Sponsor of Alabama Sharia Law Ban Gerald Allen Admits He Doesn't Know What it is


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Anniston Star - Legislation would ban Islamic law in Alabama courts

The bill’s sponsor said the measure was designed to protect future generations from erosion of the Constitution. One Birmingham area Muslim leader said the move was an effort to “demonize Islam and Muslims.”

But no one — not even Sen. Gerald Allen, who sponsored the bill — can point to examples of Muslims trying to have Islamic law recognized in Alabama courts.

“It’s not about what’s happening right now,” Allen, a Republican from Cottondale, said in a telephone interview.

The bill defines Shariah as “a form of religious law derived from two primary sources of Islamic law: The divine revelations set forth in the Qur’an and the example set by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad.”

That definition is the same, almost word for word, as wording in the Wikipedia entry on Shariah law as it appeared Thursday. Allen said the wording was drafted by Legislative staff. A source on the staff at the Legislature confirmed that the definition was in fact pulled from Wikipedia.

Allen could not readily define Shariah in an interview Thursday. “I don’t have my file in front of me,” he said. “I wish I could answer you better.”

Can't define Sharia law, lifted the definition of it from wikipedia for the bill, and no examples of Muslims trying to enforce into it into their laws.

What a guy. He must be a USMBer. :lol:
If a bill is presented that addresses an issue that's not actually happening, then I think it's safe to say it's nothing more than agenda-driven vote pandering.

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