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Jews are certainly responsible for their own networking success.

This engenders envy and hate.

Adolf could not stop repeating himself about this in his book. Only he called it Jewish self dealing.

I hate to contradict an author you seem to admire greatly, but Hitler was full of shite. Jews are no more cohesive a group than any other ethnic minority. In many ways, less so.

The only Jews that Hitler ever knew ... those in Germany and Austria of the 1920's and '30s ... were a very diverse group whose only common bond they shared was that of a religion and ethnicity (and not always that). German Jews of that time were religious, agnostic, rich, and poor, parochial or assimilated. They worked in banking, education, industry, farming, and some were even beggars. Some German Jews had so fully integrated into German society that they were indistinguishable in any way from non-Jewish Germans.

Hitler (and in fact most Europeans) and some people today believe that a Jew is incapable of making any decision, successful or otherwise, without consultation of the Jewish Hive-mind. They believe that an invisible and unidentifiable "Jewish Blood" directs the thoughts and actions of all Jews. Because of this, the Germans went through a great deal of trouble to create the concept of fractional Judaism to decide who lives and who dies based on their perception of the amount of "Jewish Blood" they contain.

This resulted in religious Jews, atheist Jews, uneducated Jews, scholarly Jews, poor Jews, rich Jews, Jews who were immersed in Jewish culture and those who had no connection with the Jewish community of any kind to all be thrown into his meat-grinder to be eradicated from the Earth.

This belief and the thinking behind it led the Germans in 1942 to draw up lists of Jews in all the countries in Europe that they hoped to exterminate ... 11 million Jews, hundreds of of thousands of which had already been murdered.

Crazy talk. You were taking over Germany as well as Poland, and the orthodox Jews were disliked by the secular ones. You had already took over Russia and Warsaw and the British government, the Jews had a global push for global communism, everyone thinks Jews were helpless during WWII but the Jews had many partisan groups.
More Poles died that Jews, and WWII was a world war, I get sick of hearing about your Jewish holocaust, like you are the only ones who had casualties during the war, but then again, most wars seem to be caused by Jews, isn't that strange. Israel was to be set up as a secular colony of Britain to guard the Suez canal, and look what you did. The secular Jews did all they could to take religion out of the religious kids, but they knew they needed a language so resurrected Hebrew. Also many protestants were for a land of Israel, as they looked forward to Jesus in the clouds.

Well, since you are constantly on Jewish sites, it's no wonder that you hear about the Holocaust alot. Stop visiting the sites then. We didn't "take over" Germany and Poland--that was Hitler's excuse to try and annihilate us. How many from your family were killed in the Holocaust? Many in my family were killed, and so it is with most Ashkenaz Jews. And there are alot of wars that have nothing to do with Jews; they are just not of interest to ppl when Jews aren't involved, like the war in the Congo, for instance. You will suffocate with all your Jew-hatred one day, and your end will not be a good one, just like Hitler's end was not a good one.
Jews are certainly responsible for their own networking success.

This engenders envy and hate.

Adolf could not stop repeating himself about this in his book. Only he called it Jewish self dealing.

I hate to contradict an author you seem to admire greatly, but Hitler was full of shite. Jews are no more cohesive a group than any other ethnic minority. In many ways, less so.

The only Jews that Hitler ever knew ... those in Germany and Austria of the 1920's and '30s ... were a very diverse group whose only common bond they shared was that of a religion and ethnicity (and not always that). German Jews of that time were religious, agnostic, rich, and poor, parochial or assimilated. They worked in banking, education, industry, farming, and some were even beggars. Some German Jews had so fully integrated into German society that they were indistinguishable in any way from non-Jewish Germans.

Hitler (and in fact most Europeans) and some people today believe that a Jew is incapable of making any decision, successful or otherwise, without consultation of the Jewish Hive-mind. They believe that an invisible and unidentifiable "Jewish Blood" directs the thoughts and actions of all Jews. Because of this, the Germans went through a great deal of trouble to create the concept of fractional Judaism to decide who lives and who dies based on their perception of the amount of "Jewish Blood" they contain.

This resulted in religious Jews, atheist Jews, uneducated Jews, scholarly Jews, poor Jews, rich Jews, Jews who were immersed in Jewish culture and those who had no connection with the Jewish community of any kind to all be thrown into his meat-grinder to be eradicated from the Earth.

This belief and the thinking behind it led the Germans in 1942 to draw up lists of Jews in all the countries in Europe that they hoped to exterminate ... 11 million Jews, hundreds of of thousands of which had already been murdered.
You are wrong.

First, the Final Solution was not in the Nazi game plan all along, as you state. It was implemented only when it became clear Germany was going to lose the war, and there is some question whether Hitler even knew it had been launched.

Second, as in the United States, there were two distinct migrations of Jews to Germany. The first group was more assimilable, higher achieving, and looked down on the second wave--"eastern" Jews skedaddling after a failed revolution against the Tsar. I imagine something similar to what went on here also went on in Germany. Over time, the two groups blended, uniting against the common out-group Germans and making the first group less assimilable and the second group less well, Jewy.

That process can be seen in the United States in the narrative Jews love to tell about the horrors they've endured at the (closed) gates of WASP country clubs. As Jewish narratives (think Sorkin's attempt to portray Jews as persecuted at Harvard in The Social Network when, in reality. Jewish Harvard prez Larry Summers shafted the WASP Winklevoss twins in favor of his fellow Jew, Mark Zuckerberg) tend to go, the reality was something different. The first Jews to the New World were German Jews, very different from the later Jewish arrivals from eastern Europe. The first group looked down on the second group and it was into their clubs the newcomers weren't welcome. As time went on the two groups have united, raising the question "against what". Thus is born The Myth of the Golf Nazi .

In Germany, the union brought with it a vicious betrayal in WWI and the onerous Versailles Treaty, which, in turn, led to Nazism, WWII, and the Holocaust. The real question is: are Jews capable of the honest introspection necessary to prevent this whole act playing out again? If we were to judge by the Jews on this board, it is a deafening "no".
Then will the LORD drive out all these nations from before you, and ye shall possess greater nations and mightier than yourselves.

Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river
[Nile], the river Euphrates, even unto the uttermost sea shall your coast be.
i.e., including Syria and Iraq

There shall no man be able to stand before you: for the LORD your God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that ye shall tread upon, as he hath said unto you.
Your point?
You have a problem with Hashem apportioning the earth as He so desires?
I have no clue who Hashem is, but He better keep His mitts off my sHit. If Hashem wants to apportion something, let him apportion His own sHit and leave everyone else's sHit alone.

