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States With Higher Minimum Wage Gain More Jobs

Well without identifying them, you are just noise.

The point is that seeing a small increase in minimum wage and also seeing an increase in jobs does NOT prove that raising the minimum wage will never hurt job growth unless you know all the other factors involved. Since the story names almost no other factors, it is not safe at all to make any assumptions about what is proven or disproven.
I think you just don't want to admit that the republican ideology has been bullshit all along. Face it. If raising the wage was harmful to the economy those states (plural) would be feeling like Kansas does right now which is another example of republican bullshit.

I feel sorry for you really.

Logic and reason just don't even register with you do they?

The two increases they actually quoted in the article were 14 cents and 10 cents. These were very small increases, and any negative affect from them will be proportionally small. They would easily be masked by other factors. Assuming that there ARE other factors IS a safe assumption because the economy is a massively complex system. Pretending like there are no other factors involved just makes you look laughable.
I'm sure other factors contributed to the job growth, but the fact that raising those wages still resulted in growth is what matters.

Tell me, now that we know cutting for the taxes for the wealthy does very little to stimulate growth, what policies do work? What, to you, creates economic growth?
What matters is that DESPITE the increase in minimum wage, these states still managed to add jobs? Was that your point? That there was a negative effect from increasing the minimum, but since the increase was so small the other factors at work somehow managed to overcome that? That we can completely ignore what other factors might have been involved and just hope that a larger increase for the whole country will turn out the same? Fingers crossed?

What matters is that the small increases in certain areas of the country is not at all similar to raising the minimum wage by $3 across the country, or worse yet doubling it. What matters is that not knowing any of the other factors involved and drawing assumptive conclusions is tantamount to firing a gun in the dark and just hoping you don't hit someone. What matters is that I've explained this to you three times and you still don't get it.

I'm done arguing with you. You are incapable of understanding.

Up next, billy declares victory despite his utter lack of reasonable arguments.
Lol your whole argument rests on these phantom "factors" that may or may not exist. Don't you see how ridiculous that sounds?

According the CBO, raising the minimum wage to 10.10 would kill 500,000 jobs but even that is a liberal estimate. It would also lift 16 million people out of poverty and the price hike would be very slight. Not only that, but you aren't smart snough to realize that the raise in wages would increase economic demand and eventually create jobs.
Absolutely not safe to assume. Strong enough positive factors could easily mask the negative impact of the small increases that were made in these states.
Well without identifying them, you are just noise.

The point is that seeing a small increase in minimum wage and also seeing an increase in jobs does NOT prove that raising the minimum wage will never hurt job growth unless you know all the other factors involved. Since the story names almost no other factors, it is not safe at all to make any assumptions about what is proven or disproven.
I think you just don't want to admit that the republican ideology has been bullshit all along. Face it. If raising the wage was harmful to the economy those states (plural) would be feeling like Kansas does right now which is another example of republican bullshit.

I feel sorry for you really.

Logic and reason just don't even register with you do they?

The two increases they actually quoted in the article were 14 cents and 10 cents. These were very small increases, and any negative affect from them will be proportionally small. They would easily be masked by other factors. Assuming that there ARE other factors IS a safe assumption because the economy is a massively complex system. Pretending like there are no other factors involved just makes you look laughable.

Typical of rightwing BS - projection is OK for planning but-----but rightwingers projecting doom if the minimum wage were to be raised didn't pan out the way they projected. In the real world, let me say that again, in the REAL world just the opposite has happened.

Ask This State Whether A Higher Minimum Wage Kills Jobs
by Bryce Covert
May 16, 2014

There’s more real life evidence that a higher minimum wage may not be harmful for job creation.

In their new analysis of small businesses and job growth, Paychex and IHS report that Washington, the state with the highest minimum wage, topped the list for the biggest increase in small business employment, with jobs growing by 2.22 percent over the last year. The state’s minimum wage is currently $9.32, the highest in current law, although a handful of others have passed increases that will bring theirs higher.


When it comes to cities, the story is the same. San Francisco, which has the highest big city minimum wage at $10.74, was the city with the greatest growth in small business employment. Seattle, which currently follows Washington’s minimum wage, came in a close second.


