would have wasted your vote. :badgrin:
Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Doherty and Woods didn't "disobey" any order, they were sent from Tripoli to help.


Call it the “stand down” question. It started in October 2012, when Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin reported that Tyrone Woods et al., stationed a mile from the consulate, “informed their higher-ups … to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out,” but were told to “stand down” (Griffin’s quotes) twice. At the time, the CIA denied the story—“no one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need.”

More interesting than that was the explanation—not denial—from outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. “We quickly responded, as [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff] General Dempsey said, in terms of deploying forces to the region,” said Panetta.

“We had FAST platoons in the region. We had ships that we had deployed off of Libya. And we were prepared to respond to any contingency and certainly had forces in place to do that. But the basic principle here… is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on; without having some real-time information about what's taking place. And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, [Africa Command] General [Carter F.] Ham, General Dempsey, and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.”

Benghazi Hearing: Darrell Issa?s House Committee?s investigation of the death of Christopher Stevens and three other Americans did not tell us anything new. - Slate Magazine

Try again.

That story, like many other "stories" that came out over the course of the last 9 months, was proven incorrect.

Woods and Doherty were not stationed at the CIA annex in Benghazi, they were sent from Tripoli after the start of the initial attack. At no point were they ordered to "stand down", nor did they "disobey" any orders.
Well, you gotta admit the Doofus was inept and responsible for a lot of our current problems.

I hate to point out the obvious, Mertex but what we're seeing unfold now is evidence that the people running our country for the past five years have been incredibly inept and totally untrustworthy. What George W. Bush has to do with THAT...you'll have to explain.

If I have to explain it to you, you must be in denial. How about we start with two un-funded wars?

10. $3 Trillion Tab for Unfunded Wars Remains Unpaid
10 Inconvenient Truths About the Debt Ceiling | Crooks and Liars

Why do people keep saying that the wars were unfunded? Do they not realize that it is absolutely impossible for the government to spend money unless they have also designated a way to fund the debt?
Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Doherty and Woods didn't "disobey" any order, they were sent from Tripoli to help.


Call it the “stand down” question. It started in October 2012, when Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin reported that Tyrone Woods et al., stationed a mile from the consulate, “informed their higher-ups … to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out,” but were told to “stand down” (Griffin’s quotes) twice. At the time, the CIA denied the story—“no one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need.”

More interesting than that was the explanation—not denial—from outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. “We quickly responded, as [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff] General Dempsey said, in terms of deploying forces to the region,” said Panetta.

“We had FAST platoons in the region. We had ships that we had deployed off of Libya. And we were prepared to respond to any contingency and certainly had forces in place to do that. But the basic principle here… is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on; without having some real-time information about what's taking place. And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, [Africa Command] General [Carter F.] Ham, General Dempsey, and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.”

Benghazi Hearing: Darrell Issa?s House Committee?s investigation of the death of Christopher Stevens and three other Americans did not tell us anything new. - Slate Magazine

Try again.

That story, like many other "stories" that came out over the course of the last 9 months, was proven incorrect.

Woods and Doherty were not stationed at the CIA annex in Benghazi, they were sent from Tripoli after the start of the initial attack. At no point were they ordered to "stand down", nor did they "disobey" any orders.

It does, however, turn out that a military spec op team was gearing up to board that flight, and were ordered not to. The original excuse for that was that they did not have permission to enter Libya.

Call it the “stand down” question. It started in October 2012, when Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin reported that Tyrone Woods et al., stationed a mile from the consulate, “informed their higher-ups … to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out,” but were told to “stand down” (Griffin’s quotes) twice. At the time, the CIA denied the story—“no one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need.”

More interesting than that was the explanation—not denial—from outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. “We quickly responded, as [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff] General Dempsey said, in terms of deploying forces to the region,” said Panetta.

“We had FAST platoons in the region. We had ships that we had deployed off of Libya. And we were prepared to respond to any contingency and certainly had forces in place to do that. But the basic principle here… is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on; without having some real-time information about what's taking place. And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, [Africa Command] General [Carter F.] Ham, General Dempsey, and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.”

Benghazi Hearing: Darrell Issa?s House Committee?s investigation of the death of Christopher Stevens and three other Americans did not tell us anything new. - Slate Magazine

Try again.

That story, like many other "stories" that came out over the course of the last 9 months, was proven incorrect.

Woods and Doherty were not stationed at the CIA annex in Benghazi, they were sent from Tripoli after the start of the initial attack. At no point were they ordered to "stand down", nor did they "disobey" any orders.

It does, however, turn out that a military spec op team was gearing up to board that flight, and were ordered not to. The original excuse for that was that they did not have permission to enter Libya.

I believe that is still the "excuse".
Bwahahahahahahaha! Palin would have been better than Obama? Even Bush was better than Palin, and I'm being generous.

A pile of dog shit would make a better president than Obama.

Face facts, hack.

Well it's a good thing, because you would have wasted your vote. :badgrin:

Right, what with you Obamunists casting 5 to 10 votes each...
That story, like many other "stories" that came out over the course of the last 9 months, was proven incorrect.


Wow, that's weak even for a partisan hack like you...

Yep, "DEY ALL LION" is the defense you Obamunists should use....

