Star Wars VII

I don't know why, but I have never been into westerns, whether they take place in the Old West or Outer Space.

Except Clint Eastwood's spaghetti westerns. I love those.

I have only seen a couple of the Star Wars westerns, and was not impressed with either of them. I've seen bits and pieces of some of the others.

If The Man With No Name was in the next Star Wars, I'd probably watch it. :lol:

Star Wars VII: The Good, The Bad, and the Vader.
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Do you think it will be like the original series (4 - 6), or the modern series (1 - 3)?

I am hoping for more of the original flavor...with Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill and possibly Harrison Ford in the picture, I would hope so.
There's even talk about Lucas joining in on filming...

Han Solo will be back! (Probably.)

A “Star Wars” reunion featuring Luke, Leia, and Solo is looking increasingly likely for J.J. Abrams’s “Episode VII.” At least, that’s what Harrison Ford told local Chicago news station WGN yesterday. While attending an event for Conservation International, he nearly confirmed a“Star Wars” reunion with Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher in J.J. Abrams’ “Episode VII.”

“I think it’s almost true. I’m looking forward to it,” he said. “It’s not in the bag yet, but I think it’s happening.”

Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher have already indicated they are on board to reprise their roles in the sequel. George Lucas confirmed the two had signed deals (or were close to), but Ford was the missing final piece. But now it seems the 70-year-old actor — who’s previously had mixed feelings about the franchise — is ready to join his co-stars.

J.J. Abrams on 'Star Wars Episode 7': 'More Questions Than Answers Right Now'
I would think the last three movies would take place after RETURN IF THE JEDI given the number of cast members who are returning. If Jimmy Smiths was returning I would expect it to be about Princess Lea's youth. With Mark Hamil, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fischer returning it has to be a few decades after Endor and them darn Ewoks.

As much as I thought the animated Clone Wars series took place during an interesting time in the Star Wars universe.
If this link has any truth to it then the new movies will at least loosely follow the books and comics that have continued the Star Wars universe. In which case I'll have a hundred nerdgasm's and see the movies at least 10 times each in 3D imax...

Here are your 4 latest Star Wars Episode VII plot rumors | Blastr

Me too! :laugh: And thanks for posting this link...I can't wait to see it...I sooo hope I am not disappointed, like I was with the prequels..not that they were bad, they just lacked the Star Wars flavor I was used to.
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Abrams and his comic book style mildly insults me btw. At least its a little more in line wih Star Wars than Star Trek. The latter used to have some degree of intelligence before the reimaging. God I wish they would have picked a different name for the last Star Trek.
Abrams and his comic book style mildly insults me btw. At least its a little more in line wih Star Wars than Star Trek. The latter used to have some degree of intelligence before the reimaging. God I wish they would have picked a different name for the last Star Trek.

Are you speaking of the movie or the series?
Abrams and his comic book style mildly insults me btw. At least its a little more in line wih Star Wars than Star Trek. The latter used to have some degree of intelligence before the reimaging. God I wish they would have picked a different name for the last Star Trek.

Are you speaking of the movie or the series?

The last movie. It was entertaining and all. Just too different to use the same characters. They shoukd have called it the matrix or something so you knew how super human folks were.

What was the last Star Trek series? Enterprise with Scott Bakula? I finally watched most of it in reruns. It was pretty good.
I really liked the first Star Wars but the rest didn't exactly light my saber. Since I really liked the Star Trek reboot I guess I'm more of a Trekker now. I'm kind of worried about the next Star Trek though since the adds seem to suggest it all takes place on Earth. Where's the trek part? We'll see though. I wonder if a point can be made that Star Wars fans are liberals and Star Trek fans are conservatives. I think this would be an interesting poll. O.K. now I"m just rambling. Live long and prosper.
I still think Planet of the Apes is the best sci-fi movie ever made.
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I really liked the first Star Wars but the rest didn't exactly light my saber. Since I really liked the Star Trek reboot I guess I'm more of a Trekker now. I'm kind of worried about the next Star Trek though since the adds seem to suggest it all takes place on Earth. Where's the trek part? We'll see though. I wonder if a point can be made that Star Wars fans are liberals and Star Trek fans are conservatives. I think this would be an interesting poll. O.K. now I"m just rambling. Live long and prosper.
I still think Planet of the Apes is the best sci-fi movie ever made.

Good point. Star Wars fans are in fact Liberals. They are sucked in by, and sold on, the first episode. After that, they eat up any old bullshit that is fed to them regardless of quality. Simply because of the first-impression candy.

The Disney buyout represents Hillary Clinton. More worthless shit, same hollow candy, yet Liberals will flock to her fetid crotch just to lap up the rancid pussy that Star Wars originally fed them.
I have no idea what you are talking about Mr. H. I'm pretty sure Empire is generally considered the best of the Star Wars movies. Jedi was the one that showed Lucas' penchant for making silly crap in hopes of appeasing the children in the audience.

Even then, Jedi was far better than any of the horrid prequels.

Star Trek has had it's own share of sub-par movies, although nothing so bad as the most recent Star Wars films.

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