Star Wars VII

Abrams and his comic book style mildly insults me btw. At least its a little more in line wih Star Wars than Star Trek. The latter used to have some degree of intelligence before the reimaging. God I wish they would have picked a different name for the last Star Trek.

Are you speaking of the movie or the series?

The last movie. It was entertaining and all. Just too different to use the same characters. They shoukd have called it the matrix or something so you knew how super human folks were.

What was the last Star Trek series? Enterprise with Scott Bakula? I finally watched most of it in reruns. It was pretty good. was Enterprise. It ended sometime in '05...I didn't really care for that series. I liked Deep Space Nine and of course The Next Generation best.

I loved the last Star Trek movie...I thought they hit it spot on with the characters, except for Uhura and Spocks romantic relationship..didn't care too much that that was written in.
As far as the coming 'Into Darkness' film, I am skeptical. I am hoping it will surprise me.
If this link has any truth to it then the new movies will at least loosely follow the books and comics that have continued the Star Wars universe. In which case I'll have a hundred nerdgasm's and see the movies at least 10 times each in 3D imax...

Here are your 4 latest Star Wars Episode VII plot rumors | Blastr

If this link is true? Then Disney will royally fuck things up. The whole point of the story is that Vadar was to bring balance to the force.

1. The story will be set 30 years after the end of Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
2. It will focus on the children of LUke Skywalker, Han Solo and Leia Organa as they become adults and grow into their own Jedi powers.
3. Luke Skywalker will be the Grand Master of a rebuilt Jedi Order.
4. The Skywalker/Solo kids will face an acolyte of the long-deceased Emperor Palpatine, who plans to resurrect the Sith and destroy the Jedi -- and some of them may still have to struggle with their own temptation toward the Dark Side (courtesy of having some of Anakin's genes, we guess).

Number four can never happen and never does happen in any of the books, comic books or novels that happen after the movies, not in any serious way. Sure, Jacen Solo dables briefly in the dark side, but it isn't a major story line, not worth three movies.

The movies now are formulaic. Audiences now expect the movies to end with light saber duels. This is no longer how Star Wars movies should end after Return of the Jedi. The Sith are no longer a serious threat, EVER. Vader was fufillment of a prophecy, remember? He brought balance to the force. If number four were to happen, then the whole point of the first six movies was a farce.

If they want to take it to the next level, they need to tell the story of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Death of Chewbacca, how the New Republic unites the remnants of the old empire with the New Republic against the extragalactic threat while taking on the search for the living planet Zonama Sekot that Obi-Wan and Anakin once traveled to. How will the Jedi fight a life form that does not have a force signature? How will the Republic fight a threat that is so powerful it invades, destroys and makes Corusant it's base of operations?

There is no time and no room for petty rivalries any more while the galaxy is under assault from with out. . . .
If this link has any truth to it then the new movies will at least loosely follow the books and comics that have continued the Star Wars universe. In which case I'll have a hundred nerdgasm's and see the movies at least 10 times each in 3D imax...

Here are your 4 latest Star Wars Episode VII plot rumors | Blastr

If this link is true? Then Disney will royally fuck things up. The whole point of the story is that Vadar was to bring balance to the force.

1. The story will be set 30 years after the end of Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
2. It will focus on the children of LUke Skywalker, Han Solo and Leia Organa as they become adults and grow into their own Jedi powers.
3. Luke Skywalker will be the Grand Master of a rebuilt Jedi Order.
4. The Skywalker/Solo kids will face an acolyte of the long-deceased Emperor Palpatine, who plans to resurrect the Sith and destroy the Jedi -- and some of them may still have to struggle with their own temptation toward the Dark Side (courtesy of having some of Anakin's genes, we guess).

Number four can never happen and never does happen in any of the books, comic books or novels that happen after the movies, not in any serious way. Sure, Jacen Solo dables briefly in the dark side, but it isn't a major story line, not worth three movies.

The movies now are formulaic. Audiences now expect the movies to end with light saber duels. This is no longer how Star Wars movies should end after Return of the Jedi. The Sith are no longer a serious threat, EVER. Vader was fufillment of a prophecy, remember? He brought balance to the force. If number four were to happen, then the whole point of the first six movies was a farce.

