Sports Illustrated Puts Another Mentally Ill Dude In a Bikini On the Cover

Is he and SI calling a him a her?

Yep, dishonestly should not be applauded.

Did they?

It has been a while since I bought an SI Swimsuit issue but I do not recall there being many words at all, just pictures.
Is he and SI calling a him a her?

Yep, dishonestly should not be applauded.
/----/ Bad news, Gator. Women are starting to fight back.
workcisship? ........wokemanship?......worksinaslip.......??? ~S~
Nah, I meant what I said. Amazing workmanship and design, a combination of design and art. Remember the ad campaign, "Body by Fisher"? They were known for stylish body designs. Whatever team did this one, out to get to sign their work, like a small cursive tattoo running up the neck, like trademarking their work and expertise, and great advertising. True, it doesn't have anything more than superficial function, due to parts missing and has a poor tranny inside, but looks like it could go 0 to 120 in a heartbeat. There is no telling the continued maintenance required in years to come, but off the assembly line, it looks great, and I am sure there are a lot of men out there, that would like to take it for a spin.
Shush, the grownups are talking.

The only people upset about transgenders are all the supposedly straight guys who are afraid of picking one up at the bar.
/----/Hey JoeB would this fool you in a bar?
It's not. Biology has no more of an objective purpose than a planet orbiting a sun has purpose. It's an emergent feature of physics and interactions of energy and matter.

No. Rationality is not opinion. It's the opposite of opinion.

The purpose of the plant orbiting the sun is the resolution of the gravitational attractions between the two masses, modified by gravitational forced with other bodies.

What is rational and irrational in the way you are using it sure as hell is an opinion.
The purpose of the plant orbiting the sun is the resolution of the gravitational attractions between the two masses, modified by gravitational forced with other bodies.
That's an objective observation. What observation are you making when you claim the point of biological life is to reproduce? Clearly some do not and don't have a desire to. In that case you're dismissing the objective observation of them rejecting procreation and claiming to see something for which you have no objective evidence of.
What is rational and irrational in the way you are using it sure as hell is an opinion.
It's not. The equivalent to my analogy is you arguing the purpose of planets is to orbiting suns. Some do because they were caught is a sun's gravity well and others do not and drift systemless in empty space.
That's an objective observation. What observation are you making when you claim the point of biological life is to reproduce? Clearly some do not and don't have a desire to. In that case you're dismissing the objective observation of them rejecting procreation and claiming to see something for which you have no objective evidence of.

It's not. The equivalent to my analogy is you arguing the purpose of planets is to orbiting suns. Some do because they were caught is a sun's gravity well and others do not and drift systemless in empty space.

That's what's actually happening. That's the process. Your adherence to objectivism is comical because you reject that there is reality outside the human mind, which is basically what Orwell warned about in Nineteen Eighty-Four.
That's what's actually happening. That's the process.
Its not happening all the time just like how every planet isn't orbiting a sun. You can acknowledge that there are people and couples who choose not to procreate right?
Your adherence to objectivism is comical because you reject that there is reality outside the human mind, which is basically what Orwell warned about in Nineteen Eighty-Four.
What objective fact have I rejected? Be specific.
Its not happening all the time just like how every planet isn't orbiting a sun. You can acknowledge that there are people and couples who choose not to procreate right?

What objective fact have I rejected? Be specific.

Now you are adding in choice, not purpose.

That there are two sexes as default for humans, and that heterosexuality is default for any organism that reproduces sexually.
Now you are adding in choice, not purpose.
You're confusing observation of natural forces with intent. Some planets get caught in gravity wells some don't. Some organisms have a biological drive to reproduce some don't. When you can't acknowledge that then you are dismissing objective observation and implanting what you imagine to be the purpose of all biological life.
That there are two sexes as default for humans, and that heterosexuality is default for any organism that reproduces sexually.
There is no default. Again that would imply purpose and intent to human constructs rather than us being an amalgamation of millions of natural biological processes, many of which we share in common together and some we do not. There's is no default eye color, weight, height, flexibility, durability, intelligence, sexual preference, there is no default state of humankind. Also biological sex is a made up category that we invented by grouping similar traits together like chromosomes or sex organs but it's subjective.
You're confusing observation of natural forces with intent. Some planets get caught in gravity wells some don't. Some organisms have a biological drive to reproduce some don't. When you can't acknowledge that then you are dismissing objective observation and implanting what you imagine to be the purpose of all biological life.

There is no default. Again that would imply purpose and intent to human constructs rather than us being an amalgamation of millions of natural biological processes, many of which we share in common together and some we do not. There's is no default eye color, weight, height, flexibility, durability, intelligence, sexual preference, there is no default state of humankind. Also biological sex is a made up category that we invented by grouping similar traits together like chromosomes or sex organs but it's subjective.

And you are ignoring reality by trying to make moral relativism apply to set in stone natural and biological truths.

There is always a default. Things like eye color and hair are cosmetic, not an intrinsic trait (heterosexuality) evolved or designed to make each sex want to hump the other sex to spread their genes around. No desire to do so? Much less of a chance of those genes getting passed on.

None of this is subjective in reality, only in the addled SJW mind that thinks 2+2=5.
And you are ignoring reality by trying to make moral relativism apply to set in stone natural and biological truths.
Name the objective reality I'm dismissing. You can't even be specific you're so pussy.
There is always a default. Things like eye color and hair are cosmetic, not an intrinsic trait (heterosexuality) evolved or designed to make each sex want to hump the other sex to spread their genes around.
Evolution doesnt work by design. You're confusing creationism with chemical reactions and chance.
No desire to do so? Much less of a chance of those genes getting passed on.
And? So what. Some people don't want to pass on their genes.
None of this is subjective in reality, only in the addled SJW mind that thinks 2+2=5.
It's subjective reality to think of evolution as intelligent design.
Name the objective reality I'm dismissing. You can't even be specific you're so pussy.

Evolution doesnt work by design. You're confusing creationism with chemical reactions and chance.

And? So what. Some people don't want to pass on their genes.

It's subjective reality to think of evolution as intelligent design.

You use the term objective reality to hide your true belief, collective reality.

That's a matter of faith vs. no faith, and either way there is purpose.

Then their line dies out, and biologically they are a failure.

No, it's faith, something you have little of.
You use the term objective reality to hide your true belief, collective reality.
That's a claim. What do you have to support it?
That's a matter of faith vs. no faith, and either way there is purpose.
No there isn't. We know evolution is blind and guided by random mutation and chance rather than intent and purpose.
Then their line dies out, and biologically they are a failure.
Failed what exactly? Your subjective test? Your offspring only gets half of your dna. The genes that get passed down exist in all humans. In many cases they exist in many different species.
No, it's faith, something you have little of.
Faith is what's subjective of only exists inside your mind. I prefer knowledge of the natural world.
That's a claim. What do you have to support it?

No there isn't. We know evolution is blind and guided by random mutation and chance rather than intent and purpose.

Failed what exactly? Your subjective test? Your offspring only gets half of your dna. The genes that get passed down exist in all humans. In many cases they exist in many different species.

Faith is what's subjective of only exists inside your mind. I prefer knowledge of the natural world.

Actual reality, not the collective created reality your side has constructed in your hive mind.

You can argue intent, but purpose is given by the outside factors that select the successful mutations to continue, and the others to fail and die out.

Failed to pass your own genes on, which are the ones that matter to the given individual of the species.

No, you prefer your constructed collective reality that you pretend is real like the good wibble hive mind drone you are.

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