SPOKESMAN FOR ICE JUST QUIT, 'I couldn't bear the burden of lying for the Trump admin. any longer'

And another person with integrity leaving due to Trumps incessent lying....

ICE Spokesman Quits Over Leaders' Use Of 'Misleading Facts' To Discuss Calif. Arrests

James Schwab has resigned from his job as a Department of Homeland Security spokesman, saying he didn't agree with Trump administration officials' use of "misleading facts" to attack Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf after the mayor issued a warning about an immigration sweep in late February.

"I quit because I didn't want to perpetuate misleading facts," Schwab told the San Francisco Chronicle. "I asked them to change the information. I told them that the information was wrong, they asked me to deflect, and I didn't agree with that. Then I took some time and I quit."
I don't blame him. I had to do the same thing once, in a job I had. But it is too bad that the administration is losing so many of the people who just can't take the stench anymore. When they're all gone, who does it leave?
Of course anyone with an ounce of integrity or morals would want to abandon this clown show that is the Trump administration. The only ones sticking to him are the ones void of moral character or are also in bed with the Russians and will go down with the ship no matter what.
Another hillary panty-sniffer sounds off.
Well he's the head of the San Francisco part of ICE I guess, so you're saying there's no political pressure on him from Sacramento re: the recent lawsuit filed by the feds against the CA Gov and AG?
A correction..he is/was the Head Spokesperson for ICE in San Francisco.. not the head of ICE/SF.
Another obama holdover quits... shocker... and who gives a fuck?

The swamp draining continues.
NOTE: Head SPOKESMAN not head of. (New here, can't figure out how to change a title!!)

SESSIONS was lying through his ass when he went to CA and told Trump what he wanted to hear?

ICE spokesman quits after saying he ‘couldn’t bear the burden’ of lying for the Trump administration

13 MAR 2018 AT 00:15 ET

Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman James Schwab on Monday resigned from his role with the San Francisco division, citing the “burden” of spreading falsehoods from Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

As CNN reports, Schwab accused Sessions and Acting Director Tom Homan of deliberately spreading misleading information after ICE slammed Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s decision to warn the public about upcoming ICE raids.

“Sanctuary jurisdictions like San Francisco and Oakland shield dangerous criminal aliens from federal law enforcement at the expense of public safety,” Homan said of Schaaf’s warning. ”Because these jurisdictions prevent ICE from arresting criminal aliens in the secure confines of a jail, they also force ICE officers to make more arrests out in the community, which poses increased risks for law enforcement and the public.”

“864 criminal aliens and public safety threats remain at large in the community, and I have to believe that some of them were able to elude us thanks to the mayor’s irresponsible decision,” Homan said.

“Director Homan and the Attorney General said there were 800 people at large and free to roam because of the actions of the Oakland Mayor,” Schwab told CNN. “Personally I think her actions were misguided and not responsible. I think she could have had other options. But to blame her for 800 dangerous people out there is just false.”

Schwab told SFGate, “I quit because I didn’t want to perpetuate misleading facts.”

ICE spokesman quits after saying he 'couldn't bear the burden' of lying for the Trump administration

When Little Donald comes to CA he'll get to see his wall that won't get built and then get a boot in the ass as he is forced to leave the state.

So long Cadet Bone Spurs, where were you during the hostage situation at the Veterans Home? You could have walked straight in there under massive gunfire unarmed and saved everyone. Don't let the door hit you on your fat ass as you slither out.
And another person with integrity leaving due to Trumps incessent lying....

ICE Spokesman Quits Over Leaders' Use Of 'Misleading Facts' To Discuss Calif. Arrests

James Schwab has resigned from his job as a Department of Homeland Security spokesman, saying he didn't agree with Trump administration officials' use of "misleading facts" to attack Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf after the mayor issued a warning about an immigration sweep in late February.

