State Republicans consider cancelling their 2020 presidential primaries


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
The Republicans in Kansas are planning to forgo their caucus in favor of auto-endorsing DearLeader.

RNC pledges support for Trump 2020, state leaders consider canceling caucuses
However, state parties, who set their own rules for primaries and caucuses could change them to prevent a challenger. Kansas Republican leaders are among some states who are leaning towards canceling their caucuses or primaries.

"Historically the KSGOP has not held a caucus with an incumbent president and used other party election methods to select a delegate," Kelly Arnold, Chairman for the Kansas Republican Party told ABC News.

The first of many states, I'm sure. Dissent against DearLeader is not tolerated in the modern GOP.

Needless to say, you won't ever see the Democrats cancelling primaries. The two sides are polar opposites there.

Here it comes now, a torrent of phony "But what about ...." posts, trying to deflect from the unpleasant fact that only the RNC does the "TheParty knows what's best for you, comrade, so just shut up and applaud." thing.
Who ran against Bubba in '96?...Lyndon LaRouche (IOW, nobody).

Who ran against Oboingo in '12?....Literally nobody.

Yeah, you lolberal moonbats are totally different! :rolleyes:
The Republicans in Kansas are planning to forgo their caucus in favor of auto-endorsing DearLeader.

RNC pledges support for Trump 2020, state leaders consider canceling caucuses
However, state parties, who set their own rules for primaries and caucuses could change them to prevent a challenger. Kansas Republican leaders are among some states who are leaning towards canceling their caucuses or primaries.

"Historically the KSGOP has not held a caucus with an incumbent president and used other party election methods to select a delegate," Kelly Arnold, Chairman for the Kansas Republican Party told ABC News.

The first of many states, I'm sure. Dissent against DearLeader is not tolerated in the modern GOP.

Needless to say, you won't ever see the Democrats cancelling primaries. The two sides are polar opposites there.

Here it comes now, a torrent of phony "But what about ...." posts, trying to deflect from the unpleasant fact that only the RNC does the "TheParty knows what's best for you, comrade, so just shut up and applaud." thing.

What a minute here. The Dems didn’t even bother to count votes in 2016. Hillary bought the DNC and they handed her the nomination. Donna Brazile told you all about it in her book.

Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

Hello, senator. I’ve completed my review of the DNC and I did find the cancer,” I said. “But I will not kill the patient.”

I told Bernie I had found Hillary’s Joint Fundraising Agreement. I explained that the cancer was that she had exerted this control of the party long before she became its nominee. Had I known this, I never would have accepted the interim chair position, but here we were with only weeks before the election.
The Republicans in Kansas are planning to forgo their caucus in favor of auto-endorsing DearLeader.

RNC pledges support for Trump 2020, state leaders consider canceling caucuses
However, state parties, who set their own rules for primaries and caucuses could change them to prevent a challenger. Kansas Republican leaders are among some states who are leaning towards canceling their caucuses or primaries.

"Historically the KSGOP has not held a caucus with an incumbent president and used other party election methods to select a delegate," Kelly Arnold, Chairman for the Kansas Republican Party told ABC News.

The first of many states, I'm sure. Dissent against DearLeader is not tolerated in the modern GOP.

Needless to say, you won't ever see the Democrats cancelling primaries. The two sides are polar opposites there.

Here it comes now, a torrent of phony "But what about ...." posts, trying to deflect from the unpleasant fact that only the RNC does the "TheParty knows what's best for you, comrade, so just shut up and applaud." thing.

Jeff Flake? Bob Corker? John Kasich? Mitt Romney?

Considering these masked Democrat morons who have announced a possible challenge, why waste the time and resources?

RNC votes to give Trump 'undivided support' ahead of 2020
Can I call it?

I said the Trump crowd would go into deflection-and-avoidance mode, and make up fake stories about Democrats, and they did.

It's not like it was a tough prediction. Conservatives respond to everything with some variation of "but ... but ...but ... Obama/Clinton/Democrats!". They don't even try to excuse their own behavior, because they can't.
Can I call it?

I said the Trump crowd would go into deflection-and-avoidance mode, and make up fake stories about Democrats, and they did.

