Spongers, liars and thieves


Sep 22, 2011
As for me, most of all I hate and despise f*&^ing spongers. Today my attention is completely drawn to the so-called "Arctic Council". Several countries have access to the Arctic Ocean (Denmark, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Russia, USA). Thus and so, these countries have their right to the territory. It seems to be everything all right...but...can you tell me, why Finland and Sweden take part in the Arctic Council? WTF? So, they lay a claim to the Arctic territories (read resources)! I’m deeply disgusted about that! Dear Suomi and Swedes! Calm the f*ck down and get stuffed, assholes! Hereafter... the Observer States (the EU member-countries, China, South Korea, Japan)... where does it concern YOU?!! Will these states tell us what to do with our own territory? Maybe they want a piece of the Arctic too? The most outrageous fact that this shit happens under the pretext of the environment protection... I feel they consider us to be morons!
The arctic is the concern of all of mankind, not just the nations which border it, beychok.

It is AN OCEAN, after all, not a land mass.

As such it falls (or at least ought to fall) under the auspices of international LAW OF THE SEA

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