Start the Federal Govt slashing: Senate Investigation finds only 6% of federal employees work from office full time

In my case I work ten hours typically, why? because I have no commute to or from an office and no driving to do. That means my mind is fresh and alert when I walk from my house to my Casita at 7am. where I have my office.
I eat lunch when I feel like it and eat it at my desk, when I was in an office I'd often go out for an hour to eat.

If I need to work late it's easy, I just work late and then walk back into my house, whereas before it would be more demanding because I'd get home an hour later after already working late because of the drive.

So I start and end my working day about the same times I did before Covid except this time the two hours I would be commuting are now productive working hours.

My gas costs have evaporated, I used to fill my Jeep once a week and drive 40 miles each way, and now I drive 0 miles each way.

You sound like a luddite, afraid to embrace the very technologies that our country has created and you think that making things easier for workers can only have negative consequences.

You have absolutely no idea about how some agency like the FAA operates how managers manage, how productive staff are and so on, absolutely no idea and nor does the scumbag Musk, that twat has even named his son "X" which I consider child abuse, these are all unhinged people, playing with the country like a toy and you are happy about this?

Bullshit. you probably suck dick outside your flat for $10.
The naivety of magats never ceases to amaze me.

Do you have any idea of the cost of office buildings, electricity, cleaning, desks, maintenance and so on?

These have been eliminated by several companies including my employer.

I now provide the desk, the electricity, the bathroom services, lighting and so on and I am a lot more productive than I was in a tiny cube packed into a huge open plan office that is noisy and brightly lit. There's no advantage in having a huge office building and wasting people's time travelling two or more hours per day, totally wasted time.

Musk is a dunce.
Yes, that's the point, we are paying for these offices and spaces and not using them.
Says the lazy fuck who's probably been off and on the dole his whole life.
And just read what he wrote…’s all about how he’s saving money on commuting, and it’s so much more convenient for him, blah, blah, blah.

We have 3 million fed workers, the vast majority goofing off at least part of the day - and we taxpayers have to pay for it. It’s time they learned what it feels like to put in a full week’s work for a full week’s pay.
And just read what he wrote…’s all about how he’s saving money on commuting, and it’s so much more convenient for him, blah, blah, blah.

We have 3 million fed workers, the vast majority goofing off at least part of the day - and we taxpayers have to pay for it. It’s time they learned what it feels like to put in a full week’s work for a full week’s pay.

And he forgets the left wants people to live MORE in large cities. Don't they realize this fucks that concept over?
And he forgets the left wants people to live MORE in large cities. Don't they realize this fucks that concept over?
I have a cousin who works from home (like all feds), and she admitted to me about a year ago that it’s basically a part-time job. When I call her during the workday, she is always in the middle of a walk, or at the grocery store, or even out of town on a vacation - and it’s all on the clock.

She told me about a year ago that she’d like to retire (she’s 68), but she puts in so little effort that it would be silly given how much she earns. (Well into the six figures.) I bet that if she is called back to the office, in downtown DC from her home in Rockville, she will quit and take her cushy pension.
And just read what he wrote…’s all about how he’s saving money on commuting, and it’s so much more convenient for him, blah, blah, blah.
How does an employer benefit if I have to pay huge gas costs? How does an employer benefit if my life is made less convenient? As I just said you have no idea about any of this.
We have 3 million fed workers, the vast majority goofing off at least part of the day - and we taxpayers have to pay for it. It’s time they learned what it feels like to put in a full week’s work for a full week’s pay.
There are ways to reduce costs without reducing performance and there are way to reduce costs that also reduce performance. I'm all in favor of reducing costs in the former situation but not so much the latter.

You cannot even begin to talk about 'saving money" unless you simultaneously talk about maintaining standards and performance levels.

Do you want to see costs reduced at the expense of quality, performance? yes or no?

For example would you be OK if we saw one or two air crashes at airports per year, but we were able to reduce FAA costs by 30%? Or see a doubling in the waiting time for trains if we reduced Amtrak costs by 25%?
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Only 6% of federal employees work from an office full-time, and a third are fully remote. And some aren’t actually working when they “work from home,” a Senate investigation found.

“Washington is still operating as if it’s March 2020,” Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), the chair of the Senate DOGE Caucus and the report’s author, wrote.

“Just three percent of the federal workforce teleworked daily prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, six percent of workers report in-person on a full-time basis, while nearly one-third are entirely remote,” the report states.

Government office buildings have an occupancy rate of only 12%, yet the government spends $16 billion a year to operate them. Even the head of the General Services Administration, which manages federal real estate, works from home in Missouri.

“You may be more likely to see a ghost than a bureaucrat haunting the halls of some government buildings in Washington, D.C. these days,” Ernst continued.

And here we go. Our federal government is a bloated cesspool of waste. Elon and Vivek ought to have a field day right out of the gate
And how many are congresspeople?

Strangely, they forgot to say.

So, how do Musk and Ramaswamy intend to increase revenue to lessen the deficit?

Oh, they forgot to say.
I have a cousin who works from home (like all feds), and she admitted to me about a year ago that it’s basically a part-time job. When I call her during the workday, she is always in the middle of a walk, or at the grocery store, or even out of town on a vacation - and it’s all on the clock.

