Spin is Now “Lab Leak,” But Vindicated Chinese Virologist Says COVID is Deliberate Bio-Weapon


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
We see what they doing here, trying to spin it as just a lil ole "leak." Implying an accident. But that's not what General Jack Keane or Dr. Li-Meng Yan say.


As the walls close in on Fauci who is embroiled in evidence that he approved NIH funding for dangerous gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab, Chinese virologist and exile Dr. Li-Meng Chen defies the current media convention of referring to the scandal as a “lab leak,” implying an accident, rather than a deliberately engineered, deliberately released bio-weapon developed under orders from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP.)

Dr. Li-Meng Yan has said repeatedly that COVID, in her words last year:

“is a modern bioweapon in an unrestricted way.

Furthermore, Dr. Yan has said hidden characteristics have been built into the virus which are not immediately apparent. Dr. Yan said on Tucker Carlson recently:

“there are more things more secret hidden in the virus although you may not see the outcome immediately.” (Remarks starting about 12:30 in video)

After a year of relentless attacks by the media for her views, which rested on the premise that COVID was man-made, Dr. Yan has been roundly vindicated. Earlier this year she was joined by former CDC Director Redfield, who also decided COVID was made in a lab.

In January Fox News journalist and Hoover Institution Fellow Steve Hilton uncovered NIH grant documents which showed that Fauci had approved of funding for research that was banned in the US to Wuhan lab.

Last May 2020, General Jack Keane, a retired American four-star general, former Vice Chief of Staff of the Army and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, made news when he said that Chinese President Xi had “weaponized” the COVID virus:

“He has weaponized COVID-19….I mean, [Xi] actually used that disease to spread it around the world because he thought it would destroy Western democracies’ economies, and he’s been able to accomplish that,”
Anyone watch Microsoft news? Um "Gay man beaten up by Trump supporters" crap.. But they slink in the shadows and never mention that say, (Andy Ngo) gay journalist beaten by liberals. Never mind anti Asian hate crimes are mostly committed by blacks...Nevermind, MS news won't ever report facts like that.
As much as I believe the CCP ordered virologists to engineer the Covid virus to more readily jump to humans for use as a weapon, that will be almost impossible to prove given the pathetic state of our Media and the G20 leadership. That ESPECIALLY with China Joe, Xi Jinping's bitch boy squatting in the White House. Let's have an unconditional and clear admission that the virus originated in the Wuhan Lab and was a human altered version of the original virus. They should also admit they were doing this extremely dangerous research at BSL2 when they should have been working at maximum safety level BSL4. Once that is clear, we can open fire on the Democrats, the Media, The WHO and Fauci for deliberately deceiving the world about COVID19.
We see what they doing here, trying to spin it as just a lil ole "leak." Implying an accident. But that's not what General Jack Keane or Dr. Li-Meng Yan say.


As the walls close in on Fauci who is embroiled in evidence that he approved NIH funding for dangerous gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab, Chinese virologist and exile Dr. Li-Meng Chen defies the current media convention of referring to the scandal as a “lab leak,” implying an accident, rather than a deliberately engineered, deliberately released bio-weapon developed under orders from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP.)

Dr. Li-Meng Yan has said repeatedly that COVID, in her words last year:

“is a modern bioweapon in an unrestricted way.

Furthermore, Dr. Yan has said hidden characteristics have been built into the virus which are not immediately apparent. Dr. Yan said on Tucker Carlson recently:

“there are more things more secret hidden in the virus although you may not see the outcome immediately.” (Remarks starting about 12:30 in video)

After a year of relentless attacks by the media for her views, which rested on the premise that COVID was man-made, Dr. Yan has been roundly vindicated. Earlier this year she was joined by former CDC Director Redfield, who also decided COVID was made in a lab.

In January Fox News journalist and Hoover Institution Fellow Steve Hilton uncovered NIH grant documents which showed that Fauci had approved of funding for research that was banned in the US to Wuhan lab.

Last May 2020, General Jack Keane, a retired American four-star general, former Vice Chief of Staff of the Army and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, made news when he said that Chinese President Xi had “weaponized” the COVID virus:

“He has weaponized COVID-19….I mean, [Xi] actually used that disease to spread it around the world because he thought it would destroy Western democracies’ economies, and he’s been able to accomplish that,”
And you believe what you’re seeing on the internet why??
The fact is, if the pandemic was the result of a deliberately (or negligent) biological attack, there is a strong incentive to keep that a secret.

If it was proved that COVID was a result of a bio-weapon attack, Americans would demand we go to war with China. A war that, ultimately, has every possibility of being nuclear.

No one is going to risk that.
We see what they doing here, trying to spin it as just a lil ole "leak." Implying an accident. But that's not what General Jack Keane or Dr. Li-Meng Yan say.


As the walls close in on Fauci who is embroiled in evidence that he approved NIH funding for dangerous gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab, Chinese virologist and exile Dr. Li-Meng Chen defies the current media convention of referring to the scandal as a “lab leak,” implying an accident, rather than a deliberately engineered, deliberately released bio-weapon developed under orders from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP.)

Dr. Li-Meng Yan has said repeatedly that COVID, in her words last year:

“is a modern bioweapon in an unrestricted way.