"I quit because I didn't want to perpetuate misleading facts," Schwab told the San Francisco Chronicle. "I asked them to change the information. I told them that the information was wrong, they asked me to deflect, and I didn't agree with that. Then I took some time and I quit."
Good riddance to another spineless criminal loving lefttard.
And another person with integrity leaving due to Trumps incessent lying....

ICE Spokesman Quits Over Leaders' Use Of 'Misleading Facts' To Discuss Calif. Arrests

James Schwab has resigned from his job as a Department of Homeland Security spokesman, saying he didn't agree with Trump administration officials' use of "misleading facts" to attack Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf after the mayor issued a warning about an immigration sweep in late February.

"I quit because I didn't want to perpetuate misleading facts," Schwab told the San Francisco Chronicle. "I asked them to change the information. I told them that the information was wrong, they asked me to deflect, and I didn't agree with that. Then I took some time and I quit."

So the press Secretary for DHS in that locality resigned and this is supposed to be national news?
And another person with integrity leaving due to Trumps incessent lying....

ICE Spokesman Quits Over Leaders' Use Of 'Misleading Facts' To Discuss Calif. Arrests

James Schwab has resigned from his job as a Department of Homeland Security spokesman, saying he didn't agree with Trump administration officials' use of "misleading facts" to attack Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf after the mayor issued a warning about an immigration sweep in late February.

"I quit because I didn't want to perpetuate misleading facts," Schwab told the San Francisco Chronicle. "I asked them to change the information. I told them that the information was wrong, they asked me to deflect, and I didn't agree with that. Then I took some time and I quit."
Good riddance to another spineless criminal loving lefttard.
ROTFL! Yeah, he couldn't just a person who took a principled stand..even if you disagree with his principles, or the necessity of his stance, now could he?
NOTE: Head SPOKESMAN not head of. (New here, can't figure out how to change a title!!)

SESSIONS was lying through his ass when he went to CA and told Trump what he wanted to hear?

ICE spokesman quits after saying he ‘couldn’t bear the burden’ of lying for the Trump administration

13 MAR 2018 AT 00:15 ET

Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman James Schwab on Monday resigned from his role with the San Francisco division, citing the “burden” of spreading falsehoods from Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

As CNN reports, Schwab accused Sessions and Acting Director Tom Homan of deliberately spreading misleading information after ICE slammed Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s decision to warn the public about upcoming ICE raids.

“Sanctuary jurisdictions like San Francisco and Oakland shield dangerous criminal aliens from federal law enforcement at the expense of public safety,” Homan said of Schaaf’s warning. ”Because these jurisdictions prevent ICE from arresting criminal aliens in the secure confines of a jail, they also force ICE officers to make more arrests out in the community, which poses increased risks for law enforcement and the public.”

“864 criminal aliens and public safety threats remain at large in the community, and I have to believe that some of them were able to elude us thanks to the mayor’s irresponsible decision,” Homan said.

“Director Homan and the Attorney General said there were 800 people at large and free to roam because of the actions of the Oakland Mayor,” Schwab told CNN. “Personally I think her actions were misguided and not responsible. I think she could have had other options. But to blame her for 800 dangerous people out there is just false.”

Schwab told SFGate, “I quit because I didn’t want to perpetuate misleading facts.”

ICE spokesman quits after saying he 'couldn't bear the burden' of lying for the Trump administration

When Little Donald comes to CA he'll get to see his wall that won't get built and then get a boot in the ass as he is forced to leave the state.

So long Cadet Bone Spurs, where were you during the hostage situation at the Veterans Home? You could have walked straight in there under massive gunfire unarmed and saved everyone. Don't let the door hit you on your fat ass as you slither out.

Oh, and I'm sure a edited like you will be doing the kicking...

Internet toughguy.
Last edited by a moderator:
NOTE: Head SPOKESMAN not head of. (New here, can't figure out how to change a title!!)

SESSIONS was lying through his ass when he went to CA and told Trump what he wanted to hear?

