State Department Belatedly Releases New Clinton Benghazi Documents. Proves Hillary LIED to America!

Still doesn't qualify her as POTUS. As a matter-of-fact, her track record more clearly illustrates her incompetence and indifference.
Perhaps she'll FUCK UP again......

Hillary knows she lied.
The State Department knows she lied.
Obama knows she lied.

The State Department threw Hillary under the bus when they declared Hillary did NOT adhere to the law by turning over all official State Department documents while Sect of State and when she left.
- State Department says it has no record that Hillary Clinton released all unclassified documents

Obama just recently 'testified' that Hillary broke the law when he declared her actions regarding all the classified e-mails on her server were 'negligent, not 'criminal'. Evidently Obama is oblivious to Section 793 of the Penal Code, Subsection (f):

Whoever being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note or information relating to the national defense through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted or destroyed ...’

Whether he meant to or not Obama just made the criminal case against Hillary Clinton. The FBI itself has already declared that they were investigating 'negligence' under the Espionage Act...and Obama just declared her to be guilty:

"His efforts to minimize his former secretary of state's diversion of emails from government-secured servers to her own non-secure home server by calling it "careless" may actually harm her in the eyes of the public or even serve as a dog whistle to the FBI. That's because carelessness is a species of negligence, and espionage, which is the failure to safeguard state secrets by removing them from their proper place of custody, is the rare federal crime that can be proved by negligence -- to be precise, gross negligence."
- Obama Damns Hillary With Faint Praise

In that interview Obama tried to claim that mishandling 'Top Secret' info isn't that big of a deal, because their is 'top secret' info and then there is 'TOP SECRET' info. Obama, during the interview, tried to say that the information Hillary jeopardized was 'not that important'. That is really interesting considering the WH declared weeks earlier that information found on Hillary's server was SO classified the release of any of it in any form would cause grave damage to US national security'.

If the FBI is investigating the crime of 'gross negligence' under the Espionage Act, what better 'testimony' to have than Obama declaring Hillary was 'negligent' with the classified info entrusted to her?!
What difference, at this point, does it make, even if it is lie #15,984!

Judicial Watch ^ | 4/15/2016
Please get this to Drudge and everyone else. This is the biggest story of the month. This proves she lied. Beyond any shadow of a doubt. On September 15, in a telephone call with then-Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Amr, Clinton emphatically portrayed the “stupid, very offensive film” as the root cause of the Benghazi violence. Clinton told Amr, “I have repeatedly, as has the President and other officials in our government, deplored not only the content of this stupid, very offensive film… But we have to exercise more self-discipline… otherwise we’ll be in a vicious downward circle against everyone who...


Benghazi has been investigated 8 times now. In her last 12 hour congressional testimony, she made Republicans look like idiots. In her opening statement she went through a very long list of other U.S. Embassies that had been attacked. Most notably, under Reagan, where 240 U.S. Marines were killed at a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Of course that was only 1 investigation. Furthermore she explained this video. There were 2 or 3 other U.S. Embassies that were being raided in the Middle East over this video, at the same time the attack was ongoing in Benghazi--and that's where the confusion was. That's verifiable, it did happen.


EMAILS: If Hillary Clinton has a problem with them so does Colin Powell and Condi Rice:
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts


These right wing dog & pony shows are playing on a lot of deaf ears.
Want to bring charges on Powell and Rice for doing what Hillary did?

Fine with me.

Give them a year for each offense.

"Two of the messages were sent to Powell's personal account, and 10 were sent to personal accounts of Rice's senior aides, the letter said."

That would be...2 years for Powell, 10 years for Rice, and Hillary is up to, what?

1400? 2000?

Other embassies were attacked because of the video?

I thought Benghazi was a planned attack, oops, no, not planned, spontaneous, oops, maybe it was the video.

have they ever come out with why it happened, after almost 4 years.

Maybe there was only 1 investigation about Lebanon because they didn't lie about what happened there from the git-go.

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