Spineless Trump seeks good relationship with Putin's Russia after Russia votes at UN against Israel

Pretty accurate wasn't it?

NotfooledbyW, post: 16246876
You don't do a reset by praising Putin in advance, telling them to hack Hillary's emails and ignore the bombing of civilians in Syria and giving Putin pro-Russian oil dude Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. The Trump reset is a spineless one way gift to Putin with not one single demand from Trump for better relations. Some deal.

NowTrump might bomb Russians or back down and blame Obama because kissing Putin's ass didn't work so well.
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Correll, post: 16580490
Putin knows that Trump is new to the office and is focused on domestic issues, (because he isn't stupid).

You know what Putin knows or you just made that lie up.

Trump flipped on Crimea - Putin has no reason to be happy about that.

Obama Defense Secreatary Robert Gates said ""I do not believe that Crimea will slip out of Russia's hand,".

So why is Trump now pushing what Obama's White House said will not likely happen.

You know Ukraine will not get Crimea back just like Mexico will not pay for Trump's boondoggle walk.

Why is Trump saber rattling over Crimea being returned.? That ceased to be a public discussion under the Obama White House and Clinton campaign because it won't happen.

Trump is your warmonger because is is a Republican and has to be.

Why didn't your magic negro STOP him from taking Crimea kid?
Correll, post: 16580654
I hope that it was a stupid mistake while he was nearly completely consumed with domestic issues and is not a sign that he is being rail roaded by the war mongering Establishment.

Is Trumpty Dumpty a warmonger yet?

. According to both U.S. military officials, the current proposal would likely result in Russian military deaths and mark a drastic escalation of U.S. force in Syria.

One U.S. military official said the decision to allow the strikes, which would kill Russians, signals a significant change in policy by the Trump administration. A decision by Trump to go forward with the plan would be a reversal from the Obama administration, which denied multiple air strike proposals that would likely cause Russian personnel casualties in Syria.

U.S. Weighs “Saturation Strike” Against Syrian Government in Response to Chemical Attack

Do you support your peace candidate bombing Syria.
Correll, post: 16580654
I hope that it was a stupid mistake while he was nearly completely consumed with domestic issues and is not a sign that he is being rail roaded by the war mongering Establishment.

Is Trumpty Dumpty a warmonger yet?

. According to both U.S. military officials, the current proposal would likely result in Russian military deaths and mark a drastic escalation of U.S. force in Syria.

One U.S. military official said the decision to allow the strikes, which would kill Russians, signals a significant change in policy by the Trump administration. A decision by Trump to go forward with the plan would be a reversal from the Obama administration, which denied multiple air strike proposals that would likely cause Russian personnel casualties in Syria.

U.S. Weighs “Saturation Strike” Against Syrian Government in Response to Chemical Attack

Do you support your peace candidate bombing Syria.

"Why didn't your magic negro STOP him from taking Crimea kid?"
Why didn't your magic negro STOP him from taking Crimea kid?

President Obama should not have intervened in Crimea. That was a very peaceful transfer of Russian people in Crimea returning to the country where they belonged.

Ukraine was a threat to Russian speakers and its Ukraine fault that Crimea voted to leave.
Why didn't your magic negro STOP him from taking Crimea kid?

President Obama should not have intervened in Crimea. That was a very peaceful transfer of Russian people in Crimea returning to the country where they belonged.

Ukraine was a threat to Russian speakers and its Ukraine fault that Crimea voted to leave.

....and yet NOW you are whining about it.
I detest hypocrites.
deltex1, post: 16488019
From June 44 to early 45, Roosevelts coalition had gone from Normandy to the edge of the Rhine river. Foo's boys are halfway thru Mosul. Well done Foo...you get the obama medal for buggery.

Americans died from Normandy to the edge Rhine.

Americans are not dying in Mosul. But what do you care about combat troops dying silo sitter.?

You'd rather see Americans die to speed Mosul up a few months.

There has to be Iraqis ready and capable to hold and defend Mosul when ISIS is gone.

What's your rush clueless?
GFY Foo. I am busy watching Trump make a fool of Putin and Obama....your heroes.
deltex1, post: 16972902
GFY Foo. I am busy watching Trump make a fool of Putin and Obama....your heroes.

You are confused. Trump is still Putin's fool and always will be.

Just last week Assad was Trump's man. The Sarin attack was on Trump for being weak on both Putin and Assad.

It takes no balls to fire 59 cruise missiles at one small target in all of Syria outside the City of Homs. They didn't hit the airfield. Trump chose the smallest of three options presented to him.

I guess as a silo sitter you think it does.

It would take balls to allow fully vetted Syrian refugees to come into the US, now that Trump suddenly feels compassion for Syrian Muslim children.
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Great signal from Tillerson last week. Syria is up to Syrians to resolve. Assad being Syrian took that to mean gassing kids is OK with Trumpty Dumpty.
Well, I heard on the radio that gas prices went up because of the Syria situation, in Asia at least, so Tillerson is doing a good job for Exxon.

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