ICE spokesman quits after saying he ‘couldn’t bear the burden’ of lying for the Trump administration

13 MAR 2018 AT 00:15 ET

Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman James Schwab on Monday resigned from his role with the San Francisco division, citing the “burden” of spreading falsehoods from Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

As CNN reports, Schwab accused Sessions and Acting Director Tom Homan of deliberately spreading misleading information after ICE slammed Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s decision to warn the public about upcoming ICE raids.

“Sanctuary jurisdictions like San Francisco and Oakland shield dangerous criminal aliens from federal law enforcement at the expense of public safety,” Homan said of Schaaf’s warning. ”Because these jurisdictions prevent ICE from arresting criminal aliens in the secure confines of a jail, they also force ICE officers to make more arrests out in the community, which poses increased risks for law enforcement and the public.”

“864 criminal aliens and public safety threats remain at large in the community, and I have to believe that some of them were able to elude us thanks to the mayor’s irresponsible decision,” Homan said.

“Director Homan and the Attorney General said there were 800 people at large and free to roam because of the actions of the Oakland Mayor,” Schwab told CNN. “Personally I think her actions were misguided and not responsible. I think she could have had other options. But to blame her for 800 dangerous people out there is just false.”

Schwab told SFGate, “I quit because I didn’t want to perpetuate misleading facts.”

ICE spokesman quits after saying he 'couldn't bear the burden' of lying for the Trump administration

When Little Donald comes to CA he'll get to see his wall that won't get built and then get a boot in the ass as he is forced to leave the state.

So long Cadet Bone Spurs, where were you during the hostage situation at the Veterans Home? You could have walked straight in there under massive gunfire unarmed and saved everyone. Don't let the door hit you on your fat ass as you slither out.

Oh, and I'm sure a cunty little twat like you will be doing the kicking...

Internet toughguy.

And another person with integrity leaving due to Trumps incessent lying....

ICE Spokesman Quits Over Leaders' Use Of 'Misleading Facts' To Discuss Calif. Arrests

James Schwab has resigned from his job as a Department of Homeland Security spokesman, saying he didn't agree with Trump administration officials' use of "misleading facts" to attack Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf after the mayor issued a warning about an immigration sweep in late February.

"I quit because I didn't want to perpetuate misleading facts," Schwab told the San Francisco Chronicle. "I asked them to change the information. I told them that the information was wrong, they asked me to deflect, and I didn't agree with that. Then I took some time and I quit."
Good riddance to another spineless criminal loving lefttard.
ROTFL! Yeah, he couldn't just a person who took a principled stand..even if you disagree with his principles, or the necessity of his stance, now could he?
I don't think mike knows what principles are.
NOTE: Head SPOKESMAN not head of. (New here, can't figure out how to change a title!!)

SESSIONS was lying through his ass when he went to CA and told Trump what he wanted to hear?

ICE spokesman quits after saying he ‘couldn’t bear the burden’ of lying for the Trump administration

13 MAR 2018 AT 00:15 ET

Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman James Schwab on Monday resigned from his role with the San Francisco division, citing the “burden” of spreading falsehoods from Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

As CNN reports, Schwab accused Sessions and Acting Director Tom Homan of deliberately spreading misleading information after ICE slammed Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s decision to warn the public about upcoming ICE raids.

“Sanctuary jurisdictions like San Francisco and Oakland shield dangerous criminal aliens from federal law enforcement at the expense of public safety,” Homan said of Schaaf’s warning. ”Because these jurisdictions prevent ICE from arresting criminal aliens in the secure confines of a jail, they also force ICE officers to make more arrests out in the community, which poses increased risks for law enforcement and the public.”

“864 criminal aliens and public safety threats remain at large in the community, and I have to believe that some of them were able to elude us thanks to the mayor’s irresponsible decision,” Homan said.

“Director Homan and the Attorney General said there were 800 people at large and free to roam because of the actions of the Oakland Mayor,” Schwab told CNN. “Personally I think her actions were misguided and not responsible. I think she could have had other options. But to blame her for 800 dangerous people out there is just false.”