If they want to take it to the next level, they need to tell the story of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Death of Chewbacca, how the New Republic unites the remnants of the old empire with the New Republic against the extragalactic threat while taking on the search for the living planet Zonama Sekot that Obi-Wan and Anakin once traveled to. How will the Jedi fight a life form that does not have a force signature? How will the Republic fight a threat that is so powerful it invades, destroys and makes Corusant it's base of operations?

There is no time and no room for petty rivalries any more while the galaxy is under assault from with out. . . .

If the movies are about the Yuuzhan Vong I won't know what to do with myself.
I have no idea what you are talking about Mr. H. I'm pretty sure Empire is generally considered the best of the Star Wars movies. Jedi was the one that showed Lucas' penchant for making silly crap in hopes of appeasing the children in the audience.

Even then, Jedi was far better than any of the horrid prequels.

Star Trek has had it's own share of sub-par movies, although nothing so bad as the most recent Star Wars films.

Pay no attention to that liquored-up old man. :D
I have no idea what you are talking about Mr. H. I'm pretty sure Empire is generally considered the best of the Star Wars movies. Jedi was the one that showed Lucas' penchant for making silly crap in hopes of appeasing the children in the audience.

Even then, Jedi was far better than any of the horrid prequels.

Star Trek has had it's own share of sub-par movies, although nothing so bad as the most recent Star Wars films.

Pay no attention to that liquored-up old man. :D he the man behind the curtain?
I really liked the first Star Wars but the rest didn't exactly light my saber. Since I really liked the Star Trek reboot I guess I'm more of a Trekker now. I'm kind of worried about the next Star Trek though since the adds seem to suggest it all takes place on Earth. Where's the trek part? We'll see though. I wonder if a point can be made that Star Wars fans are liberals and Star Trek fans are conservatives. I think this would be an interesting poll. O.K. now I"m just rambling. Live long and prosper.
I still think Planet of the Apes is the best sci-fi movie ever made.

Good point. Star Wars fans are in fact Liberals. They are sucked in by, and sold on, the first episode. After that, they eat up any old bullshit that is fed to them regardless of quality. Simply because of the first-impression candy.

The Disney buyout represents Hillary Clinton. More worthless shit, same hollow candy, yet Liberals will flock to her fetid crotch just to lap up the rancid pussy that Star Wars originally fed them.
Certainly food for thought (lol). Darth Vader provided thousands of jobs on the Death Star, only to have the rebel forces (i.e. The Weather Underground) kill hardworking storm troopers and yet the rebel force is considered the good guys. Stupid communist hippy terrorists! Star Trek however, is about a cowboy (kirk) and a libertarian (Spock) going around the universe spreading the word of a free market enterprise. Hence the name of the ship... THE ENTERPRISE. :) In real life, Kirk represents Ronald Reagan and Luke Skywalker represents Sean Penn. The Klingons, of course, represent Planned Parenthood.
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The truth is actually the reverse. It's funny how we have our points of view, and then associate what we like with what is our point of view. If we are a conservative and we like Star Trek more then Star Wars, well, we naturally identify Star Trek as the more "conservative" of the two. How laughable. Anyone with an elementary education in political science and economics will tell you that the truth of the matter is that Star Trek is decidedly socialist, boarding on communist.

There is no money or medium of exchange in Star Trek. Everyone does things for the "good of the many" in Star Trek. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one" in Star Trek. This is decidely communist. Taken straight from Lenin. Star Trek is a statists utopian dream world. No where do we have any inkling that power is derived from the commoner. There is no representation, it is an authoritarian world, very militarized by all races and all species. We are expected to believe that humans any other major species of the federation have risen above war, alcoholism, sexual and labor exploitation, drug abuse, etc. etc. It is a utopian liberal fantasy. Only in this type of world could communism ever hope to succeed. A world where people are satisfied with their lot and station in life.

