Spousal rape isn't real

When are Republicans going to learn that they should just STFU when rape is the subject?

Because Women DO Lie about Rape... :thup:

Do you remember when you Believed that Lying Whore who Accused the Duke Students of Rape?...

You Liberals need to stop Attempting to Silence Opposition.

It's very... Fascist. :thup:



they do lie and repeatedly and they will continue to lie.

However Seawytch has a very good point - STFU on the stupid topics which have absolutely NOTHING to do with what is needed to be done in Congress or Senate in order to get the economy going and reduce the debt and so on.How stupid you have to be to REPEATEDLY got caught in this idiocy? :evil:
Thanks for the link, I was trying to find this information.


Well, it's unfair to tar the whole party, but there is something about them similar to the Catholic Bishops on human sexual response. It's a minority, but it's endemic. They're not all misogynists, but they don't have the ability to think outside their gender. Mitt on planned parenthood and preventative treatment for females. They really, and I mean as a party, don't get it. And, I don't know why. Ike, Nixon, Reagan, BushI, Ford and even W just never had idiot beliefs like that even in the darkest recesses of their minds. Hell, Reagan did nicely with the ladies, and trust me you ain't getting laid much if you think like this.

you really don't know much, do you :D

only an idiot would like to have a serious relationship with somebody who will just tell you - it's your body, fix the problem, here is the money, honey :lol:

unless one night's stands is all you get and want, the attitude of the typical leftard male is not an attraction for any relationship meant to last.
Funny.. never gave support for the guy.. I don't care what he says one way or another.. he is not someone I follow or could ever even vote for..

But, when you try and make the link between being 'conservative' and having stances like this, you cross into the ludicrous.. and I will point you out when you do

The idiocy on this is not because of being 'far right' or 'far anything'.. and I think that they guy stuck his foot in his mouth because he did not elaborate his thought well at all... but when looking at the whole thing, I severely doubt he was saying spousal rape is OK or anything of the sort (much as Toro posted earlier)... From what is quoted overall, it looks like he was trying to explain the difficulties or whatever in proving spousal rape...

IF he was glossing over spousal rape, it is idiotic and wrong.. IF he spoke wrong, he should have thought better... and IF you make leaps like you did, you are idiotic and wrong

The dude thinks Abortion is like the holocaust. Im fairly sure the guy said what he wanted to.
The link is easy because it is shown everyday that this is what some people are looking for. This guy fringe? sure, but he is vastly more conservative than Christie, or romney. When a party keeps on pushing themselves into a corner this is what you will get. Either see the dangers of it or fall off the cliff.

Some will fall off the cliff and to say people like him are not around or in any numbers is ignorant. I never stated you gave support for him, but then thats typical of message boards. Everyone makes it personal so then is doesn't count.

.Yes this idiocy is far right, and the idea you want to wash it of that just means you are being partisan. Either own up that the right has its craizes or loose more cred.

I do not know if he meant it or not.. all we have is an extended quote, which does not say anything along the lines of your thread title, nor does it just gloss over 'spousal rape'.. I have no proof, nor do you, about linking abortion to the holocaust, but killing off the innocent lives is killing off the innocent lives, so IF he did, I see where he is coming from even if I would not use the same language

And NO... being more conservatives does not 'get you this'.. that is a leap YOU make without any causation or actual link

The right has its crazies.. the left has its crazies.. the libertarians have their crazies.. the authoritarians have their crazies.... but the crazy is not inherent to the party stance, nor is it because of the political affiliation.. it is because of the individual

You made ridiculous leaps, I pointed them out.. you have no defense for those leaps at all

/end thread

No he stated abortion is like the holocaust. It's in the article I posted.

Actually It does. Just like going more left gets you communism.
The dude thinks Abortion is like the holocaust. Im fairly sure the guy said what he wanted to.
The link is easy because it is shown everyday that this is what some people are looking for. This guy fringe? sure, but he is vastly more conservative than Christie, or romney. When a party keeps on pushing themselves into a corner this is what you will get. Either see the dangers of it or fall off the cliff.

Some will fall off the cliff and to say people like him are not around or in any numbers is ignorant. I never stated you gave support for him, but then thats typical of message boards. Everyone makes it personal so then is doesn't count.

.Yes this idiocy is far right, and the idea you want to wash it of that just means you are being partisan. Either own up that the right has its craizes or loose more cred.

I do not know if he meant it or not.. all we have is an extended quote, which does not say anything along the lines of your thread title, nor does it just gloss over 'spousal rape'.. I have no proof, nor do you, about linking abortion to the holocaust, but killing off the innocent lives is killing off the innocent lives, so IF he did, I see where he is coming from even if I would not use the same language

And NO... being more conservatives does not 'get you this'.. that is a leap YOU make without any causation or actual link

The right has its crazies.. the left has its crazies.. the libertarians have their crazies.. the authoritarians have their crazies.... but the crazy is not inherent to the party stance, nor is it because of the political affiliation.. it is because of the individual

You made ridiculous leaps, I pointed them out.. you have no defense for those leaps at all

/end thread

No he stated abortion is like the holocaust. It's in the article I posted.

Actually It does. Just like going more left gets you communism.

“But I recall back to the days of Nazi Germany, there was a place called Auschwitz. ”
As in showing that innocent life was taken there was well.. not the best choice of comparisons, but you can see the tie in he means...