Schwab told SFGate, “I quit because I didn’t want to perpetuate misleading facts.”

ICE spokesman quits after saying he 'couldn't bear the burden' of lying for the Trump administration

Ha. Draining the swamp. Another corrupt bottom feeder gone.
NOTE: Head SPOKESMAN not head of. (New here, can't figure out how to change a title!!)

SESSIONS was lying through his ass when he went to CA and told Trump what he wanted to hear?

ICE spokesman quits after saying he ‘couldn’t bear the burden’ of lying for the Trump administration

13 MAR 2018 AT 00:15 ET

Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman James Schwab on Monday resigned from his role with the San Francisco division, citing the “burden” of spreading falsehoods from Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

As CNN reports, Schwab accused Sessions and Acting Director Tom Homan of deliberately spreading misleading information after ICE slammed Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s decision to warn the public about upcoming ICE raids.

“Sanctuary jurisdictions like San Francisco and Oakland shield dangerous criminal aliens from federal law enforcement at the expense of public safety,” Homan said of Schaaf’s warning. ”Because these jurisdictions prevent ICE from arresting criminal aliens in the secure confines of a jail, they also force ICE officers to make more arrests out in the community, which poses increased risks for law enforcement and the public.”

“864 criminal aliens and public safety threats remain at large in the community, and I have to believe that some of them were able to elude us thanks to the mayor’s irresponsible decision,” Homan said.

“Director Homan and the Attorney General said there were 800 people at large and free to roam because of the actions of the Oakland Mayor,” Schwab told CNN. “Personally I think her actions were misguided and not responsible. I think she could have had other options. But to blame her for 800 dangerous people out there is just false.”

Schwab told SFGate, “I quit because I didn’t want to perpetuate misleading facts.”

ICE spokesman quits after saying he 'couldn't bear the burden' of lying for the Trump administration

When Little Donald comes to CA he'll get to see his wall that won't get built and then get a boot in the ass as he is forced to leave the state.

So long Cadet Bone Spurs, where were you during the hostage situation at the Veterans Home? You could have walked straight in there under massive gunfire unarmed and saved everyone. Don't let the door hit you on your fat ass as you slither out.

Oh, and I'm sure a cunty little twat like you will be doing the kicking...

Internet toughguy.



What a keyboard commando you are.
NOTE: Head SPOKESMAN not head of. (New here, can't figure out how to change a title!!)

SESSIONS was lying through his ass when he went to CA and told Trump what he wanted to hear?

ICE spokesman quits after saying he ‘couldn’t bear the burden’ of lying for the Trump administration

13 MAR 2018 AT 00:15 ET

Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman James Schwab on Monday resigned from his role with the San Francisco division, citing the “burden” of spreading falsehoods from Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

As CNN reports, Schwab accused Sessions and Acting Director Tom Homan of deliberately spreading misleading information after ICE slammed Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s decision to warn the public about upcoming ICE raids.

“Sanctuary jurisdictions like San Francisco and Oakland shield dangerous criminal aliens from federal law enforcement at the expense of public safety,” Homan said of Schaaf’s warning. ”Because these jurisdictions prevent ICE from arresting criminal aliens in the secure confines of a jail, they also force ICE officers to make more arrests out in the community, which poses increased risks for law enforcement and the public.”

“864 criminal aliens and public safety threats remain at large in the community, and I have to believe that some of them were able to elude us thanks to the mayor’s irresponsible decision,” Homan said.

“Director Homan and the Attorney General said there were 800 people at large and free to roam because of the actions of the Oakland Mayor,” Schwab told CNN. “Personally I think her actions were misguided and not responsible. I think she could have had other options. But to blame her for 800 dangerous people out there is just false.”

Schwab told SFGate, “I quit because I didn’t want to perpetuate misleading facts.”

