Spousal rape isn't real

When you cherry pick to make a point... yeah. You can't lecture me about lying.

Cherry pick? You guys are constantly saying you need to elect a more conservative guy. This is what you get.
Don't want to be labeled as such? Moderate your policies.

And there, troll, comes your twist

This does not make the person conservative.. nor does it mean that every conservative thinks this way...

But you sure will label it that way for your hyper-partisan rants

Go fuck yourself

never said this, but i see you wanted to prove you are a retard.

Virginia GOP candidate: Spousal rape isn?t a crime if she is ?wearing a nightie? | The Raw Story

You hear that married ladies? If you wear a nightie you are just asking for it...

And thus why running a more conservative person will never win you the white house.

Yeah because the average American voter is stupid enough to believe that that guy reflects all of conservatives.

That's the real reason that conservatives will lose; the ignorant and lazy now outnumber the smart and productive.

well no the average american voter is more moderate than this guy, thus why he would never have a chance. The point is the right is always claiming they need to move further to the right with elected officials. Well here you go! this is what you get when you keep moving.
Cherry pick? You guys are constantly saying you need to elect a more conservative guy. This is what you get.
Don't want to be labeled as such? Moderate your policies.

And there, troll, comes your twist

This does not make the person conservative.. nor does it mean that every conservative thinks this way...

But you sure will label it that way for your hyper-partisan rants

Go fuck yourself

never said this, but i see you wanted to prove you are a retard.


"You guys are constantly saying you need to elect a more conservative guy. This is what you get."

Uh huh.. it's not the conclusion you were trying to lead to :rolleyes:
When you cherry pick to make a point... yeah. You can't lecture me about lying.

Cherry pick? You guys are constantly saying you need to elect a more conservative guy. This is what you get.
Don't want to be labeled as such? Moderate your policies.

We do. A more fiscally conservative guy.

wont happpen, because they tend to be socially conservative OR socially more moderate-liberal and you will loose key voters.
And there, troll, comes your twist

This does not make the person conservative.. nor does it mean that every conservative thinks this way...

But you sure will label it that way for your hyper-partisan rants

Go fuck yourself

never said this, but i see you wanted to prove you are a retard.


"You guys are constantly saying you need to elect a more conservative guy. This is what you get."

Uh huh.. it's not the conclusion you were trying to lead to :rolleyes:

yes it is. All you have to do is simply denounce this guy. Say no this is to far to the right and set up some guidelines for once.

Instead i get flopping around
Virginia GOP candidate: Spousal rape isn?t a crime if she is ?wearing a nightie? | The Raw Story

You hear that married ladies? If you wear a nightie you are just asking for it...

And thus why running a more conservative person will never win you the white house.

This man is a doofus, but his view hardly represents the vast majority of conservative males.

exactly. this guy is a kook.

see...wasnt hard for yurt
never said this, but i see you wanted to prove you are a retard.


"You guys are constantly saying you need to elect a more conservative guy. This is what you get."

Uh huh.. it's not the conclusion you were trying to lead to :rolleyes:

yes it is. All you have to do is simply denounce this guy. Say no this is to far to the right and set up some guidelines for once.

Instead i get flopping around

Funny.. never gave support for the guy.. I don't care what he says one way or another.. he is not someone I follow or could ever even vote for..

But, when you try and make the link between being 'conservative' and having stances like this, you cross into the ludicrous.. and I will point you out when you do

The idiocy on this is not because of being 'far right' or 'far anything'.. and I think that they guy stuck his foot in his mouth because he did not elaborate his thought well at all... but when looking at the whole thing, I severely doubt he was saying spousal rape is OK or anything of the sort (much as Toro posted earlier)... From what is quoted overall, it looks like he was trying to explain the difficulties or whatever in proving spousal rape...

IF he was glossing over spousal rape, it is idiotic and wrong.. IF he spoke wrong, he should have thought better... and IF you make leaps like you did, you are idiotic and wrong
Cherry pick? You guys are constantly saying you need to elect a more conservative guy. This is what you get.
Don't want to be labeled as such? Moderate your policies.

