Spineless Trump seeks good relationship with Putin's Russia after Russia votes at UN against Israel

Correll, post: 16438022
It is my opinion based on my understanding of liberals, and observing Obama's behavior, and netanyahu's response.

What behavior?

I get Netanyahu's response. You wanted Obama to be subservient and kiss the ass of all foreign leaders that you deem fitting to run America for us.

Most American Jews voted for Hillary.

You see I provide backup.

Pollster: Jews voted Clinton more than any other group
Wed, 09 Nov 2016, 06:08 PM

Jewish voters are firmly on the progressive side of the national divide with a 70% to 25% Democrat-to-Republican margin.

The JPost

They are Democrats of varying degrees of liberalism. I doubt you have attained any understanding of liberals, and specifically the American Jewish community. They dont appear to be as frightened of Clinton Kerry and Obama as you are.
Correll, post: 16432716
I supported Netanyahu in his conflict with Obama, because Obama was a fucking ass. He seemed to think that Israel was a client state and that he could bluster an elected head of state into doing what he was told.

Hopefully Netanyahu's fondness for Trump and his tweet about Humpty-Trumpty's Great Wall which pissed Mexico and his opposition at home off, will lead to Netanyahu's fall.

Yesh Atid leader and former finance minister Yair Lapid would be well-placed to form Israel’s next coalition if Knesset elections were held today, according to a Channel 10 survey released Friday.

The survey, overseen by leading statistician Camil Fuchs, showed Lapid’s centrist opposition party Yesh Atid winning 27 of the 120 Knesset seats — up from its current total of 11 — and outstripping Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud as Israel’s biggest party. This would theoretically leave Lapid strongly placed to form a majority coalition and become prime minister.

Poll: Lapid could be PM if elections were held today

Yahu is under investigation for corruption as well.

The right wing foreign leader you want running America, may not be running his own country for long. If Trump contributes to Yahu's political demise I would be eternally great full for that.
“That is why we fear this executive order may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security.”

Correll, post: 16439257
Seems a waste of time with you. You are not going to seriously address anything I say regardless, so....

You loved Dick Cheney's invasion of Iraq and still do. Maybe he knows somthing about a Muslim ban being detrimental in the good guys war against terrorists.

Dick Cheney Thinks Trump's Muslim Ban Is 'Against Everything We Stand For'

Dick Cheney Thinks Trump's Muslim Ban Is 'Against Everything We Stand For'

Or Lindsay Graham or John McCain.

. “This executive order sends a signal, intended or not, that America does not want Muslims coming into our country,” they said. “That is why we fear this executive order may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security.”

Sens. McCain, Graham: Trump's Order Could Become 'Self-Inflicted Wound' In Terror Fight | The Huffington Post

Trump's agitating the millions and millions of Muslims that are needed desperately on our side against those who commit terrorism in the name of Islam.

That's bad. And thanks to you he's where he is.
“That is why we fear this executive order may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security.”

Correll, post: 16439257
Seems a waste of time with you. You are not going to seriously address anything I say regardless, so....

You loved Dick Cheney's invasion of Iraq and still do. Maybe he knows somthing about a Muslim ban being detrimental in the good guys war against terrorists.

Dick Cheney Thinks Trump's Muslim Ban Is 'Against Everything We Stand For'

Dick Cheney Thinks Trump's Muslim Ban Is 'Against Everything We Stand For'

Or Lindsay Graham or John McCain.

. “This executive order sends a signal, intended or not, that America does not want Muslims coming into our country,” they said. “That is why we fear this executive order may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security.”

Sens. McCain, Graham: Trump's Order Could Become 'Self-Inflicted Wound' In Terror Fight | The Huffington Post

Trump's agitating the millions and millions of Muslims that are needed desperately on our side against those who commit terrorism in the name of Islam.

That's bad. And thanks to you he's where he is.

We get it, you think we just need to "understand" them. You don't know shit about Radical Islam or what drives them kid.
Correll, post: 16439257
Seems a waste of time with you. You are not going to seriously address anything I say regardless, so....

So you have something but won't post it.

That seems to be a pattern with you when your arguments reach a dead end.

