Starting to lean left

I don't need many degrees, like you claim to have but cannot demonstrate in the least, to understand how values hierarchies work.

They're foundational in the fields of NLP, neuro-semantics and hypnosis....Areas in which I'm highly trained.

Peoples values, each and every one of them (your values too), begin and end in with what's in it for them....Period.

Altruism is a myth.

How nice. You are trained (not educated but trained) to help people quit smoking. And you don't do it for free.

But I quit without help nine years ago, so your being trained is worse tthan useless.

If anyone needs a quit buddy I will give support. For free. Because being quit is a wonderful thing and everyone deserves help. Even those without money.

That is altruism.

Regards from Rosie
You're wrong, yet again.

I can train smokers and people who need to manage their weight (amongst many many others) how to recognize and act to attain the things that they value more than the ciggy-butts or the food....That's how it works.

And every one of those outcomes have everything to do with their higher values, which are theirs and theirs alone....Selfishness, if you will.

There's no more powerful motivator than that of self-interested desire, no matter the professed outcome.

Altruism is a lie people tell others in public, to achieve a privately desired outcome.

Doesn't work on yourself though eh?... :lol:

Think of the money you could save if you didn't have Smokes and Miller in the budget. :thup:

Maybe del could Hypnotize you?...

Or has he?... :dunno:


Just don't lean too far, that can be dangerous on a harley.

Is this what you're talking about?

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I have decided I like the lefty ideology. I just turned in my 2 weeks notice at work. Decided it would be easier if I just sat on my ass and make just as much if not more in benifits. "Share the wealth" has started getting my juices going. Just because they are successfull does not mean they shouldnt pay more in taxes, right? Just because we are spending ourselves into oblivion does not mean we should stop spending right? Fuck spending cuts! Thats for the birds!

Might want to get checked for an ear infection.

I had one a long time ago and could not stand up straight.

He has 0 Rep because NOBODY bothers to try and decifer his ridiculous posts.

Who has time to sift through his bs to see what he actually has to say.

Who wants to bother?? Not me.
CrayonBoy (AKA. Mr. Sheman, or whatever it is) is a poster with an infamous distinction at USMB: he is the poster who is on the most ignore lists ever at USMB.

Personally, I don't use the ignore function here. Many don't, but they make an exception for CrayonBoy (comes from his annoying multicolored posts). I still prefer to exercise my own freewill at ignoring posters by using my scroll feature of my mouse.

But, if you give him any attention at this point, he latches on as it is a rare occurrence that someone does pay Crayonboy any attention.

In fact, we had a poster here who used to neg folks when they quote Crayonboy (without changing the idiot's coloring and centering format).

I may start doing the same. It's a principle thing...just like negs for whining about negs.
CrayonBoy (AKA. Mr. Sheman, or whatever it is) is a poster with an infamous distinction at USMB: he is the poster who is on the most ignore lists ever at USMB.

Personally, I don't use the ignore function here. Many don't, but they make an exception for CrayonBoy (comes from his annoying multicolored posts). I still prefer to exercise my own freewill at ignoring posters by using my scroll feature of my mouse.

But, if you give him any attention at this point, he latches on as it is a rare occurrence that someone does pay Crayonboy any attention.

In fact, we had a poster here who used to neg folks when they quote Crayonboy (without changing the idiot's coloring and centering format).

I may start doing the same. It's a principle thing...just like negs for whining about negs.

If you dont have a link you are lyin! lol
(Thought I would try to fit in ha!)
I have decided I like the lefty ideology. I just turned in my 2 weeks notice at work. Decided it would be easier if I just sat on my ass and make just as much if not more in benifits. "Share the wealth" has started getting my juices going. Just because they are successfull does not mean they shouldnt pay more in taxes, right? Just because we are spending ourselves into oblivion does not mean we should stop spending right? Fuck spending cuts! Thats for the birds!

How much will you be collecting in benefits?

Depends on how many kids his old lady starts pumping out. Need a raise, have a baby.
Yup. Keep having those kids. Every one is worth the taxpayers hard earned dollars.
Liberalism is the easy route in life.

Blame other people.

Rely on other people to bail you out, pay your bills.

Get free stuff.
Gross income? Tons more.

Net income? 'Bout the same.

He is doing the right thing. We're all equal, you, we are ALL equal.

Lowest common denominator.

I'm going to go ahead and call BULLSHIT. You cannot claim unemployment if you quit your job or are fired with cause... only if you are laid off or the business closes. I know. I know someone going through it, and it absolutely favors your employer. And they usually fight you tooth and nail to deny it - and usually win.

Also, you cannot get welfare if you are an able bodied single person without kids. If you are a married woman & your husband is working, you also probably will not qualify.
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