St. Louis rolls back the minimum wage from $10.00 to $7.70 an hour ??


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Look for the welfare and food stamp roles to increase, because companies love only paying what they are legally obligated to pay, and do it for as long as they can or until they run out of fools to work for them for little of nothing or until the competition in the American job market returns, and the working class options increase. Who is to say when a company is being unfair or not ?? In a starved job market full of monopolies now, it is so wonder the lobbyist haven't got the wage down to $5.00 an hour.

Who will stand up for the least who are among us, and this when the deck gets stacked against those who are the least among us ???

Who should be the monitor of what is construed or interpreted to be as abusive or not ?? Can the rich be totally trusted to do the right thing always ? Does a rich man's money make him a righteous man, a compassionate man, and a holy man ??? I have seen some eye opening things in my times, and it has opened my eyes concerning many things.
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Who will stand up for the least who are among us, and this when the deck gets stacked against those who are the least among us ???

If standing up for the least of us means higher minimum wage and fewer jobs what difference does it make. If you want wages to go up, get rid of all the illegal job holders and supply and demand will raise wages. Those calling for big minimum wage raises only prove they know nothing about economics. Blaming the rich is easy to do and sounds good, but has nothing to do with the problem.
The conversation around the minimum wage should be the perfect example of this. Currently, 29 of the 50 states have exercised their autonomy and set a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum of $7.25 per hour. And dozens of cities have done the same locally. Take Missouri’s deep-red neighbor Nebraska, for example. At $9 per hour it has the highest minimum wage of any neighboring state — yet notably also has the lowest unemployment rate of any neighboring state at 3 percent.

Interestingly, many states with the lowest unemployment rate are states with a higher minimum wage, including lowest-in-the-nation Colorado, with 2.3 percent unemployment and a $9.30-per-hour minimum. At the local level, the city of Seattle — which famously went to a $15-per-hour minimum — is enjoying a 2.9 percent unemployment rate.

Minimum wage, hypocrisy and Gov. Greitens

trickle down does not work, how well we know when Bush Sr had to raise taxes.
Look for the welfare and food stamp roles to increase, because companies love only paying what they are legally obligated to pay, and do it for as long as they can or until they run out of fools to work for them for little of nothing or until the competition in the American job market returns, and the working class options increase. Who is to say when a company is being unfair or not ?? In a starved job market full of monopolies now, it is so wonder the lobbyist haven't got the wage down to $5.00 an hour.

Who will stand up for the least who are among us, and this when the deck gets stacked against those who are the least among us ???

Who should be the monitor of what is construed or interpreted to be as abusive or not ?? Can the rich be totally trusted to do the right thing always ? Does a rich man's money make him a righteous man, a compassionate man, and a holy man ??? I have seen some eye opening things in my times, and it has opened my eyes concerning many things.

So people who take entry level jobs are fools? Why don't you open your eyes a little wider and read about the economic effects of Communism?

And don't try to shove you religious philosophy down other people's throats...
Who will stand up for the least who are among us, and this when the deck gets stacked against those who are the least among us ???

If standing up for the least of us means higher minimum wage and fewer jobs what difference does it make. If you want wages to go up, get rid of all the illegal job holders and supply and demand will raise wages. Those calling for big minimum wage raises only prove they know nothing about economics. Blaming the rich is easy to do and sounds good, but has nothing to do with the problem.

You ass kissing mother fucker. Your mother must have given birth to you anally.
Look for the welfare and food stamp roles to increase, because companies love only paying what they are legally obligated to pay, and do it for as long as they can or until they run out of fools to work for them for little of nothing or until the competition in the American job market returns, and the working class options increase. Who is to say when a company is being unfair or not ?? In a starved job market full of monopolies now, it is so wonder the lobbyist haven't got the wage down to $5.00 an hour.

Who will stand up for the least who are among us, and this when the deck gets stacked against those who are the least among us ???

Who should be the monitor of what is construed or interpreted to be as abusive or not ?? Can the rich be totally trusted to do the right thing always ? Does a rich man's money make him a righteous man, a compassionate man, and a holy man ??? I have seen some eye opening things in my times, and it has opened my eyes concerning many things.

So people who take entry level jobs are fools? Why don't you open your eyes a little wider and read about the economic effects of Communism?

And don't try to shove you religious philosophy down other people's throats...
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, anyway.
Look for the welfare and food stamp roles to increase, because companies love only paying what they are legally obligated to pay, and do it for as long as they can or until they run out of fools to work for them for little of nothing or until the competition in the American job market returns, and the working class options increase. Who is to say when a company is being unfair or not ?? In a starved job market full of monopolies now, it is so wonder the lobbyist haven't got the wage down to $5.00 an hour.

Who will stand up for the least who are among us, and this when the deck gets stacked against those who are the least among us ???

Who should be the monitor of what is construed or interpreted to be as abusive or not ?? Can the rich be totally trusted to do the right thing always ? Does a rich man's money make him a righteous man, a compassionate man, and a holy man ??? I have seen some eye opening things in my times, and it has opened my eyes concerning many things.

So people who take entry level jobs are fools? Why don't you open your eyes a little wider and read about the economic effects of Communism?