So you make decisions about politics based upon what 'seems' to you to be a fact.

Just trying to understand where and on what basis you post your unsubstantiated and factless based opinions upon.

I already explained. You pretended to want more information. As though there was any chance that anything I said would be relevant to your dismissal that would follow.
“That is why we fear this executive order may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security.”

Correll, post: 16439257
Seems a waste of time with you. You are not going to seriously address anything I say regardless, so....

You loved Dick Cheney's invasion of Iraq and still do. Maybe he knows somthing about a Muslim ban being detrimental in the good guys war against terrorists.

Dick Cheney Thinks Trump's Muslim Ban Is 'Against Everything We Stand For'

Dick Cheney Thinks Trump's Muslim Ban Is 'Against Everything We Stand For'

Or Lindsay Graham or John McCain.

. “This executive order sends a signal, intended or not, that America does not want Muslims coming into our country,” they said. “That is why we fear this executive order may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security.”

Sens. McCain, Graham: Trump's Order Could Become 'Self-Inflicted Wound' In Terror Fight | The Huffington Post

Trump's agitating the millions and millions of Muslims that are needed desperately on our side against those who commit terrorism in the name of Islam.

That's bad. And thanks to you he's where he is.

We don't want Muslims coming into our country.

That is a fact, jack.
Correll, post: 16444159,
We don't want Muslims coming into our country.

That is a fact, jack.

What about Muslims already here?

Your bigotry and hate will not be satisfied. Trump has not stopped all Muslims from getting in. And he never will.
Correll, post: 16444159,
We don't want Muslims coming into our country.

That is a fact, jack.

What about Muslims already here?

Your bigotry and hate will not be satisfied. Trump has not stopped all Muslims from getting in. And he never will.

Blah, blah, blah, bigot. Blah, blah, blah, hate.

YOu are more upset by my disagreeing with you than you are with this.

Israel needs to stop "undermining" Trump's peace effort, Whitehouse says.

Trump warns Israel: Stop announcing new settlements
Thu, 02 Feb 2017, Jerusalem Post.

Correll, post: 16446732
Blah, blah, blah, bigot. Blah, blah, blah, hate.

You are a hate filled bigot. Guess what? Trump told Netanyahu to stop building new West Bank settlements. It harms the 50 years of US policy for a two state solution.

Have you condemned Trump for on Israel yet? White Trump can do it, right?

. In his first week in office, Israel announced it would authorize 2,500 settlement housing units in the West Bank. Days later, it proceeded with an additional 3,000 units.

The JPost

Looks like Obama did Trump a favor by standing up to Yahu first.

WASHINGTON – The White House warned Israel on Thursday – in a surprising statement – to cease settlement announcements that are “unilateral” and “undermining” of President Donald Trump’s effort to forge Middle East peace, a senior administration official told The Jerusalem Post.

For the first time, the administration confirmed that Trump is committed to a comprehensive two-state solution to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict negotiated between the parties.
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Correll, post: 16249510
Trump is the Peace Candidate. Hillary was the Cold War, maybe Hot War candidate.

Not anymore. Trump joins GOP Cold War against Putin so quickly after two weeks as Republican President.

1. TOUGH TALK. 6 hours ago
Haley: Russia Must Withdraw From Crimea

Haley: Russia Must Withdraw From Crimea

Crimea will never go back to Ukraine. They would be nuts to.

Now Trump us reigniting the Cold War (as you call it) for gods sakes. No one has talked about Crimea for three years. Now Trump sends Haley to the UN to rattle sabers over Crimea.

What's up with that, Republican warmonger?
Israel needs to stop "undermining" Trump's peace effort, Whitehouse says.

Trump warns Israel: Stop announcing new settlements
Thu, 02 Feb 2017, Jerusalem Post.

Correll, post: 16446732
Blah, blah, blah, bigot. Blah, blah, blah, hate.

You are a hate filled bigot. Guess what? Trump told Netanyahu to stop building new West Bank settlements. It harms the 50 years of US policy for a two state solution.

Have you condemned Trump for on Israel yet? White Trump can do it, right?