And there, troll, comes your twist

This does not make the person conservative.. nor does it mean that every conservative thinks this way...

But you sure will label it that way for your hyper-partisan rants

Go fuck yourself

never said this, but i see you wanted to prove you are a retard.


Then what the fuck did you mean in your OP, G.T.?....

Virginia GOP candidate: Spousal rape isn?t a crime if she is ?wearing a nightie? | The Raw Story

You hear that married ladies? If you wear a nightie you are just asking for it...

And thus why running a more conservative person will never win you the white house.

Not to mention your Thread Title is a LIE... He never said that "Spousal rape isn't real"...

Did you just wake up today and decide it was time to be a Shitty Troll?...


Read it again FAGGOTRON!...

Virginia GOP candidate: Spousal rape isn?t a crime if she is ?wearing a nightie? | The Raw Story

You hear that married ladies? If you wear a nightie you are just asking for it...

And thus why running a more conservative person will never win you the white house.



There is some more Context to his Hypothetical...

“I do not know how you could validly get a conviction of a husband-wife rape, when they’re living together, sleeping in the same bed, she’s in a nightie and so forth,” Black says. “There’s not injuries, there’s no separation or anything.”

Are all of G.T.'s Redeemer Socks this Dishonest?...





I'm a little confused. How is a fool talking about spousal rape somehow mean conservatives are wrong about the need for fiscal responsibility in government, following the Constitution, or eliminating corruption in government?

Seems to me the people who should be concerned with this guys comments are his wife, the police and the people is wants to represent.

you are funny..
You know the bar is really low when someones response is "Yeah well, at least they didnt say rape was good"
"You guys are constantly saying you need to elect a more conservative guy. This is what you get."

Uh huh.. it's not the conclusion you were trying to lead to :rolleyes:

yes it is. All you have to do is simply denounce this guy. Say no this is to far to the right and set up some guidelines for once.

Instead i get flopping around

Funny.. never gave support for the guy.. I don't care what he says one way or another.. he is not someone I follow or could ever even vote for..

But, when you try and make the link between being 'conservative' and having stances like this, you cross into the ludicrous.. and I will point you out when you do

The idiocy on this is not because of being 'far right' or 'far anything'.. and I think that they guy stuck his foot in his mouth because he did not elaborate his thought well at all... but when looking at the whole thing, I severely doubt he was saying spousal rape is OK or anything of the sort (much as Toro posted earlier)... From what is quoted overall, it looks like he was trying to explain the difficulties or whatever in proving spousal rape...

IF he was glossing over spousal rape, it is idiotic and wrong.. IF he spoke wrong, he should have thought better... and IF you make leaps like you did, you are idiotic and wrong

The dude thinks Abortion is like the holocaust. Im fairly sure the guy said what he wanted to.
The link is easy because it is shown everyday that this is what some people are looking for. This guy fringe? sure, but he is vastly more conservative than Christie, or romney. When a party keeps on pushing themselves into a corner this is what you will get. Either see the dangers of it or fall off the cliff.

Some will fall off the cliff and to say people like him are not around or in any numbers is ignorant. I never stated you gave support for him, but then thats typical of message boards. Everyone makes it personal so then is doesn't count.

.Yes this idiocy is far right, and the idea you want to wash it of that just means you are being partisan. Either own up that the right has its craizes or loose more cred.
yes it is. All you have to do is simply denounce this guy. Say no this is to far to the right and set up some guidelines for once.

Instead i get flopping around

Funny.. never gave support for the guy.. I don't care what he says one way or another.. he is not someone I follow or could ever even vote for..

But, when you try and make the link between being 'conservative' and having stances like this, you cross into the ludicrous.. and I will point you out when you do

The idiocy on this is not because of being 'far right' or 'far anything'.. and I think that they guy stuck his foot in his mouth because he did not elaborate his thought well at all... but when looking at the whole thing, I severely doubt he was saying spousal rape is OK or anything of the sort (much as Toro posted earlier)... From what is quoted overall, it looks like he was trying to explain the difficulties or whatever in proving spousal rape...

