Sports Illustrated Puts Another Mentally Ill Dude In a Bikini On the Cover

What's rationality have to do with it?

Bigoted is Bigoted.


But not all bigots are equal.

One can be a bigot when it comes to black people and someone else can be a bigot when it comes to child rapist.

Both are technically bigots, but they are not equal
lack of attraction to the opposite sex is detrimental to passing on your genes.
Not with in virto and who cares. You make it seem as if passing on genes is the purpose. If you want to argue that then have at it.
What's rationality have to do with it?

Bigoted is Bigoted.
Being a bigot is to have an irrational dislike of others. Having a dislike of homophobes is rational.
I'm pointing out SI is being a woke moron organization.

Um, no, they aren't being woke. They are putting someone on the cover that you got uspet about when you found out she was Trans.

My problem with the SI is that it's not Woke enough. They have tops maybe one of two models who are WOC.

People aren't trying to teach and groom people to be lefthanded as equal to righthanded.
Nobody is doing that with LGBTQ+, either.
No one is disputing that there are homosexuals like you in our society. All we ask is that you leave the kids alone, sexually. Why can't you do that?
You are straddling a very thin, jagged line there! I suggest you steer clear of bringing children into the conversation.
Ohh hell yeah, a white lady in a swimsuit. I likeee.

Your title is incorrect. Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness.

But then again, what can one expect, considering the source.

Article is good. I like the picture,
Ohh hell yeah, a white lady in a swimsuit. I likeee.

Your title is incorrect. Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness.

But then again, what can one expect, considering the source.

Article is good. I like the picture,

Mr. Petras isn't a white "lady" by any stretch of the imagination.

He's a dude.

And if you "like" and your a dude, it means you are a homo- not that there is anything wrong with it.

OTOH, if Mr. Petras had his penis chopped off, I'd say there is something wrong with him because I can't see ever even thinking having it done. Even most homos have a problem with this.
Mr. Petras isn't a white "lady" by any stretch of the imagination.

He's a dude.

And if you "like" and your a dude, it means you are a homo- not that there is anything wrong with it.

OTOH, if Mr. Petras had his penis chopped off, I'd say there is something wrong with him because I can't see ever even thinking having it done. Even most homos have a problem with this.
That doesn't look like a dude to me. You Bingos don't seem to be able to identify the sexes. 😄
Looks can be deceiving.

Absolutely right. The 3 stooges tricked people into thinking they were broads several times during their career by dressing in ladies garb. Mrs. Bixby as well as her guests at a society party was fooled by Curly in the epic film "Micro-phonies".

Absolutely right. The 3 stooges tricked people into thinking they were broads several times during their career by dressing in ladies garb. Mrs. Bixby as well as her guests at a society party was fooled by Curly in the epic film "Micro-phonies".

Well that's what I mean about the ignorant. You two Dipshits apparently turn to Rock musicians for insight into biology. I turn to biologists.
If you did that you would have to say that Petras is a dude since male and female is determined biologically by chronozones.
Are chromosomes the defining feature? Caster Semenya has XY chromosomes and was identified as female at birth and no one, including biologists, deny that she's female.
Your title is incorrect. Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness.
It used to be called transsexualism, then gender incongruence, gender identity disorder and transvestic fetishism, and now it's called gender dysphoria. Here is a good summary of the effort to depathologize transsexualism much as they did with homosexuality. Gender Incongruence is No Longer a Mental Disorder

In 2017, Denmark was the first county to stop classifying transsexualism as a mental illness. Denmark will be the first country to no longer define being transgender as mental illness

If this sounds a lot like global warming, it is. It's a political position painted as "science".
Are chromosomes the defining feature? Caster Semenya has XY chromosomes and was identified as female at birth and no one, including biologists, deny that she's female.

They are one of the 0.05% people born intersex. There are always exceptions to every rule.

And even they have to take medication to suppress their testosterone levels since they are well above a normal female.

That is not the same as cutting off your dick and adding tits later in life.

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