And while the National Federation of Independent Business, which represents small businesses, vocally opposes increasing the minimum wage, its members actually ranked minimum wage issues at number 52 out of 75 total, while nearly 30 percent said it wasn’t even a problem.


And-----and since Sea-Tac was in the news... Sea-Tac is doing fantastic, check it out here.

Project all you want, but know-----know that everyone knows you're full of it when there is real world evidence to the contrary. Come back with your projections when you have real world evidence. As for Sea-Tac, San Francisco, Seattle and others, they're doing just fine - in fact better than the rest of the country.


I was born and raised in Seattle. I've lived in Washington most of my life.

The reason why Washington has the highest state minimum wage in the nation is because us liberals passed a law requiring that we have the highest state minimum wage in the nation. That law also says when any other state raises their minimum wage higher than ours, our state minimum wage automatically increases to a certain percentage above the state that increased their minimum wage.

As a result, when the bush boy crashed the economy and real estate market, Washington wasn't hit as hard as other states. In fact we still had bidding wars on real estate in Seattle. The bidding wars on real estate in parts of the state never stopped.


Because people want to live here. We have jobs. We have good jobs that a person can live and raise a family on the wages. We have a higher standard of living and higher median income.

We had a niece out to our home this past summer. She's my husband's niece and she's the same age as our daughter. They're very close even though that niece lives in Ohio.

When she first got here I told her about our minimum wage and how Seattle is going to raise the minimum wage to 15.00 a hour. Her first question was "what about those small businesses that are barely getting by?" She thought it was a terrible idea. I tried to tell her that businesses benefit from higher wages because people spend those wages in their stores. She argued with me about it. Then she experienced Seattle. She saw all the NOW HIRING signs just about everywhere in the area. It took just a few weeks for our daughter to find a job while that niece has been looking for a job for along time in Ohio and still had not been hired. The only job her mom could find in Ohio was a cashier job at a convince store part time. By the time she had to go back to Ohio she didn't want to leave. She was saying how there were no jobs in Ohio and she wanted a job. She saw it with her own eyes. She is now working hard to move here as soon as possible. We also have better schools and colleges.

She comes from a far right conservative family in Ohio. But now she's seeing how wrong conservative policies are. All it took was a visit here and she quickly saw how wrong she was. I told her it wasn't her fault. She was taught those things by other people. I said once you had the opportunity to see for yourself, you naturally saw how wrong you were. I smiled and told her intelligent people change when they're presented with new facts. Then told her how smart she was.
Cause and effect is explained nicely here I thought:

An increase in minimum wage means a higher tax revenue for the State doing it. So they can create more incentives and perks for businesses wanting to locate there with that revenue. If you were to add in a universal healthcare component in that given state, businesses would FLOCK there. Because then they would not have to provide health insurance at all and their employees would have the equivalent of a second mortgage outlay each month suddenly freed up to consume. So those businesses would see their sales increase locally where they employ people.
I have no degree in economics. I just took elementary school and high school math...OK...a little college math too but it's useless in this conversation.
Apparently the dullards in business and state offices are finally coming around to what Henry Ford knew all too well. Hey dummy: you pay your employees enough to be able to buy your cars... THAT is how true capitalism works. What most business BAs and PhDs were trained up in is malignant capitalism.....as if their wealth exists in a bubble outside the system it draws from ...lol :lmao:
Alternately, we could just pass a law allowing everyone to add one zero to all their dollar bills. Just announce that all ones are now worth ten dollars, tens are worth a hundred, and so on.
States with higher minimum wage gain more jobs

Many business groups argue that raising the minimum wage discourages job growth by increasing the cost of hiring. A Congressional Budget Office report earlier this year lent some support for that view. It found that a minimum wage of $10.10 an hour, as President Obama supports, could cost 500,000 jobs nationwide.

But the state-by-state hiring data, released Friday by the Labor Department, provides ammunition to those who disagree. Economists who support a higher minimum say the figures are encouraging, though they acknowledge they don't establish a cause and effect. There are many possible reasons hiring might accelerate in a particular state.

People will work if you pay them more. More money means bills are paid, less debt, and more put back into the economy.

