Sperm donor to lesbian couple ordered to pay child support

Thank God for that... I would hate to have my medical care only determined by the calculations of my worth by a corporation...

Oh, wait. that did happen to me, which is why I'm for socialized medicine now. Fuck the corporations.

And any asshole who sells his sperm on Craig's List DESERVES to be soaked.

Good call man. The Government has a great track record for managing things with immense success. Say for example the tax money they take from us. Look at how well they managed that... been to a DMV lately? Been to the Third World lately?

The government's ineptitude does not absolve a person of the personal responsibility to make sure they have their own ducks in a row.

This donor didn't, so now he's gonna pay the price for his OWN ineptitude. Personal responsibility is anathema to you eh?

The idiot was told he would not be responsible and he believed the other two idiots. If anyone is not living up to their end of the bargain it would be the two lezbo idiots.

By the way, one of the lesbian couple has now married a man. I thought gay people were born that way?
Good call man. The Government has a great track record for managing things with immense success. Say for example the tax money they take from us. Look at how well they managed that... been to a DMV lately? Been to the Third World lately?

The government's ineptitude does not absolve a person of the personal responsibility to make sure they have their own ducks in a row.

This donor didn't, so now he's gonna pay the price for his OWN ineptitude. Personal responsibility is anathema to you eh?

The idiot was told he would not be responsible and he believed the other two idiots. If anyone is not living up to their end of the bargain it would be the two lezbo idiots.

By the way, one of the lesbian couple has now married a man. I thought gay people were born that way?

Still his fault for being an idiot. What sort of idiot trusts two people he met off of Craigslist for legal advice? LOL I mean seriously I know you're trying everything you can think of to absolve the guy of his own fault, but it can't be done. He's an idiot who should have consulted a lawyer.

Or better yet hit X when he first got the urge to go to Craigslist.

As for your second sentence, I in noway believe gays are born that way. Too many cases of switch hitters, or people who were born that way at age 40 or whatever, so not sure what your point was there.
The government's ineptitude does not absolve a person of the personal responsibility to make sure they have their own ducks in a row.

This donor didn't, so now he's gonna pay the price for his OWN ineptitude. Personal responsibility is anathema to you eh?

The idiot was told he would not be responsible and he believed the other two idiots. If anyone is not living up to their end of the bargain it would be the two lezbo idiots.

By the way, one of the lesbian couple has now married a man. I thought gay people were born that way?

Still his fault for being an idiot. What sort of idiot trusts two people he met off of Craigslist for legal advice? LOL I mean seriously I know you're trying everything you can think of to absolve the guy of his own fault, but it can't be done. He's an idiot who should have consulted a lawyer.

Or better yet hit X when he first got the urge to go to Craigslist.

As for your second sentence, I in noway believe gays are born that way. Too many cases of switch hitters, or people who were born that way at age 40 or whatever, so not sure what your point was there.

Read my post again. I said they were all idiots. Then I said the two lezbo idiots did not keep their end of the bargain. If he is at fault for being an idiot then so are the other two. They're all idiots. The lezbos did not keep their end of the bargain.

My point with the second part is that the new-age progressives keep trying to indoctrinate us with the fairy tale that people are born gay. Not referring to you personally.
You'll notice my response was evaded. This person is a radical and wants to blame the only man in the equation... not even remotely entertaining the responsibility of future parents to make sure they have the means to provide for a kid before acquiring one.
The idiot was told he would not be responsible and he believed the other two idiots. If anyone is not living up to their end of the bargain it would be the two lezbo idiots.

By the way, one of the lesbian couple has now married a man. I thought gay people were born that way?

Still his fault for being an idiot. What sort of idiot trusts two people he met off of Craigslist for legal advice? LOL I mean seriously I know you're trying everything you can think of to absolve the guy of his own fault, but it can't be done. He's an idiot who should have consulted a lawyer.

Or better yet hit X when he first got the urge to go to Craigslist.