ICE spokesman quits after saying he 'couldn't bear the burden' of lying for the Trump administration

Ha. Draining the swamp. Another corrupt bottom feeder gone.
Refusing to endorse lies mzkes him corrupt?
Of course anyone with an ounce of integrity or morals would want to abandon this clown show that is the Trump administration. The only ones sticking to him are the ones void of moral character or are also in bed with the Russians and will go down with the ship no matter what.
Another hillary panty-sniffer sounds off.

Thanks for responding with your drivel. It makes it easier to identify who to put on ignore. I prefer to not waste my time on the gutter trash of our society.
Yeah the homeless people and fags are going to run Trump out of cali.

Dumbass useful idiots. Their masters will turn on them as soon as the money stops.
NOTE: Head SPOKESMAN not head of. (New here, can't figure out how to change a title!!)

SESSIONS was lying through his ass when he went to CA and told Trump what he wanted to hear?

ICE spokesman quits after saying he ‘couldn’t bear the burden’ of lying for the Trump administration

13 MAR 2018 AT 00:15 ET

Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman James Schwab on Monday resigned from his role with the San Francisco division, citing the “burden” of spreading falsehoods from Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

As CNN reports, Schwab accused Sessions and Acting Director Tom Homan of deliberately spreading misleading information after ICE slammed Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s decision to warn the public about upcoming ICE raids.

“Sanctuary jurisdictions like San Francisco and Oakland shield dangerous criminal aliens from federal law enforcement at the expense of public safety,” Homan said of Schaaf’s warning. ”Because these jurisdictions prevent ICE from arresting criminal aliens in the secure confines of a jail, they also force ICE officers to make more arrests out in the community, which poses increased risks for law enforcement and the public.”

“864 criminal aliens and public safety threats remain at large in the community, and I have to believe that some of them were able to elude us thanks to the mayor’s irresponsible decision,” Homan said.

“Director Homan and the Attorney General said there were 800 people at large and free to roam because of the actions of the Oakland Mayor,” Schwab told CNN. “Personally I think her actions were misguided and not responsible. I think she could have had other options. But to blame her for 800 dangerous people out there is just false.”

Schwab told SFGate, “I quit because I didn’t want to perpetuate misleading facts.”

ICE spokesman quits after saying he 'couldn't bear the burden' of lying for the Trump administration

Ha. Draining the swamp. Another corrupt bottom feeder gone.
Refusing to endorse lies mzkes him corrupt?

Nope. I didn't say what made him corrupt. I said he is corrupt. Read for content, dear.

Rats are abandoning ship. And they aren't abandoning because of *Trump's lies*...which is just a myth they perpetuate to cover their own. They are abandoning because of their own lies and corruption. They're afraid of going to prison. The culture suddenly isn't so cozy for the corrupt pigs that have infected our government offices.
Well he's the head of the San Francisco part of ICE I guess, so you're saying there's no political pressure on him from Sacramento re: the recent lawsuit filed by the feds against the CA Gov and AG?
A correction..he is/was the Head Spokesperson for ICE in San Francisco.. not the head of ICE/SF.
He probably was/is/gives head. We are talking about San Francisco after all.
Of course anyone with an ounce of integrity or morals would want to abandon this clown show that is the Trump administration. The only ones sticking to him are the ones void of moral character or are also in bed with the Russians and will go down with the ship no matter what.
Another hillary panty-sniffer sounds off.

Thanks for responding with your drivel. It makes it easier to identify who to put on ignore. I prefer to not waste my time on the gutter trash of our society.
You mean liberals?
Well he's the head of the San Francisco part of ICE I guess, so you're saying there's no political pressure on him from Sacramento re: the recent lawsuit filed by the feds against the CA Gov and AG?
A correction..he is/was the Head Spokesperson for ICE in San Francisco.. not the head of ICE/SF.
He probably was/is/gives head. We are talking about San Francisco after all.
I would bet a million dollars he's involved in human/sex trafficking.

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