Sep 6, 2015
What happened to our freedom. It's our body, we chose what we want to do with our bodies. Nobody should be forced to have an implant device in our bodies. They are taking away our freedom and the US states that we are a free country. Now look our freedom is being taken away.
Do you have a story to link us to about these implants? I have always been a supporter of women getting implants so I just want to make sure we are on the same page.
Eh.... who is doing this? I have not been forced to implant anything in my body.... (I'd die first but that is another story....)
What happened to our freedom. It's our body, we chose what we want to do with our bodies. Nobody should be forced to have an implant device in our bodies. They are taking away our freedom and the US states that we are a free country. Now look our freedom is being taken away.
What-in-the-world are you talking about?
Must have read an article about putting microchips in us for id and purchasing purposes....
Hips, pacemakers, IUDs, screws, pins, plates, rods,knees, stents, and ear tubes are mostly positives. All I see are devices that increase quality and length of life. Can you narrow "implants" down a bit for us?
What happened to our freedom. It's our body, we chose what we want to do with our bodies. Nobody should be forced to have an implant device in our bodies. They are taking away our freedom and the US states that we are a free country. Now look our freedom is being taken away.

This is spam.

Or drug use.
What happened to our freedom. It's our body, we chose what we want to do with our bodies. Nobody should be forced to have an implant device in our bodies. They are taking away our freedom and the US states that we are a free country. Now look our freedom is being taken away.

Your best bet is to keep your tinfoil hat on. If they can't use gamma rays to track your brain, they can't catch you and force the implants
What happened to our freedom. It's our body, we chose what we want to do with our bodies. Nobody should be forced to have an implant device in our bodies. They are taking away our freedom and the US states that we are a free country. Now look our freedom is being taken away.

What happened to our freedom ?
Well, it's been taken away by a computer program in those implant devices they forced on you when you were born.

You were born because your dad implanted a "make baby" stew in your mom.

Now, go out and implant something in your garden soil.
Might be about this,

Texas Residents Report Forced RFID Implants By Jade Helm Operatives - Zen Gardner

"Several eye witness reports state that residents in the small town were rounded up and brought to an abandoned shopping mall in the area. There they were given the choice between RFID implantation, or imprisonment in the makeshift military base.

United Media Publishing contacted one witness who had been microchipped and released. They told us the following:

“Military personnel rounded up everyone on our street. They forced their way into the homes of people who wouldn’t open their doors. We were put on military trucks and drove to the old Hartwell Mall about ten miles from here. We were separated and put in holding cells based on our age and gender. We were then called 3 at a time to another room and given the option to have an RFID implant, or be imprisoned in the base for an unspecified amount of time. Some of the soldiers were arguing amongst themselves.. I could hear one of them saying, “this isn’t what I signed up for. I wanted to protect Americans, not imprison them…”, but the officer in charge reminded them that they have their orders, and if they’re not carried out then they would be thrown into prison themselves.”"

If I'm not mistaken this was a scene from one of the Left Behind movies. That some moron fundy had a psychotic break from reality and is confusing movies with real life occurs as a likely possibility. :)
What happened to our freedom. It's our body, we chose what we want to do with our bodies. Nobody should be forced to have an implant device in our bodies. They are taking away our freedom and the US states that we are a free country. Now look our freedom is being taken away.

You do know that if you post anything that liberals don't agree with that it gets put in conspiracy theory.
You do know that if you post anything that liberals don't agree with that it gets put in conspiracy theory.
You're asking for it, if you post wild accusations without cites to back up your contentions.
There's been some talk about it in the news. It'seems like a shot implant. If you don't get it, you are not allowed to buy food and etc.
There has been SERIOUS govt discussion of this. Here and abroad. All aimed at special groups like sexual offenders.

Not a conspiracy theory if you got serious attention for tagging sexual predators..

Surgical tags plan for sex offenders

Pretend this DIDN'T get moved to Conspiracy Theories and discuss how you feel about THOSE links..

The second link is a college paper about a hypothetical future, and first seems to mostly be rumor, although I wouldn't be that surprised if the UK followed through with it.

I'm certainly not afraid it's going to happen here.

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