Stacked Debate?

No need to list further.
I want to see Megyn Kelly !!!

lol ... sexist pig. She only lacks being a mute to be perfect.

yes, because someone who was number one in her law school class should keep quiet for you wackos

and you wonder why women don't vote for your misogynist, bigoted candidates

She failed bar exams everywhere she took them, except oddly enough in Arkansas, where her Hubby arranged for her to 'pass', and landed her a nice paying do nothing gig as a member of the Walmart board of directors., and as a matter of fact the GOP is gaining women voters in a major category, namely those who are married and have children, and of course Hillary's hubby is a misogynist, so we know you're just full of baloney trying to claim women Democrats have some sort of problem with misogyny.
Um....Megan Kelly?

oh that's funny... because he was confused, he muddled the conversation.


And as usual you have it embarrassingly ass backwards. You're also as ignorant as Megan Kelly re history.

As for the silly claims about 'misogyny, and the alleged 'gender gap', here is a nice critique of that myth.

The Misunderstood Gender Gap
Another rightwingnut lie. She failed DC. She passed Arkansas. Every state tests different things. In NY they test Civil practice or they used to ( I'm not sure about now.). But if I took a bar exam in Louisiana, I wouldn't know a thing about the law in a code state.

Yes,it's obvious you don't know squat about it. If she were some kind great legal eagle she wouldn't have failed the bar exam for D.C., it's that simple.

But I do love how hacks who know nothing about the subject think they can make up BS and anyone but other hacks is going to listen to them.

Hahaha, loser projects her own ignorance yet again. Maybe if you make enough of a impression as a total muppet Hillary will make you chief Tampax Washer at the White House or something.

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