Spinning the Black Racist Murderer in Connecticut

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Christoper Donovan: Hate-Fueled Black Mass Murderer in Connecticut Spun as ‘Disgruntled Man’ by Media The Occidental Observer Blog

Yet the majority of the MSM totally underplayed the racial angle, for reasons everyone by now understands: the killer was black, and the victims were white. My own local newspaper made absolutely no mention of the racial element in the small brief it ran. But given that race was what (rightly or wrongly) drove the entire incident, the media’s censorship of this is a gross dereliction of duty.
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He was just a disgruntled common thief who got caught stealing beer (on video), got fired, mass murdered, who happened to be black.
No more, no less.
Onto the next roadside attraction.....
Other then the fact that he bragged to his mother that he killed white people.
Other then the fact that he bragged to his mother that he killed white people.

Got any PROOF of that Skippy?


Other then the fact that he bragged to his mother that he killed white people.

Got any PROOF of that Skippy?

"You probably want to know the reason why I shot this place up," Thornton said.

"They treat me bad over here, and they treat all the other black employees bad over here too. So I just took it into my own hands and I handled the problem," he said.

"I wish I coulda got more of the people."

The guys a real idiot.
I mean, why did he kill himself? I'm sure eric holder would have had all the charges against him dropped.
He obviously thought a conspiracy was afoot by white people to get him despite the fact that he was already a theif. I think the fact that he got caught had more to do with his breaking point than anything else. I'ts likely that he believed theft was justifiable because of the racism he was or at least thought he was experiencing. Angry at the fact that ultimately he couldn't outsmart his oppressors and was caught was an affront to his pride. The fact that he was already packing heat suggests that he was expecting this conclusion and had planned the scenario beforehand. This would explain his calm demeanor and methodical execution. Such a mental state could only be the result of lingering emotional distress and pent up anger. There was obviously something wrong in this mans life and I'd wager it wasn't simple, petty racism at work.
Christoper Donovan: Hate-Fueled Black Mass Murderer in Connecticut Spun as ‘Disgruntled Man’ by Media The Occidental Observer Blog

Yet the majority of the MSM totally underplayed the racial angle, for reasons everyone by now understands: the killer was black, and the victims were white. My own local newspaper made absolutely no mention of the racial element in the small brief it ran. But given that race was what (rightly or wrongly) drove the entire incident, the media’s censorship of this is a gross dereliction of duty.

His own words indicted him as a racist.

He was a thief and got caught so he decided to exact retribution against all of those racists he didn't like.
Racists are sick fucks who will exploit any tragedy to try and justify their dark hate. Fucking punk *****.
Christoper Donovan: Hate-Fueled Black Mass Murderer in Connecticut Spun as ‘Disgruntled Man’ by Media The Occidental Observer Blog

Yet the majority of the MSM totally underplayed the racial angle, for reasons everyone by now understands: the killer was black, and the victims were white. My own local newspaper made absolutely no mention of the racial element in the small brief it ran. But given that race was what (rightly or wrongly) drove the entire incident, the media’s censorship of this is a gross dereliction of duty.

His own words indicted him as a racist.

He was a thief and got caught so he decided to exact retribution against all of those racists he didn't like.

That's pretty close to the truth although I think he suffered from other problems and scapegoated others for those problems. This is common among people who suffer deep depression or other illnesses. Now, if he was drinking on the job he just exacerbated the situation 10 fold because alchohol is simply a sedative that slowly puts your brain to sleep starting with the logical side so your left running on pure emotion. Very bad and has nothing to do with him being black.
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Christoper Donovan: Hate-Fueled Black Mass Murderer in Connecticut Spun as ‘Disgruntled Man’ by Media The Occidental Observer Blog

Yet the majority of the MSM totally underplayed the racial angle, for reasons everyone by now understands: the killer was black, and the victims were white. My own local newspaper made absolutely no mention of the racial element in the small brief it ran. But given that race was what (rightly or wrongly) drove the entire incident, the media’s censorship of this is a gross dereliction of duty.

His own words indicted him as a racist.