IF he was glossing over spousal rape, it is idiotic and wrong.. IF he spoke wrong, he should have thought better... and IF you make leaps like you did, you are idiotic and wrong

The dude thinks Abortion is like the holocaust. Im fairly sure the guy said what he wanted to.
The link is easy because it is shown everyday that this is what some people are looking for. This guy fringe? sure, but he is vastly more conservative than Christie, or romney. When a party keeps on pushing themselves into a corner this is what you will get. Either see the dangers of it or fall off the cliff.

Some will fall off the cliff and to say people like him are not around or in any numbers is ignorant. I never stated you gave support for him, but then thats typical of message boards. Everyone makes it personal so then is doesn't count.

.Yes this idiocy is far right, and the idea you want to wash it of that just means you are being partisan. Either own up that the right has its craizes or loose more cred.

I do not know if he meant it or not.. all we have is an extended quote, which does not say anything along the lines of your thread title, nor does it just gloss over 'spousal rape'.. I have no proof, nor do you, about linking abortion to the holocaust, but killing off the innocent lives is killing off the innocent lives, so IF he did, I see where he is coming from even if I would not use the same language

And NO... being more conservatives does not 'get you this'.. that is a leap YOU make without any causation or actual link

The right has its crazies.. the left has its crazies.. the libertarians have their crazies.. the authoritarians have their crazies.... but the crazy is not inherent to the party stance, nor is it because of the political affiliation.. it is because of the individual

You made ridiculous leaps, I pointed them out.. you have no defense for those leaps at all

/end thread
When are Republicans going to learn that they should just STFU when rape is the subject?

Weeeeellllll, you may want to ask yourself what kind of man even opines on what rape is, or is not, from a female view, OR that the notion of a male partner raping his male partner is something he appparantly cannot fathom. The answer to that will tell you a lot about why winning state wide elections in swing states, and natl elections, is such a challange for the gop, esp considering the econ effects of Citizen's United.
I'm a little confused. How is a fool talking about spousal rape somehow mean conservatives are wrong about the need for fiscal responsibility in government, following the Constitution, or eliminating corruption in government?

Seems to me the people who should be concerned with this guys comments are his wife, the police and the people is wants to represent.

you are funny..

No, he's not. I mean I could honestly say, "JFC why does this party have idiots like this in the house since the issues should be economic, like how to get more efficient HC, or how to bring down the deficit w/o hurting growth, or about how to we keep soc sec and medicare......!" because at least I honestly don't give a rat's ass about the Supreme Being and his/her/its role in govt. but Avatar does.
“I do not know how you could validly get a conviction of a husband-wife rape, when they’re living together, sleeping in the same bed, she’s in a nightie and so forth,” Black says. “There’s not injuries, there’s no separation or anything.”

wow, this guy needs some information, badly

"Sex between a man and a woman is ALWAYS rape."

Catharine MacKinnon
Femi-Nazi Movement

The last known Platform of the National Organization of Gays in this Country called for the End of Age of Consent Laws...

Liberals know they and run with some REALLY Fucked up Examples of our Species...

They don't Care and their Media ain't gonna make any noise about it.



Can you give me a Quote of any (R) saying Rape is good, OK or should be Legal?...

A Direct Quote would be nice...

Go ahead and post it here...

If you can't, get back to Choking on that Mooseknuckle. :thup:



Dam if 40 aint enough...

Quote ONE.


You gonna just Ignore your Abject Fail and stay with your head stuck in the Mooseknuckle?...


Thanks for the link, I was trying to find this information.


Well, it's unfair to tar the whole party, but there is something about them similar to the Catholic Bishops on human sexual response. It's a minority, but it's endemic. They're not all misogynists, but they don't have the ability to think outside their gender. Mitt on planned parenthood and preventative treatment for females. They really, and I mean as a party, don't get it. And, I don't know why. Ike, Nixon, Reagan, BushI, Ford and even W just never had idiot beliefs like that even in the darkest recesses of their minds. Hell, Reagan did nicely with the ladies, and trust me you ain't getting laid much if you think like this.

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