The Anglo "The Lord" is derived from the Hebrew "Hashem".
Hashem means "The One Renown for Ultimate Kindness".
Sometimes, one must seem cruel to be truly kind.

Leave God out of this , you used him enough in the OT, and still to this day. You are not the chosen ones, no matter how much you try and tell yourself that.
If we aren't Chosen why does everyone choose to hate us?
Oh, I don't know. Hateworthy, maybe?
Jews are certainly responsible for their own networking success.

This engenders envy and hate.

Adolf could not stop repeating himself about this in his book. Only he called it Jewish self dealing.

I hate to contradict an author you seem to admire greatly, but Hitler was full of shite. Jews are no more cohesive a group than any other ethnic minority. In many ways, less so.

The only Jews that Hitler ever knew ... those in Germany and Austria of the 1920's and '30s ... were a very diverse group whose only common bond they shared was that of a religion and ethnicity (and not always that). German Jews of that time were religious, agnostic, rich, and poor, parochial or assimilated. They worked in banking, education, industry, farming, and some were even beggars. Some German Jews had so fully integrated into German society that they were indistinguishable in any way from non-Jewish Germans.

Hitler (and in fact most Europeans) and some people today believe that a Jew is incapable of making any decision, successful or otherwise, without consultation of the Jewish Hive-mind. They believe that an invisible and unidentifiable "Jewish Blood" directs the thoughts and actions of all Jews. Because of this, the Germans went through a great deal of trouble to create the concept of fractional Judaism to decide who lives and who dies based on their perception of the amount of "Jewish Blood" they contain.

This resulted in religious Jews, atheist Jews, uneducated Jews, scholarly Jews, poor Jews, rich Jews, Jews who were immersed in Jewish culture and those who had no connection with the Jewish community of any kind to all be thrown into his meat-grinder to be eradicated from the Earth.

This belief and the thinking behind it led the Germans in 1942 to draw up lists of Jews in all the countries in Europe that they hoped to exterminate ... 11 million Jews, hundreds of of thousands of which had already been murdered.
You are wrong.

First, the Final Solution was not in the Nazi game plan all along, as you state. It was implemented only when it became clear Germany was going to lose the war, and there is some question whether Hitler even knew it had been launched.

Second, as in the United States, there were two distinct migrations of Jews to Germany. The first group was more assimilable, higher achieving, and looked down on the second wave--"eastern" Jews skedaddling after a failed revolution against the Tsar. I imagine something similar to what went on here also went on in Germany. Over time, the two groups blended, uniting against the common out-group Germans and making the first group less assimilable and the second group less well, Jewy.

That process can be seen in the United States in the narrative Jews love to tell about the horrors they've endured at the (closed) gates of WASP country clubs. As Jewish narratives (think Sorkin's attempt to portray Jews as persecuted at Harvard in The Social Network when, in reality. Jewish Harvard prez Larry Summers shafted the WASP Winklevoss twins in favor of his fellow Jew, Mark Zuckerberg) tend to go, the reality was something different. The first Jews to the New World were German Jews, very different from the later Jewish arrivals from eastern Europe. The first group looked down on the second group and it was into their clubs the newcomers weren't welcome. As time went on the two groups have united, raising the question "against what". Thus is born The Myth of the Golf Nazi .

In Germany, the union brought with it a vicious betrayal in WWI and the onerous Versailles Treaty, which, in turn, led to Nazism, WWII, and the Holocaust. The real question is: are Jews capable of the honest introspection necessary to prevent this whole act playing out again? If we were to judge by the Jews on this board, it is a deafening "no".
That was quite well written bullshit.
Guess why Jews own their own businesses?
No one would hire us.
Jews are certainly responsible for their own networking success.

This engenders envy and hate.

Adolf could not stop repeating himself about this in his book. Only he called it Jewish self dealing.

I hate to contradict an author you seem to admire greatly, but Hitler was full of shite. Jews are no more cohesive a group than any other ethnic minority. In many ways, less so.

The only Jews that Hitler ever knew ... those in Germany and Austria of the 1920's and '30s ... were a very diverse group whose only common bond they shared was that of a religion and ethnicity (and not always that). German Jews of that time were religious, agnostic, rich, and poor, parochial or assimilated. They worked in banking, education, industry, farming, and some were even beggars. Some German Jews had so fully integrated into German society that they were indistinguishable in any way from non-Jewish Germans.

Hitler (and in fact most Europeans) and some people today believe that a Jew is incapable of making any decision, successful or otherwise, without consultation of the Jewish Hive-mind. They believe that an invisible and unidentifiable "Jewish Blood" directs the thoughts and actions of all Jews. Because of this, the Germans went through a great deal of trouble to create the concept of fractional Judaism to decide who lives and who dies based on their perception of the amount of "Jewish Blood" they contain.

This resulted in religious Jews, atheist Jews, uneducated Jews, scholarly Jews, poor Jews, rich Jews, Jews who were immersed in Jewish culture and those who had no connection with the Jewish community of any kind to all be thrown into his meat-grinder to be eradicated from the Earth.

This belief and the thinking behind it led the Germans in 1942 to draw up lists of Jews in all the countries in Europe that they hoped to exterminate ... 11 million Jews, hundreds of of thousands of which had already been murdered.
Stop copying and pasting from white supremacist garbage sites and listen carefully, you illiterate Nazi wanna be. There is not and never has been an active effort by Jews to conspire to do anything, especially when it comes to helping each other "succeed". In fact Jews often prefer to work with non Jews because they view other Jews as competition.

The Jews, like all other communities, do however have a right to consider themselves as a seperate ethnicity or people, as they have been for the last 4,000 years, including the overwhelming positive contributions they have brought throughout history.

You can flush your racist drivel down the toilet.
Last edited:
Jews are certainly responsible for their own networking success.

This engenders envy and hate.

Adolf could not stop repeating himself about this in his book. Only he called it Jewish self dealing.

I hate to contradict an author you seem to admire greatly, but Hitler was full of shite. Jews are no more cohesive a group than any other ethnic minority. In many ways, less so.

The only Jews that Hitler ever knew ... those in Germany and Austria of the 1920's and '30s ... were a very diverse group whose only common bond they shared was that of a religion and ethnicity (and not always that). German Jews of that time were religious, agnostic, rich, and poor, parochial or assimilated. They worked in banking, education, industry, farming, and some were even beggars. Some German Jews had so fully integrated into German society that they were indistinguishable in any way from non-Jewish Germans.