No it does not.. going more conservative does not mean that you get acceptance of spousal abuse.. this is a baseless leap by you.... per usual... Now, if you said going more 'right' gets you more free market etc, THAT would be an apt comparison to going left getting you communism
I do not know if he meant it or not.. all we have is an extended quote, which does not say anything along the lines of your thread title, nor does it just gloss over 'spousal rape'.. I have no proof, nor do you, about linking abortion to the holocaust, but killing off the innocent lives is killing off the innocent lives, so IF he did, I see where he is coming from even if I would not use the same language

And NO... being more conservatives does not 'get you this'.. that is a leap YOU make without any causation or actual link

The right has its crazies.. the left has its crazies.. the libertarians have their crazies.. the authoritarians have their crazies.... but the crazy is not inherent to the party stance, nor is it because of the political affiliation.. it is because of the individual

You made ridiculous leaps, I pointed them out.. you have no defense for those leaps at all

/end thread

No he stated abortion is like the holocaust. It's in the article I posted.

Actually It does. Just like going more left gets you communism.

“But I recall back to the days of Nazi Germany, there was a place called Auschwitz. ”
As in showing that innocent life was taken there was well.. not the best choice of comparisons, but you can see the tie in he means...

No it does not.. going more conservative does not mean that you get acceptance of spousal abuse.. this is a baseless leap by you.... per usual... Now, if you said going more 'right' gets you more free market etc, THAT would be an apt comparison to going left getting you communism

Oh I see it, and it's stupid..he is saying pro choice people are like nazis.

No you don't get that. Are you seriously trying to pass that off as an argument? Ugh...

Lol free market thinking...free market is just as dangerous as more regulation.

And there, troll, comes your twist

This does not make the person conservative.. nor does it mean that every conservative thinks this way...

But you sure will label it that way for your hyper-partisan rants

Go fuck yourself

never said this, but i see you wanted to prove you are a retard.


Then what the fuck did you mean in your OP, G.T.?....

Virginia GOP candidate: Spousal rape isn?t a crime if she is ?wearing a nightie? | The Raw Story

You hear that married ladies? If you wear a nightie you are just asking for it...

And thus why running a more conservative person will never win you the white house.

Not to mention your Thread Title is a LIE... He never said that "Spousal rape isn't real"...

Did you just wake up today and decide it was time to be a Shitty Troll?...



Even when Functioning your Sock yoar a Sucker Punching Faggot... :rofl:


No he stated abortion is like the holocaust. It's in the article I posted.

Actually It does. Just like going more left gets you communism.

“But I recall back to the days of Nazi Germany, there was a place called Auschwitz. ”
As in showing that innocent life was taken there was well.. not the best choice of comparisons, but you can see the tie in he means...

No it does not.. going more conservative does not mean that you get acceptance of spousal abuse.. this is a baseless leap by you.... per usual... Now, if you said going more 'right' gets you more free market etc, THAT would be an apt comparison to going left getting you communism

Oh I see it, and it's stupid..he is saying pro choice people are like nazis.

No you don't get that. Are you seriously trying to pass that off as an argument? Ugh...

Lol free market thinking...free market is just as dangerous as more regulation.

No.. he is saying that innocent life was taken there, just as he considers innocent life is taken when an abortion happens

And whether you believe that about the free market, it is more in line with saying going more left gets you communism... not comparing the left movement toward communism and going more right gets you spousal abuse... period
“But I recall back to the days of Nazi Germany, there was a place called Auschwitz. ”
As in showing that innocent life was taken there was well.. not the best choice of comparisons, but you can see the tie in he means...

No it does not.. going more conservative does not mean that you get acceptance of spousal abuse.. this is a baseless leap by you.... per usual... Now, if you said going more 'right' gets you more free market etc, THAT would be an apt comparison to going left getting you communism

Oh I see it, and it's stupid..he is saying pro choice people are like nazis.

No you don't get that. Are you seriously trying to pass that off as an argument? Ugh...

Lol free market thinking...free market is just as dangerous as more regulation.

No.. he is saying that innocent life was taken there, just as he considers innocent life is taken when an abortion happens

And whether you believe that about the free market, it is more in line with saying going more left gets you communism... not comparing the left movement toward communism and going more right gets you spousal abuse... period

Uh huh...it was stupid.

Well no that's true but really doesn't matter how ever literal you need to be.
So what's the point? Democrats want the legal option to arrest a husband for rape of his wife? The political party that tells that violent sodomy between "married" men is none of our business and they would send a husband to prison for raping his wife? You gotta hand it to the radical left wing propaganda machine though. They managed to replace an honorable republican administration with a sleaze bag political hack. The thing that low information left wingers forgot to mention is that 55 delegate seats were up for grabs and republicans won every one of them. As a matter of fact the Va. House of delegates holds an overwhelming majority and republicans hold a majority in the senate also. There is a possiblilty that democrat senator Creigh Deeds might retire after being stabbed by his own son.
What is it that the radical left wants? They want to barge into innocent people's homes and arrest a man for raping his wife when they claim that violent sodomy in a homosexual relationship is none of our business? Are these people crazy or are they just out to destroy every fabric of society?
Virginia GOP candidate: Spousal rape isn?t a crime if she is ?wearing a nightie? | The Raw Story

You hear that married ladies? If you wear a nightie you are just asking for it...

And thus why running a more conservative person will never win you the white house.

I wonder how many times the guy has raped his wife?

how many babies did you celebrate when they are killed?

How the fuck did this turn into an abortion debate?
What is it that the radical left wants? They want to barge into innocent people's homes and arrest a man for raping his wife when they claim that violent sodomy in a homosexual relationship is none of our business? Are these people crazy or are they just out to destroy every fabric of society?

It's called consent you fucking moron.

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