Woods and Doherty were not stationed at the CIA annex in Benghazi, they were sent from Tripoli after the start of the initial attack. At no point were they ordered to "stand down", nor did they "disobey" any orders.

The facts disagree with your attempt to distort events to protect Obama.

SEALS Tyrone Woods & Glen Doherty: Heroes, Not Victims | Independent Journal Review
Well, you gotta admit the Doofus was inept and responsible for a lot of our current problems.

Bush sure as shit had nothing to do with Benghazi.

Thats Barrys black eye. Not that he gives shit one about four dead men.

Hell. He had no problem jetting off to his fundraiser as those men died. That right there should tell anyone with half a brain cell all they need to know about that jackass.

And who said Bush had anything to do with Benghazi? But, you gotta admit, over 4000+ Americans died on account of Doofus' war in Iraq, that's a hell of a lot more than 4, and we know for sure Bush didn't give shit about them.

So it's quite obvious who the jackass is here.

As I said. Benghazi is Barry's black eye and deflecting to Bush ain't gonna change that.

Four very good men are dead because Barry's State Department dropped the fucking ball. They had plenty of warning. They should have beefed up security or closed the damned embassy and consulate as the Brits did. Way loads of warning but they did nothing and now four very good men are dead.

Yup. It is obvious who the jackass is. Barry of course. He jetted off to his fund raiser without a care in the world as folks died. Yup. He's quite the man.
That story, like many other "stories" that came out over the course of the last 9 months, was proven incorrect.

Woods and Doherty were not stationed at the CIA annex in Benghazi, they were sent from Tripoli after the start of the initial attack. At no point were they ordered to "stand down", nor did they "disobey" any orders.

It does, however, turn out that a military spec op team was gearing up to board that flight, and were ordered not to. The original excuse for that was that they did not have permission to enter Libya.

I believe that is still the "excuse".

Just think of the money saved and the speed of truth coming into a scandal like Benghazi if we were only allowed to require these politicians to take polygraphs as required by the CIA agents when they are in question.
well when you look at the "Where Was Obama" debacle, keep in mind, when he was a senator, he didn't know where he was when he signed bills. Present? not Present? In the Mens Room? maybe he went to Kentucky Fried Chicken the day they were looking for him to sign the latest piece of legislation?
That story, like many other "stories" that came out over the course of the last 9 months, was proven incorrect.


Wow, that's weak even for a partisan hack like you...

Yep, "DEY ALL LION" is the defense you Obamunists should use....

Woods and Doherty were not stationed at the CIA annex in Benghazi, they were sent from Tripoli after the start of the initial attack. At no point were they ordered to "stand down", nor did they "disobey" any orders.

The facts disagree with your attempt to distort events to protect Obama.

SEALS Tyrone Woods & Glen Doherty: Heroes, Not Victims | Independent Journal Review

You keep pulling up articles from October of last year that came out before the facts were known.

There's really no question of the timeline at this point. Woods and Doherty left from Tripoli after the embassy was abandoned and the survivors evacuated to the CIA annex.
well at least we all know where the Obama's are when they are on separate vacations wasting away millions of our tax dollars.
Well, you gotta admit the Doofus was inept and responsible for a lot of our current problems.

Bush sure as shit had nothing to do with Benghazi.

Thats Barrys black eye. Not that he gives shit one about four dead men.

Hell. He had no problem jetting off to his fundraiser as those men died. That right there should tell anyone with half a brain cell all they need to know about that jackass.

And who said Bush had anything to do with Benghazi? But, you gotta admit, over 4000+ Americans died on account of Doofus' war in Iraq, that's a hell of a lot more than 4, and we know for sure Bush didn't give shit about them.

So it's quite obvious who the jackass is here.

Bush has more class in his cowboy boots than Obama has in his entire family.
When do you see Obama talk to the troops (other than photo ops)? When do you see Obama treat the military with respect (his latest is using them as a petri dish for the gay agenda, and same sex rapes are going up, as he lectures the graduating class about sexual assaults)? Have you ever seen Bush treat the military as SERVANTS the way Obama did, ordering killing machine marines to hold umbrellas over other "mens'" (I guess this would be acceptable if Obama was feminine, ohhh wait)?

So how many Americans are being slaughtered around the world with no one to stand up for them:
The people that died in the Ft Hood shooting
About 30 children that were in Boston, no longer have legs
People in American embassies around the world are no longer safe
allies of the USA are put in prison in Pakistan
military men are being killed or beaten on the street
Christians are being systematically targeted and killed in many ME countries, where their ancestors had lived for centuries.
Jews are being targeted in the ME, as well as in many European countries.

At least Bush took the "fight" to the people that DECLARED WAR ON US, and most of those that died during his tenure were "allowed" to shoot back and had the weapons to do it. This man is giving allies of the muslim brotherhood tanks and fighter jets, while telling us that we shouldn't keep a rifle or two. Maybe you should pull your head out from under your Obama prayer rug, and take notice of the facts: it is a LESS safe world than when Obama took office/our economy is worse off/people around the world are really pissed at "him"/we are a more divided country, probably since the civil war/the Bill of Rights is being ignored for individuals, and being used to dodge the public by the gov't.

I know that you will never consider voting for anyone that does not have a "D" beside their name. You have made it painfully obvious that you are part of the problem and have no desire to attempt a solution.

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