Sports Illustrated Puts Another Mentally Ill Dude In a Bikini On the Cover

No dummy, the backlash is because those who make themselves repulsive expect not to be treated as someone who made themselves repulsive
I don't think you have an accurate gauge of what most decent people find repulsive. 😄
I see. Something about the truth triggers you? Why am I not surprised?

No trigger at all. You guys have discovered transgendered (less than 1% of the population) are a group you can still hate on after racism, misogyny and homophobia have become unfashionable.

Except that the people who really run things in this country have decided they don't want to play this round of "pandering to insecure white people" and have put out a memo about using peoples' preferred pronouns.
No trigger at all. You guys have discovered transgendered (less than 1% of the population) are a group you can still hate on after racism, misogyny and homophobia have become unfashionable.

Except that the people who really run things in this country have decided they don't want to play this round of "pandering to insecure white people" and have put out a memo about using peoples' preferred pronouns.

Race and sex are immutable. There is no choice in the matter.

A transgender chooses its path. If that path leads you to make yourself repulsive to others, then you have every right to do so. Your rights though do not extend past that point.

Again, you can choose to make yourself repulsive. That is your right. You have no right however, to have others think you are not repulsive.
Race and sex are immutable. There is no choice in the matter.
Race isn't a real thing and biological sex categories are subjective.
A transgender chooses its path. If that path leads you to make yourself repulsive to others, then you have every right to do so. Your rights though do not extend past that point.
Transgender people don't choose to have brains that are shifted towards the other end of the biological spectrum. That's not something anyone of us have control over.
Again, you can choose to make yourself repulsive. That is your right. You have no right however, to have others think you are not repulsive.
Repulsive is also subjective. We are starting to see more and more people repulsed by your bigotry than they are by the trans community.
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Yes, I'm sure you've had a lot of practice making yourself repulsive.

Just keep in mind, in 50 years, they will look back at people like you the same way we look back at Klan Members today.
The only people repulsed by me are folks like you that think castration of kids is a good idea.

And 50 years from now, you all will have a photo hanging next to Joseph Mengele.

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