Sports Illustrated Puts Another Mentally Ill Dude In a Bikini On the Cover

Actual reality, not the collective created reality your side has constructed in your hive mind.
Sounds like an ad hominem more than a rational argument.
You can argue intent, but purpose is given by the outside factors that select the successful mutations to continue, and the others to fail and die out.
No one selects successful mutations. They arrive by chance and survive by chance. Species that are advantaged in some way in their environment can find themselves quickly disadvantaged if that environment changes.
Failed to pass your own genes on, which are the ones that matter to the given individual of the species.
Having offspring doesn't matter to all individuals and you're not making exact replicas of yourself when you reproduce guy. Most of your genes are shared by all humans and the ones specific to your mom and dad well only half of those get passed on when you have kids.
No, you prefer your constructed collective reality that you pretend is real like the good wibble hive mind drone you are.
Ironic since this argument is a fantasy you've constructed.
Sounds like an ad hominem more than a rational argument.

No one selects successful mutations. They arrive by chance and survive by chance. Species that are advantaged in some way in their environment can find themselves quickly disadvantaged if that environment changes.

Having offspring doesn't matter to all individuals and you're not making exact replicas of yourself when you reproduce guy. Most of your genes are shared by all humans and the ones specific to your mom and dad well only half of those get passed on when you have kids.

Ironic since this argument is a fantasy you've constructed.

No, pointing out your bullshit.

Outside forces select the desirable mutations, and give them purpose.

You are passing your DNA on, which is you, even is mashed and modified with another set.
No, pointing out your bullshit.

Outside forces select the desirable mutations, and give them purpose.
What outside forces? Name them.
You are passing your DNA on, which is you, even is mashed and modified with another set.
No you aren't. You're passing on half your DNA and your child passes on half of that. The immortal genes are the one that exist across the entire species and even across various species.
What outside forces? Name them.

No you aren't. You're passing on half your DNA and your child passes on half of that. The immortal genes are the one that exist across the entire species and even across various species.

Longer flower stems, higher trees, etc.

Still a part of you in each successive generation, and that' success for a biological organism.
You get it, stop being lazy and/or stupid.

No, that's how keeping the species and your own special slice of DNA perpetuated works
Your particular DNA does not get passed down. Do you think you're making clones? Your offspring have their own unique DNA and it's influenced as much by chance as it is whatever you gave them.
Your particular DNA does not get passed down. Do you think you're making clones? Your offspring have their own unique DNA and it's influenced as much by chance as it is whatever you gave them.

Yes, it does, just folded, spindled, and diluted. But it's your line, and the line of the people before you who successfully passed down their genes.
I think so much of the backlash and reaction from conservatives is rooted in the desire to simply buy products and participate in society without being virtue signaled at 24/7 around every corner by an overall niche, radical ideology that happens to have massive influence in HR departments and the MSM.

No, dummy, the backlash is because the GOP likes to create these fake moral panics to get you to vote for them.

Like, I’m a Christian and I wouldn’t want Jesus loudly portrayed and forced onto the public all the time, constantly suggesting that if you oppose the brash movement that you’re wrong.
Oh, bullshit, you guys would impose your theocracy on a minute if you could. What you don't realize is that you are a tool for the Plutocracy, but even they are done with your nonsense.

Products need to go back to selling their products, not virtue signaling their social causes, with full ads that have nothing to do with the subject.

Are you really such a simple minded creature that you base your purchases on commercials and ads?

Leftists are so angry they think people enjoying life away from angry rebelliousness is supporting the status quo. They think all people should be attacked by their angry political social stances non stop.
Um, your side is the one freaking out about the trans issue.

Some knucklehead in marketing sends some novelty beer cans to a trans woman and you guys completely melt down.
Shush, the grownups are talking.

Well, I don't go out trolling for women after getting drunk, how about you?

Isn't this what all this is about, your fears that a trans person might fool you?
/——-/ You brought it up. And no, I don’t go trolling.
/——/ I fear you ******* mutilating innocent children.

Except no one is mutiliating kids.
No kid ever saw a drag queen and ran home and said, "Mommy, can I get my dick cut off!"

If anything, the vast majority of transgender youth don't get any care or counselling until they are adults.
No, dummy, the backlash is because the GOP likes to create these fake moral panics to get you to vote for them.

Oh, bullshit, you guys would impose your theocracy on a minute if you could. What you don't realize is that you are a tool for the Plutocracy, but even they are done with your nonsense.

Are you really such a simple minded creature that you base your purchases on commercials and ads?

Um, your side is the one freaking out about the trans issue.

Some knucklehead in marketing sends some novelty beer cans to a trans woman and you guys completely melt down.
No dummy, the backlash is because those who make themselves repulsive expect not to be treated as someone who made themselves repulsive

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