Sports Illustrated Puts Another Mentally Ill Dude In a Bikini On the Cover

My arguments are sound, you just don't like arguing against someone who sees your bullshit for what it is.

Now how is Hello Kitty angry?
It's not sound the humans have a default even though we're still evolving or that evolution is both purposeful and random depending on how you feel and what argument you happen to be making at the time.
It's not sound the humans have a default even though we're still evolving or that evolution is both purposeful and random depending on how you feel and what argument you happen to be making at the time.

Evolution is a long term process, and in the short term we have a default condition.

Arguing otherwise is just trying to shore up your moral views with pseudoscience.
Evolution is a long term process, and in the short term we have a default condition.

Arguing otherwise is just trying to shore up your moral views with pseudoscience.
Really? What the default height for humans? What's the default weight? Eye color? Hair color? 😄
Really? What the default height for humans? What's the default weight? Eye color? Hair color? 😄

Those cosmetics, and things that have range, not conditions that impact what is considered default for the species.

Do people have from 1-3 hearts, or 2-4 lungs, or 1-8 arms as a default?
Why does that matter on whether or not sexuality is varied?

Heterosexuality is not the default for homosexuals. That seems rather obvious.

That's because you gays are a statistical deviation from normal. That's just science (which I know you hate).
Typical SJW trope, just complaining about the opinion of someone with snark because they are unable or unwilling to actually debate the topic.

So your argument is that you are upset because ruined your wank fantasies?

Um, so what?

Frankly, having this woman on the cover has no real effect on anyone, other than her. Don't like her, turn the page and you'll find a cisgender woman who has undergone hours of plastic surgery, makeup and photoshopping to create an illusion for you.
Heterosexuality is the default human condition, and thus homosexuality can be tolerated but not accepted as an equivalent.

Being righthanded is the default human condition, and thus being lefthanded can be tolerated but not accepted as an equivalent
So your argument is that you are upset because ruined your wank fantasies?

Um, so what?

Frankly, having this woman on the cover has no real effect on anyone, other than her. Don't like her, turn the page and you'll find a cisgender woman who has undergone hours of plastic surgery, makeup and photoshopping to create an illusion for you.

I'm pointing out SI is being a woke moron organization.
That's because you gays are a statistical deviation from normal. That's just science (which I know you hate).
They are not and you haven't produced one bit of scientific evidence proving that. Homosexuality is a perfectly normal variation of human sexuality.
Being righthanded is the default human condition, and thus being lefthanded can be tolerated but not accepted as an equivalent

I noticed that when I was in college, and all the desks looked like this:

People aren't trying to teach and groom people to be lefthanded as equal to righthanded.
There is nothing inherently unequal about being left handed. There is an emergent inequality born out of our societies lack of accommodation for left handed people but that isn't inherent to biology.

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