So what's the minimum wage in Utah? It has the lowest unemployment rate in the nation at 3.6 pct
Cause and effect is explained nicely here I thought:

An increase in minimum wage means a higher tax revenue for the State doing it. So they can create more incentives and perks for businesses wanting to locate there with that revenue. If you were to add in a universal healthcare component in that given state, businesses would FLOCK there. Because then they would not have to provide health insurance at all and their employees would have the equivalent of a second mortgage outlay each month suddenly freed up to consume. So those businesses would see their sales increase locally where they employ people.
I have no degree in economics. I just took elementary school and high school math...OK...a little college math too but it's useless in this conversation.
Apparently the dullards in business and state offices are finally coming around to what Henry Ford knew all too well. Hey dummy: you pay your employees enough to be able to buy your cars... THAT is how true capitalism works. What most business BAs and PhDs were trained up in is malignant capitalism.....as if their wealth exists in a bubble outside the system it draws from ...lol :lmao:
NO, your simple dreams and imagination were explained there (an imagination only using high school math to explain highly complex systems like economics I might add). It might be perfectly logical if the world existed in a microcosm that did not include any other factors but unfortunately it does not. Cost of labor affects the end item cost, total employment and total number of sales. Without even considering the basics and the various affects of mandating a pay increase, your cause and effect "explanation" is utterly worthless.
Because people want to live here. We have jobs. We have good jobs that a person can live and raise a family on the wages. We have a higher standard of living and higher median income.

We had a niece out to our home this past summer. She's my husband's niece and she's the same age as our daughter. They're very close even though that niece lives in Ohio.

People want to live in Seattle not because of looney lefty policies but because it's in a beautiful locale, close to sea, wilderness and mountains with a pleasant year-round climate.


Secondly, the cost of living for your niece is going to be higher in Seattle than in, say, Colmumbus.

If she earned $30,000 per year in Columbus, then:

The cost of living in Seattle, WA is 22.5% higher than in Columbus, OH . Therefore, you would have to earn a salary of $36,742 to maintain your current standard of living.

Employers in Seattle, WA typically pay 8.8% more than employers in Columbus, OH . Therefore, if you take the same type of job in the same type of company in Seattle, WA you are likely to earn $32,655 .
She comes from a far right conservative family in Ohio. But now she's seeing how wrong conservative policies are. .

Yeah, if only Ohio conservatives could figure out how to bring Puget Sound to Ohio then they too could like like wizards. What I don't understand though is liberals are always yammering on about how they love diversity so much and then they move to places like Washington State where the population is only 3.6% black while Ohio is 12.2% black.

Blowing smoke about liberal policies being the driver of Washington's success while the actual cause is lack of racial diversity is you being disingenuous. Washington has very little black undertow to ruin society. It's no surprise that white cities and states are nice places to live.
I really don't understand why Rightwingers have no appreciation for demand side economics. If you raised the minimum wage to a reasonable level, you are going to see economic growth. This is economics 101. If wages are higher, people are going to spend more money. Yes, initially it may kill some jobs and slightly raise prices, but it would regain that number and more with a stimulation to business. Prices would likely go down as well. Afterall, the job creators definitely can afford It. The reason why most (not all) CEO's are against raising the wage because it is easier for them to just keep their ridiculous amount of money rather than investing in a stronger labor force that would fair for everyone.
I really don't understand why Rightwingers have no appreciation for demand side economics. If you raised the minimum wage to a reasonable level, you are going to see economic growth. This is economics 101. If wages are higher, people are going to spend more money. Yes, initially it may kill some jobs, but it would regain that number and more with a stimulation to business. The reason why most (not all) CEO's are against raising the wage because it is easier for them to just keep their ridiculous amount of money rather than investing in a stronger labor force that would fair for anyone.
Not only would it kill "some jobs", but it would put a lot of "job providers" out of business.

You want higher wages, stimulate the economy- not Wall Street.

Obama prints about $80 billion per month of paper dollars then dumps them. The value of the dollar is in the shitter, interest rates are near zero, and the only investment refuge is... Wall Street.

NOT Main Street.

