Specualtive fear mongering runs amok.

Ruhollah Khomeini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Establishment of new governmentAs Khomeini's movement gained momentum, soldiers began to defect to his side and Khomeini declared jihad on soldiers who did not surrender.[66] On 11 February, as revolt spread and armories were taken over, the military declared neutrality and the Bakhtiar regime collapsed.[67] On 30 and 31 March 1979, a referendum to replace the monarchy with an Islamic Republic passed with 98% voting in favour of the replacement,[68] but controversially the referendum was posed as a single question: "should the monarchy be abolished in favour of an Islamic Government?"
OMG! Egypt will be a Mulsim Sahria law nation and will spread in the middle east and doom Israel!

Pathetic media.

And it is well reflected on here.

Actually, I thought it was just the opposite. What channel you watching, uscitizen? I been keeping CNN on most of the day...they are orgasming over the Revolution Without A Shot Fired.

Since I'm not planning a trip to Egypt like you guys, and the rest of America, I'm ignoring all news about Egypt.

Actually, I thought it was just the opposite. What channel you watching, uscitizen? I been keeping CNN on most of the day...they are orgasming over the Revolution Without A Shot Fired.

I actually watched some Fox earlier today just to get their feel on the Egypt thing.
They were interviewing one of their people in Telavive (sp?) I thought funny, and some ex CIA guy that now runs a rent a mercernary security outfit.
I got the gloom and doom from them. And from threads on here.

O, doubtless. God forbid anyone in the media not try and spin this.

Why is telling the truth fearmongering? Are you telling me that if there is bad news going on the media is supposed to tell us it's all roses and lollipops?
The truth is that Egypt had regime change without wrecking the country first. That such a thing is possible. The truth is there is jubilation in the Egyptian streets tonight, the national museum isn't being looted. The truth is people took to the streets alongside tanks, people were neither running away from the tanks nor firing RPGs at the them.

Speculation about motives and agendas isn't the truth, is it? Speculation is assumption. And when speculation tends toward hyperbole it becomes fear-mongering.

I was watching MSNBC before going to work. They were interviewing people in the square and someone from Parliment. All they kept talking about was Freedom, Modernizing and a love for America. I heard nothing about religion. They weren't even "mad" at Mubarak. And they were happy about the military.

So far so good.

The Right is just lurching from hour to hour trying to figure out how to stay on the opposite side of wherever Obama is.

OMG! Egypt will be a Mulsim Sahria law nation and will spread in the middle east and doom Israel!

Pathetic media.

And it is well reflected on here.

Those who forget about the past tend to relive the past.
Iran 1978 all over again
you are siding with amhadiejad in pretending this is just like Iran in 1979.

Its bullshit and anyone who knows the real history knows that.
you are siding with amhadiejad in pretending this is just like Iran in 1979.

Its bullshit and anyone who knows the real history knows that.

Exactly what is the difference? explain it. the youth of Iran overthrow the government in Iran they were our friends
The youth of Egypt overthrow the government there they were our friends.
Why do you refuse to read what I already posted?

Its all there already.

The people in iran took to the streets when their religious leader was arrested by a secular western leaning monarchy.

They then voted for an Islamic government.
Why do you refuse to read what I already posted?

Its all there already.

The people in iran took to the streets when their religious leader was arrested by a secular western leaning monarchy.

They then voted for an Islamic government.

Good grief, you are so damned naive and stuck on stupid that it's pointless to respond to you.
You cant refute the facts I have provided that they are completely different huh?
The people of Iran wanted religious rule.

Much like some christains here in the US

No, they didn't. They wanted a democracy. Their revolution was multi-party, with representation of secular, Islamic and other groups. Look how that ended up. If you could stop 'learning on the fly' by reading wiki and pretending that teaches you everything you need to know about a given topic, that would help you to understand what you don't know.

I'm not even gonna bother addressing your moronic shit about Christians in the US. Too stupid for comment.
A very close parallel to what's happening in Egypt and we must be concerned with the outcome.

A Big gold star for your last paragraph.
Ruhollah Khomeini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Establishment of new governmentAs Khomeini's movement gained momentum, soldiers began to defect to his side and Khomeini declared jihad on soldiers who did not surrender.[66] On 11 February, as revolt spread and armories were taken over, the military declared neutrality and the Bakhtiar regime collapsed.[67] On 30 and 31 March 1979, a referendum to replace the monarchy with an Islamic Republic passed with 98% voting in favour of the replacement,[68] but controversially the referendum was posed as a single question: "should the monarchy be abolished in favour of an Islamic Government?"
So, would you say that this worked out well for Persian women?
Why are you refusing the facts that show they are NOT the same?

Why are you siding with the ahmadiejad rewrite of history on this one?
The people of Iran wanted religious rule.

Much like some christains here in the US

No, they didn't. They wanted a democracy. Their revolution was multi-party, with representation of secular, Islamic and other groups. Look how that ended up. If you could stop 'learning on the fly' by reading wiki and pretending that teaches you everything you need to know about a given topic, that would help you to understand what you don't know.

I'm not even gonna bother addressing your moronic shit about Christians in the US. Too stupid for comment.
A very close parallel to what's happening in Egypt and we must be concerned with the outcome.

A Big gold star for your last paragraph.

TM needs to see it on wiki before she believes it. :lol:
You cant refute the facts I have provided that they are completely different huh?

Reliving the 70's is going to give me a head ach. but here we go.

The Egyptian protests bear an uncanny resemblance to the 1979 Iranian revolution, but historian Geoffrey Wawro urges the U.S. to learn the lessons of supporting a dictator—or risk losing Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Egyptian Protests Mirror 1979 Revolution in Iran - The Daily Beast

On a side note after the 70's we had Ronald Reagan. Are we going to have another Reagan in the Whitehouse come next election?
Go get your histroy sources that say what you believe about this situation

Therein, lies our problem. You get your information from the internet. I get mine from history books. Therefore, you have a 'headline' view whereas I have an indepth understanding. Read more books.
OMG! Egypt will be a Mulsim Sahria law nation...

It happened in Iran.

but we do not know it will happen in Egypt, saying it will is just speculative fear mongering at his point.

:lol::lol: Don't you think that vast amounts of analysts in a variety of government agencies, both in the US and around the western world, are busily 'scenario' building on this situation in order to inform our Administration?

That's not 'fear mongering', you idiot, it's called critical thinking. No one is saying 'this is how it will go'.... we are saying 'we need to be careful that we don't allow this to happen again'.

Only total idiots or naive fools don't look at Egypt with some concern.
Why are you refusing the facts that show they are NOT the same?

Why are you siding with the ahmadiejad rewrite of history on this one?

There is a significant risk that they will end up the same. Why do you refuse to see that?

Anything is possible. Should we send troops over there and kill some Egyptians or something?
Just what do you recommend?

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