State of Connecticut wants to Ban Possession of All Magazines Over 10 Rounds

See, even you admit they're not talking about taking your guns away.

But god forbid Loughner had to reload before killing that little girl- you'll kill all the cops in America to ensure the next lunatic can kill even more people, right?

Drama queen. Lets not let a good crisis go to waste.
Noone's talking about confiscating guns. Just limiting the size of the magazines the next Loughner can buy

Oh, they're talking about confiscating guns alright. They're just chipping away at all the components piece by piece. There's the mag size, the Ammunition Accountability Act, gun registration, etc. We even have some leftist wacko in Little Rock named Max Brantley of the Arkansas Times who decided to publish the names of all Arkansans on the Concealed Hand Gun Carry List. Our liberties are being taken away slowly and most people don't even care.
Yes, the Slipper Slope. If I don't let you buy a nuclear rifle today, I'll be taking away your pocket knives tomorrow :rolleyes:
My regular carry , I do not have the 30 round clip
just 3 20s
Clearly people who have clips with more than 10 rounds ought to revolt against the gvovernment while they still can.

Isn't that the fantasy, boys?

That your guns are making the rest of us safe from oppressive governments?


When will you boys finally live up to your rambo fantasies and do that?

I'll tell you when....never!

You'll sit by while your consitutional right are slowly eroded, and as long as you still have your guns you'll tell yourselves that, because you still have your guns, you are FREE MEN.


You're slaves already and you don't have a clue.
States rights don't extend to not letting someone go on a shooting spree with 30-rounds before reloading?

And before you start- those extra bullets won't do shit against a tank, so spare us the 'my home needs to be stockpiled with enough weapons to take on the US military' bullshit

considering it takes a trained person only 2-3 seconds or so to change mags how much good does this law do, considering the maniac is already on a shooting spree?

Google: tucson giffords shooter stopped when need to reload

I noticed you skipped my second point as a quote, as it is much harder to answer.

Didnt the tuscon guy also have two guns? why not ban having two handguns at once?
Yes, the Slipper Slope. If I don't let you buy a nuclear rifle today, I'll be taking away your pocket knives tomorrow :rolleyes:

is it not a fact that most of the people pushing for these clip size limits also are proponents of banning handguns/semi-automatics altogether?
One State banning large round magazines will work about as well as the war on drugs.
Both gun owners in Connecticut are really upset about this.

With a 1911, I can change mags in under 2 seconds (true story, bro), but my carry gun only holds 8 rounds anyway.

It will not pass.
Both gun owners in Connecticut are really upset about this.

With a 1911, I can change mags in under 2 seconds (true story, bro), but my carry gun only holds 8 rounds anyway.

It will not pass.

Thing about this ban will increase the value of the indestructible Hi Point which has a capacity of ten rounds. Cheap gun under 135.00 to 200.00:lol:
Another piece of feel-good, zero-impact legislation. Just like pretty much every other significant piece of firearms-related legislation in the last 20 years.

As for the idea of going to people's homes and confiscating these devices.... Nowhere that I know of are clips/magazines required to be registered, so how exactly would the State Police know where all of these magazines are in order to confiscate them?

This is simply more of the Liberal, Northeast US anti-gun mentality that is driving me out of this region of the country.

Oh, and on the 2 second reload.... As a competitive shooter, if you're taking more than about 1.5 seconds to reload, what the hell are you doing, stopping for a burger and fries along the way?
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Both gun owners in Connecticut are really upset about this.

With a 1911, I can change mags in under 2 seconds (true story, bro), but my carry gun only holds 8 rounds anyway.

It will not pass.

Thing about this ban will increase the value of the indestructible Hi Point which has a capacity of ten rounds. Cheap gun under 135.00 to 200.00:lol:

The Hi Point gets a pretty bad wrap, IMO. True, it is a piece of junk, not something I'd really want to carry daily and stake my life on in a life or death moment, but if you take care of it and only shoot high quality ammo out of it, they are fine defense weapons. I have one that has had over 10,000 rounds through it. It is a shop gun.

