Spike Lee to boycott Oscars. No mention of boycotting NBA


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Our useless controlled media won't ask him about that. Why do we need racial quotas in the movie biz but not in pro sports??

Spike Lee Boycotts Oscars, Compares Himself to Martin Luther King, Jr.

jan 18 2016 Spike Lee will boycott this year’s Academy Awards after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominated exclusively white actors in top categories for a second consecutive year.

In an Instagram post Monday morning, the Chi-Raq director said he meant “no disrespect” toward ceremony host Chris Rock and Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, but felt compelled to act after seeing this year’s nominations.

“How is it possible for the second consecutive year all 20 contenders under the acting category are white?” Lee wrote in a lengthy post. “And let’s not even get into the other branches. Forty white actors in two years and flava at all. We can’t act?! WTF!!”
He has to the biggest attention whore ever. you go spiky. whoa you the man. :rolleyes-41:
Look man.....in general God created blacks with many having somewhat better athletic ability in the fast twitch muscle sports like football, basketball, track, etc.

But all the races were created equally by God in all other physical and mental abilities. He just decided he'd make blacks on average somewhat better at fast twitch sports.

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Look man.....in general God created blacks with many having somewhat better athletic ability in the fast twitch muscle sports like football, basketball, track, etc.

But all the races were created equally by God in all other physical and mental abilities. He just decided he'd make blacks on average somewhat better at fast twitch sports.

That's what the media tells us anyway. There are physical differences between blacks and whites/asians but mentally we're all the same!!! Even though all the evidence says blacks are mentally inferior.
Look man.....in general God created blacks with many having somewhat better athletic ability in the fast twitch muscle sports like football, basketball, track, etc.

But all the races were created equally by God in all other physical and mental abilities. He just decided he'd make blacks on average somewhat better at fast twitch sports.

That's what the media tells us anyway. There are physical differences between blacks and whites/asians but mentally we're all the same!!! Even though all the evidence says blacks are mentally inferior.

That's true. Everything in our bodies are genetically different and sports performance shows it.

But our brains are all 100% equal.
Our useless controlled media won't ask him about that. Why do we need racial quotas in the movie biz but not in pro sports??

Spike Lee Boycotts Oscars, Compares Himself to Martin Luther King, Jr.

jan 18 2016 Spike Lee will boycott this year’s Academy Awards after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominated exclusively white actors in top categories for a second consecutive year.

In an Instagram post Monday morning, the Chi-Raq director said he meant “no disrespect” toward ceremony host Chris Rock and Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, but felt compelled to act after seeing this year’s nominations.

“How is it possible for the second consecutive year all 20 contenders under the acting category are white?” Lee wrote in a lengthy post. “And let’s not even get into the other branches. Forty white actors in two years and flava at all. We can’t act?! WTF!!”

Spike Lee's films are all horsecrap, it's not as if he's an Artist on any level.
Look man.....in general God created blacks with many having somewhat better athletic ability in the fast twitch muscle sports like football, basketball, track, etc.

But all the races were created equally by God in all other physical and mental abilities. He just decided he'd make blacks on average somewhat better at fast twitch sports.

In general, it was the old slave masters that created blacks with superior athletic ability. They bred slave stock just like live stock.

Take your average African-American and stand them up next to the average African. The American is bigger, stronger, and far more powerful. The American will not run as fast. That ability has been bred out in favor of a draft horse musculature. That was the legacy of the slave owners and breeders.

Spike Lee is boycotting this year’s lily-white Oscars

*"Spike Lee is boycotting the Oscars because of "lily white" nomination roster."*

I am certain Mr. Spike Lee has no clue I've been boycotting his movies, concerns and thoughts as soon as I realized he joined millions of my American neighbors WILLFULLY ignoring our expanding and shameful National Epidemic of Childhood Abuse and Neglect fueled and perpetuated by immature American teen girls and young women of African descent who irresponsibly and cruelly subject their children to human oppression known as *Childhood Abuse and Neglect, aka Poverty* by building families with too many mouths to feed, clothe and supervise?

*Child Abuse and Neglect* that is primarily responsible for our prisons and far too many American communities being populated by depressed, angry, frustrated, undisciplined, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults *(NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers)* full of resentment for irresponsibly being introduced to a life of hardships and struggles.

Addressing inmates at Ironwood State Prison, Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, gives a compelling overview of the role that exposure to childhood trauma plays in the lives of troubled and chronically ill Americans.


Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations
Our useless controlled media won't ask him about that. Why do we need racial quotas in the movie biz but not in pro sports??

