State of California Needs More Illegal Aliens To Help Jerry Brown!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
If things weren't bad enough in California with the overcrowding, high cost of living, now the weather has caused a massive landslide in Big Sur releasing thousands of tons of soil 40 feet deep and still coming blocking one of the major highways along the coast! And California already has one billion dollars in highway damage from the rain. On top of that, massive loss of business to the affected areas. California is a microcosm of what ails this nation, so over-stretched to the breaking point in every way and yet they just can't stop busing in more and more low-income, low-education, needy illegal immigrants.
That coastal highway shit happens. Its been going to shit for fifty years and they knew it fifty years ago.

The illegals have also been a growing problem for that long or longer. One would think after fifty years they would have figured out something but instead its been a double down and just lock-up the ones we catch involved in criminal activities. Raise taxes to pay to lock up some more just goes on and on..

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