God damnit man, get your ass to the Bitch-Slap thread. :slap:
I really don't understand why Rightwingers have no appreciation for demand side economics. If you raised the minimum wage to a reasonable level, you are going to see economic growth. This is economics 101. If wages are higher, people are going to spend more money. Yes, initially it may kill some jobs, but it would regain that number and more with a stimulation to business. The reason why most (not all) CEO's are against raising the wage because it is easier for them to just keep their ridiculous amount of money rather than investing in a stronger labor force that would fair for anyone.
Not only would it kill "some jobs", but it would put a lot of "job providers" out of business.

You want higher wages, stimulate the economy- not Wall Street.

Obama prints about $80 billion per month of paper dollars then dumps them. The value of the dollar is in the shitter, interest rates are near zero, and the only investment refuge is... Wall Street.

NOT Main Street.

God damnit man, get your ass to the Bitch-Slap thread. :slap:
See there's your problem with understanding nuance. Job killing would depend on how high you raised it. If you raised the federal to 10.10, the ONLY businesses that would go under are some tiny mom and pop shops who were never very profitable to begin with. So what? This is about giving people wages they can live off of. Tell me if you had a wage that was less than 10 an hour could you live off of it? What if you had a kid? I know you cons have a deficit with empathy, but just try to imagine it will you?

If it was raised to that much the job loss would be less than 500,000 jobs.
I hated economics in college. I hated accounting, finance, management.

(LOVED Business Calculus as well as Statistics).

But once I discovered Marketing... that's when I realized that I could have the power to team up economists, accountants, finance and management personnel... into a cohesive unit that was goal-directed and profit-oriented.

Sort of like a traffic cop. :thup:
I really don't understand why Rightwingers have no appreciation for demand side economics. If you raised the minimum wage to a reasonable level, you are going to see economic growth. This is economics 101. If wages are higher, people are going to spend more money. Yes, initially it may kill some jobs, but it would regain that number and more with a stimulation to business. The reason why most (not all) CEO's are against raising the wage because it is easier for them to just keep their ridiculous amount of money rather than investing in a stronger labor force that would fair for anyone.
Not only would it kill "some jobs", but it would put a lot of "job providers" out of business.

You want higher wages, stimulate the economy- not Wall Street.

Obama prints about $80 billion per month of paper dollars then dumps them. The value of the dollar is in the shitter, interest rates are near zero, and the only investment refuge is... Wall Street.

NOT Main Street.

God damnit man, get your ass to the Bitch-Slap thread. :slap:
See there's your problem with understanding nuance. Job killing would depend on how high you raised it. If you raised the federal to 10.10, the ONLY businesses that would go under are some tiny mom and pop shops who were never very profitable to begin with. So what? This is about giving people wages they can live off of. Tell me if you had a wage that was less than 10 an hour could you live off of it? What if you had a kid? I know you cons have a deficit with empathy, but just try to imagine it will you?

If it was raised to that much the job loss would be less than 500,000 jobs.
I AM "mom and pop". Two employees (including me), cranking out just under $1 million/year in sales. Very expensive, very thin profit margins. BTW the other employee makes more in wages than do I, the manager.

I've lived with sub-10 wages WITH children. How? Do without. Cut spending to the absolute necessities. And the magic ingredients? Love, patience, and humility.

The three ingredients that you conceited, greedy, hyporcritical Liberal fucks sorely lack.
I really don't understand why Rightwingers have no appreciation for demand side economics. If you raised the minimum wage to a reasonable level, you are going to see economic growth. This is economics 101. If wages are higher, people are going to spend more money. Yes, initially it may kill some jobs, but it would regain that number and more with a stimulation to business. The reason why most (not all) CEO's are against raising the wage because it is easier for them to just keep their ridiculous amount of money rather than investing in a stronger labor force that would fair for anyone.
Not only would it kill "some jobs", but it would put a lot of "job providers" out of business.

You want higher wages, stimulate the economy- not Wall Street.

Obama prints about $80 billion per month of paper dollars then dumps them. The value of the dollar is in the shitter, interest rates are near zero, and the only investment refuge is... Wall Street.

NOT Main Street.

God damnit man, get your ass to the Bitch-Slap thread. :slap:
See there's your problem with understanding nuance. Job killing would depend on how high you raised it. If you raised the federal to 10.10, the ONLY businesses that would go under are some tiny mom and pop shops who were never very profitable to begin with. So what? This is about giving people wages they can live off of. Tell me if you had a wage that was less than 10 an hour could you live off of it? What if you had a kid? I know you cons have a deficit with empathy, but just try to imagine it will you?

