SPOKESMAN FOR ICE JUST QUIT, 'I couldn't bear the burden of lying for the Trump admin. any longer'

He says that he quit because he didn't want to give people the facts.

Most likely he got fired.
He was exposed in the agency and is afraid of going to prison.
Trump is encouraging the rats to quit rather than fire/prosecuting them, because it's CHEAPER and ultimately more effective. He's doing the same thing through all the agencies. Telling them they can quit, and keep their retirement..or stay, and be prosecuted.
Wow! You really just make this shit up as you go, don't you? You do realize..that without some sort of substantive proof--you look like a an idiot when you make such claims? At least, place a modifier..Like, "I believe", somewhere in the paragraph!

Experience and past comments from trolls like you has shown that it does not matter what we say about anything, your response is the same. Middle school level denial.

I find Mikey calling someone else a Troll to be very Droll.
Schwab is a 'kalifornian' from san fransicko . He is just a leftie from a lefty sanctuary city . Pobably a lefty democrat and 'hilary' / mrobama supporter Ladies . --- ICE spokesman James Schwab quits, disputes claims 800 eluded arrest ---
Typical Trumpster- someone says anything negative about the Trump administration- and immediately go on attack against the individual- rather than address what he said.
------------------------------------------------------ he is probably just a liberal dem liar whose words show disdain for the job that the Deportation crews are doing for the USA Syriusly .
Hahaha.... spokesman for the San Fransisco division.....yeah....that says it all there.
For the first time since in his position he was probably required to work.
Schwab is a 'kalifornian' from san fransicko . He is just a leftie from a lefty sanctuary city . Pobably a lefty democrat and 'hilary' / mrobama supporter Ladies . --- ICE spokesman James Schwab quits, disputes claims 800 eluded arrest ---
Typical Trumpster- someone says anything negative about the Trump administration- and immediately go on attack against the individual- rather than address what he said.
------------------------------------------------------ he is probably just a liberal dem liar whose words show disdain for the job that the Deportation crews are doing for the USA Syriusly .

Just because you are conservative GOP liar that shows disdain for Americans- doesn't mean that everyone that disagrees with you is like you.
Schwab is a 'kalifornian' from san fransicko . He is just a leftie from a lefty sanctuary city . Pobably a lefty democrat and 'hilary' / mrobama supporter Ladies . --- ICE spokesman James Schwab quits, disputes claims 800 eluded arrest ---
Typical Trumpster- someone says anything negative about the Trump administration- and immediately go on attack against the individual- rather than address what he said.
------------------------------------------------------ he is probably just a liberal dem liar whose words show disdain for the job that the Deportation crews are doing for the USA Syriusly .
I imagine he's neck deep in trafficking, or taking $$ for favors.
Schwab is a 'kalifornian' from san fransicko . He is just a leftie from a lefty sanctuary city . Pobably a lefty democrat and 'hilary' / mrobama supporter Ladies . --- ICE spokesman James Schwab quits, disputes claims 800 eluded arrest ---
Typical Trumpster- someone says anything negative about the Trump administration- and immediately go on attack against the individual- rather than address what he said.
------------------------------------------------------ he is probably just a liberal dem liar whose words show disdain for the job that the Deportation crews are doing for the USA Syriusly .

Just because you are conservative GOP liar that shows disdain for Americans- doesn't mean that everyone that disagrees with you is like you.

You talking about the FBI agent and his ho who spent 8 hours a day texting hate for Trump?
NOTE: Head SPOKESMAN not head of. (New here, can't figure out how to change a title!!)

SESSIONS was lying through his ass when he went to CA and told Trump what he wanted to hear?

ICE spokesman quits after saying he ‘couldn’t bear the burden’ of lying for the Trump administration

13 MAR 2018 AT 00:15 ET

Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman James Schwab on Monday resigned from his role with the San Francisco division, citing the “burden” of spreading falsehoods from Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

As CNN reports, Schwab accused Sessions and Acting Director Tom Homan of deliberately spreading misleading information after ICE slammed Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s decision to warn the public about upcoming ICE raids.

“Sanctuary jurisdictions like San Francisco and Oakland shield dangerous criminal aliens from federal law enforcement at the expense of public safety,” Homan said of Schaaf’s warning. ”Because these jurisdictions prevent ICE from arresting criminal aliens in the secure confines of a jail, they also force ICE officers to make more arrests out in the community, which poses increased risks for law enforcement and the public.”

“864 criminal aliens and public safety threats remain at large in the community, and I have to believe that some of them were able to elude us thanks to the mayor’s irresponsible decision,” Homan said.

“Director Homan and the Attorney General said there were 800 people at large and free to roam because of the actions of the Oakland Mayor,” Schwab told CNN. “Personally I think her actions were misguided and not responsible. I think she could have had other options. But to blame her for 800 dangerous people out there is just false.”

Schwab told SFGate, “I quit because I didn’t want to perpetuate misleading facts.”

ICE spokesman quits after saying he 'couldn't bear the burden' of lying for the Trump administration

Good for her.

Sara Huckabee Sanders? Is there any Christian left in you?
Trump Aide Fired for ‘Serious Financial Crimes’
March 13, 2018 at 12:33 pm EDT
President Trump’s longtime personal aide John McEntee was fired because he is currently under investigation by the Department of Homeland Security for serious financial crimes, CNN reports.

But here’s the kicker: “Minutes after news of his departure broke, the Trump campaign announced McEntee would be joining the reelection effort as a senior adviser for campaign operations.”


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