State Dept. Hasn’t Spent $120 Million Designated For Blocking Russia Meddling

She won Only 18% of US Counties.
Sorry meant 18% not 15%. This means Donald Trump won 82% of all the counties in The US, in 50 Independent state Elections.

Clinton won 487 counties nationwide, compared with 2,626 for President-elect Donald Trump
DID YOU KNOW? Trump Won 2,626 Counties. Hillary Only Won 487


Clinton and her Investors threw $1.5 Billion Officially at the campaign and they still didn’t win. She only appealed to 15% of the country, essentially All Sanctuary Cities. They threw another $3 Billion in other money at it.

Trump spent just $250 Million of his own cash, and was outspent by some estimates 10-1.

State Dept. Hasn’t Spent $120 Million Designated For Blocking Russia Meddling

State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.

I guess our Govt. feels that there's no need to use this money as lawmakers intended?

"The State Department has not yet spent any of the $120 million that was to be allocated toward combatting foreign interference in elections, the New York Times reported Sunday.

Toward the end of former President Barak Obama’s administration, Congress voted to direct the Pentagon to give the State Department $60 million for combatting Russian and Chinese “anti-democratic propaganda,” according to the Times. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson took nearly seven months to decide what to do with the funding and the Pentagon ultimately decided to keep it. The Department had another $60 million available for the next fiscal year, but decided last week to only take $40 million, the Times reported.

That money will reportedly be transferred to the State Department and its Global Engagement Center in April, which will counter Russian meddling efforts with anti-propaganda counter-attacks. Currently, the Global Engagement Center doesn’t have someone who speaks Russian on the team and it is primarily focused on countering jihadist and other forms of extreme propaganda, according to the Times.

The news of the unspent millions comes as National Security Agency director Adm. Mike Rogers told the Senate armed services committee last week that President Donald Trump has not yet directed his department to work to thwart Russian cyber threats to the 2018 election."

That tends to happen when you make the mistake of thinking throwing money at a problem will make it go away.

It is often more complicated than writing a check.
I'm not too sure the government can pay enough spammers to influence the country, because people seem to have made up their minds, no matter what Russia does.

The military does have a Cyber Defense Force and Center already.
They do treat all cyber threats including hacking as an "attack", but money is already allocated for those operations.
I'm confused by your stat..if She only appealed to 15%--how did she win the popular vote? I think you might need some remedial math classes? Or are you doing some trick where you count geographical area? totally non valid---land don't vote..people do.
Well..OK..if that comforts you, I guess. Still more US citizens voted for Clinton..than voted for Trump. That is a fact. I was not one of them...but looking back...and comparing Trump to Clinton--I know I made a mistake. Tune in for the midterms..when another fact will become apparent...America is tired of Trump and the whole alt/right shitstorm.

Are you certain?
God you're an idiot...respond to the facts or STFU! You now have a NYT article linked...what will it be..crickets....or some empty insult?

I know what it won't be..anything substantive.

BTW..not everyone is is all "inside baseball' with the rest of you losers--I just posted the story..If it is untru, I'd deserve some scorn....but, of's you have nothing.

I wouldn't waste my time to insult WM2020, he's a classic hack with no self respect or ethics; or he is in the employ of Putin and engaging in the cyber war against the United States.

I suspect the FBI and/or Mr. Mueller's investigators are taking notes on posters like WM2020, and have him and others like him on their radar.
I suspect the FBI and/or Mr. Mueller's investigators are taking notes on posters like WM2020, and have him and others like him on their radar.

We're not going to let you do it that way again!
Says shitforbrains calling for everyone not parroting Soros to be imprisoned.

You gotta quit with smokin' that shyte..killing your brain cells.

WTF is shyte?
Why is Clinton an Alcoholic Child Molestor instead of President?

I’m Confused

She won Only 18% of US Counties.
Sorry meant 18% not 15%. This means Donald Trump won 82% of all the counties in The US, in 50 Independent state Elections.

Clinton won 487 counties nationwide, compared with 2,626 for President-elect Donald Trump
DID YOU KNOW? Trump Won 2,626 Counties. Hillary Only Won 487


Clinton and her Investors threw $1.5 Billion Officially at the campaign and they still didn’t win. She only appealed to 15% of the country, essentially All Sanctuary Cities. They threw another $3 Billion in other money at it.

Trump spent just $250 Million of his own cash, and was outspent by some estimates 10-1.

That tends to happen when you make the mistake of thinking throwing money at a problem will make it go away.

It is often more complicated than writing a check.
I'm not too sure the government can pay enough spammers to influence the country, because people seem to have made up their minds, no matter what Russia does.

The military does have a Cyber Defense Force and Center already.
They do treat all cyber threats including hacking as an "attack", but money is already allocated for those operations.
I'm confused by your stat..if She only appealed to 15%--how did she win the popular vote? I think you might need some remedial math classes? Or are you doing some trick where you count geographical area? totally non valid---land don't vote..people do.
Well..OK..if that comforts you, I guess. Still more US citizens voted for Clinton..than voted for Trump. That is a fact. I was not one of them...but looking back...and comparing Trump to Clinton--I know I made a mistake. Tune in for the midterms..when another fact will become apparent...America is tired of Trump and the whole alt/right shitstorm.

Are you certain?
State Dept. Hasn’t Spent $120 Million Designated For Blocking Russia Meddling

State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.

I guess our Govt. feels that there's no need to use this money as lawmakers intended?

"The State Department has not yet spent any of the $120 million that was to be allocated toward combatting foreign interference in elections, the New York Times reported Sunday.

Toward the end of former President Barak Obama’s administration, Congress voted to direct the Pentagon to give the State Department $60 million for combatting Russian and Chinese “anti-democratic propaganda,” according to the Times. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson took nearly seven months to decide what to do with the funding and the Pentagon ultimately decided to keep it. The Department had another $60 million available for the next fiscal year, but decided last week to only take $40 million, the Times reported.

That money will reportedly be transferred to the State Department and its Global Engagement Center in April, which will counter Russian meddling efforts with anti-propaganda counter-attacks. Currently, the Global Engagement Center doesn’t have someone who speaks Russian on the team and it is primarily focused on countering jihadist and other forms of extreme propaganda, according to the Times.

The news of the unspent millions comes as National Security Agency director Adm. Mike Rogers told the Senate armed services committee last week that President Donald Trump has not yet directed his department to work to thwart Russian cyber threats to the 2018 election."
Seems the Dept heads need someone has to tell them what to do. Bet they would spend it on one heck of a party.

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