Start Checking Your Bills For ACA Surcharges

That just goes to show how incredibly ignorant Percenter is regarding how economies work.

Regulation rewards the Greedy Politically Connected Cronies who use their political connections to get rid of competition.

If you want lower prices, then stop that.

The guard on a meat slicer ' rewards the Greedy Politically Connected Cronies?' How so?

You make the mistake of assuming that regulations for safety result in better safeguards than private market innovations would arrive at.

They don't.

Less missing fingers?
If Reagan hadn't fucked with the HMO act we'd not be discussing this. Middle-class Republican voters are the problem.

If you think ACA is expensive, anyone know how much the uninsured cost taxpayers every year?

Less then ACA will.

Indeed. The ACA will barely make a dent in total Uninsured, but will move tons more people onto Medicaid...all paid for by taxpayers.


Not if we make employers provide healthcare for their employees. I do, and yet I make millions in profit. Walmart can, but they'd only have $7 Billion net. Can't let that happen, so they'll fuck the tax payer.
Less then ACA will.

Indeed. The ACA will barely make a dent in total Uninsured, but will move tons more people onto Medicaid...all paid for by taxpayers.


Not if we make employers provide healthcare for their employees. I do, and yet I make millions in profit. Walmart can, but they'd only have $7 Billion net. Can't let that happen, so they'll fuck the tax payer.

you MAKE them provide huh?
how commie of you with just a tad of fascism....and to think people died to come to AMERICA for Freedoms from an oppressive and overbearing fascist government
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Indeed. The ACA will barely make a dent in total Uninsured, but will move tons more people onto Medicaid...all paid for by taxpayers.


Not if we make employers provide healthcare for their employees. I do, and yet I make millions in profit. Walmart can, but they'd only have $7 Billion net. Can't let that happen, so they'll fuck the tax payer.

you MAKE them provide huh?
how commie of you with just a tad of fascism....and to think people died to come to AMERICA for Freedoms from an oppressive and overbearing fascist government

Employers doing the right thing for the people that make them all of their money is Communist and Fascist?
Pathetic. Reagan had nothing to do with the ACA.

It is Obama, Reid, Pelosi and their Dem hench thugs' fault.

So get a grip, loser.

You are wrong and I'll prove it.

As an employer in 1981 I provided healthcare for my employees. The cost was $120.00/mo per employee.

Then Reagan removed the non-profit component from HMO's eliminating competition.

In 1988 the per month cost rose to $400.00 per month.

Today the cost is $750.00/per month.

The US is number one in cost and 23rd in quality, but the insurance companies continue to make record profit year after year.

A big part of the cost is because US payers have to foot the bill for medical and pharmaceutical R&D. It's an average of a billion dollars to get one new drug to market and most nations with nationalized healthcare wrote laws to only pay a nominal price to the Pfizers and Mercks of the world. Their savings get passed onto US buyers.

yep. The reason we aren't allowed to bargain for lower Rx prices, like the VA does (I know- I can go there), is because politicians are beholden to big Pharma thanks, in no small part, to Citizens United Repubs :thup: How you think medicare Part D got passed by repubs? ;)
While I do not like Obamacare, and think it should never have passed, I do believe all working people deserve health insurance. If you can't afford to pay the 20 cents so that they can have insurance, then don't buy fast food.
Less then ACA will.

Indeed. The ACA will barely make a dent in total Uninsured, but will move tons more people onto Medicaid...all paid for by taxpayers.


Not if we make employers provide healthcare for their employees. I do, and yet I make millions in profit. Walmart can, but they'd only have $7 Billion net. Can't let that happen, so they'll fuck the tax payer.


Walmart employees represent the largest group of Medicaid and food stamp recipients in many states, costing the taxpayer $1,000 per worker.
Well of course the Greenbeard would show up and chide us for not wanting to pay MORE for our meals because of some government Entitlement called, OScamCare

you get to pay a fine on top of that if you don't have the FASCIST money EATING government insurance

So all you little people, the poor, the old and the tired just shut up and pay your Obama taxes for your Dear Leader
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That just goes to show how incredibly ignorant Percenter is regarding how economies work.

Regulation rewards the Greedy Politically Connected Cronies who use their political connections to get rid of competition.

If you want lower prices, then stop that.

regulates the little guy right out of existence
Less then ACA will.

Indeed. The ACA will barely make a dent in total Uninsured, but will move tons more people onto Medicaid...all paid for by taxpayers.


