State Unemployment Rates Increased in 44 States in July !


Gold Member
Aug 27, 2011
Recovery Summer 3: July Unemployment Up In 44 States -

In another sign of the ongoing jobs recession, fully 44 states saw their unemployment rates climb in July, according to state-level data released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

As a result, more than three years after the economic recovery officially started under President Obama, 10 states still have jobless rates of 9% or higher.

Nevada's jobless rate, for example, climbed to 12%, New Jersey's rose to 9.8% and North Carolina's edged up to 9.6%.

The states with the highest rates — Nevada, Rhode Island (10.8%), California (10.7%), New Jersey and North Carolina all voted for Obama in 2008.

The four states with the lowest jobless rates are solidly GOP: North Dakota (3%), Nebraska (4%), South Dakota (4%) and Oklahoma (5%). Heavily Democratic Vermont also had 5%.


Since the recovery began in June 2009, the economy has never managed to create more than 275,000 jobs in any given month. After the U.S. stopped shedding jobs, the average monthly gain has been just 122,000, which is below what many economists say is needed to keep pace with population growth.

By contrast, in the first three years of the early '80s Reagan recovery, the economy created an average of 273,000 jobs a month.

While 2.7 million jobs have been created since the recession, the number of people who are no longer in the labor force — either they quit looking, have put off looking for a job, or retired — has swelled by an astonishing 7.5 million.


Yes, we are closing in on four years of Obama and the "Blame Bush" crowd's unwillingness to accept responsibility. I keep hearing about entrenched GOP Tea Party obstructioninists too. It all plays out so sad and so sick when you listen to Mr. Hope and Change sound like Mr. Whine and Blame.

This is pathetic.

But, I'll be the left still thinks Obama will win 56 of 57 states........just losing one like Reagan did in '84.
Scary news. I hope this trend doesn't continue.

There are so many small businesses that would start if they didn't see the mountain of paperwork the government forces on them as a deterrent.

If you believe what most people say, small business is what creates jobs.
well, hell, but just thank,, obummer he just gave special permission for 800 thousand illegals to get work visas? ain't he cool? :lol::lol::lol:
Emperor Obama has the power to just fix the economy but refuses?

Emperor Obama has a lot of influence over the economy and is batting 100% when it comes to making bad decisions.

You are now hiding under the idea that he is powerless....yet you bastards still blame Bush.

Wanting it both ways and believing you can have it both ways......a true liberal.

well, hell, but just thank,, obummer he just gave special permission for 800 thousand illegals to get work visas? ain't he cool? :lol::lol::lol:

Case in point.
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People unemployed under Obama are less unemployed than those unemployed under Bush.

It's truly an honor to be jobless under Obama.

Right, USMB Obamabots?

and if you post it and post it and post it and post it....

you might even make it true. :thup:

Ah Schillian on a Saturday....more hungover than usual

My guess is that you somehow hope to cast doubt on the article. Of course, through your glazed over eyes, you provide no counter. No numbers...nothing.

Only your patent 2 sentence hot air.

Try again Schillian.....when you are sober.
Emperor Obama has the power to just fix the economy but refuses?

Emperor Obama has a lot of influence over the economy and is batting 100% when it comes to making bad decisions.

You are now hiding under the idea that he is powerless....yet you bastards still blame Bush.

Wanting it both ways and believing you can have it both ways......a true liberal.

well, hell, but just thank,, obummer he just gave special permission for 800 thousand illegals to get work visas? ain't he cool? :lol::lol::lol:

Case in point.

I rightly blame Bush for a lot of things but the current economic woes have a lot more to do with a variety of factors that the president has no control over, especially with an uncooperative congress. Get real, if the simple act of replacing him with Romney produces any positive results it will only prove that Wall Street and various other powers have been holding the economy hostage until they get a puppet in office who will give them all the corporate socialism they crave.
Emperor Obama has the power to just fix the economy but refuses?

Emperor Obama has a lot of influence over the economy and is batting 100% when it comes to making bad decisions.

You are now hiding under the idea that he is powerless....yet you bastards still blame Bush.

Wanting it both ways and believing you can have it both ways......a true liberal.

well, hell, but just thank,, obummer he just gave special permission for 800 thousand illegals to get work visas? ain't he cool? :lol::lol::lol:

Case in point.

I rightly blame Bush for a lot of things but the current economic woes have a lot more to do with a variety of factors that the president has no control over, especially with an uncooperative congress. Get real, if the simple act of replacing him with Romney produces any positive results it will only prove that Wall Street and various other powers have been holding the economy hostage until they get a puppet in office who will give them all the corporate socialism they crave.

Oh, if I were willing to accept that people wanted to really discuss this, I might be tempted agree with you. Not only do they not have as much power, but usually their impact isn't felt for years. But since we are dealing with a bunch of bleating lefties, you can expect to get more attention from your dead ancestors than me.

What you morons won't admit is that big business and government are so mixed up you can't tell them apart. And Obama has done nothing but save big business.

Case in point....if GM had been allowed to fail it very well could have broken up and gone to smaller companies who would have run it more efficiently. You guys just can't handle the idea of a rupture. You had to "save" all those jobs.

And this is what you get. Even big business does not trust Obama. As I've said before, the Fortune 500 company I work for took it's domestic investment (planned) and went overseas. They simply don't trust this country's government (Bush, Obama, Congress...any of them).
Emperor Obama has the power to just fix the economy but refuses?

Emperor Obama has a lot of influence over the economy and is batting 100% when it comes to making bad decisions.

You are now hiding under the idea that he is powerless....yet you bastards still blame Bush.