Hitler (and in fact most Europeans) and some people today believe that a Jew is incapable of making any decision, successful or otherwise, without consultation of the Jewish Hive-mind. They believe that an invisible and unidentifiable "Jewish Blood" directs the thoughts and actions of all Jews. Because of this, the Germans went through a great deal of trouble to create the concept of fractional Judaism to decide who lives and who dies based on their perception of the amount of "Jewish Blood" they contain.

This resulted in religious Jews, atheist Jews, uneducated Jews, scholarly Jews, poor Jews, rich Jews, Jews who were immersed in Jewish culture and those who had no connection with the Jewish community of any kind to all be thrown into his meat-grinder to be eradicated from the Earth.

This belief and the thinking behind it led the Germans in 1942 to draw up lists of Jews in all the countries in Europe that they hoped to exterminate ... 11 million Jews, hundreds of of thousands of which had already been murdered.

Crazy talk. You were taking over Germany as well as Poland, and the orthodox Jews were disliked by the secular ones. You had already took over Russia and Warsaw and the British government, the Jews had a global push for global communism, everyone thinks Jews were helpless during WWII but the Jews had many partisan groups.
More Poles died that Jews, and WWII was a world war, I get sick of hearing about your Jewish holocaust, like you are the only ones who had casualties during the war, but then again, most wars seem to be caused by Jews, isn't that strange. Israel was to be set up as a secular colony of Britain to guard the Suez canal, and look what you did. The secular Jews did all they could to take religion out of the religious kids, but they knew they needed a language so resurrected Hebrew. Also many protestants were for a land of Israel, as they looked forward to Jesus in the clouds.

Well, since you are constantly on Jewish sites, it's no wonder that you hear about the Holocaust alot. Stop visiting the sites then. We didn't "take over" Germany and Poland--that was Hitler's excuse to try and annihilate us. How many from your family were killed in the Holocaust? Many in my family were killed, and so it is with most Ashkenaz Jews. And there are alot of wars that have nothing to do with Jews; they are just not of interest to ppl when Jews aren't involved, like the war in the Congo, for instance. You will suffocate with all your Jew-hatred one day, and your end will not be a good one, just like Hitler's end was not a good one.

Oh using James Comey word, Lordy that is all Israel talks about and many died in WWII, I get tired of listening to your crying. I have no idea about my linage pass my Mothers parents who I never knew, so get over it. Of course Jews think their linage goes back to Israel. I bet you can even tell what tribe you are from. Over 65 million died in WWII and we are to obsess over at most 3 million jews who died from starvation , murder, disease and maybe some gassed in a truck.
Jews are certainly responsible for their own networking success.

This engenders envy and hate.

Adolf could not stop repeating himself about this in his book. Only he called it Jewish self dealing.

I hate to contradict an author you seem to admire greatly, but Hitler was full of shite. Jews are no more cohesive a group than any other ethnic minority. In many ways, less so.

The only Jews that Hitler ever knew ... those in Germany and Austria of the 1920's and '30s ... were a very diverse group whose only common bond they shared was that of a religion and ethnicity (and not always that). German Jews of that time were religious, agnostic, rich, and poor, parochial or assimilated. They worked in banking, education, industry, farming, and some were even beggars. Some German Jews had so fully integrated into German society that they were indistinguishable in any way from non-Jewish Germans.

Hitler (and in fact most Europeans) and some people today believe that a Jew is incapable of making any decision, successful or otherwise, without consultation of the Jewish Hive-mind. They believe that an invisible and unidentifiable "Jewish Blood" directs the thoughts and actions of all Jews. Because of this, the Germans went through a great deal of trouble to create the concept of fractional Judaism to decide who lives and who dies based on their perception of the amount of "Jewish Blood" they contain.

This resulted in religious Jews, atheist Jews, uneducated Jews, scholarly Jews, poor Jews, rich Jews, Jews who were immersed in Jewish culture and those who had no connection with the Jewish community of any kind to all be thrown into his meat-grinder to be eradicated from the Earth.

This belief and the thinking behind it led the Germans in 1942 to draw up lists of Jews in all the countries in Europe that they hoped to exterminate ... 11 million Jews, hundreds of of thousands of which had already been murdered.
You are wrong.

First, the Final Solution was not in the Nazi game plan all along, as you state. It was implemented only when it became clear Germany was going to lose the war, and there is some question whether Hitler even knew it had been launched.

Second, as in the United States, there were two distinct migrations of Jews to Germany. The first group was more assimilable, higher achieving, and looked down on the second wave--"eastern" Jews skedaddling after a failed revolution against the Tsar. I imagine something similar to what went on here also went on in Germany. Over time, the two groups blended, uniting against the common out-group Germans and making the first group less assimilable and the second group less well, Jewy.

That process can be seen in the United States in the narrative Jews love to tell about the horrors they've endured at the (closed) gates of WASP country clubs. As Jewish narratives (think Sorkin's attempt to portray Jews as persecuted at Harvard in The Social Network when, in reality. Jewish Harvard prez Larry Summers shafted the WASP Winklevoss twins in favor of his fellow Jew, Mark Zuckerberg) tend to go, the reality was something different. The first Jews to the New World were German Jews, very different from the later Jewish arrivals from eastern Europe. The first group looked down on the second group and it was into their clubs the newcomers weren't welcome. As time went on the two groups have united, raising the question "against what". Thus is born The Myth of the Golf Nazi .

In Germany, the union brought with it a vicious betrayal in WWI and the onerous Versailles Treaty, which, in turn, led to Nazism, WWII, and the Holocaust. The real question is: are Jews capable of the honest introspection necessary to prevent this whole act playing out again? If we were to judge by the Jews on this board, it is a deafening "no".
That was quite well written bullshit.
Guess why Jews own their own businesses?
No one would hire us.

My gosh, who was Alexander and Tiberius Alexander. Who was Philo. There were as many jews in Alexndria in the first century as in Judea, and many in Rome and all over. You never cared about Judea, only the zealots, the Palestinians are the Jews who stayed and some became EO and Muslims.
Is any Jew here denying that Israel was to be set up as a secular country?
Jews are certainly responsible for their own networking success.

This engenders envy and hate.

Adolf could not stop repeating himself about this in his book. Only he called it Jewish self dealing.

I hate to contradict an author you seem to admire greatly, but Hitler was full of shite. Jews are no more cohesive a group than any other ethnic minority. In many ways, less so.

The only Jews that Hitler ever knew ... those in Germany and Austria of the 1920's and '30s ... were a very diverse group whose only common bond they shared was that of a religion and ethnicity (and not always that). German Jews of that time were religious, agnostic, rich, and poor, parochial or assimilated. They worked in banking, education, industry, farming, and some were even beggars. Some German Jews had so fully integrated into German society that they were indistinguishable in any way from non-Jewish Germans.