Not if we make employers provide healthcare for their employees. I do, and yet I make millions in profit. Walmart can, but they'd only have $7 Billion net. Can't let that happen, so they'll fuck the tax payer.

You're a liar and an Obama shill.........
Not if we make employers provide healthcare for their employees. I do, and yet I make millions in profit. Walmart can, but they'd only have $7 Billion net. Can't let that happen, so they'll fuck the tax payer.

you MAKE them provide huh?
how commie of you with just a tad of fascism....and to think people died to come to AMERICA for Freedoms from an oppressive and overbearing fascist government

Employers doing the right thing for the people that make them all of their money is Communist and Fascist?

YEAH, go read up on it and learn something before you spout the idiot crap you do..,.Too bad nobody "makes" Forces you do it
the saying, scratch a liberal find a Fascist fits you to a tee
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This was predicted and is modest compared with
The bills that DC politics really cost the public.

Est 24 billion cost of the govt shutdown
Now Congress reports a 24 billion shortfall
In the budget when it comes to Veteran facilities.

While Obama collected borrowed abd spent 6 billion
To get re elected, spent 130 million to advertise ACA signups,
And organized 200 million of private outreach for a good cause
That Was Done by voluntary participation!

But the Democrats couldnt do the work to set up and fund
Health care reforms without federal mandates forcing
A system on people without our consent to a business contract?

Regardless how much this may cost for one group
Or may save for another, the principle is wrong up front.

Especially when Democrats have been the party yelling about
Separation of church and state, blocking prolife legislation that imposed any regulation which even threatened free choice, or backing ACLU lawsuits where atheists
Sue to remove crosses, prayers, word God, nativity scenes or Bibles
When those did NOT impose fines if they didnt comply as ACA does.

Where are the ACLU lawyers now?
What happened to prochoice arguments to keep
Govt out of health care choices?

Does this not prove the secular agenda is a biased
Platform of political beliefs that discriminates against
Other beliefs and doesnt include and protect them
Equally. If so, how can govt be abused to impose
Such a political religion by law under threat of fines?

I hope constitutional scholars and law schools
Are noting this trend and where it is leading.


Some restaurant chains are instituting an extra surcharge to your bill to pay for the expense they all have to pay for Obamacare.

Several restaurants in a Florida chain are asking customers to help foot the bill for Obamacare.

Diners at eight Gator's Dockside casual eateries are finding a 1% Affordable Care Act surcharge on their tabs, which comes to 15 cents on a typical $15 lunch tab. Signs on the door and at tables alert diners to the fee, which is also listed separately on the bill.

The Gator Group's full-time hourly employees won't actually receive health insurance until December. But the company said it implemented the surcharge now because of the compliance costs it's facing ahead of the Affordable Care Act's employer mandate kicking in in 2015.

"The costs associated with ACA compliance could ultimately close our doors," the sign reads. "Instead of raising prices on our products to generate the additional revenue needed to cover the costs of ACA compliance, certain Gator's Dockside locations have implemented a 1% surcharge on all food and beverage purchases only."


Restaurants charging Obamacare fee - Feb. 27, 2014
While I do not like Obamacare, and think it should never have passed, I do believe all working people deserve health insurance. If you can't afford to pay the 20 cents so that they can have insurance, then don't buy fast food.

Corruption and damages done to communities
In Houston by Democrat Mayors have cost me
More on my credit than I can afford to pay trying
To clean up the disasters. I already maxed out my
Budget and work two jobs to pay interest on the
Costs i covered using my credit that is over limit.

To think that Democrats not only ignored the past
Costs to taxpayers but keep pushing more onto
Lawabiding citizens shows no interest or understanding
Of the true social costs. If democrats had to pay this back,
Theyd be too busy with fundraising fir that than
Running for more offices on this same unsustainabe platform.

Really thinking to write up and send them the bill.
As for GOP what about the bill for war spending.
The contested military contracts alone could
Help pay for vets if this money was recouped too!
While I do not like Obamacare, and think it should never have passed, I do believe all working people deserve health insurance. If you can't afford to pay the 20 cents so that they can have insurance, then don't buy fast food.

if this doesn't say dumb fuck all over it, I don't know what does ....
This was predicted and is modest compared with
The bills that DC politics really cost the public.

Est 24 billion cost of the govt shutdown
Now Congress reports a 24 billion shortfall
In the budget when it comes to Veteran facilities.

While Obama collected borrowed abd spent 6 billion
To get re elected, spent 130 million to advertise ACA signups,
And organized 200 million of private outreach for a good cause
That Was Done by voluntary participation!

