Sports Illustrated Puts Another Mentally Ill Dude In a Bikini On the Cover

They are one of the 0.05% people born intersex. There are always exceptions to every rule.
My argument wasn't that the intersexed or trans communities represent large percentages of the overall human population, it was that chromosomes aren't a definitive indicator and they aren't, as you've conceded, at least in a small percentage of cases.
And even they have to take medication to suppress their testosterone levels since they are well above a normal female.
It's normal for Caster Semenya's body to produce the levels of testosterone it does due to her biology. Normal in the way you are using it here simply means average. She takes medication to suppress her testosterone levels as a requirement for competing, not because she has to. It's possible she could of lived her entire life without knowing there was anything different about her physiology.
That is not the same as cutting off your dick and adding tits later in life.
I'm not saying they're the same, I'm saying chromosomes aren't a definitive dismissal of people's sex. Once you've accepted that we can move on in the debate.
My argument wasn't that the intersexed or trans communities represent large percentages of the overall human population, it was that chromosomes aren't a definitive indicator and they aren't, as you've conceded, at least in a small percentage of cases.

They are the definitive indicator. An exception to this rule does not change that.

I'm not saying they're the same, I'm saying chromosomes aren't a definitive dismissal of people's sex. Once you've accepted that we can move on in the debate.

Well, yes they are, expectations to rules do not change the rules.

I am more than happy to accept that Petras' gender is female.

I have a co-worker whose spouse is transitioning from male to female. I call her by her new chosen name and always refer to her as requested as it is just the polite thing to do. But in the end, the spouse is still biologically a male and nothing will ever change that.

We need to quit using sex and gender interchangeably.
They are the definitive indicator. An exception to this rule does not change that.
You are trying to counter my biological point with a cliche. The fact is chromosomes aren't a definitive indicator in a small percentage of the population that translates to millions of actual human beings.
Well, yes they are, expectations to rules do not change the rules.
Cliches aren't scientific, objective arguments.
I am more than happy to accept that Petras' gender is female.

I have a co-worker whose spouse is transitioning from male to female. I call her by her new chosen name and always refer to her as requested as it is just the polite thing to do. But in the end, the spouse is still biologically a male and nothing will ever change that.
Do you think there is some entity called biology that cares what we call her? There is biology, the term we use for the studying and observing of living organisms and then there is biology, the categories we created in order to group these observations together in a way that has contextual significance and meaning to us. In most contexts it's perfectly fine to say XY chromosomes signify male, in other contexts not so much. If we can understand that XY being male isn't some rule of nature but a rule of man then we can make way for being flexible enough in our thinking to make room for the intersex and transexed in the creation of these categories.
We need to quit using sex and gender interchangeably.
We need to stop pretending we're speaking for nature.
You be sure and let us all know if anybody forces you to buy Sports Illustrated. Until then, why don't you just STFU and quit whining?
/---/ Who forced you Libtards to buy pancake syrup, butter, and rice?
You are trying to counter my biological point with a cliche. The fact is chromosomes aren't a definitive indicator in a small percentage of the population that translates to millions of actual human beings.

And still has nothing to do with the trans discussion.

Do you think there is some entity called biology that cares what we call her? There is biology, the term we use for the studying and observing of living organisms and then there is biology, the categories we created in order to group these observations together in a way that has contextual significance and meaning to us. In most contexts it's perfectly fine to say XY chromosomes signify male, in other contexts not so much. If we can understand that XY being male isn't some rule of nature but a rule of man then we can make way for being flexible enough in our thinking to make room for the intersex and transexed in the creation of these categories.

Nope, biology does not care what term we call anyone, since it is a thing and not a person. But at the same time biology is pretty specific on what it deals with and gender does not fall in the realm of biology.

We need to stop pretending we're speaking for nature.

Nature does not know gender, it is a purely made up human concept.
And still has nothing to do with the trans discussion.
It's a step by step process. I had to first dismantle your argument that XY definitively signifies biological sex.
Nope, biology does not care what term we call anyone, since it is a thing and not a person. But at the same time biology is pretty specific on what it deals with and gender does not fall in the realm of biology.
How is biology specific? Did biology whisper it into your ear?
Nature does not know gender, it is a purely made up human concept.
As are biological categories. Nature didn't make these categories, we did.
The thing that is really disturbing about modern trannies and she-males is the fact that they actually take dangerous hormones or even have serious surgery to masquerade as transbroads.

In the tremendous film Psycho, Norman Bates was proclaimed to be psychotic because he pretended to be a dame.

But in actuality, fellows like Mr. Petras are a lot crazier because they go far beyond just playing dress-up.