She told me about a year ago that she’d like to retire (she’s 68), but she puts in so little effort that it would be silly given how much she earns. (Well into the six figures.) I bet that if she is called back to the office, in downtown DC from her home in Rockville, she will quit and take her cushy pension.
Ahh so you're jealous, that's what's got you all bitter.
The naivety of magats never ceases to amaze me.

Do you have any idea of the cost of office buildings, electricity, cleaning, desks, maintenance and so on?

These have been eliminated by several companies including my employer.

I now provide the desk, the electricity, the bathroom services, lighting and so on and I am a lot more productive than I was in a tiny cube packed into a huge open plan office that is noisy and brightly lit. There's no advantage in having a huge office building and wasting people's time travelling two or more hours per day, totally wasted time.

Musk is a dunce.
There is an advantage: some managerial asshole is there in person to boss you around. Return to office exists mostly to stroke certain people's egos.
Yes, that's the point, we are paying for these offices and spaces and not using them.
If that's the case then dispose of the unused asset or turn into some other use. Suggesting we force people to uproot and work in an office just because you have an empty building explains why you'll never have a real job.
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Now, I'm no Isaac Newton, but my calculations show that selling the office space would save more money than forcing peole to come back to work, there.
I have a cousin who works from home (like all feds), and she admitted to me about a year ago that it’s basically a part-time job. When I call her during the workday, she is always in the middle of a walk, or at the grocery store, or even out of town on a vacation - and it’s all on the clock.

She told me about a year ago that she’d like to retire (she’s 68), but she puts in so little effort that it would be silly given how much she earns. (Well into the six figures.) I bet that if she is called back to the office, in downtown DC from her home in Rockville, she will quit and take her cushy pension.
Just because your friend is a thief doesn't mean all or even most people who work from home are thieves.
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I have a cousin who works from home (like all feds), and she admitted to me about a year ago that it’s basically a part-time job. When I call her during the workday, she is always in the middle of a walk, or at the grocery store, or even out of town on a vacation - and it’s all on the clock.

She told me about a year ago that she’d like to retire (she’s 68), but she puts in so little effort that it would be silly given how much she earns. (Well into the six figures.) I bet that if she is called back to the office, in downtown DC from her home in Rockville, she will quit and take her cushy pension.
Many people have "perks" but at the cost of earning lower wages, seeing fewer pay rises, seeing no bonuses, little if any overtime etc. Ask her what she earns, it won't be 100,000.

This is an absolutely normal part of modern commerce. One's salary is the not the only thing on the table when seeking a job, there are perks, like working hours, benefits like medical insurance and so on all of these are used to attract and retain staff.

I could pick up my phone tomorrow and get a salary of $ 250,000 and a good bonus, no real problem, perhaps Amazon or GoDaddy for example. But I'd be working more hours, weekends some times, be on call, have to meet pressing deadlines and so on and I'd be exhausted, I can't do that kind of load like I did in my thirties and forties.

I earn less than that and no bonus BUT I get perks like working from home, so what is your problem?

You start taking away perks it's the same as reducing people's pay and people will leave and go elsewhere.

I worked once for American College of Physicians (ACP) in Philly, many years ago. The pay was very low but the hours easy and my duties fairly light, it was a booster wage hardly enough to really survive on had I been single. But it offered the absolute best medical insurance plans at zero cost to the employee. I showed my wife the plans and she was stunned because we could both be on the plan and it was like "gold plated", in her words.

At that time she was a senior manager at Citibank and earned very big money and got a big bonus but even at her level in that huge bank, the medical plans were nowhere close to ACP.

So perks are just an aspect of how one gets paid.
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Many people have "perks" but at the cost of earning lower wages, seeing fewer pay rises, seeing no bonuses, little if any overtime etc. Ask her what she earns, it won't be 100,000.

This is an absolutely normal part of modern commerce. One's salary is the not the only thing on the table when seeking a job, there are perks, like working hours, benefits like medical insurance and so on all of these are used to attract and retain staff.

I could pick up my phone tomorrow and get a salary of $ 250,000 and a good bonus, no real problem, perhaps Amazon or GoDaddy for example. But I'd be working more hours, weekends some times, be on call, have to meet pressing deadlines and so on and I'd be exhausted, I can't do that kind of load like I did in my thirties and forties.

I earn less than that and no bonus BUT I get perks like working from home, so what is your problem?

You start taking away perks it's the same as reducing people's pay and people will leave and go elsewhere.

I worked once for American College of Physicians (ACP) in Philly, many years ago. The pay was very low but the hours easy and my duties fairly light, it was a booster wage hardly enough to really survive on had I been single. But it offered the absolute best medical insurance plans at zero cost to the employee. I showed my wife the plans and she was stunned because we could both be on the plan and it was like "gold plated", in her words.

At that time she was a senior manager at Citibank and earned very big money and got a big bonus but even at her level in that huge bank, the medical plans were nowhere close to ACP.

So perks are just an aspect of how one gets paid.
She earns $150,000 a year for what she admits requires only 20 hours a week - and there are hundreds of thousands just like her. Why should taxpayers have to pay for all that?

And it is NOT normal to get full-time pay for part-time work, and spend the other half on personal stuff - all while the taxpayer pays for it. Government employees around here laugh guiltily when the scam is brought up.

There’s an old joke: q: how many people work at your agency? a: oh, about half of them.

It’s even more true today. The fact that fed employees are aghast that they will have to do what the rest of the country does - show up for work - just shows how entitled they’ve become.

The gig is up.
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