It's not like it was a tough prediction. Conservatives respond to everything with some variation of "but ... but ...but ... Obama/Clinton/Democrats!". They don't even try to excuse their own behavior, because they can't.
I didn't make up diddly....You're full of shit and got burned.
I didn't make up diddly....You're full of shit and got burned.

So, when did the democrats cancel a primary?

Oh, they didn't. Hence one wonders what you're blubbering about.

I understand your butthurt. You're feeling some remorse over signing on with the Stalinists. But that's no reason to rage at me. You're choosing to remain with that cult, and you can choose to walk away.
Can I call it?

I said the Trump crowd would go into deflection-and-avoidance mode, and make up fake stories about Democrats, and they did.

It's not like it was a tough prediction. Conservatives respond to everything with some variation of "but ... but ...but ... Obama/Clinton/Democrats!". They don't even try to excuse their own behavior, because they can't.

You can muse, but your prescient abilities are null. The Republicans will not be running a Democrat next year, no matter how long you hold your breath.
I didn't make up diddly....You're full of shit and got burned.

So, when did the democrats cancel a primary?

Oh, they didn't. Hence one wonders what you're blubbering about.

I understand your butthurt. You're feeling some remorse over signing on with the Stalinists. But that's no reason to rage at me. You're choosing to remain with that cult, and you can choose to walk away.
Holding a primary when they have already pre-selected their nominee is deceitful, and what the Dems do.
I didn't make up diddly....You're full of shit and got burned.

So, when did the democrats cancel a primary?

Oh, they didn't. Hence one wonders what you're blubbering about.

I understand your butthurt. You're feeling some remorse over signing on with the Stalinists. But that's no reason to rage at me. You're choosing to remain with that cult, and you can choose to walk away.
Holding a primary when they have already pre-selected their nominee is deceitful, and what the Dems do.
Having a primary where your "opponent" is Lyndon LaRouche, is the political equivalent of a pro rasslin' squash match.

And for an authoritarian goon like mamooth to call someone else Stalinist, is irony that no meter can contain.
The Republicans in Kansas are planning to forgo their caucus in favor of auto-endorsing DearLeader.

RNC pledges support for Trump 2020, state leaders consider canceling caucuses
However, state parties, who set their own rules for primaries and caucuses could change them to prevent a challenger. Kansas Republican leaders are among some states who are leaning towards canceling their caucuses or primaries.

"Historically the KSGOP has not held a caucus with an incumbent president and used other party election methods to select a delegate," Kelly Arnold, Chairman for the Kansas Republican Party told ABC News.

The first of many states, I'm sure. Dissent against DearLeader is not tolerated in the modern GOP.

Needless to say, you won't ever see the Democrats cancelling primaries. The two sides are polar opposites there.

Here it comes now, a torrent of phony "But what about ...." posts, trying to deflect from the unpleasant fact that only the RNC does the "TheParty knows what's best for you, comrade, so just shut up and applaud." thing.

Meh, so what. Political parties are going to nominate who they want to nominate. The idea that voters have any say in it is a charade.

Ask Teddy Roosevelt about that. And if he's dead ask Bernie Sanders.
I find this thread strange.
If Trump gets the wall he's untouchable. If he doesn't he's toast.'s a strange thread, all right.

But I don't think it's all about the Wall. We can see Trump is trying hard, while being fought every foot by Dems against securing our borders. That looks pretty good to me.

The job of a president is Peace and Prosperity. If Trump can keep us out of forever losing wars and get us out of the ones we are in, and keep the economy going strong as he has been doing, I think he's a shoo-in.
What the hell is the difference between outright not even having a primary, and having primaries where everyone knows the outcome long before the primaries? Seriously

2012 Democratic Party presidential primaries - Wikipedia

Did anyone think anyone other than Obama even had a chance at winning anything in 2012?

What a silly thread.

Or that anyone but Clinton in 2016 did. I recall watching one of the primaries -- I think it was Hawaii -- where Clinton had X number of delegates, before "voting" even started. Because "superdelegates". :rolleyes:

I put "voting" in quotes because it's a bread and circus sham made to look like "participation".