If it was raised to that much the job loss would be less than 500,000 jobs.
I AM "mom and pop". Two employees (including me), cranking out just under $1 million/year in sales. Very expensive, very thin profit margins. BTW the other employee makes more in wages than do I, the manager.

I've lived with sub-10 wages WITH children. How? Do without. Cut spending to the absolute necessities. And the magic ingredients? Love, patience, and humility.

The three ingredients that you conceited, greedy, hyporcritical Liberal fucks sorely lack.
Well i don't know what you pay your employees but if it means that your business will go under for the sake of the greater good, so be it. People need better wages.

So let me see if you I follow you here. You make less than $10 an hour and you have more than one kid? You don't have a spouse with her own job? Bullshit. There is no way you support yourself and your kids on less than 400 a week without any other assistance.
I really don't understand why Rightwingers have no appreciation for demand side economics. If you raised the minimum wage to a reasonable level, you are going to see economic growth. This is economics 101. If wages are higher, people are going to spend more money. Yes, initially it may kill some jobs, but it would regain that number and more with a stimulation to business. The reason why most (not all) CEO's are against raising the wage because it is easier for them to just keep their ridiculous amount of money rather than investing in a stronger labor force that would fair for anyone.
Not only would it kill "some jobs", but it would put a lot of "job providers" out of business.

You want higher wages, stimulate the economy- not Wall Street.

Obama prints about $80 billion per month of paper dollars then dumps them. The value of the dollar is in the shitter, interest rates are near zero, and the only investment refuge is... Wall Street.

NOT Main Street.

God damnit man, get your ass to the Bitch-Slap thread. :slap:
See there's your problem with understanding nuance. Job killing would depend on how high you raised it. If you raised the federal to 10.10, the ONLY businesses that would go under are some tiny mom and pop shops who were never very profitable to begin with. So what? This is about giving people wages they can live off of. Tell me if you had a wage that was less than 10 an hour could you live off of it? What if you had a kid? I know you cons have a deficit with empathy, but just try to imagine it will you?

If it was raised to that much the job loss would be less than 500,000 jobs.
I AM "mom and pop". Two employees (including me), cranking out just under $1 million/year in sales. Very expensive, very thin profit margins. BTW the other employee makes more in wages than do I, the manager.

I've lived with sub-10 wages WITH children. How? Do without. Cut spending to the absolute necessities. And the magic ingredients? Love, patience, and humility.

The three ingredients that you conceited, greedy, hyporcritical Liberal fucks sorely lack.
Well i don't know what you pay your employees but if it means that your business will go under for the sake of the greater good, so be it. People need better wages.

So let me see if you I follow you here. You make less than $10 an hour and you have more than one kid? You don't have a spouse with her own job? Bullshit. There is no way you support yourself and your kids on less than 400 a week without any other assistance.
At one time, yes, that was my situation. Granted, it was a relatively brief period in my life (6 years).

In the meantime...

According to Entrepreneur Magazine there are between 25 million and 27 million small businesses in the U.S. that account for 60 to 80 percent of all U.S. jobs.

Small Businesses Big Impact - Forbes

And your comment reinforces my statement: under the Liberal status quo... the needs of the few far outweigh the needs of the many.

You are living in bizzaro-land. Typical Liberal Obama zombie contorted bullshit.
I really don't understand why Rightwingers have no appreciation for demand side economics. If you raised the minimum wage to a reasonable level, you are going to see economic growth. This is economics 101. If wages are higher, people are going to spend more money. Yes, initially it may kill some jobs, but it would regain that number and more with a stimulation to business. The reason why most (not all) CEO's are against raising the wage because it is easier for them to just keep their ridiculous amount of money rather than investing in a stronger labor force that would fair for anyone.
Not only would it kill "some jobs", but it would put a lot of "job providers" out of business.

You want higher wages, stimulate the economy- not Wall Street.

Obama prints about $80 billion per month of paper dollars then dumps them. The value of the dollar is in the shitter, interest rates are near zero, and the only investment refuge is... Wall Street.

NOT Main Street.