And don't try to shove you religious philosophy down other people's throats...
. Cherry picking much ??? Why did you take that word "fools" out of context, and then apply your wrongful analogy to it ?? Are you going to be honest in your debate or are you going to be a hack ??? Did my statement speak against entry level jobs, and a beginners pay for those jobs ?? Nope! In fact if companies we're ethically motivated, and would have done right all along, then there wouldn't be government involvement in these things to begin with now would there be ? The entry wage shouldn't be the same for various diverse, and/or companies who are not linked together, and who are dealing within different supply and demand chains, (exist in different supporting economies), and have different resource consumptions, cost curves, profit margins etc. Stand alone companies shouldn't have to be in subjection to the government on their entry wage program, but only that they send a wage report to the office of labor in order to show that it is (satisfying the office) that it operates an ethical employee program that creates a latter system in which allows the employee to advance. Otherwise you wouldn't want to find that a company is attempting to pay it's employees a low wage/entry level pay three years later, and then the government is having to subsidize the employee outside of his or her job with food stamps and welfare.
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"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Minimum wage serves no one's benefit but for UAW union members who promptly demand a wage hike.
. And what would that rate hike be for the UAW in as far as raising the minimum wage by states concerning it's diverse job markets and economies ? If raised from say $7.70 per hour to say $ 10.00 dollars an hour, then how does that affect the UAW members ??
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Look for the welfare and food stamp roles to increase, because companies love only paying what they are legally obligated to pay, and do it for as long as they can or until they run out of fools to work for them for little of nothing or until the competition in the American job market returns, and the working class options increase. Who is to say when a company is being unfair or not ?? In a starved job market full of monopolies now, it is so wonder the lobbyist haven't got the wage down to $5.00 an hour.

Who will stand up for the least who are among us, and this when the deck gets stacked against those who are the least among us ???

Who should be the monitor of what is construed or interpreted to be as abusive or not ?? Can the rich be totally trusted to do the right thing always ? Does a rich man's money make him a righteous man, a compassionate man, and a holy man ??? I have seen some eye opening things in my times, and it has opened my eyes concerning many things.

So people who take entry level jobs are fools? Why don't you open your eyes a little wider and read about the economic effects of Communism?

And don't try to shove you religious philosophy down other people's throats...
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, anyway.
. Do these social services become corporate welfare through a subsidizing of their low wage employees for them ??
Too late. They are down to about 300K citizens. All the jobs moved to STL County to escape crime and corruption. They were near 1 million citizens way back before DemonCrats began to tax/regulate them to death. DemonCrats robbed the piggy bank. Cardinal money is not enough to save them. however, it is a start at possibly coming to senses?

see Detroit. Even worse similar story.
"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Minimum wage serves no one's benefit but for UAW union members who promptly demand a wage hike.
. And what would that rate hike be for the UAW in as far as raising the minimum wage by states concerning it's diverse job markets and economies ? If raised from say $7.70 per hour to say $ 10.00 dollars an hour, then how does that affect the UAW members ??

It raises their pay by $2.30 an hour!
Look for the welfare and food stamp roles to increase, because companies love only paying what they are legally obligated to pay, and do it for as long as they can or until they run out of fools to work for them for little of nothing or until the competition in the American job market returns, and the working class options increase. Who is to say when a company is being unfair or not ?? In a starved job market full of monopolies now, it is so wonder the lobbyist haven't got the wage down to $5.00 an hour.

Who will stand up for the least who are among us, and this when the deck gets stacked against those who are the least among us ???

Who should be the monitor of what is construed or interpreted to be as abusive or not ?? Can the rich be totally trusted to do the right thing always ? Does a rich man's money make him a righteous man, a compassionate man, and a holy man ??? I have seen some eye opening things in my times, and it has opened my eyes concerning many things.

So people who take entry level jobs are fools? Why don't you open your eyes a little wider and read about the economic effects of Communism?

And don't try to shove you religious philosophy down other people's throats...
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, anyway.
. Do these social services become corporate welfare through a subsidizing of their low wage employees for them ??

How much would the subsidy be if these people were unemployed?
Look for the welfare and food stamp roles to increase, because companies love only paying what they are legally obligated to pay, and do it for as long as they can or until they run out of fools to work for them for little of nothing or until the competition in the American job market returns, and the working class options increase. Who is to say when a company is being unfair or not ?? In a starved job market full of monopolies now, it is so wonder the lobbyist haven't got the wage down to $5.00 an hour.

Who will stand up for the least who are among us, and this when the deck gets stacked against those who are the least among us ???

Who should be the monitor of what is construed or interpreted to be as abusive or not ?? Can the rich be totally trusted to do the right thing always ? Does a rich man's money make him a righteous man, a compassionate man, and a holy man ??? I have seen some eye opening things in my times, and it has opened my eyes concerning many things.

So people who take entry level jobs are fools? Why don't you open your eyes a little wider and read about the economic effects of Communism?

And don't try to shove you religious philosophy down other people's throats...
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, anyway.
. Do these social services become corporate welfare through a subsidizing of their low wage employees for them ??

How much would the subsidy be if these people were unemployed?
. Well, me as a working class taxpayer, don't like the idea of paying to subsidize corporations who use the social net system in order to pay the other half of their labor cost, and especially when they can easily do it themselves. So it's more about them figuring out how to scam the system these companies, instead of them taking care of their part. I remember when it was said that McDonald's corporation (may have been fake news) when hired new employees back in the day, alledgedly would tell the employees also how to sign up for the social services. Kidding me right ?
"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Minimum wage serves no one's benefit but for UAW union members who promptly demand a wage hike.
. And what would that rate hike be for the UAW in as far as raising the minimum wage by states concerning it's diverse job markets and economies ? If raised from say $7.70 per hour to say $ 10.00 dollars an hour, then how does that affect the UAW members ??

Minimum wages are paid to workers with little experience and few skills. In order to attract workers with more experience and skills, employers must pay a premium. So if you raise the minimum wage, the wages of higher skilled workers must go up also. You may think this is just peachy in your utopia, but in the real world this reduces employment and income through automation, inflation and transporting jobs overseas. But it does increase government dependence, which fits nicely with your political agenda.

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