States who knowingly purchased Dominion Election Cheating Software used in Venezuela may be prosecuted

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Like I said, The DemNazis want to turn The US in to a Nazi Socialist Banana Republic with No Security for our Elections. Every Election will be fraudulent if we do not force new elections with new & higher levels of security. All Dominion Software should be banned from all elections. Time for another election.

Remember in Philly when some thieves broke in to a warehouse and stole programming thumb drives for Dominion Voting Machines? Now you know why they stole them.

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Wow you are some fucking idiot....

I have never supported machine counting or any electrical device used in voting. The main reason is idiots fail to understand it...

The thing is you are living a pretty pitiful life now... You are so brainwashed at this that you can't see reality. Trump could tell you anything and you would believe it no matter how many times he has already lied to you.. You lost any objectivity, you would have been very useful to the NAZIs, you are weak minded without the need or want to question any suggestion...

This is a weakness you have got which I hope you awaken from. The Russians and Chinese are happy as long as you don't see the truth and follow Trump no maatter what..
The first line of your post says it all. About you!
Vote stealing is illegal and what they do in socialist dictatorships. And you seem to like it.
The first line of your post says it all. About you!
Vote stealing is illegal and what they do in socialist dictatorships. And you seem to like it.
They were allowed to steal the encrypted drives, thumb drives and laptops to program the voting machines to do it's vote swapping operations which were marketed as a desirable feature.

In fact, one could argue that the only reason to purchase Dominion was because you could commit election fraud automatically with those voting machines.

That means states that purchased them knowingly committed felonies when doing so.
Wow you are some fucking idiot....

I have never supported machine counting or any electrical device used in voting. The main reason is idiots fail to understand it...

The thing is you are living a pretty pitiful life now... You are so brainwashed at this that you can't see reality. Trump could tell you anything and you would believe it no matter how many times he has already lied to you.. You lost any objectivity, you would have been very useful to the NAZIs, you are weak minded without the need or want to question any suggestion...

This is a weakness you have got which I hope you awaken from. The Russians and Chinese are happy as long as you don't see the truth and follow Trump no maatter what..

Your post said nothing. You did nothing but insult OP.

Make your point with facts. You just vomited words. Did you just have a stroke or something? Your post is useless.
Like I said, The DemNazis want to turn The US in to a Nazi Socialist Banana Republic with No Security for our Elections. Every Election will be fraudulent if we do not force new elections with new & higher levels of security. All Dominion Software should be banned from all elections. Time for another election.

Remember in Philly when some thieves broke in to a warehouse and stole programming thumb drives for Dominion Voting Machines? Now you know why they stole them.

Dominion voting had nothing to do with the election in Venezuela. That was a company called Smartmatic.
Same old same old ... snowflakes crying after every election ...

The IGNORANCE of it all is Republicans made significant in-roads into State Houses across the nation ... Republicans will be drawing the new congressional apportionments ... cry little babies cry, that's all you have left to do ... so sad ...
Wow you are some fucking idiot....

I have never supported machine counting or any electrical device used in voting. The main reason is idiots fail to understand it...

The thing is you are living a pretty pitiful life now... You are so brainwashed at this that you can't see reality. Trump could tell you anything and you would believe it no matter how many times he has already lied to you.. You lost any objectivity, you would have been very useful to the NAZIs, you are weak minded without the need or want to question any suggestion...

This is a weakness you have got which I hope you awaken from. The Russians and Chinese are happy as long as you don't see the truth and follow Trump no maatter what..

Your post said nothing. You did nothing but insult OP.

Make your point with facts. You just vomited words. Did you just have a stroke or something? Your post is useless.
Yes, that is all he did. His post should be deleted faster than Jack Dorsey can push the censor button on President Trump.
Wow you are some fucking idiot....

I have never supported machine counting or any electrical device used in voting. The main reason is idiots fail to understand it...

The thing is you are living a pretty pitiful life now... You are so brainwashed at this that you can't see reality. Trump could tell you anything and you would believe it no matter how many times he has already lied to you.. You lost any objectivity, you would have been very useful to the NAZIs, you are weak minded without the need or want to question any suggestion...

This is a weakness you have got which I hope you awaken from. The Russians and Chinese are happy as long as you don't see the truth and follow Trump no maatter what..
What's your proof that he's "brainwashed?"
Like I said, The DemNazis want to turn The US in to a Nazi Socialist Banana Republic with No Security for our Elections. Every Election will be fraudulent if we do not force new elections with new & higher levels of security. All Dominion Software should be banned from all elections. Time for another election.

Remember in Philly when some thieves broke in to a warehouse and stole programming thumb drives for Dominion Voting Machines? Now you know why they stole them.

Dominion voting had nothing to do with the election in Venezuela. That was a company called Smartmatic.
Yes, and they are related. Smartmatic was installed along side Dominion software on most of the voting machines.

So I guess you just screwed yourself with your own trolling attempt.

"The wicked are ensnared by the traps they lay for others."

Dah Bible
Same old same old ... snowflakes crying after every election ...

The IGNORANCE of it all is Republicans made significant in-roads into State Houses across the nation ... Republicans will be drawing the new congressional apportionments ... cry little babies cry, that's all you have left to do ... so sad ...
I don't understand why they are so angry and so unhappy when they got away with massive voter fraud. It cost them a few house seats, and probably The Senate, but so far, they got away with it.

Granted it's not over, and things are looking like we might have to have new elections in 6 states, but they should be happy KKK Segregation 666 New World Order "Super Predator" Bejing Biden has a chance to be appointed illegitimate Fuhrer of The USA, just like Adolph Hitler was.
I think that everyone need to pray that God gives Pres. Trump discernment of knowing good from the evil ones. Because no one on this planet has any intelligent to know who or what they are. These Globalist are very crafty wicked people. That they know how to trick the people into attacking their enemies. The first thing that Solomon asked from God was discernment. How to make righteous decisions. He was afraid of making mistakes.
The Globalist have been trying their best for along time to get rid of Maduro, and replace him with their shill Juan Guaido. And now they are trying to put the blame on Maduro, the one who changed the Venezuelan's constitution that was written by the Globalist, so that the Venezuelan's famers will not have to worry about Big corporation taking their lands from them. But Guaido wants to changed it back the way it was before.
Monsanto the Globalist's corporation has been land grabbing for decades. Using all sorts of deceitful games to take away lands from farmers. But Maduro made sure that these farmers will always have the right to plant their traditional seeds. Making sure that right isn't taken away from them.
Now the Globalist has bought voting machines from Venezuela and altered them to make it seem as if Maduro is a conniving creep that cannot be trusted.
This time they are going in for the kill to make sure that Venezuela's economy collapses completely that they will be willing to surrender their properties to them just for a biscuit and two corn kernels.


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