Spineless Trump seeks good relationship with Putin's Russia after Russia votes at UN against Israel

deltex1, post: 16486502.

You have a white Commander in Chief now. Your 8 year hiatus from honoring our troops assisting and killing capturing and destroying terrorist enemies all around the globe should be officially ending soon don't you think.

Can you spell Kobani - Tikrit -and Baghdad (never falling) idiot?

Good news is our side has been winning and actually preparing for the future after the win.

Something idiot Bush did not do when he agreed with Maliki to pull US Troops out in three years date certain.

Ali Abdul-Hassan | Associated Press8:12 a.m. ET Feb. 3, 2017
Basmaya, Iraq — The U.S.-led coalition is planning for the day when Iraq will be free of the Islamic State group, ramping up training of a future Mosul police force — even as the battle for the rest of the city is briefly on hold.

Sometime during the lull, significant numbers of the security forces are expected to move into villages scattered across the plains of Ninevah province around Mosul and also into parts of the city retaken from IS over the past three months.

The Iraqi military declared Mosul’s eastern half “fully liberated” in January and is now preparing to battle for the city’s western sector — likely to be a much tougher fight in a dense and overcrowded urban environment. The operation to free Iraq’s second-largest city has been the most complex challenge for Iraqi forces to date.

U.S.-led coalition trains police, plans IS-free Iraq

At least I'm consistantly on the same side against our enemies. Our side.
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deltex1, post: 16486868
A white man with balls...versus a brown man without.

How would you know unless you've been down their for both. I do know the white man has no brains but the black man does. The brain part is getting the residents if the region to fight and police their own lives by providing training and air support to defeat ISiS keeping outsider casualties to an extreme minimum.
deltex1, post: 16486860
I see you left out Syria....but only a few peeps died there. Gfy

Our side has been winning there as well. Assad and Putin were instrumental in the rise of ISIS there. But ASSAD's Chemical weapons are gone and Kobani was liberated as you were mockin our military efforts there. Just like you are still doing about Mosul.

There is another lull in the fighting in Mosul now that Trump took over. What's up with that?
deltex1, post: 16486860
I see you left out Syria....but only a few peeps died there. Gfy

Our side has been winning there as well. Assad and Putin were instrumental in the rise of ISIS there. But ASSAD's Chemical weapons are gone and Kobani was liberated as you were mockin our military efforts there. Just like you are still doing about Mosul.

There is another lull in the fighting in Mosul now that Trump took over. What's up with that?

Mad Dog Mattis is formulating his plan to annihilate the goat fuggers
By our side you mean the unprecedented coalition of 60 plus countries.

I keep googling for that list of 60 plus countries.....nada.
By our side you mean the unprecedented coalition of 60 plus countries.

I keep googling for that list of 60 plus countries.....nada.

Ears counts coalition countries like he counted states....that's how the dope came up with 57
deltex1, post: 16487257
By our side you mean the unprecedented coalition of 60 plus countries

Get off your lazy pro- terrorist ass and count the countries involved with the US in the war against terrorists in Iraq Sryia Afghanistan etc from all around the globe. I'm sure you'll get to sixty unless you can only count to 21 if you take your socks off and pull your panties down.

Start with A for Australia which Trump figured out a way to piss off already.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16487306
Yeah sure, Foo.....keep on thinking that if it makes you warm and fuzzy

There are disagreements for sure but there is little argument to be made for massive troop deployments in Iraq and Syria. They simply aren't needed with Mosul more than half liberated and in a few months it is expected to be fully liberated.

See my link about training the police.

I was always a Petraeus fan and Mattis coauthored this book with him.?

Inside the mind of 'Mad Dog' Mattis (Opinion) - CNN.com

. He co-authored with General David Petraeus the 2006 counterinsurgency manual that helped to revolutionize the US approach to the Iraq War, emphasizing that fighting insurgents required -- at least in the short term -- assuming greater risks for American troops who had to get out of their massive bases and live among the Iraqi people if they were to have a chance of really understanding and ultimately defeating the Iraqi insurgency.

You wing-nuts went Berzerk against Obama when McCrystal proposed the same counterinsurgency plan for Afghanistan and implemented it.

That's when Spin became a surrender monkey on Afghanistan.

Unlike Trump Mattis is a military intellectual. I have confidence he will restrain Trump from using the military for publicity stunts.

And he stringly opposed torture and taking out terrorists families as Trump has provoked.

He will abide by the Geneva conventions and strongly support NATO.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16487306
Yeah sure, Foo.....keep on thinking that if it makes you warm and fuzzy

There are disagreements for sure but there is little argument to be made for massive troop deployments in Iraq and Syria. They simply aren't needed with Mosul more than half liberated and in a few months it is expected to be fully liberated.

See my link about training the police.

I was always a Petraeus fan and Mattis coauthored this book with him.?

Inside the mind of 'Mad Dog' Mattis (Opinion) - CNN.com

. He co-authored with General David Petraeus the 2006 counterinsurgency manual that helped to revolutionize the US approach to the Iraq War, emphasizing that fighting insurgents required -- at least in the short term -- assuming greater risks for American troops who had to get out of their massive bases and live among the Iraqi people if they were to have a chance of really understanding and ultimately defeating the Iraqi insurgency.

You wing-nuts went Berzerk against Obama when McCrystal proposed the same counterinsurgency plan for Afghanistan and implemented it.

That's when Spin became a surrender monkey on Afghanistan.

Unlike Trump Mattis is a military intellectual. I have confidence he will restrain Trump from using the military for publicity stunts.

And he stringly opposed torture and taking out terrorists families as Trump has provoked.

He will abide by the Geneva conventions and strongly support NATO.

Foo, Foo, Foo....I listened to you try and prop up Obungles for eight years and never once took your gibberish serious....he's gone into the dust bins of history and I'm not about to take you serious now
From June 44 to early 45, Roosevelts coalition had gone from Normandy to the edge of the Rhine river. Foo's boys are halfway thru Mosul. Well done Foo...you get the obama medal for buggery.
Correll, post: 16486085
The dems and the republicans have a bi-partisan consensus on confronting Russia.

No they don't. You are an idiot if you believe that.

Republicans are far more hawkish. Very much more hawkish on everything.

The whole eight year wing nut tirade against Obama was that he was weak, leading from behind. Not standing up to anything with US military threats.

When you vote for an outsider Republican for President and Congress you are voting to give warmongers more power.

That's what you have done warmonger Republican. That is exactly what you have done.

YOur opinion is noted.

Trump does not want a new COld War, and ran on NOT fucking with Russia.
There are disagreements for sure but there is little argument to be made for massive troop deployments in Iraq and Syria. They simply aren't needed with Mosul more than half liberated and in a few months it is expected to be fully liberated.
The problem is you're looking at the problem as a military/strategic one.

However, you have to go back and check out Trump speeches. He said something like "We should have taken their oil."

And has zero to do with liberation.
Correll, post: 16489522
Trump does not want a new COld War, and ran on NOT fucking with Russia.

Less so was Hillary. You have confused those who are for keeping sanctions and criticizing Putin's anti-democracy actions with 'wanting s new Cold War.

Now Trump sends his new UN Amb out there to tell Putin he must give Crimea back to Ukraine.

You must see now that imposing sanctions on Putin and Trump's Russian Oligarch friends is not wanting a restart of the Cold War.

And now Trump proposed a US backed safe zone in Syria so that must not be restarting the Cold War either.

You could not have been more wrong much earlier in this thread.

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