As for your second sentence, I in noway believe gays are born that way. Too many cases of switch hitters, or people who were born that way at age 40 or whatever, so not sure what your point was there.

Read my post again. I said they were all idiots. Then I said the two lezbo idiots did not keep their end of the bargain. If he is at fault for being an idiot then so are the other two. They're all idiots. The lezbos did not keep their end of the bargain.

My point with the second part is that the new-age progressives keep trying to indoctrinate us with the fairy tale that people are born gay. Not referring to you personally.

well , of course the women are idiots as well. The only reason I didn't mention that is b/c I thought it was understood, well that and of course the women aren't going to be paying unwanted child support b/c of the stupidity, so who's the bigger idiot?
Still his fault for being an idiot. What sort of idiot trusts two people he met off of Craigslist for legal advice? LOL I mean seriously I know you're trying everything you can think of to absolve the guy of his own fault, but it can't be done. He's an idiot who should have consulted a lawyer.

Or better yet hit X when he first got the urge to go to Craigslist.

As for your second sentence, I in noway believe gays are born that way. Too many cases of switch hitters, or people who were born that way at age 40 or whatever, so not sure what your point was there.

Read my post again. I said they were all idiots. Then I said the two lezbo idiots did not keep their end of the bargain. If he is at fault for being an idiot then so are the other two. They're all idiots. The lezbos did not keep their end of the bargain.

My point with the second part is that the new-age progressives keep trying to indoctrinate us with the fairy tale that people are born gay. Not referring to you personally.

well , of course the women are idiots as well. The only reason I didn't mention that is b/c I thought it was understood, well that and of course the women aren't going to be paying unwanted child support b/c of the stupidity, so who's the bigger idiot?

My point is the women went back on their word, not the man.
Still his fault for being an idiot. What sort of idiot trusts two people he met off of Craigslist for legal advice? LOL I mean seriously I know you're trying everything you can think of to absolve the guy of his own fault, but it can't be done. He's an idiot who should have consulted a lawyer.

Or better yet hit X when he first got the urge to go to Craigslist.

As for your second sentence, I in noway believe gays are born that way. Too many cases of switch hitters, or people who were born that way at age 40 or whatever, so not sure what your point was there.

Read my post again. I said they were all idiots. Then I said the two lezbo idiots did not keep their end of the bargain. If he is at fault for being an idiot then so are the other two. They're all idiots. The lezbos did not keep their end of the bargain.

My point with the second part is that the new-age progressives keep trying to indoctrinate us with the fairy tale that people are born gay. Not referring to you personally.

well , of course the women are idiots as well. The only reason I didn't mention that is b/c I thought it was understood, well that and of course the women aren't going to be paying unwanted child support b/c of the stupidity, so who's the bigger idiot?

yeah, we had an idiot poster here a while ago... he was always whining about not getting child support off of his babymomma... but was to lazy to go after her for it.

So it makes you wonder who is stupider.
Where is your link stating that the girlfriend adopted the child? Oh, up your ass. :lol:

What the fuck, can't you read the posts you are replying to? Did you forget that I already proved there are adoption papers on file with the court? The very ones you insisted do not exist simply so you can argue that the state has a right to get into people's bedrooms?

Court records show that the sperm donor, 46-year-old William Marotta, signed an agreement in March 2009 giving up parental rights to the then-couple, Angela Bauer and Jennifer Schreiner. The agreement also absolves Marotta of financial responsibility. The state contends the agreement isn't valid.

Read more here: TOPEKA, Kan.: State trying to make sperm donor pay child support | National | The Sun Herald
You keep posting this. All it shows is that the women absolved Marotta of financial responsibility. It doesn't say anything about the girlfriend adopting the child.

Words have meanings beyond your imagination.

You are so right, it doesn't mention parental rights, all it talks about is money.
Because they went to the government asking them to foot the bill for this kid.

Only because the government just decided that it should be in charge of medical care.

