Special "gun team" of cops confiscating guns door-to-door in Illinois


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
In Illinois, the state issues you a Firearm Owner ID Card (FOID card) if they think you are somebody they want to own a gun. You can't legally own a gun without this card.

But they will revoke your card for reasons such as, you have a restraining order issued against you. (In many areas, such restraining orders are routinely handed out to both parties in a divorce, including those where there have been no violence or threats.)

Recently the Sheriff in Cook County (which includes Chicago) put together a special team of police, whose job is to go door-to-door, confiscating guns from people whose card was revoked.

There has been no comment from the people who insist that registration does NOT lead to confiscation, and insist that the cops are NOT out to take away our guns.

I do need to ask: How many people have been murdered in Chicago since this special team of cops was put together in February? How many of the murderers (mostly thugs and gangbangers) obediently stopped to apply for Illinois FOID cards before murdering their victims, so that their guns could be confiscated when they broke the law?

OTOH, how many people who have never killed, injured, raped, robbed, assaulted, or even threatened anybody, have had their guns confiscated by this special team of cops?


Cook County sheriff?s team taking guns if FOID card is revoked - Chicago Sun-Times

Cook County sheriff’s team taking guns if FOID card is revoked

BY FRANK MAIN Staff Reporter
[email protected]
July 25, 2013 9:54PM
Updated: July 26, 2013 1:20PM

A new Cook County Sheriff’s team is crisscrossing the suburbs to seize guns from thousands of people whose Firearm Owner’s Identification Cards have been revoked.

More than 3,000 people in Cook County have failed to surrender their revoked FOID cards to the state. Sheriff Tom Dart said he thinks many of them continue to possess firearms.

The Chicago Police Department conducts regular missions to recover revoked FOID cards and seize guns from the holders, but there wasn’t a concerted effort to do that in Cook County’s suburbs, Dart said.

“The system is broken,” the sheriff said. “The system revokes cards, but the guns are of no consequence. . . . Our strong hope is that we will eliminate tragedies.”

FOID cards are supposed to protect the public from dangerous people. Mental illness, felonies and protection orders are grounds for the state to revoke the cards from their holders. It’s illegal to buy guns or ammunition without one.

In February, Dart assigned a sergeant and four investigators to a gun team that has recovered about 160 FOID cards and taken more than 160 guns from the cardholders.

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