God damnit man, get your ass to the Bitch-Slap thread. :slap:
See there's your problem with understanding nuance. Job killing would depend on how high you raised it. If you raised the federal to 10.10, the ONLY businesses that would go under are some tiny mom and pop shops who were never very profitable to begin with. So what? This is about giving people wages they can live off of. Tell me if you had a wage that was less than 10 an hour could you live off of it? What if you had a kid? I know you cons have a deficit with empathy, but just try to imagine it will you?

If it was raised to that much the job loss would be less than 500,000 jobs.
I AM "mom and pop". Two employees (including me), cranking out just under $1 million/year in sales. Very expensive, very thin profit margins. BTW the other employee makes more in wages than do I, the manager.

I've lived with sub-10 wages WITH children. How? Do without. Cut spending to the absolute necessities. And the magic ingredients? Love, patience, and humility.

The three ingredients that you conceited, greedy, hyporcritical Liberal fucks sorely lack.
Well i don't know what you pay your employees but if it means that your business will go under for the sake of the greater good, so be it. People need better wages.

So let me see if you I follow you here. You make less than $10 an hour and you have more than one kid? You don't have a spouse with her own job? Bullshit. There is no way you support yourself and your kids on less than 400 a week without any other assistance.
At one time, yes, that was my situation. Granted, it was a relatively brief period in my life (6 years).

In the meantime...

According to Entrepreneur Magazine there are between 25 million and 27 million small businesses in the U.S. that account for 60 to 80 percent of all U.S. jobs.

Small Businesses Big Impact - Forbes

And your comment reinforces my statement: under the Liberal status quo... the needs of the few far outweigh the needs of the many.

You are living in bizzaro-land. Typical Liberal Obama zombie contorted bullshit.
Lol I guarantee you MOST of those small businesses could handle the wage increase. I was singling out the smallest of businesses before.
Not only would it kill "some jobs", but it would put a lot of "job providers" out of business.

You want higher wages, stimulate the economy- not Wall Street.

Obama prints about $80 billion per month of paper dollars then dumps them. The value of the dollar is in the shitter, interest rates are near zero, and the only investment refuge is... Wall Street.

NOT Main Street.

God damnit man, get your ass to the Bitch-Slap thread. :slap:
See there's your problem with understanding nuance. Job killing would depend on how high you raised it. If you raised the federal to 10.10, the ONLY businesses that would go under are some tiny mom and pop shops who were never very profitable to begin with. So what? This is about giving people wages they can live off of. Tell me if you had a wage that was less than 10 an hour could you live off of it? What if you had a kid? I know you cons have a deficit with empathy, but just try to imagine it will you?

If it was raised to that much the job loss would be less than 500,000 jobs.
I AM "mom and pop". Two employees (including me), cranking out just under $1 million/year in sales. Very expensive, very thin profit margins. BTW the other employee makes more in wages than do I, the manager.

I've lived with sub-10 wages WITH children. How? Do without. Cut spending to the absolute necessities. And the magic ingredients? Love, patience, and humility.

The three ingredients that you conceited, greedy, hyporcritical Liberal fucks sorely lack.
Well i don't know what you pay your employees but if it means that your business will go under for the sake of the greater good, so be it. People need better wages.

So let me see if you I follow you here. You make less than $10 an hour and you have more than one kid? You don't have a spouse with her own job? Bullshit. There is no way you support yourself and your kids on less than 400 a week without any other assistance.
At one time, yes, that was my situation. Granted, it was a relatively brief period in my life (6 years).

In the meantime...

According to Entrepreneur Magazine there are between 25 million and 27 million small businesses in the U.S. that account for 60 to 80 percent of all U.S. jobs.

Small Businesses Big Impact - Forbes

And your comment reinforces my statement: under the Liberal status quo... the needs of the few far outweigh the needs of the many.

You are living in bizzaro-land. Typical Liberal Obama zombie contorted bullshit.
Lol I guarantee you MOST of those small businesses could handle the wage increase. I was singling out the smallest of businesses before.
You are such a fucking amateur. I sniffed out your lies long ago.

Get back to the sand box where you belong.

But... before you go, a gift.

The gift of the Mr. H. BITCH SLAP :slap:

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