. In his first week in office, Israel announced it would authorize 2,500 settlement housing units in the West Bank. Days later, it proceeded with an additional 3,000 units.

The JPost

Looks like Obama did Trump a favor by standing up to Yahu first.

WASHINGTON – The White House warned Israel on Thursday – in a surprising statement – to cease settlement announcements that are “unilateral” and “undermining” of President Donald Trump’s effort to forge Middle East peace, a senior administration official told The Jerusalem Post.

For the first time, the administration confirmed that Trump is committed to a comprehensive two-state solution to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict negotiated between the parties.

Your Race Card play is noted. Fuck you.

Also, nothing in the rest of your post has any relation to anything I have said in this thread, you raving liar.
Correll, post: 16249510
Trump is the Peace Candidate. Hillary was the Cold War, maybe Hot War candidate.

Not anymore. Trump joins GOP Cold War against Putin so quickly after two weeks as Republican President.

1. TOUGH TALK. 6 hours ago
Haley: Russia Must Withdraw From Crimea

Haley: Russia Must Withdraw From Crimea

Crimea will never go back to Ukraine. They would be nuts to.

Now Trump us reigniting the Cold War (as you call it) for gods sakes. No one has talked about Crimea for three years. Now Trump sends Haley to the UN to rattle sabers over Crimea.

What's up with that, Republican warmonger?

A mistake on Trump's part. I don't know what he thinks he can accomplish with that.

The Russians will never leave the Crimea.
Correll, post: 16485256
ke on Trump's part. I don't know what he thinks he can accomplish with that.

The Russians will never leave the Crimea.[/QUOTE

Nor should the Russians ever leave Crimea or better said, the Crimeans should never ever join screwed up right wing Ukraine.

So you've been lied to and now by your standards Trump like every other big mouth interventionist Republican is igniting a Cold War with Russia and Jhina.

At least Putin had the good sense to tell the knuckleheads in Kiev to stand down and not resist Russia's little green men that swarmed the Crimean Peninsula and sent the Ukrainian Army Navy and Air Force packing without fight.

Romney or McCain would surely have escalated that situation much closer to a major conflict with Russia than Obama ever did.

Republicans are natural born warmongers and always will be.

I told all my Russian friends that were duped into believing Trump would make the US and Russia great friends.

Simply put. Trump is running as a Republican. And he lies a lot.

Trump is your warmonger Republican war monger.

I actually want to buy vacation property in Crimea before the bridge to mainland Russia gets finished. But sanctions won't be lifted anytime soon.

Damn you Warmongering Republicans.
Correll, post: 16485248
Also, nothing in the rest of your post has any relation to anything I have said in this thread, you raving liar.

Ohh the hypocrisy is so clear now. Hypocrites like you never see your own hypocrisy,

The black President was condemned for standing up to Yahu for his pro settlement policies. And white Trump comes along telling Yahu to stop them, early in his term, and nary a peep out of you.

Does this ring a bell you reckless partisan ass?

Correll, post: 16432716
IMO, us russian relations are NOT based on our two nation's working in harmony on the two state solution.

That is certainly NOT cause for a new Cold War.

Your attempt to gin that up as an excuse to accuse me of being a partisan hypocrite is meaningless garbage.

I supported Netanyahu in his conflict with Obama, because Obama was a fucking ass. He seemed to think that Israel was a client state and that he could bluster an elected head of state into doing what he was told.

Now that Trump is telling Yahu what to do and reminding Yahu he is bad for peace, is your precious Trump a fucking ass.

Or is that label strictly for a black president for doing exactly the same thing. Promoting the longstanding US position of a two state solution.

An amazing partisan hypocrite you are.
Correll, post: 16485256
ke on Trump's part. I don't know what he thinks he can accomplish with that.

The Russians will never leave the Crimea.[/QUOTE

Nor should the Russians ever leave Crimea or better said, the Crimeans should never ever join screwed up right wing Ukraine.

So you've been lied to and now by your standards Trump like every other big mouth interventionist Republican is igniting a Cold War with Russia and Jhina.