Hitler (and in fact most Europeans) and some people today believe that a Jew is incapable of making any decision, successful or otherwise, without consultation of the Jewish Hive-mind. They believe that an invisible and unidentifiable "Jewish Blood" directs the thoughts and actions of all Jews. Because of this, the Germans went through a great deal of trouble to create the concept of fractional Judaism to decide who lives and who dies based on their perception of the amount of "Jewish Blood" they contain.

This resulted in religious Jews, atheist Jews, uneducated Jews, scholarly Jews, poor Jews, rich Jews, Jews who were immersed in Jewish culture and those who had no connection with the Jewish community of any kind to all be thrown into his meat-grinder to be eradicated from the Earth.

This belief and the thinking behind it led the Germans in 1942 to draw up lists of Jews in all the countries in Europe that they hoped to exterminate ... 11 million Jews, hundreds of of thousands of which had already been murdered.

Crazy talk. You were taking over Germany as well as Poland, and the orthodox Jews were disliked by the secular ones. You had already took over Russia and Warsaw and the British government, the Jews had a global push for global communism, everyone thinks Jews were helpless during WWII but the Jews had many partisan groups.
More Poles died that Jews, and WWII was a world war, I get sick of hearing about your Jewish holocaust, like you are the only ones who had casualties during the war, but then again, most wars seem to be caused by Jews, isn't that strange. Israel was to be set up as a secular colony of Britain to guard the Suez canal, and look what you did. The secular Jews did all they could to take religion out of the religious kids, but they knew they needed a language so resurrected Hebrew. Also many protestants were for a land of Israel, as they looked forward to Jesus in the clouds.

Well, since you are constantly on Jewish sites, it's no wonder that you hear about the Holocaust alot. Stop visiting the sites then. We didn't "take over" Germany and Poland--that was Hitler's excuse to try and annihilate us. How many from your family were killed in the Holocaust? Many in my family were killed, and so it is with most Ashkenaz Jews. And there are alot of wars that have nothing to do with Jews; they are just not of interest to ppl when Jews aren't involved, like the war in the Congo, for instance. You will suffocate with all your Jew-hatred one day, and your end will not be a good one, just like Hitler's end was not a good one.

Oh using James Comey word, Lordy that is all Israel talks about and many died in WWII, I get tired of listening to your crying. I have no idea about my linage pass my Mothers parents who I never knew, so get over it. Of course Jews think their linage goes back to Israel. I bet you can even tell what tribe you are from. Over 65 million died in WWII and we are to obsess over at most 3 million jews who died from starvation , murder, disease and maybe some gassed in a truck.

Let us take your bulshitology one at a time:

1) Jews have never denied all the other groups and the number of people who have died in WWII. On the other hand, Jew haters have done anything and everything to deny the number of Jews who were murdered by any means the Nazis and the Arab Jihadists could find AND on top of it, put the blame of the Holocaust on them.

2) Your lack of interest in your ancestry is your choice.
Jews can tell their ancestry all the way back to the Exodus of Egypt, and before, by various forms, none of which you are aware of, or could care less about. None of your business either way.

3) Yes, many groups of Jews can tell which tribe they came from.
You being uninterested and ignorant about it, will not change that.

4) It was 6 Million Jews who were killed by the Nazis in WWII.
All you have to do, when you find the time, is read the Nazi archives they left behind for their 1000 year Third Reich records. It is all in there.
Jews are certainly responsible for their own networking success.

This engenders envy and hate.

Adolf could not stop repeating himself about this in his book. Only he called it Jewish self dealing.

I hate to contradict an author you seem to admire greatly, but Hitler was full of shite. Jews are no more cohesive a group than any other ethnic minority. In many ways, less so.

The only Jews that Hitler ever knew ... those in Germany and Austria of the 1920's and '30s ... were a very diverse group whose only common bond they shared was that of a religion and ethnicity (and not always that). German Jews of that time were religious, agnostic, rich, and poor, parochial or assimilated. They worked in banking, education, industry, farming, and some were even beggars. Some German Jews had so fully integrated into German society that they were indistinguishable in any way from non-Jewish Germans.

Hitler (and in fact most Europeans) and some people today believe that a Jew is incapable of making any decision, successful or otherwise, without consultation of the Jewish Hive-mind. They believe that an invisible and unidentifiable "Jewish Blood" directs the thoughts and actions of all Jews. Because of this, the Germans went through a great deal of trouble to create the concept of fractional Judaism to decide who lives and who dies based on their perception of the amount of "Jewish Blood" they contain.

This resulted in religious Jews, atheist Jews, uneducated Jews, scholarly Jews, poor Jews, rich Jews, Jews who were immersed in Jewish culture and those who had no connection with the Jewish community of any kind to all be thrown into his meat-grinder to be eradicated from the Earth.

This belief and the thinking behind it led the Germans in 1942 to draw up lists of Jews in all the countries in Europe that they hoped to exterminate ... 11 million Jews, hundreds of of thousands of which had already been murdered.

Crazy talk. You were taking over Germany as well as Poland, and the orthodox Jews were disliked by the secular ones. You had already took over Russia and Warsaw and the British government, the Jews had a global push for global communism, everyone thinks Jews were helpless during WWII but the Jews had many partisan groups.
More Poles died that Jews, and WWII was a world war, I get sick of hearing about your Jewish holocaust, like you are the only ones who had casualties during the war, but then again, most wars seem to be caused by Jews, isn't that strange. Israel was to be set up as a secular colony of Britain to guard the Suez canal, and look what you did. The secular Jews did all they could to take religion out of the religious kids, but they knew they needed a language so resurrected Hebrew. Also many protestants were for a land of Israel, as they looked forward to Jesus in the clouds.

Well, since you are constantly on Jewish sites, it's no wonder that you hear about the Holocaust alot. Stop visiting the sites then. We didn't "take over" Germany and Poland--that was Hitler's excuse to try and annihilate us. How many from your family were killed in the Holocaust? Many in my family were killed, and so it is with most Ashkenaz Jews. And there are alot of wars that have nothing to do with Jews; they are just not of interest to ppl when Jews aren't involved, like the war in the Congo, for instance. You will suffocate with all your Jew-hatred one day, and your end will not be a good one, just like Hitler's end was not a good one.