Spike Lee Boycotts Oscars, Compares Himself to Martin Luther King, Jr.

jan 18 2016 Spike Lee will boycott this year’s Academy Awards after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominated exclusively white actors in top categories for a second consecutive year.

In an Instagram post Monday morning, the Chi-Raq director said he meant “no disrespect” toward ceremony host Chris Rock and Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, but felt compelled to act after seeing this year’s nominations.

“How is it possible for the second consecutive year all 20 contenders under the acting category are white?” Lee wrote in a lengthy post. “And let’s not even get into the other branches. Forty white actors in two years and flava at all. We can’t act?! WTF!!”
I missed where he asked for quotas?
Our useless controlled media won't ask him about that. Why do we need racial quotas in the movie biz but not in pro sports??

Spike Lee Boycotts Oscars, Compares Himself to Martin Luther King, Jr.

jan 18 2016 Spike Lee will boycott this year’s Academy Awards after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominated exclusively white actors in top categories for a second consecutive year.

In an Instagram post Monday morning, the Chi-Raq director said he meant “no disrespect” toward ceremony host Chris Rock and Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, but felt compelled to act after seeing this year’s nominations.

“How is it possible for the second consecutive year all 20 contenders under the acting category are white?” Lee wrote in a lengthy post. “And let’s not even get into the other branches. Forty white actors in two years and flava at all. We can’t act?! WTF!!”
I missed where he asked for quotas?

They're bitching about not enough blacks....not just in the Oscars but all sorts of places. So....how many is enough?
Our useless controlled media won't ask him about that. Why do we need racial quotas in the movie biz but not in pro sports??

Spike Lee Boycotts Oscars, Compares Himself to Martin Luther King, Jr.

jan 18 2016 Spike Lee will boycott this year’s Academy Awards after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominated exclusively white actors in top categories for a second consecutive year.

In an Instagram post Monday morning, the Chi-Raq director said he meant “no disrespect” toward ceremony host Chris Rock and Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, but felt compelled to act after seeing this year’s nominations.

“How is it possible for the second consecutive year all 20 contenders under the acting category are white?” Lee wrote in a lengthy post. “And let’s not even get into the other branches. Forty white actors in two years and flava at all. We can’t act?! WTF!!”
I missed where he asked for quotas?

They're bitching about not enough blacks....not just in the Oscars but all sorts of places. So....how many is enough?
I didnt ask about all that. I asked where quotas were asked for. They shouldnt be bitching. I dont know why they actually think a system set up to glorify white people would recognize Black people. They should have realized that white people as a group only give lip service to the idea. I say Black people should focus on our award shows and stop trying to solicit recognition from white people. The irony of Denzel Washington finally getting an award only after portraying a villain in Training Day should have been enough proof that whites in general dont care for Black actors unless they are fulfilling a stereotype.
The Oscars Blackout Protest
Why it's morally, strategically, and aesthetically wrong.
January 25, 2016
Danusha V. Goska



When the lights come up in the Berkeley, California, theater, my friend Liz is sobbing. Liz is a far-left secular Jewish lesbian. She insists that The Mission is all about how "they" are making war against "us." "It's antisemites against Jews! It's straights against gays! It's real estate tycoons against environmentalists."

I'm watching White Christmas in Oakland, California's Paramount Theater. The Paramount, built in 1931, is an eye-popping art deco National Historical Landmark. Every inch of every surface is inscribed with some filigree designed to transport the filmgoer to another dimension. This truly is a "dream palace." I'm three feet off the ground with joy. I ask Fran, my companion, why she is so quiet. "No one in the movie is like me," she says. Fran is African American. Our entire conversation, on the ride back to Berkeley, is about this one fact: none of the leads in White Christmas is black; therefore, Fran can't enjoy the movie. Fran, like me, is a graduate student at UC Berkeley.

On January 14, 2016, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced their nominations for the 88th annual Academy Awards. Shortly thereafter, Al Sharpton, Michael Moore, Spike Lee, Jada Pinkett Smith, Reese Witherspoon, Mark Ruffalo, Chelsea Clinton and others protested the absence of African Americans among the nominees. Whoopi Goldberg said, "You get the people with the productions companies to hire. You make a stink all year – not just once a year, but all year!"

Karen Hilfman, in a letter to the LA Times, wrote, "I'm white and I'll be tuning out the Oscars this year. So will everyone in my family. I'm going to urge all my white friends to pass this year too, and if anyone white in the entertainment industry is reading this, I'm asking that you stay home … the persistent lack of award nominees among blacks and other people of color is grievously impactful to them … White people have to fix it. Everyone knows that predominantly white men run the studios, and everyone of good conscience knows that's where the problem starts – created and perpetuated by structural racism and the people who benefit from it … it is a kind of artistic tyranny."

