Spineless Trump seeks good relationship with Putin's Russia after Russia votes at UN against Israel

The problem is you're looking at the problem as a military/strategic one.

However, you have to go back and check out Trump speeches. He said something like "We should have taken their oil."

And has zero to do with liberation.

Well you are right but you know Trump is a dangerous idiot. I see no reason to believe General Mattis would follow an order by Trump for the US Military to steal Iraq's oil.

That is my point. Muslim haters like Delbert and Sassy believe and pray that Mattis is as stupid and reckless as Trump. That's Flynn but not Mattis.

Mattis has one major flaw that hopefully gets resolved. He believes Iran created and supports ISIS. That is utter nonsense due to a grudge he has held going back to when Reagan watched all those Marines get killed in Beirut and then Reagan fled Beirut like a skeered rabbit.
deltex1, post: 16488019
From June 44 to early 45, Roosevelts coalition had gone from Normandy to the edge of the Rhine river. Foo's boys are halfway thru Mosul. Well done Foo...you get the obama medal for buggery.

Still an idiot I see. It's not a conventional war being fought moron. But even so. The total number of GIs were killed in Europe on the ground and at sea and in the air.

U.S. Combat Dead by Theater of war - Europe-Atlantic 183,588; Army ground forces 141,088; United States Army Air Forces 36,461 and Navy/Coast Guard 6,039.

Are Allies lost an equal or more number.

Russia lost thousands more attacking from the East.

10 Americans were killed in Iraq since 2014.

Do you know who is doing the fighting and dying?

Men like these.

. “My American friends who are officers promised to let me in their country in case I decide to go there — even if they have to use illegal ways,” he said.


Good thing these US military officers think Trump is full of shit.
deltex1, post: 16488019
From June 44 to early 45, Roosevelts coalition had gone from Normandy to the edge of the Rhine river. Foo's boys are halfway thru Mosul. Well done Foo...you get the obama medal for buggery.

Still an idiot I see. It's not a conventional war being fought moron. But even so. The total number of GIs were killed in Europe on the ground and at sea and in the air.

U.S. Combat Dead by Theater of war - Europe-Atlantic 183,588; Army ground forces 141,088; United States Army Air Forces 36,461 and Navy/Coast Guard 6,039.

Are Allies lost an equal or more number.

Russia lost thousands more attacking from the East.

10 Americans were killed in Iraq since 2014.

Do you know who is doing the fighting and dying?

Men like these.

. “My American friends who are officers promised to let me in their country in case I decide to go there — even if they have to use illegal ways,” he said.


Good thing these US military officers think Trump is full of shit.
Deltex"s point went right over your head.

You wouldn't know what the military thinks so quit thinking you do, ya daffy old loon
SassyIrishLass, post: 16491637
Deltex"s point went right over your head.

Delbert has no point. Only an idiot would think that was a point.

Trump's Muslim ban has been blocked by a judge in Washington State. Freedom and law are going to survive idiot Trump.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16491637
You wouldn't know what the military thinks so quit thinking you do, ya daffy old loon

I didnt claim to know what the military thinks. It's obvious from the report that an Iraqi counter-terrorism office feels betrayed by Trump's Muslim ban including Iraq. He works with US officers who he says they would bring him to the US illegally if necessary.

Those are damn smart US officers in my opinion. Do you agree . Obviously they are not impressed with Trump's Muslim ban and its stupid timing in the midst of liberating Mosul from the terror of ISIS.

At least we freedom loving and un-afraid Americans have now shown these Iraqis that not all Americans fear and hate them.

A GWB judge issued the restraining order on Trump's travel ban.

Emergency Stay of Trump's Executive Order in effect.

The fucking fascist lawyer in Washington State defending Trump's Executive Order banning Muslims argued that since national security is at stake declared by the President, courts have no right to question President. They argued Trump is above the law. Above the Constitution.

Trump must obey this court order. Democracy holds. Fascism takes a blow.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16487054
Mad Dog Mattis is formulating his plan to annihilate the goat fuggers

Why does he need to formulate a plan to annihilate Muslims as you wish. That does not require much of a plan. Just figuring out how to refuel bombers within the range of the Muslins to be annihilated would take care of that.

Mattis is not going to annihilate anybody. I repeat. Mattis is not going to commit war crimes. He is too intelligent and honorable to do that.

Sorry to break you black cold Muslim hating heart.

You lost a big one about an hour ago.

Trump found out he is not above the law big time.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16487054
Mad Dog Mattis is formulating his plan to annihilate the goat fuggers

Why does he need to formulate a plan to annihilate Muslims as you wish. That does not require much of a plan. Just figuring out how to refuel bombers within the range of the Muslins to be annihilated would take care of that.

Mattis is not going to annihilate anybody. I repeat. Mattis is not going to commit war crimes. He is too intelligent and honorable to do that.

Sorry to break you black cold Muslim hating heart.

You lost a big one about an hour ago.

Trump found out he is not above the law big time.
Once again Foo flies up his own ass trying to make a point...any point.

Donald J. Trump


Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only "stupid" people, or fools, would think that it is bad! We.....