Oh using James Comey word, Lordy that is all Israel talks about and many died in WWII, I get tired of listening to your crying. I have no idea about my linage pass my Mothers parents who I never knew, so get over it. Of course Jews think their linage goes back to Israel. I bet you can even tell what tribe you are from. Over 65 million died in WWII and we are to obsess over at most 3 million jews who died from starvation , murder, disease and maybe some gassed in a truck.

Let us take your bulshitology one at a time:

1) Jews have never denied all the other groups and the number of people who have died in WWII. On the other hand, Jew haters have done anything and everything to deny the number of Jews who were murdered by any means the Nazis and the Arab Jihadists could find AND on top of it, put the blame of the Holocaust on them.

2) Your lack of interest in your ancestry is your choice.
Jews can tell their ancestry all the way back to the Exodus of Egypt, and before, by various forms, none of which you are aware of, or could care less about. None of your business either way.

3) Yes, many groups of Jews can tell which tribe they came from.
You being uninterested and ignorant about it, will not change that.

4) It was 6 Million Jews who were killed by the Nazis in WWII.
All you have to do, when you find the time, is read the Nazi archives they left behind for their 1000 year Third Reich records. It is all in there.

LOL @ bulshitology. Penelope could teach a course in that subject. I'm from the Levite tribe, by the way.
Jews are certainly responsible for their own networking success.

This engenders envy and hate.

Adolf could not stop repeating himself about this in his book. Only he called it Jewish self dealing.

I hate to contradict an author you seem to admire greatly, but Hitler was full of shite. Jews are no more cohesive a group than any other ethnic minority. In many ways, less so.

The only Jews that Hitler ever knew ... those in Germany and Austria of the 1920's and '30s ... were a very diverse group whose only common bond they shared was that of a religion and ethnicity (and not always that). German Jews of that time were religious, agnostic, rich, and poor, parochial or assimilated. They worked in banking, education, industry, farming, and some were even beggars. Some German Jews had so fully integrated into German society that they were indistinguishable in any way from non-Jewish Germans.

Hitler (and in fact most Europeans) and some people today believe that a Jew is incapable of making any decision, successful or otherwise, without consultation of the Jewish Hive-mind. They believe that an invisible and unidentifiable "Jewish Blood" directs the thoughts and actions of all Jews. Because of this, the Germans went through a great deal of trouble to create the concept of fractional Judaism to decide who lives and who dies based on their perception of the amount of "Jewish Blood" they contain.

This resulted in religious Jews, atheist Jews, uneducated Jews, scholarly Jews, poor Jews, rich Jews, Jews who were immersed in Jewish culture and those who had no connection with the Jewish community of any kind to all be thrown into his meat-grinder to be eradicated from the Earth.

This belief and the thinking behind it led the Germans in 1942 to draw up lists of Jews in all the countries in Europe that they hoped to exterminate ... 11 million Jews, hundreds of of thousands of which had already been murdered.

Crazy talk. You were taking over Germany as well as Poland, and the orthodox Jews were disliked by the secular ones. You had already took over Russia and Warsaw and the British government, the Jews had a global push for global communism, everyone thinks Jews were helpless during WWII but the Jews had many partisan groups.
More Poles died that Jews, and WWII was a world war, I get sick of hearing about your Jewish holocaust, like you are the only ones who had casualties during the war, but then again, most wars seem to be caused by Jews, isn't that strange. Israel was to be set up as a secular colony of Britain to guard the Suez canal, and look what you did. The secular Jews did all they could to take religion out of the religious kids, but they knew they needed a language so resurrected Hebrew. Also many protestants were for a land of Israel, as they looked forward to Jesus in the clouds.

Well, since you are constantly on Jewish sites, it's no wonder that you hear about the Holocaust alot. Stop visiting the sites then. We didn't "take over" Germany and Poland--that was Hitler's excuse to try and annihilate us. How many from your family were killed in the Holocaust? Many in my family were killed, and so it is with most Ashkenaz Jews. And there are alot of wars that have nothing to do with Jews; they are just not of interest to ppl when Jews aren't involved, like the war in the Congo, for instance. You will suffocate with all your Jew-hatred one day, and your end will not be a good one, just like Hitler's end was not a good one.

Oh using James Comey word, Lordy that is all Israel talks about and many died in WWII, I get tired of listening to your crying. I have no idea about my linage pass my Mothers parents who I never knew, so get over it. Of course Jews think their linage goes back to Israel. I bet you can even tell what tribe you are from. Over 65 million died in WWII and we are to obsess over at most 3 million jews who died from starvation , murder, disease and maybe some gassed in a truck.

Let us take your bulshitology one at a time:

1) Jews have never denied all the other groups and the number of people who have died in WWII. On the other hand, Jew haters have done anything and everything to deny the number of Jews who were murdered by any means the Nazis and the Arab Jihadists could find AND on top of it, put the blame of the Holocaust on them.

2) Your lack of interest in your ancestry is your choice.
Jews can tell their ancestry all the way back to the Exodus of Egypt, and before, by various forms, none of which you are aware of, or could care less about. None of your business either way.

3) Yes, many groups of Jews can tell which tribe they came from.
You being uninterested and ignorant about it, will not change that.

4) It was 6 Million Jews who were killed by the Nazis in WWII.
All you have to do, when you find the time, is read the Nazi archives they left behind for their 1000 year Third Reich records. It is all in there.

The European women that European Jews descend from did not "exodus" to anywhere. They were indigenous Europeans.

"European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree"

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree
Jews are certainly responsible for their own networking success.

This engenders envy and hate.

Adolf could not stop repeating himself about this in his book. Only he called it Jewish self dealing.

I hate to contradict an author you seem to admire greatly, but Hitler was full of shite. Jews are no more cohesive a group than any other ethnic minority. In many ways, less so.

The only Jews that Hitler ever knew ... those in Germany and Austria of the 1920's and '30s ... were a very diverse group whose only common bond they shared was that of a religion and ethnicity (and not always that). German Jews of that time were religious, agnostic, rich, and poor, parochial or assimilated. They worked in banking, education, industry, farming, and some were even beggars. Some German Jews had so fully integrated into German society that they were indistinguishable in any way from non-Jewish Germans.

Hitler (and in fact most Europeans) and some people today believe that a Jew is incapable of making any decision, successful or otherwise, without consultation of the Jewish Hive-mind. They believe that an invisible and unidentifiable "Jewish Blood" directs the thoughts and actions of all Jews. Because of this, the Germans went through a great deal of trouble to create the concept of fractional Judaism to decide who lives and who dies based on their perception of the amount of "Jewish Blood" they contain.