At least Putin had the good sense to tell the knuckleheads in Kiev to stand down and not resist Russia's little green men that swarmed the Crimean Peninsula and sent the Ukrainian Army Navy and Air Force packing without fight.

Romney or McCain would surely have escalated that situation much closer to a major conflict with Russia than Obama ever did.

Republicans are natural born warmongers and always will be.

I told all my Russian friends that were duped into believing Trump would make the US and Russia great friends.

Simply put. Trump is running as a Republican. And he lies a lot.

Trump is your warmonger Republican war monger.

I actually want to buy vacation property in Crimea before the bridge to mainland Russia gets finished. But sanctions won't be lifted anytime soon.

Damn you Warmongering Republicans.

The dems and the republicans have a bi-partisan consensus on confronting Russia.

Trump ran against that. He is a real outsider.

The only hope of avoiding a Cold War at least, was to go to an outsider.

The rest of your post is partisan nonsense.
Correll, post: 16485248
Also, nothing in the rest of your post has any relation to anything I have said in this thread, you raving liar.

Ohh the hypocrisy is so clear now. Hypocrites like you never see your own hypocrisy,

The black President was condemned for standing up to Yahu for his pro settlement policies. And white Trump comes along telling Yahu to stop them, early in his term, and nary a peep out of you.

Does this ring a bell you reckless partisan ass?

Correll, post: 16432716
IMO, us russian relations are NOT based on our two nation's working in harmony on the two state solution.

That is certainly NOT cause for a new Cold War.

Your attempt to gin that up as an excuse to accuse me of being a partisan hypocrite is meaningless garbage.

I supported Netanyahu in his conflict with Obama, because Obama was a fucking ass. He seemed to think that Israel was a client state and that he could bluster an elected head of state into doing what he was told.

Now that Trump is telling Yahu what to do and reminding Yahu he is bad for peace, is your precious Trump a fucking ass.

Or is that label strictly for a black president for doing exactly the same thing. Promoting the longstanding US position of a two state solution.

An amazing partisan hypocrite you are.

Your race baiting is noted. YOu are an asshole. Fuck you.

Beyond that, you don't seem to be able to see what I type. Nothing in my posts regarding Obama implied that I expected complete agreement iwth Netenyahu, from him, or from Trump.

Try to be less of a bat shit crazy asshole.
Correll, post: 16486113
Beyond that, you don't seem to be able to see what I type. Nothing in my posts regarding Obama implied that I expected complete agreement iwth Netenyahu, from him, or from Trump.

No one ever types explicit words such as "I am a racist hypocrit" but the context of your words must certainly convey that,

You now claim that you did not expect complete agreement with Netenyahu from Obama or from Trump.

But when Obama disagreed you called him a fucking ass.

You have not referred to Trump as a fucking ass for the same disagreement.

AnalysisTrump's Warning to Israel: Bragging About Settlements Embarrasses Me
Massive new building projects in the West Bank upset moderate Arab states that Trump needs to rebuff claims that he's anti-Muslim.

Analysis //Trump's warning to Israel: Bragging about settlements embarrasses me - U.S. News

Why not call Trump a fucking ass if you are not a hypocrit?
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Donald J. Trump


Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only "stupid" people, or fools, would think that it is bad! We.....

10:02 AM - 7 Jan 2017

So Republicans are stupid if they oppose a warm relationship with Putin after Putin voted yes at the UN to condemn Israeli settlements on Palestinian lands.

Why is Trump being an asshole against his own Party and the intelligence community?

Will spineless Trumpunist Party members face this illogical unpatriotic "Make Russia Great Again" moron of a president elect head on?

According to Trump the Great Marl Levin is stupid. That is hilarious.
Correll, post: 16486085
The dems and the republicans have a bi-partisan consensus on confronting Russia.

No they don't. You are an idiot if you believe that.

Republicans are far more hawkish. Very much more hawkish on everything.

The whole eight year wing nut tirade against Obama was that he was weak, leading from behind. Not standing up to anything with US military threats.

When you vote for an outsider Republican for President and Congress you are voting to give warmongers more power.

That's what you have done warmonger Republican. That is exactly what you have done.
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