Wanting it both ways and believing you can have it both ways......a true liberal.

well, hell, but just thank,, obummer he just gave special permission for 800 thousand illegals to get work visas? ain't he cool? :lol::lol::lol:

Case in point.

I rightly blame Bush for a lot of things but the current economic woes have a lot more to do with a variety of factors that the president has no control over, especially with an uncooperative congress. Get real, if the simple act of replacing him with Romney produces any positive results it will only prove that Wall Street and various other powers have been holding the economy hostage until they get a puppet in office who will give them all the corporate socialism they crave.

Your first sentence is so dam funny I can't stop laughing.
It's unlikely for most to get reelected with such a dismal record. But he does have a MSM dominated by Socialist/Progressive Democrat Boot-Lickers. And propaganda is very powerful. Without all the propaganda, he would have no chance. He has nothing to run on.
Emperor Obama has a lot of influence over the economy and is batting 100% when it comes to making bad decisions.

You are now hiding under the idea that he is powerless....yet you bastards still blame Bush.

Wanting it both ways and believing you can have it both ways......a true liberal.

Case in point.

I rightly blame Bush for a lot of things but the current economic woes have a lot more to do with a variety of factors that the president has no control over, especially with an uncooperative congress. Get real, if the simple act of replacing him with Romney produces any positive results it will only prove that Wall Street and various other powers have been holding the economy hostage until they get a puppet in office who will give them all the corporate socialism they crave.

Oh, if I were willing to accept that people wanted to really discuss this, I might be tempted agree with you. Not only do they not have as much power, but usually their impact isn't felt for years. But since we are dealing with a bunch of bleating lefties, you can expect to get more attention from your dead ancestors than me.

What you morons won't admit is that big business and government are so mixed up you can't tell them apart. And Obama has done nothing but save big business.

Case in point....if GM had been allowed to fail it very well could have broken up and gone to smaller companies who would have run it more efficiently. You guys just can't handle the idea of a rupture. You had to "save" all those jobs.

And this is what you get. Even big business does not trust Obama. As I've said before, the Fortune 500 company I work for took it's domestic investment (planned) and went overseas. They simply don't trust this country's government (Bush, Obama, Congress...any of them).

I see, so how do you stand on the TARP bailouts to the big banks? It's an example of the only power the government really has over the economy, to throw money at a problem, even tax cuts are a form of spending in this case. If not trusting the government is a big enough obstacle to make a company abandon this country for elsewhere then pray tell what country did your company invest in that is more trustworthy? What the hell do you even mean by trustworthy? I take it to mean they are sufficiently corrupt to allow them to do whatever they want.
I rightly blame Bush for a lot of things but the current economic woes have a lot more to do with a variety of factors that the president has no control over, especially with an uncooperative congress. Get real, if the simple act of replacing him with Romney produces any positive results it will only prove that Wall Street and various other powers have been holding the economy hostage until they get a puppet in office who will give them all the corporate socialism they crave.

Oh, if I were willing to accept that people wanted to really discuss this, I might be tempted agree with you. Not only do they not have as much power, but usually their impact isn't felt for years. But since we are dealing with a bunch of bleating lefties, you can expect to get more attention from your dead ancestors than me.

What you morons won't admit is that big business and government are so mixed up you can't tell them apart. And Obama has done nothing but save big business.

Case in point....if GM had been allowed to fail it very well could have broken up and gone to smaller companies who would have run it more efficiently. You guys just can't handle the idea of a rupture. You had to "save" all those jobs.

And this is what you get. Even big business does not trust Obama. As I've said before, the Fortune 500 company I work for took it's domestic investment (planned) and went overseas. They simply don't trust this country's government (Bush, Obama, Congress...any of them).

I see, so how do you stand on the TARP bailouts to the big banks? It's an example of the only power the government really has over the economy, to throw money at a problem, even tax cuts are a form of spending in this case. If not trusting the government is a big enough obstacle to make a company abandon this country for elsewhere then pray tell what country did your company invest in that is more trustworthy? What the hell do you even mean by trustworthy? I take it to mean they are sufficiently corrupt to allow them to do whatever they want.

Don't tell me you've not heard this before ?

Trustworthy means that the assumptions you put into your financial model are going to hold once you make the decision to go.

China is not a moving target when it comes to environmental regulations.

China is not a moving target when it comes to internal markets and taxation (you know what you are going to get).

China does force a few markets (such as the sulfuric acid market), but they don't do stupid things like push complete agendas in particular areas such as energy that would grossly affect the bottom line.

Oh, and in China, you can get something built fast. You don't deal with unions or a host of other entities that could slow you down or shut you down. You do deal with the government and so far they have been a lot more consistent than Uncle Sam.

It really does not matter what the press reports, that is what is happening. We were going there anyway because there are huge markets there. We had other money set aside for investment in the U.S. That didn't happen.

In the world of lefties corrupt means business friendly. It's no wonder we have threads like this.
Emperor Obama has the power to just fix the economy but refuses?
If The One can stop the rising of the seas, he can fix the economy with a word.

What about that tree in the back of the White House ?

The one that grows money ?

You know....those Obamadollars ?

What happened to that ?

Behold, Obama's America....................

State Unemployment Rates Increased in 44 States in July

Regional and state unemployment rates were generally little changed or slightly higher in July. Forty-four states recorded unemployment rate increases, two states and the District of Columbia posted rate decreases, and four states had no change, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.
Nevada continued to record the highest unemployment rate among the states, 12.0 percent in July. Rhode Island and California posted the next highest rates, 10.8 and 10.7 percent, respectively. North Dakota again registered the lowest jobless rate, 3.0 percent
Read more at Calculated Risk: State Unemployment Rates increased in 44 States in July

Calculated Risk: State Unemployment Rates increased in 44 States in July

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