But the Democrats couldnt do the work to set up and fund
Health care reforms without federal mandates forcing
A system on people without our consent to a business contract?

Regardless how much this may cost for one group
Or may save for another, the principle is wrong up front.

Especially when Democrats have been the party yelling about
Separation of church and state, blocking prolife legislation that imposed any regulation which even threatened free choice, or backing ACLU lawsuits where atheists
Sue to remove crosses, prayers, word God, nativity scenes or Bibles
When those did NOT impose fines if they didnt comply as ACA does.

Where are the ACLU lawyers now?
What happened to prochoice arguments to keep
Govt out of health care choices?

Does this not prove the secular agenda is a biased
Platform of political beliefs that discriminates against
Other beliefs and doesnt include and protect them
Equally. If so, how can govt be abused to impose
Such a political religion by law under threat of fines?

I hope constitutional scholars and law schools
Are noting this trend and where it is leading.


Some restaurant chains are instituting an extra surcharge to your bill to pay for the expense they all have to pay for Obamacare.

Several restaurants in a Florida chain are asking customers to help foot the bill for Obamacare.

Diners at eight Gator's Dockside casual eateries are finding a 1% Affordable Care Act surcharge on their tabs, which comes to 15 cents on a typical $15 lunch tab. Signs on the door and at tables alert diners to the fee, which is also listed separately on the bill.

The Gator Group's full-time hourly employees won't actually receive health insurance until December. But the company said it implemented the surcharge now because of the compliance costs it's facing ahead of the Affordable Care Act's employer mandate kicking in in 2015.

"The costs associated with ACA compliance could ultimately close our doors," the sign reads. "Instead of raising prices on our products to generate the additional revenue needed to cover the costs of ACA compliance, certain Gator's Dockside locations have implemented a 1% surcharge on all food and beverage purchases only."


Restaurants charging Obamacare fee - Feb. 27, 2014

when the bill came I would put on that bill $22.64 cents minus the .20 cents its that simple and dispute the price with my card carrier if they tried to raise it ... I will not pay for their surcharge for health care.... I would write on the bill that I will no long come to their restaurant because of them trying to grand stand over health care ... there's another restaurant down the road...
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While I do not like Obamacare, and think it should never have passed, I do believe all working people deserve health insurance. If you can't afford to pay the 20 cents so that they can have insurance, then don't buy fast food.

Corruption and damages done to communities
In Houston by Democrat Mayors have cost me
More on my credit than I can afford to pay trying
To clean up the disasters. I already maxed out my
Budget and work two jobs to pay interest on the
Costs i covered using my credit that is over limit.

To think that Democrats not only ignored the past
Costs to taxpayers but keep pushing more onto
Lawabiding citizens shows no interest or understanding
Of the true social costs. If democrats had to pay this back,
Theyd be too busy with fundraising fir that than
Running for more offices on this same unsustainabe platform.

Really thinking to write up and send them the bill.
As for GOP what about the bill for war spending.
The contested military contracts alone could
Help pay for vets if this money was recouped too!

there is a reason they call democrats tax and spenders ... we make a tax for a idea, then we spent that tax on that Idea ... its only you republicans that charge up a huge debt the expect it to be forgiven ... dems always pay their debts ... every time I seen anybody not pay for something 9 times out of 10 they are republicans... they don't like to pay for anything... now you're complaining that you racked up debt on your credit card and you have to work two jobs to pay for it ???? BOOO WHOOO ... sucks to be you ... you charge something you get to pay for it when the bill comes ... don't tell me emily it your health care cost ... because we all know you get medicare... so don't go down that road...
If Reagan hadn't fucked with the HMO act we'd not be discussing this. Middle-class Republican voters are the problem.

If you think ACA is expensive, anyone know how much the uninsured cost taxpayers every year?

why didn't liberal douchebags just correct what they claim reagan did to the HMO's instead of creating this costly convaluted mess called obamacare? that doesn't work
If Reagan hadn't fucked with the HMO act we'd not be discussing this. Middle-class Republican voters are the problem.

If you think ACA is expensive, anyone know how much the uninsured cost taxpayers every year?

why didn't liberal douchebags just correct what they claim reagan did to the HMO's instead of creating this costly convaluted mess called obamacare? that doesn't work
If you run the numbers the right move would have been tax breaks for concierge competing docs in boxes chains, HSAs, catastrophic care insurance, a DARPA for medicine and letting the doc in a box chains squeeze big Pharma.

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