Petras is a free person, if he gets his jollies pretending to be someone else, so be it. Its certainly his right to engage in this pursuit. But its crazy as bat shit to destroy his body permanently to do it.
When are you going to start doing so?
When I feel you've sufficiently understood the lesson.
Nature did make them, we just use biology to classify/label them.
Nature made chromosomes, hormones, and proteins, and we decided how to group these things together into categories. The categories are entirely subjective. It's one thing to say scientifically that X chromosomes are objectively different than Y chromosomes and that they perform different objective tasks, and they do. It's subjective to decide everyone with certain chromosomes and body parts fits into one category we call male and people with different chromosomes and body parts fit into a different category we call female. As the intersex demonstrate that isn't always the case. Nature doesn't care if we subvert our own rule and decide to list Caster Semenya a female despite her having XY chromosomes. And if we are open minded enough to do that why not the same for people who's brain physiology is shifted towards the opposite sex than we would normally identify them as rather than their sex organs or chromosomes being shifted towards the other sex?
The thing that is really disturbing about modern trannies and she-males is the fact that they actually take dangerous hormones or even have serious surgery to masquerade as transbroads.

In the tremendous film Psycho, Norman Bates was proclaimed to be psychotic because he pretended to be a dame.

But in actuality, fellows like Mr. Petras are a lot crazier because they go far beyond just playing dress-up.

Petras is a free person, if he gets his jollies pretending to be someone else, so be it. Its certainly his right to engage in this pursuit. But its crazy as bat shit to destroy his body permanently to do it.

Their body does not really look destroyed.

I would be willing to bet they are in better shape than you
Their body does not really look destroyed.

I would be willing to bet they are in better shape than you

"Looks" can be deceiving. Hormones are serious medication that cause a lot of internal damage, and that's why they are given medically for serious medical conditions like advanced prostrate cancer, where the risk is worth it.

As far as my own shape, I'm doing great.

I lost a huge amount of weight after my personal physician went to a metric based scale.
OTOH, if Mr. Petras had his penis chopped off, I'd say there is something wrong with him because I can't see ever even thinking having it done. Even most homos have a problem with this.

I couldn't imagine getting it done, either.

But then again, I can't imagine getting ribs removed, boob jobs, eyelid surgery on Asian women to make their eyes look more like white women, butt implants, facelifts, liposuction, and all the other surgery that mostly cis-gendered women get to meet some phony idealized image of womanhood.
No one.

That was never the point of removing those racist icons from products.

Although adolescent boys will miss the Land of Lakes Indian Girl.


(Don't panic....those are her knees!)

Uncle Ben wasn't a racist, and neither was Aunt Jemina- although both made tremendous products that should come back.

Although its probably too late for them, a lot of their customers have already moved on to Great Value and Family Gourmet syrup and rice products.
Uncle Ben wasn't a racist, and neither was Aunt Jemina- although both made tremendous products that should come back.

Although its probably too late for them, a lot of their customers have already moved on to Great Value and Family Gourmet syrup and rice products.

The ironic thing is, they are all made at the same factory and put into different packages. So all you are buying is the brand name.
So how do you not know this was a female misdiagnosed of being a male when born?
I just want to know what do you actually call a male... If the person has all the hormones for women but has a penis, are they a man or a women to you?
Looking at her, do you think she should be forced to use the men's rest room?
So you want thse guys to use the women's rest room:
View attachment 786053

A woman can disguise herself as a man, but she still remains a woman.

How else can we help you.
No one.

That was never the point of removing those racist icons from products.

Although adolescent boys will miss the Land of Lakes Indian Girl.


(Don't panic....those are her knees!)
/---/ And like the perfect liberal democRAT - you got rid of the Indian Maiden and kept her land.
No one.

That was never the point of removing those racist icons from products.

Although adolescent boys will miss the Land of Lakes Indian Girl.


(Don't panic....those are her knees!)
/----/ You Libs just can't stand it when an uppity Black woman achieves fame and $$$ on her own without help from your welfare state. So you got rid of her.

Nancy Green, a former slave who moved to Chicago to work as a caretaker for a prominent white family, was hired to portray a living version of the character at the 1893 World's Fair, according to her obituaries. She was later hired to play the role for the pancake company until her death.

Although the name Aunt Jemima is well-known, Green's is not. And one Chicago historian worries that removing the Aunt Jemima image could erase Green's legacy — and the legacies of many Black women who worked as caretakers and cooks for both white families and their own.
No one.

That was never the point of removing those racist icons from products.

Although adolescent boys will miss the Land of Lakes Indian Girl.


(Don't panic....those are her knees!)
/----/ But the White guy got to stay

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