He was a thief and got caught so he decided to exact retribution against all of those racists he didn't like.

That's pretty close to the truth although I think he suffered from other problems and scapegoated others for those problems. This is common among people who suffer deep depression or other illnesses. Now, if he was drinking on the job he just exacerbated the situation 10 fold because alchohol is simply a sedative that slowly puts your brain to sleep starting with the logical side so your left running on pure emotion. Very bad and has nothing to do with him being black.

i think anyone who goes in to work and kills 8 people is probably suffering from some sort of illness.
Regardless of why he did it, I still don't see how thinking other people treated one in a racist manner makes one a racist.

And funny that WJ would accuse someone of being what he so proudly is....:lol:
Christoper Donovan: Hate-Fueled Black Mass Murderer in Connecticut Spun as ‘Disgruntled Man’ by Media The Occidental Observer Blog

Yet the majority of the MSM totally underplayed the racial angle, for reasons everyone by now understands: the killer was black, and the victims were white. My own local newspaper made absolutely no mention of the racial element in the small brief it ran. But given that race was what (rightly or wrongly) drove the entire incident, the media’s censorship of this is a gross dereliction of duty.

His own words indicted him as a racist.

He was a thief and got caught so he decided to exact retribution against all of those racists he didn't like.

That's pretty close to the truth although I think he suffered from other problems and scapegoated others for those problems. This is common among people who suffer deep depression or other illnesses. Now, if he was drinking on the job he just exacerbated the situation 10 fold because alchohol is simply a sedative that slowly puts your brain to sleep starting with the logical side so your left running on pure emotion. Very bad and has nothing to do with him being black.

Being black isn't a genetic defect.....but mentally this guy was all screwed up because of his obsession with race.

This guy was messed up....only a social degenerate feels that murder is a solution to depression.
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If he had been white and ALL his victims black..... ya the press would not have mentioned that at all.
Maybe if the company hired more blacks or asians all the victims wouldn't have been white.


Or maybe he wouldn't have felt justified in killing anyone.

Then again maybe he was just a low-life that couldn't get along with anyone of the wrong color.

Maybe he feels everyone hates him because he's black
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His own words indicted him as a racist.

He was a thief and got caught so he decided to exact retribution against all of those racists he didn't like.

That's pretty close to the truth although I think he suffered from other problems and scapegoated others for those problems. This is common among people who suffer deep depression or other illnesses. Now, if he was drinking on the job he just exacerbated the situation 10 fold because alchohol is simply a sedative that slowly puts your brain to sleep starting with the logical side so your left running on pure emotion. Very bad and has nothing to do with him being black.

Being black isn't a genetic defect.....but mentally this guy was all screwed up because of his obsession with race.

This guy was messed up....only a social degenerate feels that murder is a solution to depression.

I think race was simply an easy answer for him. I don't think he was necessarily racist to begin with. It's possible, but we don't have enough to data to say either wasy so we can only speculate.

You'd be surprised what extremely sad people are capable of when they start to pin their problems on the wrong people. They turn hate into violence.
That's pretty close to the truth although I think he suffered from other problems and scapegoated others for those problems. This is common among people who suffer deep depression or other illnesses. Now, if he was drinking on the job he just exacerbated the situation 10 fold because alchohol is simply a sedative that slowly puts your brain to sleep starting with the logical side so your left running on pure emotion. Very bad and has nothing to do with him being black.

Being black isn't a genetic defect.....but mentally this guy was all screwed up because of his obsession with race.

This guy was messed up....only a social degenerate feels that murder is a solution to depression.

I think race was simply an easy answer for him. I don't think he was necessarily racist to begin with. It's possible, but we don't have enough to data to say either wasy so we can only speculate.

You'd be surprised what extremely sad people are capable of when they start to pin their problems on the wrong people. They turn hate into violence.

would you acknowledge that if the man was white and the victims were all black the media would be doing much more "speculation" as to how big a role race played in the murders?
there would definitely be serious "speculation" that he was a tea party member, or that he read glenn beck or sean hannity.

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