Spill the beans here...

I know some more of you were trouble makers....
Sir Evil???
Mr P.? (you probably moved people's outhouses in the middle of the night huh)

Still waiting to see what these guys have to say.
They can probably fill up this whole site.
Shattered said:
You kidding? I'm the type of person that won't take mints from the honor box at a restaurant, unless I have the exact amount of the "donation" they're requesting.
Same here..not only that, I'll never take a penny from that cup at the counter either.
Well, I appreciate everyone's concern, but I don't really plan on trying that idea out anyway, it was just something I heard about. For clarification, here's where I heard the idea (and as I said, I wasn't sure it was Wal-Mart):

On the audio commentary to the movie Garden State, writer/director/actor Zach Braff is talking about a scene where a character does this act in the scene (he is in a hardware store and "returns" a box of knives). Braff notes "I used to have friends who used to do this all the time at a very big-name store that will remain nameless." So, that's where I heard it from.

I thought of another one, though. I had a friend who used to steal really expensive things from Wal-Mart by simply getting the item, going into the garden section, and passing the item through the bars to a friend who would be waiting outside. He got a bunch of TI-83 calculators, a few PS2's, and some paintball guns, among other things. Never got caught either.

And in high school, almost my entire class (I'd say at least 20, 25 of us) used to steal stuff from the cafeteria every day. We didn't really have a secret method, we'd just let the underclassmen crowd up in front of the register, then we'd just grab stuff, put it in our bags or under our shirts or something and walk right by. Funny thing is, I got yelled at for stealing cups of ice ($.05) when meanwhile I'd have like 2 cheeseburgers in my bag ($4.00). We never really felt bad about it since we figured they charged us a lot to go there, so we were owed something.
dont know about other von maur stores, or if you guys have them in your areas. kinda of a higher end department store. but you can take back anything you want to there and they have to refund it. doesnt matter if it wasnt from there or not. they ask you what you <i>think</i> you paid for the item and they give it to you.
down side for them is, they sell swarovski(sp?) crystal and statues there. well theres a store that sells swarovski seconds, or flawed, items at drastically discounted prices. we get gypsys that go there and buy 1000.00's of dollars of seconds then take them to von maur for a full refund price. some of it ranges upwards of 20k, but i thik the most ive heard of (Jess used to work there) was like 1000.00, but then they go to the other stores around the area then too
Kathianne said:
Well it's not my story but a *ahem* very close relative, who shall remain nameless to avoid prosecution, which he was saved from. Fortunately for myself, I just found out about this, over a decade later.

When said individual was 8 years old, he was moved to a new school. Being endowed with leadership skills and an anti-social persona, within a month of 3rd grade, he had collected a group of other gifted students into a shoplifting and resale gang. They would visit the local grocery/pharmacy store and 'collect' the 'hot' pencils, folders, candies, gifts for parents and 'sweethearts', then take them to school and sell them during recess.

Now said individual, HE never stole anything, he was the leader and told the others what to steal and he set the prices. (when something wouldn't 'move' he'd reduce the cost.) He divided up the proceeds.

About 5 months into this felonious ring, the store found out and busted them. Even when I was a kid, we all knew they prosecuted shoplifters. Never one to get in major problems, this individual had no problem calling in connections. Luckily for him, his uncle whom he asked for as his one phone call, was a rather high ranking officer on the city's police force. He came and the kids were released to him.

Now he took each boy home and told their parents what had happened. All except one. Guess whom? (I do believe I'll kill my brother one of these days.) Luckily this unnamed precocious criminal has had a change of behavior. His goal is now to get a job with the FBI. Go figure.

it's been proven that former criminals and delinquents make some of the best cops. My hubby's friend is in school to be a cop, and he was a little delinquent.
Mr. P said:
Same here..not only that, I'll never take a penny from that cup at the counter either.

Me either, but I'll put them in. :)
-=d=- said:
Once I deleted the "Last person to post" thread.

:eek: We would have a far inferior thread in which to waste time!

:banana: <-------- I HATE THIS BANANA, IF I COULD I WOULD PUT IT IN MY CEREAL (or should I say cerial)
one easter sunday a life time ago my room mates and i went to dinner at a mexican restaurant and the 4 of us drank $500 in margaritas, we paid the bill and staggerd out into the rain and drove home.....well....raced home....i won....and jumped out of the car to watch to cop cars come screaming around the corner and fly by me and stop at the intersection...moments later my roommate came screaming around the corner....lost it...hit every parked car on both sides of the street...except mine...he went to jail i went to bed...
manu1959 said:
one easter sunday a life time ago my room mates and i went to dinner at a mexican restaurant and the 4 of us drank $500 in margaritas, we paid the bill and staggerd out into the rain and drove home.....well....raced home....i won....and jumped out of the car to watch to cop cars come screaming around the corner and fly by me and stop at the intersection...moments later my roommate came screaming around the corner....lost it...hit every parked car on both sides of the street...except mine...he went to jail i went to bed...

$125 worth of margaritas each?!? That's enough to put someone in the hospital... :alco:
gop_jeff said:
$125 worth of margaritas each?!? That's enough to put someone in the hospital... :alco:

no shyte....i was hung for a month
fuzzykitten99 said:
it's been proven that former criminals and delinquents make some of the best cops. My hubby's friend is in school to be a cop, and he was a little delinquent.

~kisses and hugs~ My kids decided to fill me in on Christmas Eve to this story. Needless to say, my brother got an earfull on Christmas Day. His rationale, "I couldn't handle the truth at the time, he could scare the bejesus with the kid." While he breathes, it may not feel so good...
I forged my mother's signature on a "field trip" permission slip. I'd also put on a "teary-eyed" campaign to raise the money for it!

Once she'd found out that I managed to get a "free" filed trip; she'd started questioning me until I'd confessed. She'd laughed, BECAUSE SHE THOUGHT IT WAS CLEVER and gave me permission to go...


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