State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

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PA laws are sacrosanct and cannot even be questioned.

If you suspect that someone is violating a PA law, you must drop what you're doing and sprint to the nearest police station to report it. You do NOT have a choice. It's a law, fer cryin' out loud.

Immigration laws, yeah, they're kinda squishy.

Good point. The same assholes that hyperventilate over a gay couple turned away have no problem with sanctuary cities. No matter how many citizens get killed.

How do people get this backwards?
PA laws are sacrosanct and cannot even be questioned.

If you suspect that someone is violating a PA law, you must drop what you're doing and sprint to the nearest police station to report it. You do NOT have a choice. It's a law, fer cryin' out loud.

Immigration laws, yeah, they're kinda squishy.

Good point. The same assholes that hyperventilate over a gay couple turned away have no problem with sanctuary cities. No matter how many citizens get killed.

How do people get this backwards?
Why are you having trouble staying on topic?
PA laws are sacrosanct and cannot even be questioned.

If you suspect that someone is violating a PA law, you must drop what you're doing and sprint to the nearest police station to report it. You do NOT have a choice. It's a law, fer cryin' out loud.

Immigration laws, yeah, they're kinda squishy.

Good point. The same assholes that hyperventilate over a gay couple turned away have no problem with sanctuary cities. No matter how many citizens get killed.

How do people get this backwards?
Sanctuary cities are legal. The local Barney Fife is not responsible for a Federal matter.
Probably because I was in lindergarten.

Why such ignorance? Do you not understand the way our laws work and the reason why they exist? Are you advocating for Americans to discriminate against gay people?

I'm not advocating it, but the freedom to associate also means the freedom to no associate for whatever reason you deem appropriate.

That applies to your personal life, yes. Not with your business practice. Not for "whatever" reason. Nope.

Where in the constitution does it state you lose your rights when you open a business?
Where does it state that you can lose your right to own a gun if you're a criminal? Same place...

There is a compelling government interest, plus due process was involved. Its the same concept that allows a person to be incarcerated, or placed on parole or probation.
Yes, because we are 1930s Germany. SMH

Gotta keep the haters in check. They are free to hate on their own time. When they open up a business, they have to abide by the state's laws regarding fair business practice. If these laws were NOT of benefit to the states, they would not exist. If the states and lawmakers thought that their respective states' income and economic development would be better off with such discrimination allowed, then those laws would not have happened to begin with. Agree?

Again, where is the compelling government interest?

I already answered that one.

No you didn't, the interest may be compelling to YOU, but hurt feelings do not a compelling interest make.

I already explained above in the post you quoted how it benefits the states. Economic development, attracting business, smooth business flow.

those are not compelling without some direct harm involved.
Why such ignorance? Do you not understand the way our laws work and the reason why they exist? Are you advocating for Americans to discriminate against gay people?

I'm not advocating it, but the freedom to associate also means the freedom to no associate for whatever reason you deem appropriate.

That applies to your personal life, yes. Not with your business practice. Not for "whatever" reason. Nope.

Where in the constitution does it state you lose your rights when you open a business?
Where does it state that you can lose your right to own a gun if you're a criminal? Same place...

There is a compelling government interest, plus due process was involved. Its the same concept that allows a person to be incarcerated, or placed on parole or probation.
Great, same answer to your question. A process was used, and it's both valid and constitutional.
Gotta keep the haters in check. They are free to hate on their own time. When they open up a business, they have to abide by the state's laws regarding fair business practice. If these laws were NOT of benefit to the states, they would not exist. If the states and lawmakers thought that their respective states' income and economic development would be better off with such discrimination allowed, then those laws would not have happened to begin with. Agree?

Again, where is the compelling government interest?

I already answered that one.

No you didn't, the interest may be compelling to YOU, but hurt feelings do not a compelling interest make.

I already explained above in the post you quoted how it benefits the states. Economic development, attracting business, smooth business flow.

those are not compelling without some direct harm involved.
Who are you to make that "direct harm" call for others?
It's progressed because we passed laws that forced it to...
Could you stay consistent? Thanks
I am being consistent. The reason you feel these laws are no longer necessary is because,............................................................wait for it,.................................................they worked...
Those unconstitutional laws were never "needed". You are NOT consistent. First you say we haven't progressed then you said they did. I dont think you even know what you believe in :thup:
The laws are not unconstitutional, businesses are required to follow all kinds of regulations, and PA laws worked which is why you think they can be tossed now but they can't be because people like yourself still walk the earth. Got it now?
OK then. Would you accept my debate on the unconstitutionality of anti-discrimination laws? OF course, that would be
Could you stay consistent? Thanks
Nobody is forcing you to open a public accommodation service business. It's as simple as that. If you cannot abide by the laws in your state (which, yes, they can set business practice laws), then you don't open a business, or not that type of business.

It's not just opening a business, it's working in one. So my choices are to starve or succumb to your tyranny. You're not a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist

Nope it's about fair business practice and what is best for the state's interests and individual civil rights to be able to go into a store, take a bus, and shop where they choose without fear of being discriminated against. Now, personal issues, such as shoplifters, people who cause a commotion, etc., are another matter entirely. Those people are harming your business. You can ban them for such actions.

When did making life fair become a function of government?
The day Thomas Jefferson put ink to the Declaration of Independence.
Ummm no it didn't. Do you know what that document was? lol
Of course I do. It was the document which declared everyone is created equal and has inalienable rights. In terms of where we saw the role of government, it was to secure those rights for all. That document served as an inspiration to fight for that type of government from the tyranny of the crown. And in victory, did establish such a government to secure our rights, which is all about government enforcing fairness where tyranny would otherwise rule.