"Crystal," one of my Facebook friends, posted, "The REAL problem is the lack of diversity in Hollywood – a system that prevents diversity … The dominant culture only allows for certain groups of people to star in films … Only white actors are cast in major, Oscar-winning, groundbreaking features."

On January 23, USA Today announced that the Academy was "taking historic steps" "to increase diversity." "The governors committed to doubling the number of women and diverse academy members by 2020." The Academy is also determined to bring in younger members. It will launch an "ambitious, global campaign to identify and recruit qualified new members who represent greater diversity." Some seats on the board of governors will be de facto reserved for minorities.

One thing is certain: any Academy Awards won by African Americans in 2017 will be accompanied by an asterisk. The suspicion will be inescapable that they won not because of merit but because of the largesse of publicly shamed white liberals.


The Oscars Blackout Protest
Our useless controlled media won't ask him about that. Why do we need racial quotas in the movie biz but not in pro sports??

Spike Lee Boycotts Oscars, Compares Himself to Martin Luther King, Jr.

jan 18 2016 Spike Lee will boycott this year’s Academy Awards after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominated exclusively white actors in top categories for a second consecutive year.

In an Instagram post Monday morning, the Chi-Raq director said he meant “no disrespect” toward ceremony host Chris Rock and Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, but felt compelled to act after seeing this year’s nominations.

“How is it possible for the second consecutive year all 20 contenders under the acting category are white?” Lee wrote in a lengthy post. “And let’s not even get into the other branches. Forty white actors in two years and flava at all. We can’t act?! WTF!!”
I missed where he asked for quotas?

They're bitching about not enough blacks....not just in the Oscars but all sorts of places. So....how many is enough?
I didnt ask about all that. I asked where quotas were asked for. They shouldnt be bitching. I dont know why they actually think a system set up to glorify white people would recognize Black people. They should have realized that white people as a group only give lip service to the idea. I say Black people should focus on our award shows and stop trying to solicit recognition from white people. The irony of Denzel Washington finally getting an award only after portraying a villain in Training Day should have been enough proof that whites in general dont care for Black actors unless they are fulfilling a stereotype.
Good guys don't win Oscars. Good guys aren't memorable.

Blacks should just concentrate on their own awards where no one else is allowed. Or, just set up black categories in the Oscars. Best black actor since they aren't capable of honest competition.
Our useless controlled media won't ask him about that. Why do we need racial quotas in the movie biz but not in pro sports??

Spike Lee Boycotts Oscars, Compares Himself to Martin Luther King, Jr.

jan 18 2016 Spike Lee will boycott this year’s Academy Awards after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominated exclusively white actors in top categories for a second consecutive year.

In an Instagram post Monday morning, the Chi-Raq director said he meant “no disrespect” toward ceremony host Chris Rock and Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, but felt compelled to act after seeing this year’s nominations.

“How is it possible for the second consecutive year all 20 contenders under the acting category are white?” Lee wrote in a lengthy post. “And let’s not even get into the other branches. Forty white actors in two years and flava at all. We can’t act?! WTF!!”
I missed where he asked for quotas?

They're bitching about not enough blacks....not just in the Oscars but all sorts of places. So....how many is enough?
I didnt ask about all that. I asked where quotas were asked for. They shouldnt be bitching. I dont know why they actually think a system set up to glorify white people would recognize Black people. They should have realized that white people as a group only give lip service to the idea. I say Black people should focus on our award shows and stop trying to solicit recognition from white people. The irony of Denzel Washington finally getting an award only after portraying a villain in Training Day should have been enough proof that whites in general dont care for Black actors unless they are fulfilling a stereotype.
Good guys don't win Oscars. Good guys aren't memorable.

Blacks should just concentrate on their own awards where no one else is allowed. Or, just set up black categories in the Oscars. Best black actor since they aren't capable of honest competition.

Is this mean that movie studios like MGM, Paramount or Disney etc. should only cast white actors? No blacks, asians or hispanics?
Is this mean white movie goers should only white movies? Cry me river.
Wil Smith did an outstanding performance in Concussion compared to Fassbender ( Steve Jobs ) & Redmayne ( Trumbo ) which are both rated 70% & 85% rotten tomato meaning it's crap.
What do you mean by....... black actors are not capable of honest competition?
Maybe Spikey and his gang should review the past 20 years of Academy award recipients then apologize. What a piece of work. Apparently he wants it all and he wants it now, unfortunitly for him the Academy recognizes talent and performance not a political agenda. Not hard to visualize the face of racism?

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