Start impeachment hearings on Adler, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Blumenthal & others for Obstructing Just


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I told you they'd interfere with Barr's investigation of the source of the false charges and spying and other abuses. NOW IS THE TIME to file charges with the DOJ (single letters or petitions) to investigate obstruction of the DOJ current investigation by these politicians who seek delay and removal of BARR in order to obstruct investigations of their collegues and even things implicating them in crimes.
1) THEY KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY comit obstruction because Barr in front of them told them it's being investigated, so there is no ignorance of the law or investigation excuse here.
2)their own speaches claim what they are doing is a crime and impeachable.
3)they are on live TV exposed comitting the crime and abusing their position of power harassing the AG to delay and hinder investigations with intent to remove and replace with another controllable mole like Rosenstein was.

Write the DOJ by email or snail mail and request the investigation of these politicians who are openly abusing their power against the nation's best interest & well being and against fair justice.
Under the definition of obstruction the dems have for Trump they are as guilty of it as hell with their treatment of Barr....LOCK EM UP!!!!!
Under Article I, Section 5, clause 2, of the Constitution, a Member of Congressmay be removed from office before the normal expiration of his or her constitutional term by an “expulsion” from the Senate (if a Senator) or from the House of Representatives (if a Representative) upon a formal vote on a resolution agreed, from their own mouth they called it a crime, they called it impeachable, this is called a checkmate! When they vote majority no to their own collegues they lose, they vote yes they lose. CHECKMATE!
Under the definition of obstruction the dems have for Trump they are as guilty of it as hell with their treatment of Barr....LOCK EM UP!!!!!

The irony of all dealings with the Left is that whatever they do is what they accuse you of. Even as they try to accuse Trump of "obstruction of justice," since the day he was elected, they have tried to obstruct him and show contempt for the due operations of the government of the USA in every way humanly possible:
  1. They tried to obstruct his election through the fake Steele dossier.
  2. They showed contempt at his inauguration.
  3. They showed contempt at his State of the Union Address not even applauding for the things obviously good for America.
  4. They obstructed the office of the president through secret russian collaboration in the Steele dossier and again with lies to the FISA court to justify the Mueller investigation.
  5. They had Comey act in a way that gave Trump no choice but to fire him setting Trump up for the obstruction beef.
  6. They had Mueller act in a way so biased and narrow in his investigation so as to force Trump into a corner.
  7. They obstructed Trump in trying to defend our borders from people coming from terrorist nations.
  8. They've obstructed Trump in trying to follow US Law to secure our southern border.
  9. They've obstructed Trump in trying to follow US Law to seek out and arrest criminals hiding in sanctuary cities.
  10. They've obstructed Trump in trying to rationally process illegal aliens.
  11. They have sought to subvert national election laws to make it a one-party system.
  12. They have conspired to try to keep Trump from running for his own second term.
  13. They have bugged his phones.
  14. They have rigged intelligence to make it full of leaks impossible to plug up to leak national secrets to the media.
  15. They have used a Leftist controlled propaganda ministry against him.
  16. They are conspiring on a national level to illegally seek his tax, banking and financial records to weaponize them against him for personal gain.
  17. They are guilty of a multi-state effort to deluge him with so many lawsuits as to try to bankrupt him.
  18. They've sent Obama around the world to other countries to use him as an emissary on an anti-Trump tour.
These are the acts of nothing less than treason acting against the interests of the USA. There is only one simple solution for such people:

The Basketball Analogy:
The coach, GM, and Owner vote on which final player gets cut (voted out) to round out the team, the Coach decides on his starting lineup, but the benched guys on the DNP list and off the bench few minutes per game guys all become sore losers & hostile towards the team for their team mate being off the team and for their lesser role, so they decide to sabotage the team by not playing along on purpose & throwing the games. They resist winning, they obstruct the starter's success, they are trying to get the coach and GM fired, (no this is not about the Lakers *L*).
They even put itching powder in the mascot and cheerleaders uniforms trying to embarrass and bring down the whole organization, they break car windows in the parking lot and beat up fans in the parking lot trying to affect attendance and income, they even give the opposing teams the playbook.
Now, would these team players refusing to be team players be kicked off the team as traitors and sabotagers?
Our Team, Team USA has the right and obligation to remove these traitors from office as allowed through
article i section 5 clause 2 and common sense using any similar analogy.
Nobody would tolerate these behaviors and acts in their company, sports team, family, or group affiliation.

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