This resulted in religious Jews, atheist Jews, uneducated Jews, scholarly Jews, poor Jews, rich Jews, Jews who were immersed in Jewish culture and those who had no connection with the Jewish community of any kind to all be thrown into his meat-grinder to be eradicated from the Earth.

This belief and the thinking behind it led the Germans in 1942 to draw up lists of Jews in all the countries in Europe that they hoped to exterminate ... 11 million Jews, hundreds of of thousands of which had already been murdered.
You are wrong.

First, the Final Solution was not in the Nazi game plan all along, as you state. It was implemented only when it became clear Germany was going to lose the war, and there is some question whether Hitler even knew it had been launched.

Second, as in the United States, there were two distinct migrations of Jews to Germany. The first group was more assimilable, higher achieving, and looked down on the second wave--"eastern" Jews skedaddling after a failed revolution against the Tsar. I imagine something similar to what went on here also went on in Germany. Over time, the two groups blended, uniting against the common out-group Germans and making the first group less assimilable and the second group less well, Jewy.

That process can be seen in the United States in the narrative Jews love to tell about the horrors they've endured at the (closed) gates of WASP country clubs. As Jewish narratives (think Sorkin's attempt to portray Jews as persecuted at Harvard in The Social Network when, in reality. Jewish Harvard prez Larry Summers shafted the WASP Winklevoss twins in favor of his fellow Jew, Mark Zuckerberg) tend to go, the reality was something different. The first Jews to the New World were German Jews, very different from the later Jewish arrivals from eastern Europe. The first group looked down on the second group and it was into their clubs the newcomers weren't welcome. As time went on the two groups have united, raising the question "against what". Thus is born The Myth of the Golf Nazi .

In Germany, the union brought with it a vicious betrayal in WWI and the onerous Versailles Treaty, which, in turn, led to Nazism, WWII, and the Holocaust. The real question is: are Jews capable of the honest introspection necessary to prevent this whole act playing out again? If we were to judge by the Jews on this board, it is a deafening "no".
That was quite well written bullshit.
Guess why Jews own their own businesses?
No one would hire us.

My gosh, who was Alexander and Tiberius Alexander. Who was Philo. There were as many jews in Alexndria in the first century as in Judea, and many in Rome and all over. You never cared about Judea, only the zealots, the Palestinians are the Jews who stayed and some became EO and Muslims.

Continuing in dismembering your bulshitology:

1) You know nothing about Judaism, or what Jews believe in.
So you come here with the sad, pathetic excuse of "Numbers".
How many Jews were there in Judea, and not what they believed in,
how much the land continued to be important to them for the 1800 years up till then (1st, 2nd Centuries CE), and how many of them died (they were not ALL zealots, do you even know the meaning of it? - Are the you going to consider some Indigenous Nations of the Americas zealots and others not, simply because some fought their invaders, and others did not? )

Wether they lived in Judea, Judaism was already a 1800 year old cult/religion which survived many attempts to destroy it, and turn the population into whichever pagan cult invaded them.

Whether they lived in Judea, Samaria, the rest of Israel, the Jews took their Judaism and continued it anywhere else they were .
And always returned to the land, when they could.

From the Roman Empire on, they had no sovereignty over their land, but all other groups always mentioned that land as being the Land of Israel, or the Land of the Jews. Because that is exactly what it had been and continued to be, to this day.

There have always been Jews living on the Jewish Homeland.
No one ever denied that it was the Jewish Homeland until the 20th century when Muslims could not stand losing a small part of Muslim
conquered land to the indigenous people of the land.

2) The Palestinians are NOT the Jews who lived in the area.
Palestinians are Arabs, and they inhabited mostly the Arabian Peninsula until the 7th century CE with the advent of Islam, and followed the Islamic ideology of conquering all the land they could and making as many humans follow Islam as they could.

3) That some Jews were forced into Islam (as those who survived from the first tribe in Arabia, or any others who were also forced to convert, or any number who have chosen to convert to Islam) is true.

What is not true, is the number of Jews you are attempting to make others believe have been forced/volunteered to become Muslims, which according to you would outnumber the Jews who continued to live on the land, or those who kept returning to their ancient homeland, after any of the pogroms against them, or the Inquisition, or the realization many had in the 19th century, that Europe was never going to accept Jews as full humans, and give them full human rights, and chose to return to the Land of Israel, even before the Zionist organization of 1892 came to be.

Needless to say, even more pogroms were caused against the Jews by Christians and Muslims during the 20th century, which eventually culminated in the murder of 6 million of them in Europe by the Nazis, and many more still in the Land of Israel by the Jihadist Nazi sympathizers who could not deal with allowing Jews be sovereign over any part of the Jewish ancient homeland

Jews always prayed the same thing after they lost sovereignty over their land by the Romans, and even before ( it comes from the Jews who were taken to Babylon centuries before).

"Next Year In Jerusalem"

What is Jerusalem?

Their Capital.

For how long?

3000 years.

One is not allowed to believe in something simply because one wishes to believe in it. There is history. There is evidence of all I wrote above.

There is ZERO evidence of anything you have posted.
I hate to contradict an author you seem to admire greatly, but Hitler was full of shite. Jews are no more cohesive a group than any other ethnic minority. In many ways, less so.

The only Jews that Hitler ever knew ... those in Germany and Austria of the 1920's and '30s ... were a very diverse group whose only common bond they shared was that of a religion and ethnicity (and not always that). German Jews of that time were religious, agnostic, rich, and poor, parochial or assimilated. They worked in banking, education, industry, farming, and some were even beggars. Some German Jews had so fully integrated into German society that they were indistinguishable in any way from non-Jewish Germans.

Hitler (and in fact most Europeans) and some people today believe that a Jew is incapable of making any decision, successful or otherwise, without consultation of the Jewish Hive-mind. They believe that an invisible and unidentifiable "Jewish Blood" directs the thoughts and actions of all Jews. Because of this, the Germans went through a great deal of trouble to create the concept of fractional Judaism to decide who lives and who dies based on their perception of the amount of "Jewish Blood" they contain.

This resulted in religious Jews, atheist Jews, uneducated Jews, scholarly Jews, poor Jews, rich Jews, Jews who were immersed in Jewish culture and those who had no connection with the Jewish community of any kind to all be thrown into his meat-grinder to be eradicated from the Earth.

This belief and the thinking behind it led the Germans in 1942 to draw up lists of Jews in all the countries in Europe that they hoped to exterminate ... 11 million Jews, hundreds of of thousands of which had already been murdered.

