Starbucks Barista Calls Cops Because Customer Asked for "Trump" to be Written on Cup

Good grief, these snowflakes now call the cops when they don't like what someone says. I wonder if Starbucks will declare some chains as safe spaces to avoid triggering the little wimps. The customer was polite and asked for the name "Trump" to be put on his coffee cup. The clerk refused, then when the customer insisted that corporate said it was okay, the guy started asking co-workers to call the cops. Seriously? The guy couldn't just tell the customer thank you and write the name on the cup. Calling cops because your feeling are hurt is where we've come, thanks to liberals.

"An employee of the coffee chain Starbucks decided to call the police after a customer asked that the name Trump be written on his cup.

The employee, who revealed his name was Ryan, refused the customer’s request, despite the man claiming that he had called Starbucks corporate office, who told him he can “have any drink I want, with any name I want on it.”

“That’s the name I want to be heard and seen as today,” he continues.

The employee consequently turned to his colleagues and asked them to “Call the cops.”

WATCH: Starbucks Barista Calls Police After Man Requests 'Trump' on His Cup - Breitbart

Dimbart. :rofl:

And you're still buying this fake news shit. Hook, line and sinker.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It's right there recorded on video, Safety pin.
i would never pay 4.50 for 30 cents worth of coffee !!!

I have been in one of those coffee shops only one time. I was leaving the place where I get my haircut and seen a Indiana State Police Officer walk in to a Starbucks. Being right next door I followed him in and was going to buy his Coffee... He grabbed a newspaper off an empty table and headed to the bathroom... I told the young lady behind the Counter that I wanted to pay for his coffee, she smiled... Well I had nothing better to do and wanted to complete my mission, so I grabbed a chair and copped a squat... Knowing he was doing natures work I decided to give him adequate time... Approximately 5 minutes later here he comes and throws the paper on the table where he picked it up and walked out the door... Saved me $5.00 sounds like...
Anyone want to borrow a slightly used newspaper?
i would never pay 4.50 for 30 cents worth of coffee !!!

I have been in one of those coffee shops only one time. I was leaving the place where I get my haircut and seen a Indiana State Police Officer walk in to a Starbucks. Being right next door I followed him in and was going to buy his Coffee... He grabbed a newspaper off an empty table and headed to the bathroom... I told the young lady behind the Counter that I wanted to pay for his coffee, she smiled... Well I had nothing better to do and wanted to complete my mission, so I grabbed a chair and copped a squat... Knowing he was doing natures work I decided to give him adequate time... Approximately 5 minutes later here he comes and throws the paper on the table where he picked it up and walked out the door... Saved me $5.00 sounds like...
Would have cost more if his caramel mocha had been a grande or venti.
if im right, during the Barry years of 2009/2016....price of a call girl was about the same as the more expensive starbucks coffees,,,,but thanks to President Trump.,they can go back to charging the usual 25.00 hr.
The employee should be charged with abusing the system. It was frivolous and costly. Taxpayers should be reimbursed by the Starbucks employee.

It's just like the schools who started calling police when they were concerned about things kids said. One refused the offer of a brownie at a school party and said he didn't like those brownie things. Cops were called.

It's gotten so damn ridiculous. It's because the left is treating opposing speech as a hate crime and they assume that anything a white person, even a child, says must somehow be racist.

The left has set the tone for all of what we are seeing. Cry like a baby when anything happens that you don't like. Calling the police for things like this should be a crime. As if they don't have real criminals to pursue, like the rioters destroying their cities.
And the Leftist hack CEO of Starbucks donated to Hillary. The putrid culture begins at the top.
Employee should have drawn a penis on the cup and called Trump's name to the pussy customer. Things escalated way too far.
So he should have engaged in sexual harassment to protest Trump's misogyny?
He should've engaged in growing a pair and told an asshole to fuck off
Is that in the Starbucks employee manual?
Probably not. But it should be in every self-respecting human being's manual.
i never go to starbucks,,,,but, can i get anything for 75 cents?

best you can do is tip your cup over , pretend to burn yourself and hope they comp you. Some of the food prices are insane too, skimpy sandwiches for 5 or six bucks , 5 dollar yogurt cups, you could walk out of there spending 20 bucks, but at least they know your name!
i never go to starbucks,,,,but, can i get anything for 75 cents?

best you can do is tip your cup over , pretend to burn yourself and hope they comp you. Some of the food prices are insane too, skimpy sandwiches for 5 or six bucks , 5 dollar yogurt cups, you could walk out of there spending 20 bucks, but at least they know your name!
Unless it's Trump.
i never go to starbucks,,,,but, can i get anything for 75 cents?

just grab as many sugar packets as possible to offset your overhead ! :biggrin:
how much do they charge for each sheet of TP u use to wipe ur ass in the restroom?

I guess they must factor all that in to the price per cup cost. Its a lot to pay. the only good thing I can say is that when on the road and I needed Y-fi, they came in pretty handy
actually Pete's Coffee is way better , if your even going to go out for one.

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