Clearly an incumbent is going to get his/her party's nomination, so there's no point in voting for them even if voting meant something. So in 2012 I voted in the Republican primary. For what it was worth.
What the hell is the difference between outright not even having a primary, and having primaries where everyone knows the outcome long before the primaries? Seriously

2012 Democratic Party presidential primaries - Wikipedia

Did anyone think anyone other than Obama even had a chance at winning anything in 2012?

What a silly thread.

Or that anyone but Clinton in 2016 did. I recall watching one of the primaries -- I think it was Hawaii -- where Clinton had X number of delegates, before "voting" even started. Because "superdelegates". :rolleyes:

I put "voting" in quotes because it's a bread and circus sham made to look like "participation".

That's the sham both parties have perpetrated on the American people. Okay it's their parties, they can run who they want, we don't have a right to vote in a primary, that's just a fact. But the sham comes in the form of the two parties have absolutely colluded to make it as hard as possible for anyone who isn't in on of their parties to win any election. Meaning A Hillary Clinton or a Donald Trump is going to be President even if the vast majority of Americans find them both to be morally repugnant.
What the hell is the difference between outright not even having a primary, and having primaries where everyone knows the outcome long before the primaries? Seriously

2012 Democratic Party presidential primaries - Wikipedia

Did anyone think anyone other than Obama even had a chance at winning anything in 2012?

What a silly thread.

Or that anyone but Clinton in 2016 did. I recall watching one of the primaries -- I think it was Hawaii -- where Clinton had X number of delegates, before "voting" even started. Because "superdelegates". :rolleyes:

I put "voting" in quotes because it's a bread and circus sham made to look like "participation".

That's the sham both parties have perpetrated on the American people. Okay it's their parties, they can run who they want, we don't have a right to vote in a primary, that's just a fact. But the sham comes in the form of the two parties have absolutely colluded to make it as hard as possible for anyone who isn't in on of their parties to win any election. Meaning A Hillary Clinton or a Donald Trump is going to be President even if the vast majority of Americans find them both to be morally repugnant.

AMEN to that. Duopoly is monopoly. I think of it as a puppet show with half the puppets in blue and the other half in red, and the drones are supposed to believe they're different things even though if they took the time to look UP they'd see both in the hands of the same puppeteer.

And the Duopoly's main machine to keep itself entrenched is the WTA Electrical College.
What the hell is the difference between outright not even having a primary, and having primaries where everyone knows the outcome long before the primaries? Seriously

2012 Democratic Party presidential primaries - Wikipedia

Did anyone think anyone other than Obama even had a chance at winning anything in 2012?

What a silly thread.

Or that anyone but Clinton in 2016 did. I recall watching one of the primaries -- I think it was Hawaii -- where Clinton had X number of delegates, before "voting" even started. Because "superdelegates". :rolleyes:

I put "voting" in quotes because it's a bread and circus sham made to look like "participation".

That's the sham both parties have perpetrated on the American people. Okay it's their parties, they can run who they want, we don't have a right to vote in a primary, that's just a fact. But the sham comes in the form of the two parties have absolutely colluded to make it as hard as possible for anyone who isn't in on of their parties to win any election. Meaning A Hillary Clinton or a Donald Trump is going to be President even if the vast majority of Americans find them both to be morally repugnant.

AMEN to that. Duopoly is monopoly. I think of it as a puppet show with half the puppets in blue and the other half in red, and the drones are supposed to believe they're different things even though if they took the time to look UP they'd see both in the hands of the same puppeteer.

And the Duopoly's main machine to keep itself entrenched is the WTA Electrical College.

Gonna have to disagree there, the EC could be entirely done away with and nothing would change.

As we've seen with Trump, the President can easily be nullified by a handful of morons in Congress, that is where we need to see reform.

I'm not debating about Trump per se, I'm just saying a handful of Congress jack offs have been able to stop most of his agenda, even when it's things the American people clearly want, and even when it's things those jack offs themselves clearly supported in the past.

Those jack offs have convinced themselves that they know what's best for the rest of us, and they have created a system that keeps us fighting while they remain in power.

In a just society, people would look around and say "you've been in DC 20 fucking years and you can't really even name one thing you've done that has actually fixed anything you have labeled as a problem that entire time and thus you're out of here" regardless of party.

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