Crazy talk. You were taking over Germany as well as Poland, and the orthodox Jews were disliked by the secular ones. You had already took over Russia and Warsaw and the British government, the Jews had a global push for global communism, everyone thinks Jews were helpless during WWII but the Jews had many partisan groups.
More Poles died that Jews, and WWII was a world war, I get sick of hearing about your Jewish holocaust, like you are the only ones who had casualties during the war, but then again, most wars seem to be caused by Jews, isn't that strange. Israel was to be set up as a secular colony of Britain to guard the Suez canal, and look what you did. The secular Jews did all they could to take religion out of the religious kids, but they knew they needed a language so resurrected Hebrew. Also many protestants were for a land of Israel, as they looked forward to Jesus in the clouds.

Well, since you are constantly on Jewish sites, it's no wonder that you hear about the Holocaust alot. Stop visiting the sites then. We didn't "take over" Germany and Poland--that was Hitler's excuse to try and annihilate us. How many from your family were killed in the Holocaust? Many in my family were killed, and so it is with most Ashkenaz Jews. And there are alot of wars that have nothing to do with Jews; they are just not of interest to ppl when Jews aren't involved, like the war in the Congo, for instance. You will suffocate with all your Jew-hatred one day, and your end will not be a good one, just like Hitler's end was not a good one.

Oh using James Comey word, Lordy that is all Israel talks about and many died in WWII, I get tired of listening to your crying. I have no idea about my linage pass my Mothers parents who I never knew, so get over it. Of course Jews think their linage goes back to Israel. I bet you can even tell what tribe you are from. Over 65 million died in WWII and we are to obsess over at most 3 million jews who died from starvation , murder, disease and maybe some gassed in a truck.

Let us take your bulshitology one at a time:

1) Jews have never denied all the other groups and the number of people who have died in WWII. On the other hand, Jew haters have done anything and everything to deny the number of Jews who were murdered by any means the Nazis and the Arab Jihadists could find AND on top of it, put the blame of the Holocaust on them.

2) Your lack of interest in your ancestry is your choice.
Jews can tell their ancestry all the way back to the Exodus of Egypt, and before, by various forms, none of which you are aware of, or could care less about. None of your business either way.

3) Yes, many groups of Jews can tell which tribe they came from.
You being uninterested and ignorant about it, will not change that.

4) It was 6 Million Jews who were killed by the Nazis in WWII.
All you have to do, when you find the time, is read the Nazi archives they left behind for their 1000 year Third Reich records. It is all in there.

The European women that European Jews descend from did not "exodus" to anywhere. They were indigenous Europeans.

"European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree"

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree
That's very suggestive...
I hate to contradict an author you seem to admire greatly, but Hitler was full of shite. Jews are no more cohesive a group than any other ethnic minority. In many ways, less so.

The only Jews that Hitler ever knew ... those in Germany and Austria of the 1920's and '30s ... were a very diverse group whose only common bond they shared was that of a religion and ethnicity (and not always that). German Jews of that time were religious, agnostic, rich, and poor, parochial or assimilated. They worked in banking, education, industry, farming, and some were even beggars. Some German Jews had so fully integrated into German society that they were indistinguishable in any way from non-Jewish Germans.

Hitler (and in fact most Europeans) and some people today believe that a Jew is incapable of making any decision, successful or otherwise, without consultation of the Jewish Hive-mind. They believe that an invisible and unidentifiable "Jewish Blood" directs the thoughts and actions of all Jews. Because of this, the Germans went through a great deal of trouble to create the concept of fractional Judaism to decide who lives and who dies based on their perception of the amount of "Jewish Blood" they contain.

This resulted in religious Jews, atheist Jews, uneducated Jews, scholarly Jews, poor Jews, rich Jews, Jews who were immersed in Jewish culture and those who had no connection with the Jewish community of any kind to all be thrown into his meat-grinder to be eradicated from the Earth.

This belief and the thinking behind it led the Germans in 1942 to draw up lists of Jews in all the countries in Europe that they hoped to exterminate ... 11 million Jews, hundreds of of thousands of which had already been murdered.

Crazy talk. You were taking over Germany as well as Poland, and the orthodox Jews were disliked by the secular ones. You had already took over Russia and Warsaw and the British government, the Jews had a global push for global communism, everyone thinks Jews were helpless during WWII but the Jews had many partisan groups.
More Poles died that Jews, and WWII was a world war, I get sick of hearing about your Jewish holocaust, like you are the only ones who had casualties during the war, but then again, most wars seem to be caused by Jews, isn't that strange. Israel was to be set up as a secular colony of Britain to guard the Suez canal, and look what you did. The secular Jews did all they could to take religion out of the religious kids, but they knew they needed a language so resurrected Hebrew. Also many protestants were for a land of Israel, as they looked forward to Jesus in the clouds.

Well, since you are constantly on Jewish sites, it's no wonder that you hear about the Holocaust alot. Stop visiting the sites then. We didn't "take over" Germany and Poland--that was Hitler's excuse to try and annihilate us. How many from your family were killed in the Holocaust? Many in my family were killed, and so it is with most Ashkenaz Jews. And there are alot of wars that have nothing to do with Jews; they are just not of interest to ppl when Jews aren't involved, like the war in the Congo, for instance. You will suffocate with all your Jew-hatred one day, and your end will not be a good one, just like Hitler's end was not a good one.

Oh using James Comey word, Lordy that is all Israel talks about and many died in WWII, I get tired of listening to your crying. I have no idea about my linage pass my Mothers parents who I never knew, so get over it. Of course Jews think their linage goes back to Israel. I bet you can even tell what tribe you are from. Over 65 million died in WWII and we are to obsess over at most 3 million jews who died from starvation , murder, disease and maybe some gassed in a truck.

Let us take your bulshitology one at a time:

1) Jews have never denied all the other groups and the number of people who have died in WWII. On the other hand, Jew haters have done anything and everything to deny the number of Jews who were murdered by any means the Nazis and the Arab Jihadists could find AND on top of it, put the blame of the Holocaust on them.

2) Your lack of interest in your ancestry is your choice.
Jews can tell their ancestry all the way back to the Exodus of Egypt, and before, by various forms, none of which you are aware of, or could care less about. None of your business either way.

3) Yes, many groups of Jews can tell which tribe they came from.
You being uninterested and ignorant about it, will not change that.

4) It was 6 Million Jews who were killed by the Nazis in WWII.
All you have to do, when you find the time, is read the Nazi archives they left behind for their 1000 year Third Reich records. It is all in there.

The European women that European Jews descend from did not "exodus" to anywhere. They were indigenous Europeans.

"European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree"

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree

REST, Afandi , rest.

Enough of YOUR bulshitology.

Have a zézoua and find something else to do.