In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life's prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly—only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!
~ Marx's statement of the creed in the 'Critique of the Gotha Program'

Star Wars on the other hand? In this series we see reality at it's most crude. In fact, we see more reality in Star Wars than in what the MSM would have us believe is going on today. lol The fact of the matter is, there ARE covert interest groups that manipulate the political factions behind the scenes. Intelligent thinking people are aware of this, there always have been. If you study your history, you are aware of this. What brought about the end of the Templars? Who are the Knights of Malta and why did they have observer status decades before the PLA? No, the real conservative series is Star Wars. But Lucas had to make it "family friendly" so that it would be profitable. If it were "real" it would have had a nasty rating like Aliens I'm sure. He wanted it to be more of a fantasy though. But it has the real nature of humanity, and all it's dark side. Conservatives deal with reality.

Han Solo: It is for *me*, sister. Look, I ain't in this for your revolution, and I'm not in it for you, Princess. I expect to be well paid. I'm in it for the money.

The Republic has representatives, and systems can choose to opt in or out of the Republic. It doesn't and hasn't always been a system to control the Galaxy. We can't say the same for the United [statist] Federation of Planets.
I love Star Wars and Star Trek in almost all their forms. I will take my children and pay an outrageous amount of money to risk catching bedbugs and possibly an std and chicken flu at the theater.

And I will love it.
The truth is actually the reverse. It's funny how we have our points of view, and then associate what we like with what is our point of view. If we are a conservative and we like Star Trek more then Star Wars, well, we naturally identify Star Trek as the more "conservative" of the two. How laughable. Anyone with an elementary education in political science and economics will tell you that the truth of the matter is that Star Trek is decidedly socialist, boarding on communist.

There is no money or medium of exchange in Star Trek. Everyone does things for the "good of the many" in Star Trek. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one" in Star Trek. This is decidely communist. Taken straight from Lenin. Star Trek is a statists utopian dream world. No where do we have any inkling that power is derived from the commoner. There is no representation, it is an authoritarian world, very militarized by all races and all species. We are expected to believe that humans any other major species of the federation have risen above war, alcoholism, sexual and labor exploitation, drug abuse, etc. etc. It is a utopian liberal fantasy. Only in this type of world could communism ever hope to succeed. A world where people are satisfied with their lot and station in life.

In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life's prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly—only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!
~ Marx's statement of the creed in the 'Critique of the Gotha Program'

Star Wars on the other hand? In this series we see reality at it's most crude. In fact, we see more reality in Star Wars than in what the MSM would have us believe is going on today. lol The fact of the matter is, there ARE covert interest groups that manipulate the political factions behind the scenes. Intelligent thinking people are aware of this, there always have been. If you study your history, you are aware of this. What brought about the end of the Templars? Who are the Knights of Malta and why did they have observer status decades before the PLA? No, the real conservative series is Star Wars. But Lucas had to make it "family friendly" so that it would be profitable. If it were "real" it would have had a nasty rating like Aliens I'm sure. He wanted it to be more of a fantasy though. But it has the real nature of humanity, and all it's dark side. Conservatives deal with reality.

Han Solo: It is for *me*, sister. Look, I ain't in this for your revolution, and I'm not in it for you, Princess. I expect to be well paid. I'm in it for the money.

The Republic has representatives, and systems can choose to opt in or out of the Republic. It doesn't and hasn't always been a system to control the Galaxy. We can't say the same for the United [statist] Federation of Planets.

You bring up some good, intelligent and highly indisputable points. However you're wrong. Much of what you say about the Star Trek liberal universe has merit but you are forgetting about Capt. Kirk. Capt. Kirk went out of his way to break every rule in the Federation handbook. When was the last time Capt. Kirk DIDN'T break the prime directive? Capt. Kirk was often saving the individual over the whims of the many. Much to Spock's disproval. If you recall, Capt. Kirk's "cowboy diplomacy" always saved the day. Star Trek's universe may have been a liberal universe but Capt. Kirk showed what was wrong with this liberal universe.
In terms of Star Wars, one word, Yoda. Nuff said.
By the way, I was having a fun and somewhat silly conversation (tongue firmly planted in cheek). There was really no need for the snide comments. Anyway, may the proletariate force be with you.
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Neither. It will be a trainwreck.

Can't be more of a trainwreck than this...

Do you think it will be like the original series (4 - 6), or the modern series (1 - 3)?

We will have to see how Disney compares to Lucas Arts, but I think that Episode VII will be more like Episodes 1-3 with lots of CGI.

Disney has a bad habit of screwing up Science Fiction things... from John Carter of Mars all the way to The Black Hole back in the 1980's.