Thank God for that... I would hate to have my medical care only determined by the calculations of my worth by a corporation...

Oh, wait. that did happen to me, which is why I'm for socialized medicine now. Fuck the corporations.

And any asshole who sells his sperm on Craig's List DESERVES to be soaked.

You would rather have it calculated by your worth to the government? I bet you think that makes you smart, doesn't it?
The government's ineptitude does not absolve a person of the personal responsibility to make sure they have their own ducks in a row.

This donor didn't, so now he's gonna pay the price for his OWN ineptitude. Personal responsibility is anathema to you eh?

The idiot was told he would not be responsible and he believed the other two idiots. If anyone is not living up to their end of the bargain it would be the two lezbo idiots.

By the way, one of the lesbian couple has now married a man. I thought gay people were born that way?

Still his fault for being an idiot. What sort of idiot trusts two people he met off of Craigslist for legal advice? LOL I mean seriously I know you're trying everything you can think of to absolve the guy of his own fault, but it can't be done. He's an idiot who should have consulted a lawyer.

Or better yet hit X when he first got the urge to go to Craigslist.

As for your second sentence, I in noway believe gays are born that way. Too many cases of switch hitters, or people who were born that way at age 40 or whatever, so not sure what your point was there.
So, how do you know the lesbians did not have an attorney write up that agreement before they put a notice on Craigslist?

I'm not seeing that in the link.

And, I'll say again, if the contract is a solid one...elements present, etc....the courts usually take contracts quite seriously.

I haven't much luck predicting what a court will do, but, as I said, I hope the KS court is as wise as the VA courts.
Screw him, he shouldn't have involved himself in such a deviant, unGodly circumstance to being with. Hope he has to pay through the nose and maybe that will discourage other men from donating their sperm so that deviant homosexuals can have kids.
Screw him, he shouldn't have involved himself in such a deviant, unGodly circumstance to being with. Hope he has to pay through the nose and maybe that will discourage other men from donating their sperm so that deviant homosexuals can have kids.
Yes....let's throw justice out the window to make a political or religious point.

You didn't prove me wrong. what you proved is that you dismiss facts which get in the way of your opinions.

take this case for example. Only a child would deny that these people simply did not follow the law in a way which would have prevented this from happening. Yet you insist that the state is at fault rather then the people who didn't comply with the law.

Also I have noticed that you fail to concede that the state has an absolute right to try to recoup welfare.

I can only conclude that you are only here to read your own post and congratulate yourself on how smart you think you are rather than actually to discuss anything.

I dismiss facts? Aren't you the guy that insisted that the state didn't get a cut of the child support? Aren't you also the guy that insisted that, because you worked with DCFS you knew for a fact that my claim was wrong? How did that work out for you again?

Are you saying that this guy has children acting as his lawyers? Because, I can assure you, they are very insistent that their client did not violate any law, that he signed a valid contract, and that the state does not have the power to force him to pay child support simply because he donated sperm. Do you really want to take the position that only children would make that statement?

Do I want to dent that the state has the right to recoup welfare? Absolutely, governments do not have rights. Now that I have dealt with that nonsense, I am free to point out that the state is not attempting to recoup any welfare payments from the father, they are attempting to force him to provide child support. Since your initial position was that the state doesn't actually get anything out of child support, yet you simultaneously insisted they were only trying to get back the cost of the welfare, I am not sure exactly how to deal with your contradictory position. Can I just mock it because you are trying to argue that white is both white and black at the same time, while simultaneously claiming it is purple?

I am here to read my own posts? Is that why I am so familiar with yours, and can point out how absurd you have been during this entire discussion?

Who said I work with DCFS? I said I've dealt with them a lot, that being through a program I volunteer my time with.

Once again proving you just make stuff up because you enjoy the sound of your own voice.

AND you are still wrong in this thread because the bottom line is if Craig's Sperm had consulted an attorney he would have advised him of the law and wham no problems.