I keep one in all my vehicles because I figure if I shoot someone, they're going to confiscate the weapon for evidence and I may never get it back. With the Hi Point, I'd tell them "just keep it, I'm done with that one." :)

I have sold about 700 Hi Points in the past 2 years. We sell them from $139 to $159, depending on the caliber. Really a good bargain for the money, if you're willing to clean and maintain after every practice. They are a true "throw away gun," and the staple of gangsters and thugs.

But they are just fine if you maintain them with care.
Oh, and on the 2 second reload.... As a competitive shooter, if you're taking more than about 1.5 seconds to reload, what the hell are you doing, stopping for a burger and fries along the way?

I was wondering the same thing. At 2 seconds, you're in deep doo, or you better have picked up your rifle.....and if there is a Deputy at my County Sheriff's Department who can't drop and load a mag in under 2 seconds, he better be piloting a desk.
Both gun owners in Connecticut are really upset about this.

With a 1911, I can change mags in under 2 seconds (true story, bro), but my carry gun only holds 8 rounds anyway.

It will not pass.

Thing about this ban will increase the value of the indestructible Hi Point which has a capacity of ten rounds. Cheap gun under 135.00 to 200.00:lol:

The Hi Point gets a pretty bad wrap, IMO. True, it is a piece of junk, not something I'd really want to carry daily and stake my life on in a life or death moment, but if you take care of it and only shoot high quality ammo out of it, they are fine defense weapons. I have one that has had over 10,000 rounds through it. It is a shop gun.

I keep one in all my vehicles because I figure if I shoot someone, they're going to confiscate the weapon for evidence and I may never get it back. With the Hi Point, I'd tell them "just keep it, I'm done with that one." :)

I have sold about 700 Hi Points in the past 2 years. We sell them from $139 to $159, depending on the caliber. Really a good bargain for the money, if you're willing to clean and maintain after every practice. They are a true "throw away gun," and the staple of gangsters and thugs.

But they are just fine if you maintain them with care.

Piece of crap?

Watch these test videos in the order they are posted.

Oh and a gang banger is not going to buy a gun he will steal it.
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Yes, the Slipper Slope. If I don't let you buy a nuclear rifle today, I'll be taking away your pocket knives tomorrow :rolleyes:

is it not a fact that most of the people pushing for these clip size limits also are proponents of banning handguns/semi-automatics altogether?
I don't give a damn if they're in favour of banning nachos. When they put forward a bill to do so, then we'll discuss that and vote accordingly. Until such time as they put forward such a bill, let's focus on the real world and the actual bill put forward.
Thing about this ban will increase the value of the indestructible Hi Point which has a capacity of ten rounds. Cheap gun under 135.00 to 200.00:lol:

The Hi Point gets a pretty bad wrap, IMO. True, it is a piece of junk, not something I'd really want to carry daily and stake my life on in a life or death moment, but if you take care of it and only shoot high quality ammo out of it, they are fine defense weapons. I have one that has had over 10,000 rounds through it. It is a shop gun.

I keep one in all my vehicles because I figure if I shoot someone, they're going to confiscate the weapon for evidence and I may never get it back. With the Hi Point, I'd tell them "just keep it, I'm done with that one." :)

I have sold about 700 Hi Points in the past 2 years. We sell them from $139 to $159, depending on the caliber. Really a good bargain for the money, if you're willing to clean and maintain after every practice. They are a true "throw away gun," and the staple of gangsters and thugs.

Gangbangers buy guns every day, don't kid yourself.
But they are just fine if you maintain them with care.

Piece of crap?

Watch these test videos in the order they are posted.

Oh and a gang banger is not going to buy a gun he will steal it.

I've already said they get a bad wrap, and that they're a fine weapon, with the proper care and maintenance.

But there is a reason they are $114 wholesale.
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