The good news. If they have JJ Abrams working on Star Wars, it means he can't do any more damage to Star Trek than he's already done.
Do you think it will be like the original series (4 - 6), or the modern series (1 - 3)?

We will have to see how Disney compares to Lucas Arts, but I think that Episode VII will be more like Episodes 1-3 with lots of CGI.

Disney has a bad habit of screwing up Science Fiction things... from John Carter of Mars all the way to The Black Hole back in the 1980's.

The good news. If they have JJ Abrams working on Star Wars, it means he can't do any more damage to Star Trek than he's already done.

Disney didn't screw up The Black Hole! That's a classic movie. Sure, it was cheesy and silly, but at the time it was great! :tongue:
Lol. I liked the black hole as well.

Puke, Star Trek reissues make me ill. Lets hope there is a new Incredibles animated movie due out or Wally II. I need a movie with SOME intelligence.

I mean good lord, I loved the reissued Battlestar. Abrams just targets kids less mature than my 3 year old.
Lol. I liked the black hole as well.

Puke, Star Trek reissues make me ill. Lets hope there is a new Incredibles animated movie due out or Wally II. I need a movie with SOME intelligence.

I mean good lord, I loved the reissued Battlestar. Abrams just targets kids less mature than my 3 year old.

Meh, the new Star Trek wasn't bad. It was a summer Hollywood movie, it wasn't the Star Trek from any of the series, but still, a decent reboot. I'll watch the next one.

I watched the whole series of the revamped Battlestar. I was unimpressed. I'm not actually sure why I watched the whole thing. :redface: I think the writers were too full of themselves. They thought they were making something more profound than they actually were. I don't know, maybe they listened to some of the positive critical acclaim they got and it went to their heads. Not a terrible show, but not in the league of Star Trek, Firefly, or Farscape.

Finding Nemo is getting a sequel. I don't know if there's any plans for the Incredibles or Wall-E to get one.
I trust Disney. They don't screw up very often. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they can make these movies the caliber of the originals.

I don't share your opinion on Disney. I fully expect the series to take ANOTHER dive. Star Wars I (oldest new one) sucked and thats what im expecting
I trust Disney. They don't screw up very often. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they can make these movies the caliber of the originals.

I don't share your opinion on Disney. I fully expect the series to take ANOTHER dive. Star Wars I (oldest new one) sucked and thats what im expecting

There is almost literally no way they can make the series take another dive. Episode I was about as low as it could possibly have gone. :tongue:

At worst they can continue to wallow through the pile of shit that Star Wars has become in the movies.
We will have to see how Disney compares to Lucas Arts, but I think that Episode VII will be more like Episodes 1-3 with lots of CGI.

Disney has a bad habit of screwing up Science Fiction things... from John Carter of Mars all the way to The Black Hole back in the 1980's.

The good news. If they have JJ Abrams working on Star Wars, it means he can't do any more damage to Star Trek than he's already done.

Disney didn't screw up The Black Hole! That's a classic movie. Sure, it was cheesy and silly, but at the time it was great! :tongue:

Umm... not really.

First, having a middle aged woman as your leading lady just didn't work.

The casting was just awful. Ernest Borgnine AND Anthony Perkins. And Maximillian Schell chewing the scenary so bad that Shatner said, "Damn!"

Oh, yeah, and the ending made not a lick of sense. Because the ending to 2001 didn't make a lick of sense, either.
Disney has a bad habit of screwing up Science Fiction things... from John Carter of Mars all the way to The Black Hole back in the 1980's.

The good news. If they have JJ Abrams working on Star Wars, it means he can't do any more damage to Star Trek than he's already done.

Disney didn't screw up The Black Hole! That's a classic movie. Sure, it was cheesy and silly, but at the time it was great! :tongue:

Umm... not really.

First, having a middle aged woman as your leading lady just didn't work.

The casting was just awful. Ernest Borgnine AND Anthony Perkins. And Maximillian Schell chewing the scenary so bad that Shatner said, "Damn!"

Oh, yeah, and the ending made not a lick of sense. Because the ending to 2001 didn't make a lick of sense, either.

Most of the movie didn't make sense. ;) It was still fun!

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