Whatever it was you said, precisely, you were wrong, and I was right.

As for the attorney, have you yet proved there was no attorney involved when they did the adoption? Are you aware that states often loose lawsuits even though they both right and interpret the laws? Did it ever occur to you that the idiots that are arguing that the parents got the law wrong might actually not be lawyers themselves?
Screw him, he shouldn't have involved himself in such a deviant, unGodly circumstance to being with. Hope he has to pay through the nose and maybe that will discourage other men from donating their sperm so that deviant homosexuals can have kids.
Yes....let's throw justice out the window to make a political or religious point.


justice? HE IS THE FATHER, or did you miss that part of biology class dumbass?
The idiot was told he would not be responsible and he believed the other two idiots. If anyone is not living up to their end of the bargain it would be the two lezbo idiots.

By the way, one of the lesbian couple has now married a man. I thought gay people were born that way?

Still his fault for being an idiot. What sort of idiot trusts two people he met off of Craigslist for legal advice? LOL I mean seriously I know you're trying everything you can think of to absolve the guy of his own fault, but it can't be done. He's an idiot who should have consulted a lawyer.

Or better yet hit X when he first got the urge to go to Craigslist.

As for your second sentence, I in noway believe gays are born that way. Too many cases of switch hitters, or people who were born that way at age 40 or whatever, so not sure what your point was there.
So, how do you know the lesbians did not have an attorney write up that agreement before they put a notice on Craigslist?

I'm not seeing that in the link.

And, I'll say again, if the contract is a solid one...elements present, etc....the courts usually take contracts quite seriously.

I haven't much luck predicting what a court will do, but, as I said, I hope the KS court is as wise as the VA courts.

It seems he is just assuming that the idiot who filed the case for DCFS is a lawyer, I haven't seen any evidence of that either. I even asked for a link to whatever law they think is applicable, nada.
Screw him, he shouldn't have involved himself in such a deviant, unGodly circumstance to being with. Hope he has to pay through the nose and maybe that will discourage other men from donating their sperm so that deviant homosexuals can have kids.
Yes....let's throw justice out the window to make a political or religious point.


justice? HE IS THE FATHER, or did you miss that part of biology class dumbass?
Ever hear of adoption?
Yes....let's throw justice out the window to make a political or religious point.


justice? HE IS THE FATHER, or did you miss that part of biology class dumbass?
Ever hear of adoption?

Sure did, but what does that have to do with this. He didn't put any kid up for adoption now did he? You Godless a-holes are too funny. For purposes of abortion, a 30 week old fetus is not a person, but when it suits you, donated sperm is. Get real son, take your head out of your ass and take a look at reality, and your hypocrisy.
justice? HE IS THE FATHER, or did you miss that part of biology class dumbass?
Ever hear of adoption?

Sure did, but what does that have to do with this. He didn't put any kid up for adoption now did he? You Godless a-holes are too funny. For purposes of abortion, a 30 week old fetus is not a person, but when it suits you, donated sperm is. Get real son, take your head out of your ass and take a look at reality, and your hypocrisy.

justice? HE IS THE FATHER, or did you miss that part of biology class dumbass?
Ever hear of adoption?

Sure did, but what does that have to do with this. He didn't put any kid up for adoption now did he? You Godless a-holes are too funny. For purposes of abortion, a 30 week old fetus is not a person, but when it suits you, donated sperm is. Get real son, take your head out of your ass and take a look at reality, and your hypocrisy.
Where did you get the idea that I think donated sperm is a person?

Just curious.
Screw him, he shouldn't have involved himself in such a deviant, unGodly circumstance to being with. Hope he has to pay through the nose and maybe that will discourage other men from donating their sperm so that deviant homosexuals can have kids.

Oh, shut up. At least the child isn't languishing in an orphanage - and at least he wasn't aborted. He has two parents who love and cherish him, and you don't give a shit about that, do you?

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