Stacey The Hoax Abrams: the decision to be pro-choice is “exactly part of my faith”

Abortion is murder. Regardless of state lines....or what your fictional faith tells you. how about The Hoax Abrams doubling down?

Confused me. I thought you were posting a video of her actually saying what you had as title of the thread, but no, that wasn't what she. Why didn't you post the one where she said it, unless she never did?
Confused me. I thought you were posting a video of her actually saying what you had as title of the thread, but no, that wasn't what she. Why didn't you post the one where she said it, unless she never did?
fixed it...thanks for the heads up...the RNC folks duped me. honest mistake. though she does support late-term abortions, so it's technically true, though she didn't say "my faith" about late term abortions...not yet, anyway...i'd like to see a reporter press her on that
fixed it...thanks for the heads up...the RNC folks duped me. honest mistake. though she does support late-term abortions, so it's technically true, though she didn't say "my faith" about late term abortions...not yet, anyway...i'd like to see a reporter press her on that
Me too, but if she is a radical, she is still a politician and would normally not say something like that in public, even if she believed in it.
No big deal, she's just announcing she's a member of the baby sacrifice cult.
Early term, late term, it doesn't matter as long as they can kill them
Me too, but if she is a radical, she is still a politician and would normally not say something like that in public, even if she believed in it.
i know...again, it was the RNC who posted the quote, i just unknowingly went with it
i know...again, it was the RNC who posted the quote, i just unknowingly went with it
No sweat. Somebody posted a thread earlier on another subject today , where their posted link was clearly diametrically opposed to what they were saying, though the linked story had the same title. They's get ya, sometimes.
Abortion is murder. Regardless of state lines....or what your fictional faith tells you. how about The Hoax Abrams doubling down?

Stacey Abrams was asked "Do you support any limitations on abortion or do you think that women should have the right to have an abortion all the way up to nine months?"

She responded with "I believe an abortion is a medical decision. And I believe that should be a choice made between a doctor and a woman."

In other words, Stacey Abrams does not believe in limitation on abortion. She believes that if a woman and her doctor want to have an abortion all the way up to nine months, it's ok.

What's so hard to understand about what she said? By refusing to say whether she supports restrictions on abortions up to nine months, she tacitly gave her approval. Silence is never neutral. Martin Luther King once summed it up thusly: "It's not the violence of the few that scares me; it is the silence of the many."
Stacey Abrams was asked "Do you support any limitations on abortion or do you think that women should have the right to have an abortion all the way up to nine months?"

She responded with "I believe an abortion is a medical decision. And I believe that should be a choice made between a doctor and a woman."

In other words, Stacey Abrams does not believe in limitation on abortion. She believes that if a woman and her doctor want to have an abortion all the way up to nine months, it's ok.

What's so hard to understand about what she said? By refusing to say whether she supports restrictions on abortions up to nine months, she tacitly gave her approval. Silence is never neutral. Martin Luther King once summed it up thusly: "It's not the violence of the few that scares me; it is the silence of the many."

Dodging a loaded question does not mean an affirmative answer. No one supports aborting full term babies. Instead of learning a lesson on just how hard republicans spin things you once again remain entirely credulous of whatever crap scrolls down your screen.
Faith isn't necessarily aligned with religion> You can have faith that you will be transported onto a passing meteor or that American decadence causes drought in Africa. You can have faith that Biden is as mentally proficient as a rocket scientist and you can have faith that the killing of the unborn is a positive step in the evolution of mankind.
Dodging a loaded question does not mean an affirmative answer. No one supports aborting full term babies. Instead of learning a lesson on just how hard republicans spin things you once again remain entirely credulous of whatever crap scrolls down your screen.

There was nothing "loaded" about the question. An honest person would have responded with one of the following choices:

1. "No I do not support any limitations on abortion, and I think that women should have the right to have an abortion all the way up to nine months."

2. "Yes I support limitations on abortion, and I think that women should not have the right to have an abortion all the way up to nine months."

Abrams was trying to protect her credibility with her supporters, and in doing so, she agreed that there should be no limits on abortions up to nine months. She sluffed off the answer onto the woman and her doctor and in doing so, stated that if a woman and her doctor makes the choice to have an abortion up to nine months, it's fine with her. That's their choice.

"I believe an abortion is a medical decision. And I believe that should be a choice made between a doctor and a woman."

Now please stop scrolling incredulous crap down my screen.
There was nothing "loaded" about the question. An honest person would have responded with one of the following choices:

1. "No I do not support any limitations on abortion, and I think that women should have the right to have an abortion all the way up to nine months."

2. "Yes I support limitations on abortion, and I think that women should not have the right to have an abortion all the way up to nine months."

Abrams was trying to protect her credibility with her supporters, and in doing so, she agreed that there should be no limits on abortions up to nine months. She sluffed off the answer onto the woman and her doctor and in doing so, stated that if a woman and her doctor makes the choice to have an abortion up to nine months, it's fine with her. That's their choice.

"I believe an abortion is a medical decision. And I believe that should be a choice made between a doctor and a woman."

Now please stop scrolling incredulous crap down my screen.
Give it a rest. I hereby challenge you to find one instance of any national politician saying in no uncertain terms that they support late-term abortion of otherwise viable babies.

Harris says that people don't have to abandon their faith to agree that the government should not be making the decision for a woman to have an abortion. What she stupidly doesn't realize is that under tyrannical regimes, the government does often make the decision as to who will or will not be be aborted.

This was seen in Nazi Germany's eugenics programs. It was also communist China's policy that women should mainly birth males, and not females.

"Abortion featured prominently in the Chinese Communist Party’s coercive population-limitation policies for decades, as government officials forced women who had violated the “one child” rule to abort their unborn babies.

With most couples only allowed one child, cultural preferences and economic worries also led to millions of sex-selective abortions of unwanted baby girls, resulting in a severely-skewed gender balance. (By 2005, there were 32 million more boys than girls in China.)"

China, Where Population Control Featured Forced Abortion for Years, Says US Abuses Women’s Rights

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