Sports Illustrated Puts Another Mentally Ill Dude In a Bikini On the Cover

I am talking about the collective reality of the Party concept, another Orwellian idea, and one you show with perfect Inner Party mental gymnastics.

No one's lifestyle is being impacted in Florida, it's just what is being taught in Public Schools.
You are a perfect example of Orwellian thought. You don't know what objective reality is, you've totally bought into the propaganda of the the Party (christianity) that tells you homosexuality is dangerous and that children need to be protected from it when in objective reality homosexuality is natural and what is actually harmful is trying to teach young children that there's something wrong with them if they are.
You are a perfect example of Orwellian thought. You don't know what objective reality is, you've totally bought into the propaganda of the the Party (christianity) that tells you homosexuality is dangerous and that children need to be protected from it when in objective reality homosexuality is natural and what is actually harmful is trying to teach young children that there's something wrong with them if they are.

It's natural like arsenic is natural, the word is meaningless when used that way.

Heterosexuality is the default human condition, and thus homosexuality can be tolerated but not accepted as an equivalent.
It's natural like arsenic is natural, the word is meaningless when used that way.
This is also a meaningless comparison unless you're trying to suggest homosexuality is poisonous and then you'd just be objectively wrong.
Heterosexuality is the default human condition, and thus homosexuality can be tolerated but not accepted as an equivalent.
There is no such thing as the default human being. That's a pretty Orwellian way of looking at things. One ideal and no one better stray too far from it....
This is also a meaningless comparison unless you're trying to suggest homosexuality is poisonous and then you'd just be objectively wrong.

There is no such thing as the default human being. That's a pretty Orwellian way of looking at things. One ideal and no one better stray too far from it....

I'm saying calling it natural doesn't mean anything.

There is. Two arms, two legs, one heart, two lungs, two eyes, heterosexual.
I'm saying calling it natural doesn't mean anything.
It means homosexuality isn't unnatural. It means that a percentage of children in school are going to be gay. It's your claim that there's such a thing as a default human that is objectively false which makes using it stupid as a basis for treating people unequally.
There is. Two arms, two legs, one heart, two lungs, two eyes, heterosexual.
Wrong. That's the average human being, not the default human being. Those words don't mean the same thing. We grow hearts and arms and lungs and sexual attraction because of hormones, proteins and genetics. Some humans, because of their particular genetics, will default to being gay. That's perfectly natural and within the natural variation of human development.
It means homosexuality isn't unnatural. It means that a percentage of children in school are going to be gay. It's your claim that there's such a thing as a default human that objectively false which makes using it stupid as a basis for treating people unequally.

Wrong. That's the average human being, not the default human being. Those words don't mean the same thing. We grow hearts and arms and lungs because of hormones, proteins and genetics. Some humans, because of their particular genetics will default to being gay. That's perfectly natural and within the natural variation of human development.

There is a default human, it's what our DNA maps us out to be, barring defects.

It's a defect, that detracts from the ability of a person to pass on their genes, which is the reason biological organisms exist in the first place.
There is a default human, it's what our DNA maps us out to be, barring defects.

It's a defect, that detracts from the ability of a person to pass on their genes, which is the reason biological organisms exist in the first place.
There is no reason biological organisms exist. That's a misunderstanding of nature. We exist by happenstance and physics. It's also easily observationally wrong. Plenty of people and couples choose not to have kids.
There is no reason biological organisms exist. That's a misunderstanding of nature. We exist by happenstance and physics. It's also easily observationally wrong. Plenty of people and couples choose not to have kids.

The exist to pass down their genes to perpetuate the species.

Figured you were a nihilist, it explains a lot.
You're the nihilist who doesn't think humans can find meaning beyond the desires of genes. 😄

Of course we can. That doesn't eliminate the reality that as sexually reproducing biological organisms we are programmed to produce offspring to continue or own line and our species.

Attempts to pretend homosexuality is a default condition for humanity use the same pseudoscience rationalizing used to think Jews can identified from skull measurements.
Of course we can. That doesn't eliminate the reality that as sexually reproducing biological organisms we are programmed to produce offspring to continue or own line and our species.
That's not real science. If you think we're programmed then who are we programmed by? Show your work.
Attempts to pretend homosexuality is a default condition for humanity use the same pseudoscience rationalizing used to think Jews can identified from skull measurements.
It doesn't. You just made that up. We can tell homosexuality is the default for some humans because they tell us and we can observe their same sex attraction.
You are a perfect example of Orwellian thought. You don't know what objective reality is, you've totally bought into the propaganda of the the Party (christianity) that tells you homosexuality is dangerous and that children need to be protected from it when in objective reality homosexuality is natural and what is actually harmful is trying to teach young children that there's something wrong with them if they are.

You're entirely free to continue fucking men dressed as little girls. Just stay away from the kids.
That's not real science. If you think we're programmed then who are we programmed by? Show your work.

It doesn't. You just made that up. We can tell homosexuality is the default for some humans because they tell us and we can observe their same sex attraction.

That's reality, it's how biological, sexually reproducing organisms work, regardless of intent or random chance being the cause.

Individuals don't have a default, groups as a whole have one. and for our group, heterosexuality is the default.
That's reality, it's how biological, sexually reproducing organisms work, regardless of intent or random chance being the cause.
It matters if you want to argue purpose. If it's not purpose and rather random chance than homosexuality is a perfectly natural result of chance.
Individuals don't have a default, groups as a whole have one. and for our group, heterosexuality is the default.
It is not. Heterosexuality is the average.
It matters if you want to argue purpose. If it's not purpose and rather random chance than homosexuality is a perfectly natural result of chance.

It is not. Heterosexuality is the average.

No it doesn't.

It's the default, not the average. what is the other side of heterosexuality for it to be the "average"

Even median doesn't work.

It's the default human condition, and no amount of wordplay, pseudoscience or ignorance can change that.
No it doesn't.

It's the default, not the average. what is the other side of heterosexuality for it to be the "average"
There's homosexuality, bisexuality, asexuality, are you now arguing these don't exist?
Even median doesn't work.
What doesn't work is pretending these people don't exist.
It's the default human condition, and no amount of wordplay, pseudoscience or ignorance can change that.
Heterosexuality is obviously not the default for homosexuals, bisexuals or asexuals.
There's homosexuality, bisexuality, asexuality, are you now arguing these don't exist?

What doesn't work is pretending these people don't exist.

Heterosexuality is obviously not the default for homosexuals, bisexuals or asexuals.

I'm arguing only heterosexuality is the default and others are deviances from that default. Or words made up to futher balkanize us into smaller and smaller groups each fighting for the top of the pity pole.

They exist, but they are not the default, and that has no moral judgement against them.

It's the default for their species.

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