10:02 AM - 7 Jan 2017

So Republicans are stupid if they oppose a warm relationship with Putin after Putin voted yes at the UN to condemn Israeli settlements on Palestinian lands.

Why is Trump being an asshole against his own Party and the intelligence community?

Will spineless Trumpunist Party members face this illogical unpatriotic "Make Russia Great Again" moron of a president elect head on?

According to Trump the Great Marl Levin is stupid. That is hilarious.
I wanted to say your hypocrisy is astonishing but it really isn't.
I believe having good relations with a big and powerful country (well to be honest it's always a good thing even with little country) is not bad. It's a good thing for everybody :)
SassyIrishLass, post: 16487054
Mad Dog Mattis is formulating his plan to annihilate the goat fuggers

Why does he need to formulate a plan to annihilate Muslims as you wish. That does not require much of a plan. Just figuring out how to refuel bombers within the range of the Muslins to be annihilated would take care of that.

Mattis is not going to annihilate anybody. I repeat. Mattis is not going to commit war crimes. He is too intelligent and honorable to do that.

Sorry to break you black cold Muslim hating heart.

You lost a big one about an hour ago.

Trump found out he is not above the law big time.
It all boils down to you're just another butthutt left loon Trump won.

Your blather is as tired and worn out as it's always been.

You're a bore, Foo...a colossal bore
Correll, post: 16489522
Trump does not want a new COld War, and ran on NOT fucking with Russia.

Less so was Hillary. You have confused those who are for keeping sanctions and criticizing Putin's anti-democracy actions with 'wanting s new Cold War.

Now Trump sends his new UN Amb out there to tell Putin he must give Crimea back to Ukraine.

You must see now that imposing sanctions on Putin and Trump's Russian Oligarch friends is not wanting a restart of the Cold War.

I see no such thing. I pray this is merely a prelude to negotiation, and not him being co-opted by the Political Class.

And now Trump proposed a US backed safe zone in Syria so that must not be restarting the Cold War either.

You could not have been more wrong much earlier in this thread.

We will see if Trump gives orders to shot down Russian warplanes, like Hillary would have.
Correll, post: 16494284,
I see no such thing. I pray this is merely a prelude to negotiation, and not him being co-opted by the Political Class.

A prelude to negotiation? Praying? I get it.

Creating a safe zone in Syria. Telling Russia to give Crimea back.

Same prelude to negotiation except you were being lied to on Crimea.

On shooting down a Russian jet in or over Syria:

Asked if she would shoot down a Russian jet, were it to violate foreign airspace during airstrikes in Syria, Clinton said it would not come to that.

. “That would not happen, because we're going to put up a no-fly zone where the Russians are clearly kept informed," Clinton said. "I want them at the table."

Wanting them at the table is a reference to negotiating.

On the other hand Trump said, start with diplomacy but:

. “And if that doesn’t work out, I don’t know, you know, at a certain point, when that sucker comes by you, you gotta shoot,” Trump said.

What have Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump said about working with Putin?

Preludes to negotiation are ok for Trump but not for Sec Clinton hypocrite.
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SassyIrishLass, post: 1649521
I've never ran from you, Foo....I just get weary of the same old garbage post after post.

You are running right now. The new topic is Trump. You can't defend Trumpty Dumpty.

Look at your posts. It's all turn tail and run. Nothing more.
SassyIrishLass, post: 1649521
I've never ran from you, Foo....I just get weary of the same old garbage post after post.

You are running right now. The new topic is Trump. You can't defend Trumpty Dumpty.

Look at your posts. It's all turn tail and run. Nothing more.

He's been in office two weeks...give the man a chance. But noooooo you started out with hate and butthurt and it will continue for the next four years.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16495589
He's been in office two weeks...give the man a chance. But noooooo you started out with hate and butthurt and it will continue for the next four years.

He's been making a fool of himself ever since he joined and made the birther movement go mainstream.

He mocked a disabled reporter's physical condition.

He bragged on tape how he sexually assaults women and gets away with it since he is a celebrity.

He gets no mulligans from me and the majority of Americans.

He promised to provide health insurance for all Americans better than Obamacare. That's universal health coverage. Let's see if he delivers.

Republicans are not enthused about wasting twenty billion on the trump boondoggle wall. Hopefully that idiotic idea goes nowhere.

So what should the majority of suddenly decide to trust him on?
SassyIrishLass, post: 16495589
He's been in office two weeks...give the man a chance. But noooooo you started out with hate and butthurt and it will continue for the next four years.

He's been making a fool of himself ever since he joined and made the birther movement go mainstream.

He mocked a disabled reporter's physical condition.

He bragged on tape how he sexually assaults women and gets away with it since he is a celebrity.

He gets no mulligans from me and the majority of Americans.

He promised to provide health insurance for all Americans better than Obamacare. That's universal health coverage. Let's see if he delivers.

Republicans are not enthused about wasting twenty billion on the trump boondoggle wall. Hopefully that idiotic idea goes nowhere.

So what should the majority of suddenly decide to trust him on?

Blah, blah, blah, blah blah.....and blah

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