Furthermore, Dr. Yan has said hidden characteristics have been built into the virus which are not immediately apparent. Dr. Yan said on Tucker Carlson recently:

“there are more things more secret hidden in the virus although you may not see the outcome immediately.” (Remarks starting about 12:30 in video)

After a year of relentless attacks by the media for her views, which rested on the premise that COVID was man-made, Dr. Yan has been roundly vindicated. Earlier this year she was joined by former CDC Director Redfield, who also decided COVID was made in a lab.

In January Fox News journalist and Hoover Institution Fellow Steve Hilton uncovered NIH grant documents which showed that Fauci had approved of funding for research that was banned in the US to Wuhan lab.

Last May 2020, General Jack Keane, a retired American four-star general, former Vice Chief of Staff of the Army and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, made news when he said that Chinese President Xi had “weaponized” the COVID virus:

“He has weaponized COVID-19….I mean, [Xi] actually used that disease to spread it around the world because he thought it would destroy Western democracies’ economies, and he’s been able to accomplish that,”

Lots of potentials here.

One potential is China was creating a bioweapon and it escaped.

Another is that China was concerned about bioweapons and was trying to create a vaccine for them, and it escaped.

In Gansu in 2019 or 2018 a vaccine program for animals saw an escape and some local people may have died (article says no, I remember it being that way, but anyway).

The fact is, if the pandemic was the result of a deliberately (or negligent) biological attack, there is a strong incentive to keep that a secret.

If it was proved that COVID was a result of a bio-weapon attack, Americans would demand we go to war with China. A war that, ultimately, has every possibility of being nuclear.

No one is going to risk that.
Yep. That’s the dilemma. Admitting the obvious forces the hand of our government.
Just like the Cuban missile crisis. When that U-2 was shot down we had to pretend it was an accident to avoid being forced to respond.
Nuke that virology laboratory.
And you believe what you’re seeing on the internet why??
As with pretty much everything else nowadays, this issue is now the subject of every imaginable conspiracy theory, jumping to every conclusion imaginable.

It's like some folks are just looking for material, like they're trying to write the next installment of the Mission Impossible movie series.
We see what they doing here, trying to spin it as just a lil ole "leak." Implying an accident. But that's not what General Jack Keane or Dr. Li-Meng Yan say.


As the walls close in on Fauci who is embroiled in evidence that he approved NIH funding for dangerous gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab, Chinese virologist and exile Dr. Li-Meng Chen defies the current media convention of referring to the scandal as a “lab leak,” implying an accident, rather than a deliberately engineered, deliberately released bio-weapon developed under orders from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP.)

Dr. Li-Meng Yan has said repeatedly that COVID, in her words last year:

“is a modern bioweapon in an unrestricted way.

Furthermore, Dr. Yan has said hidden characteristics have been built into the virus which are not immediately apparent. Dr. Yan said on Tucker Carlson recently:

“there are more things more secret hidden in the virus although you may not see the outcome immediately.” (Remarks starting about 12:30 in video)

After a year of relentless attacks by the media for her views, which rested on the premise that COVID was man-made, Dr. Yan has been roundly vindicated. Earlier this year she was joined by former CDC Director Redfield, who also decided COVID was made in a lab.

In January Fox News journalist and Hoover Institution Fellow Steve Hilton uncovered NIH grant documents which showed that Fauci had approved of funding for research that was banned in the US to Wuhan lab.

Last May 2020, General Jack Keane, a retired American four-star general, former Vice Chief of Staff of the Army and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, made news when he said that Chinese President Xi had “weaponized” the COVID virus:

“He has weaponized COVID-19….I mean, [Xi] actually used that disease to spread it around the world because he thought it would destroy Western democracies’ economies, and he’s been able to accomplish that,”

There is absolutely no evidence it was ever manufactured in that lab and deliberately spread to kill people.
You are coming from the anti communist crap you all repigs bellow about.
Fauci never approved funds to the lab. Trump was the last president to do that, he then stopped it then gates put the money in.

Nothong chill happen to Fauci nor is anything closing on on him. That's wishful thinking because you're wanting to blame democrats. It was trump who let it get out of control.
Cut your lies.
It's cancel culture queens, adding Fauci to their cancel culture list, so they can justify the hate crimes they are committing against him and his family.

Some Trumpers are awful, awful, awful people, not worthy to call themselves American. :(


Before anyone gets in to a nuclear war with China, proof of a deliberate leak would be needed, and proof that the virus is manufactured and not from the wild.

We do not have that proof.
Zheng-Li Shi started to complain about lab security. She is close to the origin of the conspiracy.
#13: No, Fauci and Daszak have explaining to do. Why didn’t either of them tell the people about the Chinese filoviruses that link to African filoviruses that link to COVID-19 vaccine?
#13: No, Fauci and Daszak have explaining to do. Why didn’t either of them tell the people about the Chinese filoviruses that link to African filoviruses that link to COVID-19 vaccine?
Is that answering done by firing squad?
Zheng-Li Shi studied both COVID-19’s closest relative (and [italics]) the filovirus found not geogaphically far from it.
The whole way China handled this virus was one lie built upon another. I’d like to see a real investigation on where and how Covid-19 came about. Not sure whether it came from a lab or not but the whole way of when, how and where it came about is very suspect. We need to get back to the 60’s where we questioned authority, not just accept an answer because of political beliefs.
#16: Pitiful. No names list of the 600, 000? Those left alive can’t speak for the dead about firing squads. Where’s their vote in the matter?
The amino acid sequence of the RBD shows no manipulation (where there should be manipulation [italics]).

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