So yes, the beginning of such government functions can be traced as far back as the Declaration of Independence.
I'm not advocating it, but the freedom to associate also means the freedom to no associate for whatever reason you deem appropriate.

That applies to your personal life, yes. Not with your business practice. Not for "whatever" reason. Nope.

Where in the constitution does it state you lose your rights when you open a business?
Where does it state that you can lose your right to own a gun if you're a criminal? Same place...

There is a compelling government interest, plus due process was involved. Its the same concept that allows a person to be incarcerated, or placed on parole or probation.
Great, same answer to your question. A process was used, and it's both valid and constitutional.

Which doesn't make it right. When all you have is appeal to authority, you don't really have your own position.
Again, where is the compelling government interest?

I already answered that one.

No you didn't, the interest may be compelling to YOU, but hurt feelings do not a compelling interest make.

I already explained above in the post you quoted how it benefits the states. Economic development, attracting business, smooth business flow.

those are not compelling without some direct harm involved.
Who are you to make that "direct harm" call for others?

I am the person defending other's right to various freedoms.

Why is one person's butthurt more than another person's butthurt in the absence of actual harm?
In your personal life, you can refuse to associate with whomever you wish. You can hate them. You can go online and rant about them. You can call them names, etc. Whatever floats your boat, but you cannot carry that over into your business practice. This was determined a LONG time ago by the SC.

Doing business is your personal life. Selling pencils never made you government's bitch

No, it is not your personal life. There are laws and regulations set forth by each state that you must follow and that you agree to follow whenever you pen your name to the legal document known as a business permit.

Ah, OK, if I make a deal with someone to make a living I'm no longer free, I'm a slave to government. That makes sense, I get it now
You are a slave? You are FORCED to go into a certain business? You had no choice? You were FORCED to have a business in a specific state with specific PA laws? You had no choice? You are FORCED to quietly go along with laws? You're not allowed to vote for those who promise to repeal PA laws? You have no power of petition? You have no power to either join or start lobbying organizations to get such laws repealed?

I guess, if we look at it that are also a slave to business safety and health laws too.

That statement that you are "forced" to go into business is just functionally retarded. I have to eat, I have to have a home, and I need to earn a living. To say I am not being forced to earn a living is just complete fucking bullshit. You are right about one thing, you're a clown
Gender isn't in there, and neither is disability, veteran status, or a host of others we use in the law to protect people from being treated unfair. Toaster ovens aren't in their either but we laws regulating them...
Toaster ovens don't own businesses, people do. Your point is that government can do anything it wants, regardless of the Constitution. It's purpose is to restrict government from trampling on our freedoms. Liberals invent laws to do exactly that. Freedom vs. tyranny.
Incorrect. In fact, PA laws have had their Constitutionality challenged. Guess what happened.

Government decided they have any fucking power they want and they can do anything they fucking want to because it's up to government what their powers are.

Am I right?
Let me ask you...what are you ACTIVELY doing to get PA laws off the books? Because there IS a way. You can vote for those who promise to repeal such laws. You can run yourself for office. You can petition. You can help fund organizations who lobby to get such laws repealed. You can start such an organization if you wish. All those avenues are open to you.

Trying to change minds
Yes, you shoild have that right.
Ok, fair enough. How about rejecting a customer because of their religion?

That works, you can kick the assess of all the Christians and Jews out of your business you want to
Not with current PA laws I can't. I would be taken to court very very quickly. And I would lose.

Maybe not, the courts don't give a shit about Christians or Jews. Now if it's a Muslim we're talking...

Sure they do. Try to say you won't serve Christians or Jews. Try it. Make a public announcement on Twitter and FB.

Why do you exaggerate 5,000 times every second?
Yes, you shoild have that right.
Ok, fair enough. How about rejecting a customer because of their religion?

That works, you can kick the assess of all the Christians and Jews out of your business you want to
Not with current PA laws I can't. I would be taken to court very very quickly. And I would lose.

Maybe not, the courts don't give a shit about Christians or Jews. Now if it's a Muslim we're talking...
"The courts don't give a shit about Christians or Jews".............where do you get that from?

It's more where you get it from, the kool-aid. What is your favorite? I'm guessing grape, am I right?
PA laws outlawed that freedom.
Why didn't you guys cry when PA laws first appeared in the 60s?

Probably because I was in lindergarten.

Why such ignorance? Do you not understand the way our laws work and the reason why they exist? Are you advocating for Americans to discriminate against gay people?

I'm not advocating it, but the freedom to associate also means the freedom to no associate for whatever reason you deem appropriate.

That applies to your personal life, yes. Not with your business practice. Not for "whatever" reason. Nope.

Bullshit. My business is my personal property. Why should government have any authority to tell me who I have to serve? Do you think government should have authority to force you to invite people into your home that you don't want to invite?
Gender isn't in there, and neither is disability, veteran status, or a host of others we use in the law to protect people from being treated unfair. Toaster ovens aren't in their either but we laws regulating them...
Toaster ovens don't own businesses, people do. Your point is that government can do anything it wants, regardless of the Constitution. It's purpose is to restrict government from trampling on our freedoms. Liberals invent laws to do exactly that. Freedom vs. tyranny.
Incorrect. In fact, PA laws have had their Constitutionality challenged. Guess what happened.

Government decided they have any fucking power they want and they can do anything they fucking want to because it's up to government what their powers are.

Am I right?
Let me ask you...what are you ACTIVELY doing to get PA laws off the books? Because there IS a way. You can vote for those who promise to repeal such laws. You can run yourself for office. You can petition. You can help fund organizations who lobby to get such laws repealed. You can start such an organization if you wish. All those avenues are open to you.

Trying to change minds
Well, it ain't workin'. Your position is one of hatred. Give it up,
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