You are not going to destroy Jewish History, culture, genes or rights, no matter how much you try.

Yallah !!!!
Jews are certainly responsible for their own networking success.

This engenders envy and hate.

Adolf could not stop repeating himself about this in his book. Only he called it Jewish self dealing.

I hate to contradict an author you seem to admire greatly, but Hitler was full of shite. Jews are no more cohesive a group than any other ethnic minority. In many ways, less so.

The only Jews that Hitler ever knew ... those in Germany and Austria of the 1920's and '30s ... were a very diverse group whose only common bond they shared was that of a religion and ethnicity (and not always that). German Jews of that time were religious, agnostic, rich, and poor, parochial or assimilated. They worked in banking, education, industry, farming, and some were even beggars. Some German Jews had so fully integrated into German society that they were indistinguishable in any way from non-Jewish Germans.

Hitler (and in fact most Europeans) and some people today believe that a Jew is incapable of making any decision, successful or otherwise, without consultation of the Jewish Hive-mind. They believe that an invisible and unidentifiable "Jewish Blood" directs the thoughts and actions of all Jews. Because of this, the Germans went through a great deal of trouble to create the concept of fractional Judaism to decide who lives and who dies based on their perception of the amount of "Jewish Blood" they contain.

This resulted in religious Jews, atheist Jews, uneducated Jews, scholarly Jews, poor Jews, rich Jews, Jews who were immersed in Jewish culture and those who had no connection with the Jewish community of any kind to all be thrown into his meat-grinder to be eradicated from the Earth.

This belief and the thinking behind it led the Germans in 1942 to draw up lists of Jews in all the countries in Europe that they hoped to exterminate ... 11 million Jews, hundreds of of thousands of which had already been murdered.
You are wrong.

First, the Final Solution was not in the Nazi game plan all along, as you state. It was implemented only when it became clear Germany was going to lose the war, and there is some question whether Hitler even knew it had been launched.

Second, as in the United States, there were two distinct migrations of Jews to Germany. The first group was more assimilable, higher achieving, and looked down on the second wave--"eastern" Jews skedaddling after a failed revolution against the Tsar. I imagine something similar to what went on here also went on in Germany. Over time, the two groups blended, uniting against the common out-group Germans and making the first group less assimilable and the second group less well, Jewy.

That process can be seen in the United States in the narrative Jews love to tell about the horrors they've endured at the (closed) gates of WASP country clubs. As Jewish narratives (think Sorkin's attempt to portray Jews as persecuted at Harvard in The Social Network when, in reality. Jewish Harvard prez Larry Summers shafted the WASP Winklevoss twins in favor of his fellow Jew, Mark Zuckerberg) tend to go, the reality was something different. The first Jews to the New World were German Jews, very different from the later Jewish arrivals from eastern Europe. The first group looked down on the second group and it was into their clubs the newcomers weren't welcome. As time went on the two groups have united, raising the question "against what". Thus is born The Myth of the Golf Nazi .

In Germany, the union brought with it a vicious betrayal in WWI and the onerous Versailles Treaty, which, in turn, led to Nazism, WWII, and the Holocaust. The real question is: are Jews capable of the honest introspection necessary to prevent this whole act playing out again? If we were to judge by the Jews on this board, it is a deafening "no".
That was quite well written bullshit.
Guess why Jews own their own businesses?
No one would hire us.

My gosh, who was Alexander and Tiberius Alexander. Who was Philo. There were as many jews in Alexndria in the first century as in Judea, and many in Rome and all over. You never cared about Judea, only the zealots, the Palestinians are the Jews who stayed and some became EO and Muslims.

Continuing in dismembering your bulshitology:

1) You know nothing about Judaism, or what Jews believe in.
So you come here with the sad, pathetic excuse of "Numbers".
How many Jews were there in Judea, and not what they believed in,
how much the land continued to be important to them for the 1800 years up till then (1st, 2nd Centuries CE), and how many of them died (they were not ALL zealots, do you even know the meaning of it? - Are the you going to consider some Indigenous Nations of the Americas zealots and others not, simply because some fought their invaders, and others did not? )

Wether they lived in Judea, Judaism was already a 1800 year old cult/religion which survived many attempts to destroy it, and turn the population into whichever pagan cult invaded them.

Whether they lived in Judea, Samaria, the rest of Israel, the Jews took their Judaism and continued it anywhere else they were .
And always returned to the land, when they could.

From the Roman Empire on, they had no sovereignty over their land, but all other groups always mentioned that land as being the Land of Israel, or the Land of the Jews. Because that is exactly what it had been and continued to be, to this day.

There have always been Jews living on the Jewish Homeland.
No one ever denied that it was the Jewish Homeland until the 20th century when Muslims could not stand losing a small part of Muslim
conquered land to the indigenous people of the land.

2) The Palestinians are NOT the Jews who lived in the area.
Palestinians are Arabs, and they inhabited mostly the Arabian Peninsula until the 7th century CE with the advent of Islam, and followed the Islamic ideology of conquering all the land they could and making as many humans follow Islam as they could.

3) That some Jews were forced into Islam (as those who survived from the first tribe in Arabia, or any others who were also forced to convert, or any number who have chosen to convert to Islam) is true.

What is not true, is the number of Jews you are attempting to make others believe have been forced/volunteered to become Muslims, which according to you would outnumber the Jews who continued to live on the land, or those who kept returning to their ancient homeland, after any of the pogroms against them, or the Inquisition, or the realization many had in the 19th century, that Europe was never going to accept Jews as full humans, and give them full human rights, and chose to return to the Land of Israel, even before the Zionist organization of 1892 came to be.

Needless to say, even more pogroms were caused against the Jews by Christians and Muslims during the 20th century, which eventually culminated in the murder of 6 million of them in Europe by the Nazis, and many more still in the Land of Israel by the Jihadist Nazi sympathizers who could not deal with allowing Jews be sovereign over any part of the Jewish ancient homeland

Jews always prayed the same thing after they lost sovereignty over their land by the Romans, and even before ( it comes from the Jews who were taken to Babylon centuries before).

"Next Year In Jerusalem"

What is Jerusalem?

Their Capital.

For how long?

3000 years.

One is not allowed to believe in something simply because one wishes to believe in it. There is history. There is evidence of all I wrote above.

There is ZERO evidence of anything you have posted.

The Palestinians are descendants of the Jews, Samaritans and Pagans living in Palestine that converted to Christianity, after Christianity became the Roman State religion in about 400 AD. That is just a fact. The constant Hasbara denial of fact is absolutely ridiculous.
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